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생활폐기물 중 조대폐기물의 배출특성 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on Discharge Characteristics of Bulky Waste in Municipal Solid Waste

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/308014
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한국폐기물자원순환학회지 (Journal of Korea Society of Waste Management)
한국폐기물자원순환학회 (Korea Society Of Waste Management)

Due to the problems on BW (Bulky Waste) from SRF (Solid Refused Fuel) facilities in terms of operation andmaintenance, we investigated the characteristics of bulky waste about physical composition ratio, discharge type and ratio,etc. BW are 5.83% in MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) and composition ratio is as below; fiber (28.22%), plastic (19.18%),paper (17.95%), wood (17.02%), metal (11.49%), vinyl (3.3%), styrofoam (2.84%). Paper was mostly packing box, wood;chipboard, pieces of wood, branch, vinyl; big vinyl bag, plastic; home appliance, toy, big piece of plastic, fiber; clothing,mattress, sponge, styrofoam; pieces of styrofoam box, metal; broken metal stuff. BW has characteristics that is bulky andmainly consist of recycle waste compared with general MSW. We compare the composition ratios of only BW, MSWincluding BW and not including BW in order to extend to which variation in BW affects on physical composition ratioof general MSW. As a result of these researches, physical composition ratio between MSW not including BW and BWhas some difference but correspond closely with MSW including BW. This is because BW component ratio is so smallthat have little effect on composition ratio of total waste. Conclusively BW component and physical composition ratio,discharging type should be investigated for characterizing BW. But BW composition ratio needs not to be included onlyfor analyzing physical composition ratio of waste.

I. 서 론
 II. 실험 방법
  1. 대상시료
  2. 실험 방법
 III. 실험 결과
  1. 생활폐기물 중 조대폐기물 배출비율
  2. 조대폐기물의 물리적 조성
  3. 조대폐기물과 조대폐기물을 제외한 생활폐기물의 물리적 조성비 비교
 IV. 결 론
 사 사
  • 이우찬(한국산업기술시험원 환경기술본부) | Woochan Lee
  • 현승민(한국산업기술시험원 환경기술본부) | Seungmin Hyun
  • 윤균덕(한국산업기술시험원 환경기술본부) | Kyoonduk Yoon Corresponding author