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越南寧平省陳朝碑刻避諱字研究 KCI 등재

A Study of Taboo Characters on the Vietnamese Trần Dynasty's Stele Inscriptions in Ninh Bình province


  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/320797
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,500원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

Taboo character is typical phenomenon of Chinese characters system, it is considered as the effective key in decrypting the date of Han-Nom texts inscirption texts. Such key is maintained clearly on the ancient books add steles of Vietnam, specially Taboo characters system in the insription texts of Tran Dynasty (1225-1400). Based on research results, we have found a new form of Taboo character previously published in studies in Vietnam Taboo characters. Such new characters forms have helped us easily discover in cription texts at the date of Tran dynasty in Ninh Binh. This is the useful and reliable source for researching of Vietnam Taboo characters in particular and ancient books of Vietnam in general.

避諱是漢字文化圈獨特的文化現象,起源於中國周朝 (約BC世紀XI),後來传入越南。对漢喃 文獻研究者而言,避諱字是斷定碑文年代及漢喃版本時間的“金鑰匙”。這把“金鑰匙”在越南的 古籍和金石文獻中留下了很多的內容,特別是在碑刻中。通過對越南漢喃研究院圖書館存貯的碑文 拓本進行統計,結合地方田野調查,我們收集了約1000份寧平省的碑銘拓本,包括了大量的避諱 字。寧平省碑刻的避諱字主要出現在三個時期:陳朝(1225-1400)、中興黎朝(1533-1788)和阮朝 (1802-1945)。我們根據寧平省碑刻中出現的陳朝避諱資料,證實了以前研究公佈的避諱字形 式,又發現了一些沒有研究過的新形式,這些新的避諱字形式為研究越南的避諱字提供了新的例 證,也為古籍文獻研究工作提供了新的珍貴、可靠的資料。

  • 院金茫(越南 社會科學翰林院直屬 漢喃研究院) | 완금망
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