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무소음화학팽창제를 이용한 구조물 해체시 균열진전 촉진을 위한 천공홀의 배치 KCI 등재

Arrangement of Agent Holes for Enhancing Crack Propagation in Structure Demolition Process using Soundless Chemical Demolition Agents

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/321566
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한국전산구조공학회 논문집 (Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea)
한국전산구조공학회 (Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea)

해양암반이나 구조물 해체를 위한 전통적인 방법은 다이나마이트를 이용한 발파공법, 잭해머(Jackhammer)를 이용한 공법이다. 이러한 방법은 소음이나 폭발의 위험등으로 인해 사용에 많은 제약이 따른다. 이런 제한된 상황에서 사용할 수 있는 무소음화학팽창제(SCDA)의 사용이 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 그러나 무소음화학팽창제의 사용에 관한 규격이나 설계 및 시공에 대한 제안서는 현재 전무한 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 다양한 조건(구조물의 구속, 천공홀의 크기, 천공홀의 수 등)에서 콘크리트 구조물에 균열이 생성, 진전될 수 있는 최소요구팽창압을 예측하였다.

For demolition of offshore facilities, traditional methods such as jackhammer and explosive methods have been often used in construction industry. However, prohibitions for use of those methods are becoming more rigorous especially in environmentally and historically sensitive areas. It was also reported that the explosive demolition method on maritime bedrock can cause a disturbance of ecosystem. For those reasons, use of soundless chemical demolition agent(SCDA) is getting the spotlight. However, researches regarding the mechanical point of SCDA have seldom performed. There is no industrial standard for use of SCDA yet. In this study, a pilot experimental study in order to measure the required expansive pressure that could be generated from SCDA was conducted. Numerical models were developed in order to estimate the required expansive pressures of SCDA for initiating cracks depending on selected key parameters. Obtained results indicate that the required pressure does not decrease linearly as increasing the hole diameter, the number of holes, and the ratio of hole-distance to hole-diameter.

  • 남윤민(한국해양대학교 기계공학과, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.) | Yunmin Nam
  • 박상현(한국해양대학교 기계공학과, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School, Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.) | Sanghyun Park
  • 김경진(한국해양대학교 토목환경공학과, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.) | Kyeongjin Kim
  • 손동우(한국해양대학교 기계공학부, Division of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.) | Dongwoo Sohn
  • 이재하(한국해양대학교 건설공학과, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.) | Jaeha Lee Corresponding author