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Seed Disinfectants Selection in Astragalus membranaceus and Platycodon grandiflorum

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/326634
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한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

Background : This experiment was conducted to select GAP applying seed disinfectants in Astragalus membranaceus and Platycodon grandiflorum. Methods and Results : We carried out the chemical efficacy and injury test. For the efficacy test, we investigated fungal detection rate by seed disinfectants and for the chemical injury, we investigated germination rate and emergence rate by seed disinfectants in reference amount and fold amount. These experiments carried out two times. The results obtained are as follows. In the experiment for seed disinfectants selection of Astragalus membranaceus, all tested chemicals such as Tebuconazole emulsifiable concentrate(EC), Thiophanate-methyl + Triflumizole wettable powder(WP), Prochloraz copper chloride complex+Tebuconazole suspension concentrate(SC), Prochloraz emulsifiable concentrate(EC), Fludioxonil wetting liquid(WL) and Hexaconazol+Prochloraz emulsifiable concentrate(EC) had control value of 80% or above against seed contaminated fungi. However two chemicals such as Tebuconazole EC and Prochloraz copper chloride complex+Tebuconazole SC and two chemicals such as Prochloraz EC and Hexaconazol+Prochloraz EC exhibited chemical injury significantly in reference amount and in fold amount respectively, compared to non treated control. In the case of seed disinfectants selection of Platycodon grandiflorum, Prochloraz copper chloride complex+Tebuconazole SC, Prochloraz EC and Hexaconazol+Prochloraz EC had control value of above 80% against seed contaminated fungi except Thiophanate-methyl+Triflumizole WP and Fludioxonil WL. However Hexaconazol+Prochloraz EC and Prochloraz copper chloride complex+Tebuconazole SC exhibited chemical injury significantly in reference amount and in fold amount respectively, compared to non treated control. Conclusion : From the above results, we finally selected three items of seed disinfectants including Thiophanate-methyl+Triflumizole WP and Fludioxonil WL in Astragalus membranaceus and Prochloraz emulsion in Platycodon grandiflorum.

  • Tae Jin An(Department of Herbal Crop Research, RDA) | 안태진 Corresponding author
  • Young Guk Kim(Department of Herbal Crop Research, RDA) | 김영국
  • Yong Il Kim(Department of Herbal Crop Research, RDA) | 김용일
  • Eun Song Lee(Department of Herbal Crop Research, RDA) | 이은송
  • Chan Sik Jung(Department of Herbal Crop Research, RDA) | 정찬식