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Effects on bycatch reduction in a shaking cod end generated by canvas in a shrimp beam trawl KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/327724
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수산해양기술연구 (Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology)
한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) (The Korean Society of Fisheriers and Ocean Technology)

An active stimulating device, such as a fluttering net or canvas attached to the end of a cod end generating a shaking motion, could help to encourage the escape of juvenile fish positioned passively near the net. Field fishing trials using a shrimp beam trawl were carried out to examine the effect on the reduction of juvenile fish or other discard catch by generating a shaking movement of the cod end using an unbiased cap-like round canvas. The mean period of the shaking motion with the round canvas was 〜14 s, and the mean amplitude was 0.4 m as measured by peak event analysis and the global wavelet method. The bycatch of juvenile fish in 14 trials decreased by 〜30% and by 〜25% using a steady cod end for the total bycatch using a shaking cod end in the shrimp beam trawl, while the marketing catch was similar between steady and shaking cod ends. There was no difference in the body size of the shrimp or fish and species composition between the steady and shaking cod ends. Above results demonstrate a new method for bycatch reduction using an active stimulating device, although more detailed studies are needed.

  • Yonghae KIM(Institute of Marine Industry, Department of Marine Production technology, Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University, Tongyeong 650-160, Korea) Corresponding author
  • Dae-Sung WHANG(Institute of Marine Industry, Department of Marine Production technology, Graduate School, Gyeongsang National University, Tongyeong 650-160, Korea)