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체결력을 고려한 레일 체결장치의 비선형 거동 효과

The Effect of Nonlinear Behavior of the Rail Fastening System on the Clamping Forces in the Railway Bridge

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/346480
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한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 (The Korea Institute For Structural Maintenance and Inspection)

The mechanical behavior of the fasting system on the clamping forces has not been fully studied because of structural complexity. The goal of this research is studying the effect of nonlinear of the rail fastening system on the clamping forces in the railway bridges. A numerical model is proposed to analyze the problem of fasteners. The model is conducted by using a code in FORTRAN. In this study, fasteners are modelled as springs. The calculated results show a good agreement with values referred from manufacturer. As a result, the numerical simulation is believed to indicate an approximate value of clamping force considering the nonlinear behavior of fastening system.

 1. Introduction
 2. Numerical model
 3. Conclusion
  • 구엔 반동(군산대학교 토목공학과) | NguyenVan Dong
  • 이창주(군산대학교 토목공학과) | Lee Chang Ju
  • 백건휘(군산대학교 토목공학과) | Baek Geon Hwi
  • 장성규(군산대학교 산학협력단) | Chang Seong Kyu
  • 김두기(군산대학교 토목공학과) | Kim Doo Kie 교신저자