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論朝鮮時代《才物譜》的名物學價值 KCI 등재

The Value of Meibutsu Research on CAIWUPU of Korea’s Joseon Dynasty Era

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/347838
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,700원
漢字硏究 (한자연구)
경성대학교 한국한자연구소 (Center For The Study of Chinese Charaters in Korea, Kyungsung University)

東亞漢字文化圈很早就形成了“威儀共秉周家禮,學問同尊孔氏書”的現象。正如張伯偉先生所言:“在二十世紀以前,漢字是東亞各國的通用文字,一切正規的着述,一切重大的場合,一切政府與民間的外交,都離不開漢字的媒介。” 此間以漢字爲媒介、文獻爲載體的思想文化方面的交流向未間斷 文獻爲載體的思想文化方面的交流向未間斷,而朝鮮時代學者更是注意學習儒學思想,採獲中華典籍,研究使用漢字,促進了中韓古代的學術文化的交流和傳播,辭書文獻就是其中的代表。東傳的漢字與學術,特别是辭書以及貯存於其中的名物,被本國學人學習並且受自身文化思想的影響而較之輸出的母國,其內容顯具自身特點。而《才物譜》是其中典型的代表。
《才物譜》爲詞彙彙編性質的辭書,是韓國第一部真正意義上的詞彙總集,有百科全書的性質,在韓國語言文字學史上有承前啟後的作用。 該書以漢文化爲藍本,同時兼具本土特色,是漢文化和朝鮮文化融合的典範 是漢文化和朝鮮文化融合的典範;該書涉及經、史、子、集的各個門類,其對當時的天文、地理、人倫、醫藥、動物、植物等多有描述,不僅在語言學,而且對其他學科也有重要的文獻價值。 該書對名物學、中韓文化交流等方面的研究有着重要的學術價值。故本文從名物學角度出發,試從古籍整理、辭書研究、文字研究、韓國文化研究這幾個方面進行探討。

CAIWUPU is a dictionary of lexicographical features. This book has the nature of an encyclopedia. Recording to the survey, this book has six versions with our searching: first published in ouchi; the second published in ouchi; A copy of the blue grid; A copy without a grid; A copy of the single CAIWUPU, The new published by Korea’s governor. The first one is our research object. This book has an activity effect on collation of ancient books. Dictionaries research. Meibutsu research. For example, the collation of ancient books can correct the error in the book and it is not the modern researcher can pay attention to it. The Dictionaries research can give some supplement in the grant dictionary like Grand Chinese Dictionary, Chinese Dictionary which make it by the Current scholar. The Meibutsu research can help us to know the Classification system and Interpretation system in ancient Korea. It has an active effect on related research.

1. 《才物譜》版本源流概述
 2. 與古籍整理研究
 3. 與辭書編纂研究
 4. 與名物學研究 
 5. 結語
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