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아스팔트 플랜트 골재 품질관리를 위한 함수비 QM지수 제안 KCI 등재

Development of moisture content QM Index for quality control of asphalt plant aggregate

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/403540
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

PURPOSES : Water content causes a big problem in terms of the quality and economy of the asphalt plant. However, the current guidelines do not suggest specific rules other than roof installation. Therefore, this study proposes a water content management index, QM, and management flow chart by analyzing the water content variability of the stockpile and cold bin aggregates and suggests a guideline rule for improving water content management, including stockpile floor inclination via analysis of slope stability.
METHODS : To analyze the variability of water content in the asphalt plant, stockpile and cold bin aggregate samples were collected from the asphalt plant over two years and a water content lab test was conducted via sieve analysis. In addition, domestic and foreign water content management guidelines were compared and the economic effect was analyzed according to water content DB analysis for the importance of water content management. The influence factors of water content variability were also analyzed. To apply the 3σ quality management technique for the development of the water content management index, QM, a water content management limit and procedure was proposed through the asphalt mix design.
RESULTS : As a result of analyzing the water content variability, it was found that the water content of the stockpile fine aggregates should be intensively managed immediately after the rainy season and the QM index developed in this study should be 1 or more. In addition, as a result of the stability analysis according to the change in the stockpile floor inclination, it was found that the safety factor was lowered according to the slope angle and floor inclination.
CONCLUSIONS : In the past, a passive method of preventing rainwater with a roof was used for water content management and ambiguous qualitative rules were suggested in the guidelines. In this study, a procedure for managing the water content of asphalt plant aggregates using the QM index, a quantitative stock floor inclination chart, and rules for improving water content management were presented for the quality control of asphalt plant aggregates.

1. 서론
2. 골재 함수비 관리 필요성 분석
    2.1. 국내외 골재 저장시설 비교분석
    2.2. 문헌분석을 통한 골재 함수비 관리필요성
    2.3. 국내외 함수비관리 지침 항목 비교분석
3. 실내시험을 통한 골재의 함수비 변동성 분석
    3.1. 실내 함수비 실험을 통한 월별 함수비 DB 구축
    3.2. 함수비 실내실험 결과를 통한 경제성 분석
    3.3. 함수비 변동성 영향인자 분석
4. 실내시험 DB를 통한 아스팔트 QM지수 제안및 함수비 관리 방안 제시
    4.1. 허용아스팔트 함량을 근거로 한 배합설계 분석을통한 함수비 관리한계 제안
    4.2. 실내 함수비 실험 DB분석을 통한 QM지수 산정방법 제안
    4.3. 함수비 관리 지침개선안 제시
5. 결론
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