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계측 기록의 설계스펙트럼 부합 가상 지진 변환 방법 KCI 등재

Conversion of Recorded Ground Motion to Virtual Ground Motion Compatible to Design Response Spectra

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/404453
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한국지진공학회 (Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea)

The design response spectrum presented in the seismic design standard reflects the characteristics of the tectonic environment at a site. However, since the design response spectrum does not represent the ground motion with a specific earthquake magnitude or distance, input ground motions for response history analysis need to be selected reasonably. It is appropriate to use observed ground motions recorded in Korea for the seismic design. However, recently recorded ground motions in the Gyeongju (2016) or Pohang (2017) earthquakes are not compatible with the design response spectrum. Therefore, it is necessary to convert the recorded ground motion in Korea to a model similar to the design response spectrum. In this study, several approaches to adjust the spectral acceleration level at each period range were tested. These are the intrinsic and scattering attenuation considering the earthquake environment, magnitude, distance change by the green function method, and a rupture propagation direction's directivity effect. Using these variables, the amplification ratio for the representative natural period was regressed. Finally, the optimum condition compatible with the design response spectrum was suggested, and the validation was performed by converting the recorded ground motion.

A B S T R A C T /
1. 서 론
2. 실 계측기록 사용의 필요성
    2.1 실 계측기록과 인공지진파 특성
    2.2 실 계측기록의 선택 방법
3. 계측기록의 응답스펙트럼 및 스펙트럼 부합기준
    3.1 설계응답스펙트럼 및 계측기록 응답스펙트럼
    3.2 스펙트럼 부합 기준
4. 지진파 변형 방법
    4.1 거리에 따른 주파수성분 감쇄
    4.2 규모에 따른 주파수성분 증폭
    4.3 방향성에 따른 주파수성분 증폭
    4.4 응답가속도 증폭비율
5. 설계응답스펙트럼에 부합하는 규모 및 거리 평가
    5.1 목표스펙트럼과의 부합성
    5.2 주기별 증폭
6. 결 론
  • 지혜연(부산대학교 토목공학과) | Ji Hae Yeon (Department of Civil Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • 최다슬(부산대학교 토목공학과) | Choi Da Seul (Department of Civil Engineering, Pusan National University)
  • 김정한(부산대학교 토목공학과) | Kim Jung Han (Department of Civil Engineering, Pusan National University) Corresponding author