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Analysis of Local Policy Environment from Conflict Management Perspective: Focus on the Election Announcement of Jeju Special Self- Governing Province

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/414514
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세계환경사회거버넌스학회 (World Association for Island Studies)

This study was conducted to analyze changes in the policy environment in the Jeju area in terms of conflict management by local governments and to derive the need to introduce policies for conflict management. According to this study, the policy environment in the Jeju area has been constantly changing to make it easier for conflicts to occur: First, the Jeju community has been suffering from public conflict since the past due to a number of large-scale development projects. Second, the increase in population has led to the diversification of stakeholders in society, which has resulted in complicated conflict situations. Third, conflict management keywords have begun to appear directly in election announcements, which means that many local residents perceive conflict itself as an important policy agenda. In order to actively address this situation, we need to utilize the concept of ‘Social capital’. Social capital is a concept that can effectively connect various individuals or groups in the region, effectively a connecting local governments and residents and ultimately helping develop the region.

Changes in the Policy Environment in Jeju
Methodology and Framework
  • Kwon-Oh Kang(Ph.D. Researcher of Jeju Research Institute, Korea.)
  • Kyung-Soo Hwang(Ph.D.Professor of Department of Public Administration, Jeju National University, Korea.)