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文選李善注引左傳注及其各家注考略 KCI 등재

Li Shan’s Commentary on the Selected Writings, Citing the Commentary on the Zuo Zhuan and Its Commentaries by Various Literati

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/432664
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,700원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

Li Shan’s commentary on the Selected Writings appears in 304 of his works, ranging from the Xidufu, an excerpt from the Zuo Zhuan, to the Ritual Essay, Ji Qu Yuan Wen. The Zuo Zhuan records a wide range of topics, from the evolution of history to various rituals, social customs, astronomy and geography, rhymes, proverbs, and a variety of literature. Li Shan’s commentary on the Zuo Zhuan is based on the main text and its content, with citations centered on its main historical events and the origin of its words. On the question of Li Shan’s citation of the Zuo Zhuan notes, we can see through examination that Li Shan was not influenced by the political advocacy of the unification of the Five Classics, and that he took Du’s notes as his main focus and did not exclude the other Zuo Zhuan notes, and in accordance with what is stated in the text of the Selected Works, he thought that it conformed to the wording of the text and made appropriate use of the Fu Qian’s service of the pianist’s notes on the Zuo Zhuan as well as the notes of the other annotators. Among them, the author suspects that Li Shan should have referred to the text of Fu Qian’s “Jie Yi” and Jia Kui’s “ChunQiu ZuoShi JieGu”, while Ma Rong’s words can hardly be said to be a comment from Ma Rong’s “ChunQiu SanZhuan YiTongShuo”, but rather a text quoted from other documents of the time. The contents of Ma Rong’s commentaries in the “Selected Writings” can be found in Kong Yingda’s commentary, which is more detailed than the “Selected Writings” commentary. However, in terms of the “Selected Writings” commentary, especially nowadays, it can be regarded that the commentaries of Li Shan’s commentaries are within the scope of his old commentaries, and it is quite possible that Li Shan cited his old commentaries as commentaries on other works in the case of the same words in his old commentaries in the later years.

李善所注左傳內容依照正文詞彙及其內容,注引多圍繞其主要歷史事件,詞語出典 等方面。另外,即便文選作品正文有其主導思想,或受左傳影響而寫之,通過李善注 引此經文在文選作品之中,既是客觀地將字詞注解到位,亦有在觀念上突出了“以民为 重”的思想。對李善注引左氏傳各家注的問題上,李善並不受政治所主張五經統一的 影響,他以杜注為主,並不排斥其他左傳各家注,依照文選正文所載,認為符合正文 語詞,適當使用北學之服虔左傳注以及其他注釋者之注。其中,筆者疑李善當參考服䖍 解誼本、賈逵春秋左氏解詁,而馬融的話,很難說是注文出自馬融春秋三傳異同說 ,其文當引自當時其他文獻。文選注本所載馬融注,其內容皆可從孔穎達疏文中查到 較文選注更加詳細的整條注釋,然就文選注來看,尤其今天可視為李善注的注釋皆在 其舊注的範圍之中,李善是否對後面在舊注出現同樣字詞的情況下,引用舊注為其他作品 注解,也是很有可能的

1. 緒論
2. 李善注引左傳之特征
3. 左傳流傳及唐初所見相關史料之考察
4. 結論
  • 吳相錦(韓國外國語大學中國語言文學系講師) | 오상금
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