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酸素自由基에 의해 損傷된 大腦皮質神經細胞에 미치는 壯元丸의 影響

Hypoxanthine-induced Neurotoxicity in the Cultured Mouse Cerebral Cortical Neurons

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/46038
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국전통의학지 (The Journal of Traditional Korean Medicine)
한국전통의학연구소 (Research Center of Traditional Korean Medicine)

In order to examine toxic effect of Jangwonhwan on cultured mouse cerebral cortical neurons inhibited by neurotoxicity induced by Xanthine Oxidase/Hypoxanthine(XO/HX), MTT and lipid peroxidation assay were performed after cerebral cortical neurons were preincubated with various concentrations of Jangwonhwan water extract before treatment of cells with XO/HX. The result were as follows ; 1. XO/HX induced cell degeneration such as the decrease of cell viability was measured by MTT in the cultured mouse cerebral cortical neurons 2. Jangwonhwan water extract was effective in the decrease of lipid peroxidation of neurons produced by XO/HX. From the above results, it is suggested that Xanthine Oxidase/Hypoxanthine(XO/HX) induces the inhibition of cell viability in cultuerd mouse cerebral cortical neurons and Jangwonhwan was effective in cultured neurons damaged by XO/HX.

  • 成基鎬(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 성기호
  • 黃仁珍(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 황인진
  • 李晋承(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 이진승
  • 趙東基(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 조동기
  • 李寬炯(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 이관형
  • 林楊義(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 임양의
  • 崔圭善(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 최규선
  • 金炳憲(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 김병헌
  • 成恩慶(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 성은경
  • 朴俊秀(圓光大學校韓醫科大學生理學敎室) | 박준수
  • 柳道坤(圓光大學校韓醫科大) | 류도곤