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김동리 소설에 나타난 성서 모티프의 샤머니즘적 변용과 신인간주의 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/322472
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,500원
문학과 종교 (Literature and Religion)
한국문학과종교학회 (The Korean Society for Literature and Religion)

Dong-li Kim’s works are covered with Korean religion and conformism of destiny. This paper adopted his short stories as a motif about Jesus Christ . In “Mary’s pregnancy,” the pregnancy of the Virgin Mary is described as the mysterious super natural phenomenon. Also in “A Carpenter Joseph,” Dong-li Kim stares Jesus as Joseph’s realistic views. These two stories show the men who accept destiny. In “The Cross of Saban,” Saban proposes that he can save the Jews by defeating Rome’s army. But Jesus claims that they can be blessed by pursuing peace on heaven, not on the land. In this work, he thinks Jesus is a great shaman lives in Israel. Also in “The Resurrection,” he can’t comprehend resurrection as a flash death, that is real body. In “The Angel” shows the notion of defending humanity, he names it new humanism. As a result, the writer does not recognize the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but he recasts the Bible story through the Spiritual Science and Shamanism. His concept of the absolute research of life is the realization of shamanism and his new humanism

  • 남금희(Professor of Faculty of Liberal Education at Kyung Pook National University) | Nam, Kum-hee