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한국의 공업화건축 공법 도입활용과정 분석을 통한 3D 프린팅기술 개발 방향성 연구 KCI 등재

Discovering Applicable Lessons for ‘3D Printing R/D Project’ Implementation Through Studying the Process of Adopting Overseas Industrialized Building Production Technological Knowhow in the Korean Context

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/338862
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국공간구조학회 (Korean Association for Spatial Structures)

This paper aims at finding some lessons applicable to successful implementation of ‘The 3D Printing R/D Project’ through both examining the process of adopting overseas industrialized housing production technological knowhow by home builders during the 1970's~1980's period and thereafter until now the various efforts to adjust the technologies efficiently to the Korea‘s unique situation. Some meaningful lessons can be summarized as follows; Ⅰ) Deep understanding of 3DP technological know-why along with its inheritance, Ⅱ) Readjusting of R/D period and goals(cf. Global leader Winsun's 15 years experiment), Ⅲ) Restructuring for more collaborative R/D B&E system among participating researchers Ⅳ) Fostering 3DP expert-engineers and technicians from the early stage, Ⅴ) Clearing legal barriers in users' adopting 3DP methods necessary, Ⅵ) Development of appropriate building material besides concrete. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the above-mentioned 6 lessons positively accepted and applied to the Research Implementation Plan in due course, especially by KICT consortium and KAIA under the guidance of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

 1. 서언
  1.1 연구 목적
  1.2 연구방법과 범위
  1.3 연구의 의미
  1.4 선행연구조사결과
 2. 공업화공법의 도입 및 발전과정
  2.1 공업화공법의 도입과정 분석
  2.2 주요지표별 변화추이 분석
 3. 공업화주택공법 발전과정에서의 장애요인 및 시행착오 분석
  3.1 공업화주택의 보급·활용상 장애 요소
  3.2 도입활용 과정상 주요 시행착오 분석
  3.3 공업화주택의 도입 및 발전과정의 시사점
 4. 3D 프린팅기술의 발전 방향
  4.1 3D 프린팅기술 연구 개발의 방향성
  4.2 교훈의 도출과 활용제안
 5. 결언
 감사의 글
  • 이성민((재)한국건설품질연구원 부원장, 공학박사, Korea Construction Quality Research Center(KCQR)) | Lee, Sung-Min
  • 이필원((재)한국건설품질연구원 연구위원, Korea Construction Quality Research Center(KCQR)) | Lee, Pil-Won 교신저자
  • 조후영(미래3D프린팅 주택제작원 고문, Future 3D Printing Housing) | Cho, Hoo-Young
  • 이재헌(서울대학교 건축학과, Dept. of Architecture & Architectural Engineering, Seoul National University) | Lee, Jae-Heon