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재배농법에 따른 국내산 배추의 위해미생물 및 중금속 오염평가 KCI 등재

Analysis of Pathogenic Microorganism’s Contamination and Heavy Metals on Kimchi Cabbage by Cultivation Methods in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/346381
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한국식품위생안전성학회지 (Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety)
한국식품위생안전성학회 (Korean Society of Food Hygiene and Safety)

연구는 자가제조퇴비를 사용하는 유기농가와 관행농 가로 구분하여 생산되는 배추와 토양의 위생지표세균(Aerobic plate count, coliform count, yeast & mold)과 식중독발병 가능성이 있는 유해미생물(Staphylococcus aureus, Environmental listeria, Bacillus cereus)의 밀도를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 토양과 식물체 모두 식품에서 위해균 허용한 계치인 5.0 Log CFU/g 이하로 검출되었다. 또한 토양에서 위해균 검출량과 식물체 표면의 위해균 검출량간의 상관 관계를 분석한 결과 정의 상관관계에 있었다. 또한 토양과 식물의 중금속 오염도를 조사한 결과 검출되지 않거나 허용한계치 이하로 검출되었다.

Kimchi cabbage is one of the four major vegetable crops in Korea. The total annual production of kimchi cabbage, the main material of kimchi, was 20,559 tons in 2015. Kimchi cabbage is one of the majer crops produced by farmers which accounts for about 80% of the total leaf vegetable production in Korea. As the consumption of environmental-friendly agricultural products increases, food safety is one of the major public health concerns. We analyzed the biological hazards of kimchi cabbage produced by two types of cultivation methos such as organic farming and conventional farming using various culture media and microscopy. A total of 432 samples were analysed for presence of sanitary indicator microorganisms (aerobic plate count, coliform count, yeast & mold) and food-borne pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, environmental Listeria, Bacillus cereus). The population of sanitary indicating microorganisms and food borne pathogens was under 5 Log CFU/g in all tested samples. The results of total microorganism numbers of leaf surface showed a positive correlation to those of soil samples. Additionally, we examined chemical factors such as pesticide residues and heavy metals in soil samples. All tested samples did not shown contamination levels higher than the standard limit.

Materials and Methods
  유해미생물 오염도 조사
  중금속 오염도 조사
 Results and Discussion
  재배농법별 배추의 위생지표세균 비교
  재배농법별 배추의 유해미생물 비교
  배추 재배농법별 토양의 위생지표세균 및 유해미생물 변화
  배추 생산시 토양과 식물체간 미생물 오염도 상관
  배추 재배농법별 토양과 식물체의 중금속 함량 비교
  • 오소영(국립한경대학교 국제농업기술정보연구소, Research Institute of International Agriculture, Technology and Information, Hankyong National University) | Soh-Young Oh
  • 남기웅(국립한경대학교 원예생명과학과, Department of Horticultural Life Science, Hankyong National University) | Ki-Woong Nam
  • 윤덕훈(국립한경대학교 국제농업기술정보연구소, Research Institute of International Agriculture, Technology and Information, Hankyong National University) | Deok-Hoon Yoon Correspondence to