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Australian Experience of Welfare Policies for Single Mother and Its Implication for Korea KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/348020
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융합인문학 (Korean Journal of Converging Humanities)
한국융합인문학회 (Korean Association of Converging Humanities)

In recent decade, the growth of single mother has been considered as social issue in Korea and a number of studies identified that Korean single mothers have been experienced greater economic insecurity and discrimination. A better understanding of various cases of welfare policies for single mother is important in order to establish the policy for Korea. The purpose of this paper is to examines two major welfare reforms for single mother in Australia and provides suggestions of welfare policies in Korea. This paper outlines two significant changes of Australian welfare policies for single mother. These changes are related to the issue of marriage, divorce, child care, work and welfare. Welfare policies have direct influence not only on women but also children's rights and social attitudes. Single mothers should be able to raise their children without discrimination and negative attitudes against them. In order to do that, government should make an effort to support single mother and establish adequate welfare policies.

  Welfare Dependency
  Mutual Obligation
  The First Reform: Introduction of the Family Law
  The Second Reform: Welfare to Work
  Single Mothers in Korea
  Australian Experience and Its Implications for Korea
  • Hwa-Seon LEE(Professor at the Department of Social Welfare, Seoul Digital University)