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由“月梅”到“香夫人” ― 以中国朝鲜族女作家金仁顺的《春香》为中心 KCI 등재

From Yuemei to Madam Xiang : with a Focus on Chinese Female Writer Jin, Ren-shun's “Chunxiang”

유“월매”도“향부인” ― 이중국조선족녀작가금인순적《춘향》위중심

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/348846
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,600원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

对金仁顺而言,古典《春香传》是个“带有天然亲近感,同时也是无法得到满足的故事。中 国的民间故事,上穷碧落,下至黄泉,浪漫瑰丽,荡气回肠。相较之下,《春香传》尽管故事不乏 戏剧色彩,但却流于单薄、局限,缺少跳跃飞扬的想象翅膀”,这是金仁顺创作《春香》之前的所 思所想。无疑小说《春香》为古老的春香故事插上了想象的翅膀,也成就了传奇的香夫人形象。小 说《春香》消解了封建时代的男权,在乌托邦式的香榭中,实现了女性的自主独立,给单调的当代 中国文坛带来了异域情调。小说《春香》赋予了古典原型月梅以灵魂,使她摇身一变拥有了独立的 人格,表达了现代女性对自主独立的思考。金仁顺的《春香》以韩国古典叙述中国现代人对人生思 考的表达方式独具匠心,作为中国对韩国《春香传》的第一部生产性受容作品,为中·韩文学交流 史留下了浓重一笔,在向中国读者传递韩国文化方面也取得了自己独特的文学价值。 本文从作品论角度,在韩国古典名著《春香传》与金仁顺的长篇小说《春香》的比较中,对 月梅形象的解构和香夫人形象的重塑进行阐释,力求透过春香母的人物形像重塑,把握其古典外形 下充满现代气息的思想内涵。

Among the three elements of the story ― character, plot, and setting, the character matters the most. W. H. Hudson argues that technically the success of a work is due to the depiction of characters. In the recreation of Chunxiang, Jin Renshun deconstructed and reshaped the Korean classical work ― “the story of Chunxiang”, changing the figures of the work greatly by adding new characters, remaking the mother of Chunxiang. In doing so, the classical work is rich in new vitality and the air of new era. The writer has ever said: “There are no new things under the sun. Times and regions may be different, but the humanity is always the same.” Neglecting the historical background and feudal patriarchy, in a conceived Utopian Champs, the writer wrote the stories of one or more women from the perspective of humanity. She narrated the Chinese reflections on life in the tongue of the Korean classic, and brought about the exotic culture to Chinese contemporary literature. In “the story of Chunxiang”, as a custodian, Yuemei who was regarded as a minor character, decided the identity of Chunxiang, while she made an contrast to the noble “Chunxiang”. However, in the novel Chunxiang, the snobbish Yuemei was turned into another major character, an elegant and plump Mrs. Xiang, and saved Chunxiang at the critical moment. The best way of appreciating a work is analyzing the characters. The characters and the theme are closely related, and the characters are the core of the whole story, which have great influence on the work. There no telling of the story without characters. “Chunxiang”, the first Korean work accepted by Chinese, did a lot of contribution to the intercommunication between Chinese and South Korean literature. Facing such valuable work, we should spend time on the study of the characters in order to grasp the main ideas that the writer wants to convey. Regretfully, there is only on article focusing on the study of this work. This paper tries to make a contrastive study of the mother of Chunxiang in “Chunxiang” by Jin Renshun and the classic “the story of Chunxiang”, aiming at digging into the modern ideological connotation through character analysis.

 1. 引言
 3. 香夫人形象的重塑
  1) 风月女郎
  2) 亦母亦友
  3) 铿锵玫瑰
 4. 香夫人古典外形下的现代内涵
 5. 结语
  • 趙繼紅(北華大學 朝鮮語專業 副敎授) | 조계홍
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