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2013년 서울시 길고양이 개체수 추정에 관한 연구

Survey on estimation of the feral cat population size in Seoul City, 2013

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/366044
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한국동물매개심리치료학회지 (Journal of Korean Association of Animal Assisted Psychotherapy)
한국동물매개심리치료학회 (Korean Association of Animal Assisted Psychotherapy)

The increase of feral cat population due to man-made activities, such as cat-mom activities, has become a social problem, although cats have lived with humans for a long time worldwide. Nevertheless, in Seoul City, the effectiveness of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) management plan has not been evaluated yet.
In this study, we calculated the population size of feral cats in Seoul City, which is useful information for feral cat management. Seoul City was divided into 196 areas based on 2012 TNR density data. In each group, 3 areas were selected for a total of 9 areas. Out of those, 6 areas (3 apartment and 3 non-apartment areas) that could be clearly separated by mountains, rivers or roads based on Seoul City Geographical Information System (GIS) were finally selected and they were representative of the two different residential styles (44.21% apartment area and 55.79% non-apartment area). Population size of feral cats was estimated from 3 on-site surveys over 3 days. The results of the survey showed that the population of feral cats in Seoul City ranged between 209,772 and 272,816.
Results of this study will be used to develop a policy to control and manage the population of feral cats.

 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Methods
  1. Selection of research areas
  2. Research method
  3. Research period
 Ⅲ. Results
 Ⅳ. Discussion
 Ⅴ. Conclusions
  • 한진수(건국대학교 수의과대학 실험동물의학교실 & 3R동물복지연구소) | Jin-Soo Han (Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine & Institute for the 3Rs, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University) 교신저자
  • 배진선(서울시청 동물보호과) | Jin-Seon Bae (Department of Animal Protection, Seoul Metropolitan Government)
  • 조윤주(서정대학교 애완동물과) | Yoon-Ju Cho (Department of PET Science, Seojeong University)
  • 이영아(신구대학교 자원동물과) | Young-Ah Lee (Department of Biotech & Laboratory Animal, Shingu University)
  • 김형준(건국대학교 수의과대학 실험동물의학교실 & 3R동물복지연구소) | Hyung-Joon Kim (Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine & Institute for the 3Rs, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University)
  • 황보람(건국대학교 수의과대학 실험동물의학교실 & 3R동물복지연구소) | Bo-Ram Hwang (Department of Laboratory Animal Medicine & Institute for the 3Rs, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University)