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A Study on Status Quo and Problems of Cultural Exchange of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor from the Perspective of Soft Power KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/383331
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 8,700원
한국과 국제사회 (Korea and Global Affairs)
한국정치사회연구소 (Korea Institute of Politics and Society)

소프트 파워는 국제 교류 및 지역 협력에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 방글라데시·중국·인도·미얀마 지역은 지리적으로 보면 서로 인접되어 있으며 역사적으로왕래가빈번한다. 2013년중·인양국이방글라데시·중국·인도·미얀마 경제회랑 건설을 제의한 후에, 방글라데시와 미얀마가 이 제안에 적극적으로 호응하면서 4국 간의 교류는 더욱 밀접해진다. 방·중·인·미 경제회랑 지역은 중국 서남과 방글라데시·인도·미얀마를 연결하는 중요한 통로 될 것이고, 이를 통해 관련지역의 문화교류도 많아질 것이다. 하지만 4국 간에는 문화교류는 중국과 인도의 소프트 파워에 의해 불균형한 상태로 보인다. 중국·인도는 방글라데시·미얀마에 대해 문화 제품이 더 많이 수출하고 있고, 이는 많은 분야에서 방글라데시와 미얀마에게 영향을 주고 있다. 향후에 이 경제회랑은 문화교류 및 협력 가속화하는 배경 하에, 지속가능한 발전 체제를 구축해 나가야하며, 이를 통해 4국의 소프트 파워 영향력을 균형화시켜서 지역문화의 백화제방(百花齐放)를 달성할 것이다.

Nowadays, soft power is playing a more important role in international communication and cooperation, and as cultural exchange in regional cooperation is deeply influenced by national soft powers, the development is usually unbalanced. Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar are adjacent to each other with a long history of intercourse. In the year 2013, initiation of constructing Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor advocated by China and India was responded positively by Bangladesh and Myanmar. Since then, the world has witnessed an increasing connection of these four countries. Being the critical bond connecting the southwestern areas of China and Bangladesh, India as well as Myanmar, Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor is characterized by multiple regional cultures along with frequent connections in cultural products and activities. However, cultural exchange now is dominated by imbalanced development due to potent soft power of China and India that these two countries export more cultural products to the rest, which has an impact in many fields of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Priority should be given to coordinated development in cultural exchange regarding the construction of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor. Only by developing a sustainable development mechanism for cultural exchange, to coordinate the influences of soft powers of these four countries, then a fine complexion of "all flowers are in bloom" can be created, returning to five original intention of the construction of this economic corridor: “Policy Communication” and “Strength People-to-people Ties”, etc.

Ⅰ. Soft Power and Cultural Competition ofBangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Cooperation
    1. Background Information
    2. Cultural Soft Power and Foreign Strategy of China
    3. Cultural Soft Power and Foreign Strategy of India
Ⅱ. Characteristics of Cultural Exchange of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor Underthe Influence of Soft Power
    1. Exchanges of cultural products
    2. Exchanges of Cultural Activities
Ⅲ. Problems of Cultural Exchange of Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor
    1. Unsound Cultural exchanges mechanism
    2. Bilateral cultural exchanges are more than multilateral exchangesalong Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor
    3. Imbalanced cultural cooperation of Bangladesh andMyanmar in Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar EconomicCorridor exchange
    4. China is in a disadvantage position due to differences incultural backgrounds in the development of soft powersin that region
    5. The Lack of Folk Public Diplomacy makes China receivedifferential treatment in overseas propaganda and culturalpromotion due to Ideology.
Ⅳ. Suggestions on Further Development of Constructionof Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor
    1. Improve cultural cooperation mechanism to reach consensus
    2. Encourage people-to-people exchanges along the EconomicCorridor to realize cultural connectivity led by governments
    3. Promote positive effects of religious exchanges to explorethe best mode for religious exchanges
    4. Insist multi-cultural development of areas along theEconomic Corridor, coordinating co-prosperity of Bangladesh,China, India and Myanmar
    5. Improve the influence of Chinese culture demonstrating agood international image

  • Zhou Yuting(Putra University)
  • Zhou Yunsong(Yunnan University)
  • He Hongmei(Minzu University of China) Corresponding author
  • Sun Xiqin(Yunnan University of China)