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팰릿 단위 기체환경 제어 저장한 배추의 품질 변화와 품질 예측 모델 KCI 등재

Quality Prediction and Change in Quality of Kimchi Cabbages Stored Under a Pallet Unit-Controlled Atmosphere

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/398842
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
산업식품공학 (Food Engineering Progress)
한국산업식품공학회 (Korean Society for Food Engineering)

This study was conducted to investigate the quality of kimchi cabbages stored under a pallet unit-controlled atmosphere (PUCA), containing 2% O2 and 5% CO2, and to develop quality prediction models for cabbages stored under such conditions. Summer and winter cabbage samples were divided into PUCA-exposed groups and atmospheric airexposed control groups (in a cold storage). The control summer cabbages lost up to 8.31% of their weight, whereas the PUCA-exposed summer cabbages lost only 1.23% of their weight. Additionally, PUCA storage effectively delayed the reduction in cabbage moisture content compared with the control storage. After storage for 60 and 120 days of the summer and winter samples, respectively, the reducing sugar contents were higher in the PUCA groups than in the control groups. The linear regression analysis-derived equations for predicting the storage period, weight loss, and moisture content in the control groups, as well as those for predicting the storage period and weight loss in the PUCA groups, were appropriate according to the adjusted coefficient of determination, root mean square error, accuracy factor, and bias factor values. Therefore, this PUCA system would be useful for improving the shelf life of the postharvest summer and winter cabbages used in the commercial kimchi industry.

서 론
재료 및 방법
결과 및 고찰
요 약
  • 박천완(국립농업과학원 수확후관리공학과) | Chun Wan Park (Division of Postharvest Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) Corresponding author
  • 손재용(국립농업과학원 수확후관리공학과) | Jae Yong Son (Division of Postharvest Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences)
  • 이정현(충남대학교 식품공학과) | Jeong Hyeon Lee (Department of Food Science and Technology, Chungnam National University)
  • 최은지(세계김치연구소 신공정발효연구단) | Eun Ji Choi (Advanced Process Technology and Fermentation Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi)
  • 천호현(세계김치연구소 신공정발효연구단) | Ho Hyun Chun (Advanced Process Technology and Fermentation Research Group, World Institute of Kimchi)