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국내 대화분석 연구 개관 : 동향, 평가 및 전망 KCI 등재

An Overview of Conversation-Analytic Studies in Korea: Trends, Assessment, and Prospect

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/400550
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 9,600원
사회언어학 (The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea)
한국사회언어학회 (The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea)

Conversation analysis (CA) has grown in its status as a pragmatic approach to language-in-use worldwide, and its analytic perspective and methodology began to be introduced in Korea as early as in 1990s and gradually incorporated into the field of pragmatics/sociolinguistics in Korea. With a view to looking at how CA has established as an academic field in Korea, this article describes recent developments in CA in Korea, presenting an overview of how CA studies have been conducted by CAists stationed in Korea. Papers published in the period of 1990s to 2019 are reviewed and categorized in terms of some of the notable trends in research topics and methodological orientations, which are classified into grammar, interactional practices, and applied CA. The overview provides a basis on which the current state of affairs in domestic CA research is assessed, and suggestions are made for the direction of future development.

1. 머리말
2. 대화분석의 배경과 방법론적 특성
3. 문법 관행
    3.1. 1990년대~2000년대 중반
    3.2. 2000년대 후반
    3.3. 2010년대
4. 상호작용 관행
    4.1. 1990년대~2000년대 중반
    4.2. 2000년대 후반
    4.3. 2010년대
5. ‘응용’ 대화분석 및 개관 논문
6. 맺는 말: 앞으로의 전망과 과제
  • 김규현(경희대학교 응용영어통번역학과) | Kim Kyu-hyun
  • 서경희(한국외국어대학교 ELLT/영어학과) | Suh Kyung-Hee 교신저자