
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 310

        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The quality of baked Yackwa with rice bran oil varied with dipping temperature (80 and 25℃) and dipping time (5, 10, and 15 minutes at 80℃, and 60, 90, and 120 minutes at 25℃). The moisture content and hardness of baked Yackwa increased and decreased, respectively, with dipping time. The expansion ratio increased with time when baked Yackwa was dipped at 80℃, but decreased with time when dipped at 25℃. Flavor and color were optimal for product dipped at 80℃ for 15 minutes followed those dipped at 25℃ for 120 minutes; the dipping conditions produced no significant difference in the degree of expension, aroma, texture, and overall quality. Baked Yackwa showed better results than fried Yackwa in sensory evaluation.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        수형자들이 새로운 삶의 토대를 마련하고 안착하기란 쉬운 일이 아니다. 형사정책학자들은 수형자가 사회 적응에 어려움을 겪게 되는 이유를 설명하면서 그 첫째로 출소 후 현실사회와의 괴리를 짚고 있다. 수형자들은 상당한 기간 동안 사회와 격리돼 있기 때문에 현실의 사정과 부합되지 않는 비현실적인 생활계획을 구상하게 될 수도 있다. 그것은 구금 중 급변한 사회정세를 제대로 파악하지 못하기 때문에 현실에 대한 적응력을 갖지 못하기 마련이고 장기간 수용될수록 이러한 현상은 더욱 심해진다는 것이다. 수형자들의 성공적인 사회복귀를 위해서는 교도소 내의 지속적인 처우와 함께 사회로 나가기 위한 실질적인 적응훈 련이 필요한데, 선진국에서 오래전부터 시행하던 것이 시설내처우와 사회내처우의 적절한 조화를 바탕으로 시설내처우의 사회화를 구현할 수 있는 ‘중간처우 제도’이다. 이 가운데서도 ‘중간처우의 집(Halfway House)’은 수형자의 성공적인 사회복귀를 지원할 수 있는 획기적인 사회복귀시스템으로 평가받고 있다. ‘중간처우의 집’은 수용자로 하여금 자신이 이용할 수 있는 지역사회자원을 알게 할 뿐 아니라 다양한 지역사회 자원으로 접근할 수 있도록 도와줌으로써 지역사회와의 재통합을 이끈다. 또한 이들에게 음식과 주거를 제공하고 직업을 알선하거나 취업을 지도하여 재활을 돕고 교정시설 과밀수용 해소에도 기여하고 있다. 법무부 교정본부는 수형자 사회적응 훈련과정의 필요성을 감안하여 새 정부 4대 개혁과제의 하나인 생활공감정책의 일환으로 2009. 1월에 안양교도소에 ‘중간처우의 집’을 도입하여 운영 중에 있으며, 2009. 7월에는 천안개방교도소의 기능을 ‘사회적응훈련원’으로 전환하여 중장기 수형자를 대상으로 중간처우제도를 본격 시행할 예정이다. 이제 머지않아 이러한 중간처우를 받는 모범수형자들 이 일반인들처럼 그들의 직장으로 출퇴근하며 떳떳한 사회인으로 거듭나게 되는 모습을 볼 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 한국형 ‘중간처우의 집’은 그들이 교도소 에서 사회로 돌아가기 위한 징검다리 역할을 훌륭히 수행할 것이다.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중간처우의 집이 2009년 1월 안양 교도소에 국내 최초로 설치, 운영되면서 이 프로그램에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 학계에서 중간처우의 집에 대해 깊이 있는 논의가 없었던 만큼 이 프로그램의 정의, 운영방식, 운영 중 생겨날 수 있는 문제점에 대하여 논의할 필요성이 제기되었다. 또한 이 프로그램이 수형자의 재통합과 재범감소에 도움이 되는 것인지를 알아보기 위해 문헌연구를 통하여 미국의 경험을 정리하였다. 미국의 경우에 중간처우의 집의 역사가 길고, 주 정부마다 필요에 따른 다양한 프로그램을 운영하고 있으며, 사설기관이 중심이 되어 다양한 고객을 상대로 하고 있고, 역사적으로 교정 이념이 바뀌면서 새 이념에 적응한 프로그램이 생겨난 결과, 매우 다양한 형태가 존재하고 있는 것으로 나타난다. 국내에서 중간처우의 집이 추구해야 할 목표와 이 프로그램의 재범감소 효과, 비용 효율성 검증을 포함한 앞으로의 연구방향과 정책적 함의를 논의하였다.
        2009.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fishing lamp is a fishing gear that gathers fish at night. But the cost of oil, which is used to light fishing lamp, has been risen significantly up to 30-40% of total fishing costs. Therefore it is very urgent to develop an energy economical fishing lamp in order to solve the business difficulties of fisheries. Under this background, this research aims at developing a fishing lamp for squid jigging and hairtail angling fishery using the LED, which has excellent energy efficiency and durability. The LED fishing lamp developed can be controlled to fix a fit direction of fish shoal deep because a fishing lamp can be adjustable up and down directions. One unit of fishing lamp has about an 80Watt capacity and the frame of fishing lamp is made of aluminium to emit generated heat of LED to outside. The LED lamp developed was highly durable, only 5.7% of emitting efficiency decreased for 18 months. The illuminance of a unit LED lamp was 2,070lux at 1m and 21lux at 10 m distance, and the intensity of LED lamp system emitted 2,580lux and 400lux at the respective distances. After development of this fishing lamp, 100 units are installed on operating fishing vessels. Experimental results show that energy consumption of squid jigging and hairtail angling was reduced by 40% and 87%, respectively. In conclusion, our methods showed elevated fishing power, compared with traditional fishing method: 37.7% for squid jigging and 24.5% for hairtail angling.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Various acaricidal agents have been used to reduce the dust mite population. On the point of keeping people away from mite allergens, however, repelling mites from the living space of human is more effective than just killing them, because the dead bodies of mites still act as allergen. To examine the potential of Artemisia in controling house dust mites, Artemisia extract was evaluated for its repellency to Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus. Repellency tests were performed using filter-paper circles cut in halves. The Artemisia extract was applied on each half at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8㎕/㎠. Proper repellent effects of Artemisia extract on house dust mites were observed at the concentrations of >0.4㎕/㎠. As a positive control, lavender essential oil was used at concentrations of 0, 0.0125, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1㎕/㎠. Lavender oil showed proper repellent effects at concentrations of >0.05㎕/㎠. These results suggest that Artemisia extract has potential to control the house dust mites, and might be useful as a dust mite repellent.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dyed loess and charcoal fabrics are sold in market as bedding. They have a lot of functions so that people are getting to increase their expenditure for them. Thus we investigated a repellent effect of loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics against house dust mites. The evaluation of the repellent effect of dyed loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics was conducted by using Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus. We compared the repellent effect of dyed loess fabrics at different doses of 0.3, 1.0, 3.2, 10.0 ㎎/㎠ and dyed charcoal fabrics at different doses of 0.3, 0.6, 1.0 ㎎/㎠. Commercial loess fabrics did not have a repellent effect against house dust mites. but commercial charcoal fabrics had the repellent effect by 78% against them. In case of dyed charcoal fabrics added with charcoal powder over 0.6 ㎎/㎠, they showed the repellent effect by over 80%. These results suggest that loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics have a repellent effect of against house dust mites and they can be commercially used for the purpose.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The acricidal potency of some essential oils can be applied to the control of house dust mites. But it is more effective keeping the house dust mites away than killing them because they remain as allergens even after death. The most efficient repellent concentration of lavender and tea tree in 10㎕ against house dust mites (Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus) were experimented by direct contact bioassay method at various doses ; 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, and 0.3125% and at vairous exposure times ; 15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes. The most effective dose of essential oils (lavender and tea tree) against house dust were 0.625% and the repellent effectiveness at the mowt effective dose of 0.625% were 95.6% for lavander and 96.2% for tea tree, respectively. These results suggest that lavender and tee tree can be effectively used in the control of house dust mites.
        2008.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The corrosion and degradation factors of a current collector in a molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) were investigated to determine the optimized coating thickness of nickel on STS316L. The results show that the surface morphology and electrical properties depended on the nickel coating thickness. The surface morphology gradually changed from a flat to a porous structure along as the nickel coating thickness decreased, and the electrical resistance of the nickel-coated STS316L increased as the nickel coating thickness decreased. This can be attributed to the diffusion of elements of Fe and Cr from the substrate through the nickel grain boundaries. Additionally, carburization in the metal grains or grain boundaries in an anodic environment was found to influence the electrical properties due to matrix distortion. The resistance of Cr-oxide layers formed in an anodic environment causes a drop in the potential, resulting in a decrease in the system efficiency.
        2008.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        House dust mite of the indoor environment is one of the most important causes of allergic asthma and rhinitis. It has been known that more than 70% of Korean children and about 50% of adult with the respiratory allergy are sensitive to house dust mite. The purpose of our study is to find out the relationship between the concentration of formaldehyde (HCHO)/PM10 and the number of house dust mite in the indoor environment. In this study, sampling sites were education, social and dwelling facilities. We inquire the questionnaire of the resident on the indoor air quality in all sampling sites. At the same time, we measured the concentration of formaldeh yde(HCHO)/PM10 as well as house dust mites. it was complained by 20% respondents that the indoor air quality was bad and by 10% that the atopy symptom was evident. When a certain amount of house dust mites were detected, the contents of PM10 were observed high and that of HCHO low. However when the house dust mites were not detected, the concentration of PM10 was low and that of HCHO high. From our results, it is concluded that the indoor air quality (i.e. conc. of PM10/HCHO) is quite related to the contents of house dust mites supporting the fact that the symptom of atopy and asthma is due to these small organisms.
        2008.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The insecticidal potency of some essential oils have been suggested that they may find an application in the control of house dust mites. We compared the repellent effect of four essential oils ; lemon grass (Cymbopogon nardus), lavender(Lavandula vera), rosemary(Rosmarinus officinalis) and ylang ylang(Cananga odorata). The oils were exposed at different doses(0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.0125, and 0.00652 ㎕/㎠) and different times(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 hours) on house dust mites(Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus). The repellent effects(%) of essential oils that were exposed at 0.1 ㎕/㎠ and for 1 hours against house dust mites were lemon grass(63.3%) and rosemary(61%), lavender(40%), ylang ylang(40%) in the order named.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many researches on the typology of 'Maru'(Wooden deck) in Korean traditional houses have mainly focused on the high-class houses in the central region of Korea. They were mainly concerned on defining Maru's typology by social status of the owner, based on the researches regarding its physical and spatial properties. Maru in the high-class traditional houses has been served as an essential architectural feature showing the social status of owners as well as adapting in the region of humid and hot summer. This research investigated the typology of Maru's placement in traditional single houses of four Kan in Chonnam province, which shows many differences in its placement according to the regions. Research results show that the typology of Maru's placement and openness is different with the location of houses within the region. This difference affects on the circulation of movement, which eventually affects on the pattern of space use. The difference is also very likely to be affected by the natural environment of geography and climate of the region.
        2006.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to determine the concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the indoor air between houses of atopy, asthma patients and new houses. Total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) in the indoor and outdoor air of normal houses were measured as 92.6 and 72.5 ㎍/㎥, respectively. TVOCs in the indoor and outdoor air of atopy patient's houses were 152 and 42.1 ㎍/㎥. TVOCs in the indoor and outdoor air of asthma patient's houses was 165 and 50.1 ㎍/㎥. TVOCs in the indoor and outdoor air of new houses was 158 and 78.3 ㎍/㎥. It was found that the concentrations of VOCs were higher in the indoor air of atopy, asthma patient's and new houses than the normal houses. This suggests that the concentration of VOCs can influence atopy and asthma.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Culex pipiens complex larvae were found at the septic tanks in Susan and Ulsan cities located in South-eastern area of Korean peninsula. The larvae were collected in 25, 35 and 75 septic tanks out of 3,527, 622 and 1,111 septic tanks which the breeding rates were averages of 0.7%, 5.6% and 6.8% in Susan from January to May, 2003, Susan from February to March, 2004, and Ulsan from January to April, 2005, respectively. The average numbers of the mosquitoes in the tanks were 38.8, 14.9 and 13.7 larvae/dip with a 355-㎖ dipper. The larval densities were from 25.4 larvae/dip in January to 43.7 larvae/dip in April. 2003 which were not significantly different between them. It was the first report to find mosquito breeding at septic tanks in Republic of Korea. Culex pipiens larvae were found in 6 out of 379 septic tanks at complex buildings (over 2,000㎡ in size) in Ulsan from June to September, 2005, having an average of 1.6% for mosquito breeding rate. The mosquito larvae were collected in 8 and 530 septic tanks out of 210 and 3,729 septic tanks at large (over 300 homes) and small apartments (below 300 homes) with 3.8% and 14.2% of the average breeding rates, respectively. At the septic tanks of private houses for below 50 persons, 708 out of 7,178 septic tanks had Cx. pipiens larvae and pupae with 9.9% of the average breeding rate. Total average of the mosquito breeding rate was 10.9% of the investigated septic tanks of residential buildings in Ulsan. The number of mosquito larvae in the septic tanks were 15 to 75 larvae/dip. The bent net sets of septic tanks prevented from mosquito breeding to the rate of 93.1 %.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The German Werkbund, which was founded in 1907, played an important role in the history of modern architecture. Its exhibition 1914 in Cologne is estimated as a meaningful event in the development of modern architecture. Especially two examples, among which were built at that time, are worthy of notice. The one is the 'Modelfactory' by Walter Gropius and the other 'Glashaus' by Bruno Taut. Generally in the Textbook on the history of modern architecture, the Taut's Glashaus is rarely mentioned or described as a early example of some expressionistic architecture, while the Modelfactory by Gropius is regarded as an essential workpiece in the early stage of modern movement. the time of searching alternative not only from rationalistic modernism but also postmodernism and today in the time of plurality, Taut's Glashaus could bring us more interesting and meaningful aspects in architectural design. Through investigating the background in the planning stage and analysing the composition of space, construction, circulation etc. it is to try to understand the building as really as what it was. Furthermore, historical meanings of the building in the modern architecture is reinterpreted in the following aspects; what should be reflected in architecture and how could 'Zeitgeist' be architecturally adopted?
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to bring light on the characteristics of the transition in the Ddeulzip. The subject of this study is clan village of Pungsan Kim's family in Andong Cultural Area. Architectural transition of Ddeulzip is analyzed into three part. The first part is settlement of family. In this process, there is a background and many types of settlement. The second part is the extension of family. The extensional types are 'near-by branch' and 'far-away branch'. The last part is variation of housing. Spacial requests of residence are changed endlessly. Thus the spacial types of Ddeulzip are changed by the construction time of building. In many case, we couldn't decide the building period. The genealogy of Chosun Dynasty is the base of family history. In this study, the construction activity of Ddeulzip is based on the genealogy. The phylogenetic tree of Ddeulzip in clan village is constructed by the genealogy. The figures of the type of bunch of grapes is made by phylogenetic tree based on the genealogy. Omi Village in Andong was settled at first in the 15C. The cause of settlement is the aim of escape from political oppression. For long time, Omi Village is developed gradually. There area is divided in some small family boundary. There spacial types are contained the characteristics of many times. Orock Village in Bonghwa is settled for search of best environment in the last of 17C. At that time, a lot of families of same clan are gathered in that village. For short time, Orock Village is enlarged quickly. Thus there spacial type is similar each other. But boundary of entire space of outdoor is constructed clearly by pavilion area, housing area and sanctuary area.
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