
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 86

        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A model net experiment of the gape net for anchovy in Jindo, Jeollanam-do was carried out to investigate the net shape and hydrodynamic resistance using circulating water channel. The model net was made 1/33 down scale by Tauti’s similarity method and the range of experimental current speed was from 0.5 knot to 3.5 knot (increasing 0.5 knot interval). The net mouth height in 0.5 knot of the minimum experiment current speed was shown 26.0 cm (full-scale conversion value 8.58 m). The net mouth height and mouth area in 1.5 knot of the same current speed with a gape net fishing ground were shown 20.0 cm (full-scale conversion value : 6.60 m) and about 507.9 cm2 (full-scale conversion value : 55.31 m2). The net mouth height and area were decreased with increase the experimental current speed. The hydrodynamic resistance of the model net in 1.5 knot current speed was shown 1.11 kgf and the value of full-scale conversion by Tauti’s method was shown 3.996 ton.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The worldwide abundance of various jellyfish appears to have increased in coastal ecosystems in recent years. The enormous jellyfish blooms cause a variety of problems for the local ecology, fisheries, and aquatic-sports in coastal locations. In this study, jellyfish sting protection net was installed to ensure the safety and reduction of the inflow into the Haeundae beach. In order to confirm the stability of the protection net, the tension for protection net was measured from variation of current speed. The periods for maximum tension were observed correspond to the periods of maximum current speed. The maximum tension for protection net was measured up to 4,100 kg. From field evaluations, the jellyfish sting protection net has demonstrated to stability from the current and tide in the Haeundae beach.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The heat treatment machine based on immersion was developed to reduce temperature difference during netting process and appraised it performance compared current heat treatment machine using high pressure. It was also reviewed the optimum heat treatment procedures for PBSAT monofilament net in accordance with the immersion time and temperature. The procedure was based on physical measurement such as breaking load, elongation and angle of the mesh for PBSAT monofilament. The water temperature gap of the treatment machine based on immersion was less than 1°C. and the energy consumption was also increased in high temperature condition. It was identified that the optimum temperature was 75°C and its optimum processing time was between 15 minutes and 20 minutes to get qualified physical properties.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Recently, attempts have been made to evaluate tire-pavement noise based on a measure of Mean Profile Depth (MPD). However, equivalent values of MPD appear to correspond to different levels of tire-pavement noise, which indicates that other factors such as texture wavelength need to be included to improve the accuracy of noise prediction. A single index to represent texture wavelength is proposed in this study. A consistent relationship between tire-pavement noise and texture wavelength on asphalt concrete pavement is observed. METHODS: Profile data and tire-pavement noise data were collected from a number of expressway sections in Korea. In addition, texture wavelength was defined by a Peak Number (PN), which was calculated using profile data. Statistical analysis was performed to find the relationship between the PN and tire-pavement noise. RESULTS: As a result of this study, a linear relationship between PN and tire-pavement noise is observed on asphalt concrete pavement. CONCLUSIONS: Tire-pavement noise on asphalt concrete pavement can be predicted from PN information.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study describes the result on PV system for evaluating the performance of small fishing boats. Photovoltaic system with 200 watts power generation facilities on the 3-ton fishing boat was carried. Load test was performed on the condition that the work lamps lit during night operations. As a result the performance can be used for more than two hours at 60 watt work lamps. The load test was performed on the condition that fishing vessels are on the cruising condition at sea. The solar power systems have been investigated as a power generation efficiency of about 36.55%. Additional tests show that the power generation efficiency is difficult to expect a maximum of 50% or more.Fuel consumption of fishing boats by installing a solar power system is reduced. Also the PV system is useful for the verification of their availability for fishing vessels as well as the satisfaction of the fishermen. The results for the durability of the photovoltaic device is acceptable, including a solar panel, controller and the performance exhibited no breakage in the harsh marine environment or failure so far. The installed PV system was confirmed that the durability with at least 2 years.
        2014.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해양오염방지법을 효시로 하는 해양환경관리법은 우리나라 관할해역의 해양환경을 관리하기 위한 사실상 기본법으로 역할을 해 왔다고 평가된다. 하지만 크고 작은 개정, 선언적 규정과 실체법적 규정의 혼재, 법의 전체 체계에 대한 고려 없이 여러 시책규정이 편입되는 등 형식상, 내용상 체계의 정당성을 충분을 확보하지 못하였다는 평가를 받기도 한다. 이러한 비판에 근거해 최근 정부는 해양환경관리법을 해양정책기본법과 세부 법률로 분법 추진하고 있다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Swelling of the heat-treated netting for gillnet was estimated through the netting height in square acrylic tank. Experimental Nylon netting and PBSAT netting were heat-treated by using the high-degree vacuum method in hot water after net making. Heat-treatment temperatures were conducted with Nylon netting 105°C and PBSAT netting 62°C, 65°C, 66°C, 67°C. The swelling measurement method of a netting using the square tank was capable of the reduction measurement errors comparing with measurement methods of a mesh inner angle and the shortening rate of a mesh size. In addition, this method was available to comparison evaluation for each netting more easily. Wet type heat-treatment apparatus with high-degree vacuum was shown higher 7∼8°C inner side temperature than a setting temperature. The tensile strength and elongation of Nylon netting and PBSAT netting were shown higher wet condition than dry condition. The tensile strengths of PBSAT monofilaments in dry and wet condition were sharply decreased at heat-treatment temp. 75°C than heat-treatment temp. 74°C
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The sea cage in marine aquaculture might be varied such as on the stability and shape in the open sea by environmental factors. To evaluate the stability of net cage structures in the open sea, the physical and numerical modeling techniques were applied and compared with field observations. This study was carried out to analyse the stability and the volume loss which would have an effect on the fish swimming behavior in the octagonal pillar type fish cage under the open sea. As a results, the volume loss ratio of the fish cage as measured using a depth sensor was indicated a value of the 30.3% under the current velocity (1.1m/s). The fish cage should be consisted of a concrete block with a weight over 10 tons, a mooring rope diameter over 28mm PP, and a shackle of 25mm under the current speed of 1m/sec for reasonable stability.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the study is to estimate the Green-House-Gas (GHG) emissions from domestic eel farm in the water recirculation system or still-water system by the assessment of energy consumptions and GHG emissions for establishing to reduce standards of GHG from a sustainable perspective. GHG emission components as seeds, feed, fuel, electricity, fixed capital, fish respiration, and others were analysed at the different culture type between water recirculation system and still-water system by 3 stage farm size of small, medium, large scale. The result showed that the mean GHG emission of the eel farm was 18.7kg·CO2 in the stage of production per fish 1kg at different culture type and farm size. Therefore it could be useful for policy, planning, and regulation of aquaculture development with establishing GHG reduction standards.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The performance of five kind adsorbents, which can reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) from the diesel engine occupying 85% of the fishing boat, was carried out and the emission reduction filter was manufactured and evaluated in the adsorption efficiency of the emission gas for 240 KW diesel portable generator. As a NOx emission filter made of mordenite which has an excellent cation exchange capacity was manufactured by ball type adsorbents having excellent specific surface area. The adsorption efficiency of mordenite material applying the emission reduction filter began to show up at the operating time 10 minutes in comparison with the activated carbon and zeolite materials, and it was exposed to continue until 100% capability with passing by 20 minutes. So the adsorption efficiency of the NOx reduction filter consistently maintained at the averaged 80%.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미래 산업으로의 급속한 변화와 발전에 따라 국가 간 기술경쟁이 치열해지고 산업간의 융ㆍ복합 트렌드로 인해 과학기술의 사회경제적 중요성 및 영향력이 극대화 되는 현 시점에서 국가연구개발사업 예산의 40%에 가까운 예산이 투입되고 있는 출연(연)의 기능과 역할 정립이 가장 중요한 이슈로 부상되고 있다. 이에 본 논문은 출연(연)의 연구성과에 영향을 미치는 요인을 살펴보기 위해 성과에 미치는 각 변수들을 가정하여 이를 대표하는 독립변수로 연구비, 연구인력, 연구지원인력으로 상정하였고 종속변수인 연구성과는 기술료, 논문, 특허 등으로 상정하여 독립변수가 종속변수에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 시계열 분석과 횡단면 분석을 통해 회귀 분석 값을 도출하였다. 그 결과, 연구인력, 연구지원인력, 연구비 순으로 유의도와 상관계수의 값이 큰 것으로 나타났고 이는 향후 출연(연)의 육성과 지원책을 논하는데 있어 중요한 시사점을 제공할 수 있으리라 기대된다.
        2013.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리 헌법상 기본권의 하나로 규정되고 있는 환경권은 개별 법령을 통하여 구체적 권리로 인정될 수 있다. 개별 법령에서 환경의 개념을 설정할 때, 지나치게 포괄적인 환경개념을 추구하는 것은 자칫 환경의 보전을 위한 노력을 공허하게 만들 우려가 있다. 이는 해양환경의 개념 설정에도 동일하게 적용될 수 있다. 다만, 해양환경은 육상 환경과 구별되는 특성이 두드러지는 바, 해양환경의 보전을 위한 해양환경정책은 기존 전통적인 환경정책과는 달리, 해양환경의 보전과 친환경적인 개발 그리고 참여와 협력의 거버넌스를 포함하는 통합적인 접근을 추구해야 한다. 따라서 해양환경의 독자성에 대한 이해를 기반으로 한 해양환경정책의 수립은 향후 육상과 해양을 아우를 단일 법전의 통합 환경법 제정에 있어 해양환경의 보전을 위한 실효적 법체계 구축의 초석이 될 것으로 기대한다.
        2013.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        도로 소음은 주행은 주행 쾌적성에 영향을 주는 중요한 요소이다. 일반적인 포장관리 시스템에서는 도로의 공용성 평가하기 위한 방법으로 포장의 파손형태, 파손의 심각도 및 파손량, 평탄성을 중ㆍ장기적으로 모니터링 등의 방법으로 유지관리 기준이 제시되어 있으나, 도로의 기능적 측면인 도로 소음을 평가할 수 있는 방안이 없다. 그림 1과 같이 이승우(2013)의 연구에서는 PLP(Portable Laser Profiler)를 이용하여 주행 중 노면조직특성인 평균프로파일깊이(Mean Profile Depth)를 측정하여 타이어-노면 소음과의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 노면조직 깊이에 따라 타이어-노면 소음의 발생 범위가 다양하며, 노면조직 깊이가 증가할수록 타이어-노면소음이 증가하는 경향을 나타내고 있다. 그러나 동일한 MPD에서 소음의 크기가 다양하게 존재하며, 상관관계식에서 분산된 형상을 나타내고 있다. 국외의 경우에는 노면조직의 형상과 깊이에 따라 소음이 다르게 측정되는 경향을 연구결과가 있으며, 다양한 방향에서 연구가 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내에서 개발된 노면조직과 타이어-노면소음 분 석결과를 이용하여 동일한 노면조직의 형상과 패턴에 따른 소음평가하고, 노면조직의 형상과 패턴을 보다 편리하게 적용하기 위하여 노면조직의 형상 및 패턴의 지수화방안을 고찰하였다.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this study is to analyse economic feasibility of low-carbon-oriented gear for anchovy boat seine. The results of benefit/cost analysis showed that use of the low-carbon fishing gear is economically feasible. Considering the fuel saving and relatively low CO2 emission by reducing the resistance of gear, net present value by such type 1 gear improvement was estimated about -2,490 ~ -1,580 million won with the benefit-cost ratio 0.81~ 0.88. And net present value by such type 2 gear improvement was estimated about 6,540 ~ 7,780 million won with the benefit-cost ratio 1.79 ~ 1.94. Development of lowcarbon trawl gear would render significant contributions to reducing CO2 emission in fishing operations and lead to reduce fishing costs due to fuel savings.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to estimate the optimal net twine thickness of drift net for yellow croaker. The filed experiments of the fishing performance were conducted with three kinds of drift net with different monofilament diameters (No.3=0.284mm, No.4=0.330mm, No.5=0.370mm) the total eight times in the southwest coastal sea of Korea. And the physical properties tests on the monofilaments of experimental net were carried out to estimated breaking load and softness in dry and wet conditions, respectively. From the results, the No.3 mono. was the strongest break load per unit area in dry and wet conditions. And the softness showed that the No. 3 mono. was the most soft than another experimental monofilaments. The fishing performance was; the No. 3 drift net showed the most catches. Conversely, the catches of No. 4 and No. 5 drift net showed the half on the catches of No. 3 drift net. Consequently, the diameter of monofilament in the drift net for yellow croaker should carefully choose to consider the economic sides such as the amount of catches and the cost of catches.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to have an effect on control the growth of algae such as "Actinastrum fluviatile" which occurs frequently in the aquaculture tank using by a cold plasma, and it also would be expected to promote the growth of water plants due to active element causing OH radicals in the water. In addition, it was verified on the death rate as 99.9% on the scale protrusion of "Aeromonas hydrophila" as well as E. coli, especially, under extreme conditions more than 100 million pathogenic bacterium in the aqua pet tank, the ornamental fish had to act in a safe and healthy environment at over 98% death rate within 48 hours. It has been proven to give no affect on aerobic bacteria that exist in the filter or soil because there was no residual toxicity in the water tank. As the results, it will help to develop and apply on the sterilization device in other industries as well as aquarium organisms due to adopted energy-saving algorithm and reliability in use.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jigging and angling fishery is prevalent in the East Sea of Korea and this fishery needs many lamps to attract the fish. And the fishing boat uses 24~47 ballasts by the vessel's tonnage to turn on the fishing lamp. A 3.5kW magnetic-type ballast being currently used at many fishing boats can drive two 1.5kW metal-halide lamps. Meanwhile, this ballast has large weight (25kg) and volume. Therefore it is one of reason for the over-consumption of energy and the fire, resulted from overheat and electrical short, occurs occasionally because the ballast is installed at narrow and hot engine room. In addition, most of magnetic ballast has several problems such as periodic condenser replacement, low energy efficiency and making lamp short life, etc. So it is necessary to improve or develop newly the electronic ballast, which has to be smaller, lighter and more efficient. An electronic ballast was designed for the fishing boat by considering duration and electromagnetic interference in the study. Its weight and volume are respectably 40% and 66% compared to current ballast on the basis of PCB. The metal-halide lamp's spectrum of the designed ballast was nearly same to that of the current ballast in the test of lighting. In particular, the light stability was improved and there isn't any radio interference. As mentioned above, it is expected that the developed electronic ballast can replace current magnetic ballast because of many advantages related to energy-saving.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A series of fishing experiments were carried out in the western coastal waters of Korea from May, 2006 to September, 2007, using gill nets of different mesh sizes (m=101, 121.8, 152.5, 176.8, and 191 mm) to determine the mesh selectivity of gill net for swimming crab, Potunus trituberculatus. The catch species was composed of swimming crab (87%), Thomas's rapa whelk Rapana venosa (5%), arthritic neptune Neptunea cumingi (2%), Japanese swimming crab Charybdis japonica (2%), marbled sole Pleuronectes yokohamae (1%), pen shell Atrina pectinata, ocellate spot skate Okamejei kenojei, and so on. The carapace length (CL) of each swimming crab caught in the experimental nets was measured. Sponge crab (egg-bearing female crab) was appeared from the end of June to August in the coastal waters. The master selection curve was estimated by applying the extended Kitahara's method. The selection curve showed that the gill nets of larger mesh size allowed more crabs of small carapace size to escape. The optimum value (CL/m) was 0.645 and the CL/m was estimated to be 0.301, 0.354, 0.391, 0.422, and 0.450 when the retention probabilities were 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5, respectively.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Physical characteristics of net filament were investigated to test the fishing capacity of gill nets due to the flexibility difference between nylon and biodegradable nets (PBS 95%+PBAT 5% and PBS 80%+PBAT 20%). In addition, a total of 16 fishing experiments were conducted in the coastal waters of Jeongja, Ulsan, from August 10 to October 20, 2011 and from September 11 to November 3, 2012. The test results showed that nylon net filament exhibited more flexibility than biodegradable net filament when they were wet. Accordingly, the longer submerged time, the more fishing capacity the nylon gill nets demonstrated in comparison with the biodegradable gill nets. A total of 16 species were caught in 2011 with the nylon gill nets (1,323 fishes, weighing 342,885g) and the biodegradable gill nets (958 fishes, weighing 236,857g). 15 species were caught in 2012 with the nylon gill nets (1,582 fishes, weighing 448,360g) and the biodegradable gill nets (1,431 fishes, weighing 406,590g). Thus catch weights and the number of fish caught produced by the nylon nets were 1.45 times and 1.38 times higher than those of the biodegradable nets produced in 2011, and 1.1 times and 1.11 times higher in 2012. A test on the target species, pointhead flounder (Cleisthenes pinetorum) has similar results. The flexibility of a net was proved to be related to the fishing capacity, and as a result, it is concluded that the higher flexibility, the higher fishing capacity.
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