
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 116

        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        조사료 생산에 유망한 동계작물중 보리, 밀, 호밀, 귀리, 트리티케일(라이밀) 등 5종의 총체맥류에 대하여 월동 후 예취시기에 따른 생육 및 조사료 생산성에 관한 생장곡선을 조사하기 위하여 충남 예산군 소재의 충남농업기술원 답리작 포장에서 20062007년에 수행한 결과는 다음과 같다. 지상부 건물중에서 줄기가 차지하는 비율은 월동 후 점차 증가하다가 어느 정점부터는 감소하는 2차원적인 경향을 보였는데, 줄기의 구성비율이 최고가 되는 시기는 각각 영양
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 남부지방에 벼 대체 여름 사료작물인 옥수수를 파종하여 조사료를 생산하는데 논 재배에서 적응성 및 생산성이 우수한 품종을 선발할 목적으로 2007년부터 2008년까지 2년간에 걸쳐 전라남도 농업기술원에서 수행하였다. 국내육성 2품종과 도입품종 4품종 등 6품종 을 시험한 결과 광평옥 품종이 간장이 198cm 로 다른 품종들보다 크고 경직경이 굵으며 내습성 및 후기 녹체성이 좋고 우수한 특성을 보였으며 수량 측면에서도 생초수량은 ha당 생초 수량
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        조사료 생산에 유망한 동계작물 중 보리, 밀, 귀리(월동 가능), 트리티케일(라이밀) 등 4종의 총체맥류에 대하여 보리를 주품종으로 한 혼파재배시 조사료 생산 증대 효과를 요약한 결과는 다음과 같다. 보리 식물체의 건물중과 이삭크기 등으로 볼 때 혼파재배시 보리의 생육이 저하되는 작물은 트리티케일이 가장 심하였고, 다음은 밀이었으며, 귀리는 생육차이가 없었다. 보리를 주품종으로 하고 밀, 트리티케일, 귀리 등과의 혼파재배시 이삭수 증가 또는 보조작물의
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Early Buddhist rock cave temples of India, in spite of being an origin of Buddhist temples, has little been studied in Korea. After field studies and an interpretation of their forms in conjunction with religious life, precedent theories are supplemented and refuted as follows. Starting from the 2nd century B,C., Buddhist ascetic disciples digged residential rock caves, called vihara, for protection from monsoon rain and hot weather, A typical arrangement was settled -a courtyard type, with 3 side rows of tiny one-person bedroom and a front veranda with columns. Also digged were Chaitya caves, in line with viharas, to worship, which is the tumulus of Buddha's relics. I suggest that the original type of chaitya a simple circle cave with a stupa, suitable for circumambulating ceremonies. I refute the existing theory presenting Barabar caves of Ajivika as a chaitya origin, featuring empty circular room without a stupa. I also interpret a typical apsidal plan as being a simple result of adding a place of worshipping rites in front of the stupa. Enclosing columns around a cylindrical stupa is a result of reinforcing both the divine space and circumambulating ceremonies, with elongation toward hall. Finally the chaitya came to have a grandeur apsidal plan with high vault ceiling nave and a side aisle as in Western cathedrals with large frontal horseshoe arch windows. The Buddha image, which had become a new worshipping object, was integrated into the stupa and interior surface. First the stupa and then the statue was introduced to residential Viharas. Therefore, I suggest that the vihara should be renamed as 'chaitya' as a worshipping place, by establishing statue rooms without bedrooms at all. The functionally changed vihara is similar in form to a 'rectangular type of chaitya', little known and developed in different routes. A columned inner courtyard gradually becama an offering place, like Hindu mandapa, Buddhist caves ware changed to a kind of Tantric and Hindu temple by means of statue worshipping offering rituals.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 포도의 저장성을 향상시킬 수 있는 방법을 모색하기 위하여 'Sheridan'과 'Muscat Bailey A' 품종을 전해산성수 가습처리와 오존수 살균처리 및 전해산성수 살균처리하여 0±1℃에서 90±2%의 상대습도에서 60일간 저장하면서 포도의 품질 특성을 조사하였다. 모든 처리구에서 대조구에 비하여 저장성이 향상된 것을 알 수 있었으며, 중량감모율, 비정상과 발생률, 탈립율, 당도 및 진균수 억제 효과는 처리구별로 무처리구에 비하여 전해산성수 가습처리하여 포도를 저장하였을 때 중량감모율이 가장 적게 변화하여 좋은 효율을 나타내었고, 오존수 살균처리 및 전해산성수 살균처리 방법에서 비정상과 발생률, 탈립율, 당도 및 진균수에 대한 억제 효율을 나타내었는데, 오존수 살균방법보다 전해산성수 살균방법에서 높은 효과를 나타났다. 유리당과 총산 함량은 저장기간의 증가에 따라 약간의 감소를 보였으며, 과피의 anthocyanin 함량도 약간 증가하였다. 본 실험결과 전해산성수 가습방법과 살균방법이 우수한 효과를 나타냄을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seowon(書院) is a representing institution in Choseon Dynasty not only educationally but also politically and economically. Due to the artificial crackdown by Daewon-gun in 1871 and destruction by wars, it is difficult to restore and interpret the Seowon accurately at present. It is well known that the 'Basic Form' of the Seowon consists of an inner court, enclosed by the rear gangdang (lecture hall), dongseo-jae (east and west dormitory), and the front munlu (gate pavilion or upper story bower for relaxation), represented by so called 'front-dormitory rear-lecture-hall type', that is, 'jeonjae hudang(前齋後堂) type'. However, it is overlooked that this Basic Form is a product of Youngnam School located only in Youngnam area. A different form, of 'front-lecture-hall rear-dormitory type', or 'jeonndang hujae(前堂後 齋) type' is located only in Gyeonggi, Hoseo and Honam area. It has been wrongly analyzed that the type is a result of the later period, emphasizing the memorial service rather than the lecture itself, and worshipping loyalists than Confucian scholars. Analysis encompassing each Seowon architecture has been mistakenly made by historians as "deterioration" of the original educational purpose of the Seowon from the early period to the later period. This paper raises the fact that the form of jeondang hujae type has been established since the early period of Seowon in the 16th Century. It has a unique order of space itself. Here, the lecture hall faces toward sadang (shrine). The inner court, enclosed by east and west jae and the lecture hall, becomes the outer yard of the shrine, and as a result two main spaces of the shrine and lecture area is merged into one. While the munlu of the basic type encloses the inner court of the main area, the munlu of jeondang hujae type is located at the vicinity area. This paper reinterprets the jeondang hujae type not as a form coming out of degenerated period but as a type that belongs to a different Confucian school, the area of Kiho, and concludes that the Seowon is a product of political struggles between the two schools and of the local economical situation. Each school has maintained his own type of form, therefore the remaining Kiho Seowon architecture can be reevaluated.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        축산분뇨를 이용한 사료작물을 재배할 때에 가장 큰 문제점은 지나치게 생육이 왕성하여 수확 전에 도복되는 문제점으로 대두되어 본 연구는 논토양의 유기물함량에 따른 품종별 작물학적 특성, 수량 및 사료가치에 미치는 영향을 알기 위하여 선우보리, 영양보리, 상원보리, 우호보리, 소만보리, 유연보리 등 6품종을 비옥도가 다른 논토양에 2006년 10월 18일에 파종하여 연구한 결과 공시품종 중에서 비옥지에서는 우호보리와 소만보리가 내도복성이 강한 것을 알 수
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through a field study of the folk houses, 'Closed ㄱㄴ Type' in Goyang-si, Gyonggj-do, focused on the dweller's life by the method of ethnographic interview, observation, and physical survey. L and opposite L type of inner and outer buildings form a closed inner court, and innermost backyard for woman is enclosed by fence. Form and space of the house contains dweller's traditional life. Outer space of a front gate becomes semiprivate space, for thrashing and piling up harvest and raising vegetables and pigs. Confucius principle does not fully dominate dweller's life of ancestral rite at Daecheong floor, and separation of man's and woman's quarter. Superstitious worship activities took place for lord of site and house. In everyday life, Anbang, inner main room, is assigned for parent's quarter instead of woman's quarter, and Geornbang, next room, was for son's family. Anbang has symbolic meaning for a place of deathbed. House contains agricultural activities, crop harvesting, thrashing, putting into storage, hulling rice, and keeping grain near kitchen. At present, rooms are needed more; sheds are made into rooms, rooms are enlarged toward outside, half outside space like Daechong floor becomes interior space by sash screen. And modern facilities of kitchen and bathroom are equipped for convenience. At the end, meaning and generative principle of those forms are discovered.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand underlying principle to form the U-type folk house in the northwestern part of Kangwha Island by viewpoint of inner residents. It is found that many factors other than climate are coincidentally affecting the shape of house; Resident's fixed thought like following geomancer' suggestion, seeking fortune, and locating house enclosed low site; Economic reason of uniting one house with two buildings and making small type by used timber from dismantled house; Centralizing life with small courtyard by reason of family type change from extended to nuclear; Influence from L or ㅁ type of upper class building at Seoul area. The method is thick description of culture with ethnographic method from cognitive anthropology: Observing the form and restoring residents' life with open-ended deep interview.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to interpret a house as material into culture. Main method is an ethnographic interview with dwellers as a part of a participant observation, a kind qualitative study. Significantly two different types of folk housing are discovered in East and West areas of the Cheju Island. In the East, kitchen itself forms a separated building, Jeongji-gori, whereas in the West, kitchen is within a main building, An-gori. Different type of kitchen is formed by the different family system. While independent family system of son and father selects a separate kitchen building as a general rule of Cheju Island, an extended family system between father and son selects same kitchen, Jeongji-gori, in the east area. Natural environment of infertile soil of east area makes family work together and eat together. Inner space of the kitchen building is utilized not only in cooking but also in eating, working, and sleeping. In order to explain folk house type, a 'culture area' concept is suggested. The interrelated 'cultural type' of architecture behind a physical surface 'type' is suggested as a new typology.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Basic concept of this study is that architectural form as a material at present has meaning for the dweller's life on the past historical plane. Main method to recover history is ethnographic interview to dwellers. Secondary method is to analyze ancestors' writings, buildings in the background of the family photos, and past drawings and then to relate them with architectural form at present. Taxonomy is a starting point: general name of the building by outside researcher is quite different from it by inside dwellers. 'Haengrang-chae', servant quarter, has never been used for servants. Function of the haengrang went outside thatched houses at the front village. Firsthand observation or simple analyses as results of several precedent research are reexamined and criticized through this study. The mansion has moaning when we synthesize with the site location based on farming land and tenant farmer, and decline of the Kyongpo Lake. Territoriality of the mansion is reinterpreted to 'In-Out Structure' by Yin-Yang thinking, Dwellers extend buildings gradually to outside village, surrounding rear hills, the lake, DongHae Sea, and finally goes to imaginative Taoist heaven beyond real nature through the literary life. Confucius principle, known to govern upper class house at Yi Dynasty also affect general composition of the buildings: perpetuation of the family by ancestor worship, elder dominance and male dominance, fraternity love in the extended family, charity display by reception of guests, Taoist scholarly life harmonized with nature. However, the study of the particular life and usage of the dwellers reinforces or corrects general supposition of precedent researches. Unique shape of the house has been formed by convenience of the dwellers' life style, early modernized free thought over the rigid Confucius design principle, and female power in male dominant society.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to learn from a lesson of the historical fact, the Team 10's break away from the CIAM, which is selected as the most important event in the whole 20th century architecture by author as a historian. The CIAM, organized in 1928 by leading European architects in order to propose new architecture in the industrial era, expanded to the world, met almost annually with an idea of economic efficiency, new functional order, and industrial production for thirty years. Young architects had conflicted with old established group from 6th congress, and after 10th congress they met independently in 1959; the CIAM was disappeared and the Team 10 was born. Main issue of the break-away was human aspect. The Team 10 started from real man, concept of 'human contact', 'sense of community', and 'belonging' instead of abstract functional order. Although CIAM did not suggest inhumane architecture, their biological criteria with sunlight, air, sufficient site became physical determinism. Critique against the Team 10, unsuccess for making humane architecture leads to underestimation like a generational hegemony struggle. However, architect is not specialist of life but form. Historical reevaluation for Team 10 should be that they are the first group to raise an human issue in architecture. Success or not to solve the problem belongs to another domain. After 1960, modern architecture was attacked from the common people, not clients but 'users'. Academic circle tried to solve the problem with behavioral approach through a clear process, 'design method' and with phenomenological approach on real human experience. However practice became reactionary tendency, to make form a little complex, they became post-modern and deconstruction form. Failure of the Team 10's form proved that a complex form does not necessarily make a good life of people. In the Korean historic situation of colony ruling, confusion of liberation, and the War, we did not know the existence of both CIAM and Team 10. After 1970s' economic development, we have just copied Western form from Modern via Post-Modern to Deconstruction. If we make architecture people mattered, we should start from the basic, learning from the Team's break-away, instead of copying.
        1998.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        살아있는 새고막을 자숙, 탈각한 후 크키가 비슷한 육만을 취하여 0.1% BHA, 0.1% Tenox-Ⅱ, 0.5% Na_2EDTA 및 0.05% NDGA 용액과 3% 식염수를 대조구로 하여 각각 용액에 1시간 침지시키고, 탈수시킨 것을 통조림 제조 공장에서의 가열처리 온도인 116℃에서 120분간 열처리후 carotenoid 색소의 잔존율은 대조구가 30.3%인 반면에 63.1%로 높게 나타났다. 다음으로 효과적인 것은 0.5% Na_2EDTA용액, 0.1% Tenox-Ⅱ 용액 순서였으며 116℃에서 시간별로 가열처리하였을 때 0.1% BHA 용액이 색소 안정화에 가장 효과적으로 나타났는데, 116℃에서 120분간 열처리후 carotenoid 색소의 잔존율은 차례대로 각각 59.0%, 57.1% 및 43.3%로 나타났다. 그리고 지용성 갈변물질의 생성은 대조구가 116℃에서 120분간 열처리후 흡광도가 0.051에서 0.297로 크게 증가한 반면에 0.1% BHA 용액에 침지시킨 제품이 갈변억제에도 가장 효과적으로 나타났으며 흡광도가 0.051에서 0.148로 약간 증가하였다. 새고막 육을 0.1% BHA를 용해시킨 3% 식염수에 1시간 침지한 후 관에 담고서 116℃에서 70분간 가열살균하여 급냉시킨 것을 37±1℃에서 2개월 동안 저장하였을 때 일반 성분은 매우 안정하여 성분상의 큰 변화가 나타나지 않았고, pH나 염도의 변화도 거의 없었다. 그리고 총 carotenoid 함량은 통조림 제조 직후 0.83mg% 이던 것이 저장 60일 후 0.72mg%로 다소 감소하였으나, 이때의 잔존율은 86.7%로 나타났다. 그리고 일반세균의 수가 원료에서는 6.92·10 exp (3) cfu/ml이던 것이 살균한 통조림 제품에서는 37±1℃에서 60일간 저장하여도 미생물이 검출되지 않았다. 원료의 아미노산 중에서 함량이 높은 주요 아미노산은 glutamic acid 156.8mg%(19.1%), arginine 131.8mg%(16.0%), glycine 103.5mg%(12.6%), alanine 100.3mg%(12.2%) 및 aspartic acid 62.8mg%(7.6%)로 나타났으며, 이들 5종의 아미노산 합계가 전체의 67.5%를 차지하였다. 그리고 함량이 적은 아미노산으로는 cystine 7.2mg%(0.9%), isoleucine 12.6mg%(1.5%), histidine 15.7mg%(1.9%), phenylalanine 15.7mg%(1.9%) 및 methionine 17.3mg%(2.1%)의 순서로 나타났다. 원료 중의 전체 아미노산 함량은 822.6mg%로 나타났으며, 통조림으로 제조후 37±1℃에서 60일 동안 저장하였을때는 786.9mg%로 잔존율이 95.7%로 매우 높게 나타나 통조림 제품의 유통 중에도 매우 안정하였다. 원료에서의 핵산관련물질 함량은 6.27umol/g으로 그 중에서 hypoxanthine 2.14umol/g, IMP 1.94umol/g, ATP 0.87umol/g 순서로 함량이 높았고, inosine은 0.38umol/g으로서 ?량이 제일 적었다. 그리고 37±1℃에서 60일 동안 저장하였을 때 전체 함량은 6.09umol/g로서 크게 변화가 없었다. 그 중에서 hypoxanthine은 2.73umol/g, inosine은 0.54umol/g으로 함량이 약간 증가하였고 ATP, ADP, AMP 및 IMP는 함량이 다소 감소하였다.
        1998.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        달걀의 Allergenicity를 감소시킬 수 있는 방안을 강구하고자 물리적 처리, 축합 인산염 처리 및 효소처리를 하여 Guinea pig를 이용한 Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis(PCA) inhibition 실험과 Non Proteic Nitrogen(NPN)정량을 통한 가수분해율의 측정결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 달걀의 allergenicity는 가열에 의해 감소하였으며 가열시간이 길수록 단백질 가수분해율 및 PCA inhibition을 증가시켰다. Ultraviolet照射와 microwave照射는 단백 가수분해율과 PCA inhibition을 증가시켜서 allergenictity를 저하시켰으며 ultraviolet이 저해효과가 더 컸으며 부화달걀은 allergenicity를 감소시키지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 효소처리는 단백질의 가수분해율 및 PCA inhibition을 증가시키며 allergenicity를 현저히 감소시켰으며 alcalase의 저해효과가 더 컸다. Polyphosphate의 첨가는 단백질의 가수분해는 유도하지 않았으나 PCA inhibition을 증가시키며 allergenicity를 감소시켰다. Allergenicity를 감소시키기 위한 처리를 한 달걀 gel의 주사전자현미경 사진은 효소처리시 표면이 밝게 나타나서 단백질이 분해되었음을 알 수 있었고 neutrase가 alcalase보다 밝게 나타났으나 반응시간의 증가에 따라 모든 효소 표면이 밝게 나타났다. Instron에서 달걀 gel의 경도를 측정한 결과 효소와의 반응시간이 길수록 경도가 감소하는 경향을 보였다.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to explore the daily meal pattern in Seoul families. The informations of this study were obtained from 443 housewives in Seoul during August 20 to September 20, 1994, by using questionaires. The χ^2 test was applied to see the individual data. The following observations were made in this study. 57% of Seoul families had rice with side dish set three times a day, the first choice for rice substitute was bread in breakfast and noodle in lunch, 98% of the subjects had rice in dinner. The change of the meal pattern from boiled rice to bread and noodle was the result of social changes such as urbanization, heightening up of education level of woman and the resulting increase of woman employment. They were consumed 2∼5 varieties of side dishes. The favorite were Kimchi and Cigae` and Guk. The major meal pattern is Seoul is still the traditional one composed of boiled rice and side dishes.
        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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