
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 93

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 스마트 기기 활용 역량이 스마트 기기 기반 국가시험 인식에 미치는 영향을 검증하는데 목적을 둔 실증적 조사연구이다. 방법 : 국가시험에 응시 예정인 안경광학과 전공 학생 60명을 대상으로 진행하였으며, 설문은 총 15문항으로 구성되어 있으며, Likert 5점 척도로 조사가 이루어졌다. 결과 : 스마트 기기 활용 역량 중 정보, 문서화 역량을 제외하고는 기록, 소통, 관리, 멀티미디어화 역량이 스마트 기기 기반 국가 시험 인식에 유의한 정적 상관관계가 나타났다. 또한, 스마트 기기 기반 국가시험에 대한 긍정적 인식은 46%이며, 스마트 기기 활용 역량 중 멀티미디어화 역량이 스마트 기기 기반 국가시험 인식에 유의한 영향을 미치는 변수로 나타났다. 결론 : 본 연구로 멀티미디어 문항개발 및 스마트 기기 기반 국가 시험 도입에 대한 타당성을 확보하고, 스마트 기기 기반 국가시험 체제의 문제점을 보완하여 국가시험을 준비하는 학생들에게 멀티미디어 문항이 포함된 스마트 기기 기반 국가시험이 신뢰할만한 시험이라는 긍정적 인식 변화에 영향을 미칠 것으로 사료된다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To identify and compare the venom components and expression patterns of some bees/wasps, venom gland-specific transcriptome analyses were conducted for 14 Aculeate bees/wasps. Most of the allergens and pain-producing factors showed extremely high expression levels in social wasps, implying that social wasps have evolved to use venom to defend the colony against intruders. Acid phosphatase and tachykinin, which are known as allergens and neurotoxic peptides, were found with high frequencies in the venom glands of solitary wasps. This suggests that solitary wasps might use their venom for catching and preserving prey. In the venom glands of bumblebees, little or no transcripts of major allergens or pain producing factors were identified, implying that bumblebees venoms are relatively less toxic than those of social or solitary wasps. Taken together, the differential expression patterns of venom genes in some Aculeate bees/wasps implies that bees/wasps have unique groups of highly expressed venom components, which appear to have evolved in response to both ecological and behavioral influences.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to confirm the predatory and developmental features of N. stenoferus. We determine the host range of N. stenoferus. As a result, it was confirmed that Aphis gssypii, Myzus persicae, Planococcus citri, and Frankliniella occidentalis. N. stenoferus is thought to be able to feed on other micro pests. The test for a developmental period of N. stenoferus at 25℃ showed that the egg period was about 10 days. The nymphal period was about 18 days. Each nymphal period from 1st instar to 3rd instar nymphs was about 3 days. And the nymphal period of 4th and 5th were about 3.5 and 6 days, respectively. The female adult laid eggs in stem tissue or on leaves, and sometimes on the soaked cotton for water supply.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The knock-in efficiency is very important to manipulate gene editing in the transgenic domestic animal. Recently, it is reported that transiently loosen nucleosome folding of transcriptionally inactive chromatin might have potential tp enhance the homologouse recombination efficiency. Histone deacetylases (HDAC) are a class of enzymes that remove acetyl groups from an amino acid on a histone. This is important because DNA is wrapped around histones, and DNA expression is regulated by acetylation and de-acetylation. In this study, Mac-T cell were treated with 10uM VPA (valproic acid, HDAC inhibitor) for 24 h and transfected with Knock-in vector and TALEN at targeting of β-casein gene. After 3 day of transfection, knock-in efficiency was confirmed by PCR. The level of HDAC2 protein in Mac-T cells was decreased by VPA treatment. The knock-in efficiency in the Mac-T cell with treated HDAC inhibitor was higher than cell not treated HDAC inhibitor. These results indicated that chromatin modification by HDAC inhibitor enhances homologous recombination efficiency in the Mac-T cell.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We report the structural, morphological and magnetic properties of the Ni70Mn30 alloy prepared by Planetary Ball Mill method. Keeping the milling time constant for 30 h, the effect of different ball milling speeds on the synthesis and magnetic properties of the samples was thoroughly investigated. A remarkable variation in the morphology and average particle size was observed with the increase in milling speed. For the samples ball milled at 200 and 300 rpm, the average particle size and hence magnetization were decreased due to the increased lattice strain, distortion and surface effects which became prominent due to the increase in the thickness of the outer magnetically dead layer. For the samples ball milled at 400, 500 and 600 rpm however, the average particle size and hence magnetization were increased. This increased magnetization was attributed to the reduced surface area to volume ratio that ultimately led to the enhanced ferromagnetic interactions. The maximum saturation magnetization (75 emu/g at 1 T applied field) observed for the sample ball milled at 600 rpm and the low value of coercivity makes this material useful as soft magnetic material.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 호남지방 소비자 들의 곤충 제품과 관련하여 식품구매 행동, 곤충제품에 대한 인식, 식용, 학습, 애완용, 사료용 곤충에 대한 인식 등에 대한 기초 자료를 얻고자 수행하였다. 연구의 대상은 광주, 전주, 순천 등 대도시 학생과 성인 230여명을 대상으로 2018년 5월부터 9월까지 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사 결과, 새로운 음식을 맛보는 소비자는 36%인고 맛보지 않는 소비자는 32%이지만 새로운 음식을 신뢰하는 소비자는 19%로 신뢰하지 않은 소비자 45%보다 더 적었으며 음식 재료를 모르면 맛보지 않은 소비자가 47%로 많지만 먹어 본적 없는 음식을 꺼리지 않고(46%), 까다롭지 않으며(45%), 무엇이든 잘 먹는(57%) 소비자가 더 많았다. 곤충 제품에 대한 인식은 곤충을 잘 알고 있으며(97%), 체험해보거나(89%), 구입해본 적이 있는(59%) 소비자가 더 많아 소비자들의 거부감이 크지 않음을 알 수 있었으며, 구입장소는 다양하고 주로 TV, 라디오를 통해(48%) 알게 되며 체험 종류나(59%), 구입 용도(63%)는 대부분 식,약용 곤충이었다. 식용곤충 구입은 어쩌다 한번이 79%로 아직까지 주기적으로 구입은 하지 않았으며 멋져 보이거나(54%), 건강을 생각하여(28%) 구입하는데 요리재료(46%), 건조, 튀김(24%) 형태로 누에(74%), 갈색거저리(6%), 흰점박이꽃무지(5%) 등을 구입하였다. 가격 만족도는 47%이며 품질(52%), 구입경로(53%), 맛(70%) 만족도도 긍정적으로 높았다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Gryllus bimaculatus is one of many cricket species known as field crickets. Also known as the African or Mediterranean field cricket or as the two-spotted cricket, it can be discriminated from other Gryllus species by the two dot-like marks on the base of its wings. G.bimaculatus is a subtropical insect and widely distributed from Africa to south Asia. After into the country, The species are popular for use as a food source for insectivorous animals like spiders and reptiles kept as pets. In 2016, was approved as a general food ingredient by Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. However, domestic research on G.bimaculatus is still in its study is beginning stages. and analyze nutrtion elements as per dry conditions for processing&production of G.bimaculatus. The growth stage passing by 50 days after hatching was highest in general component and amino acid contents. The crickets passing by 50 days after hatching was highest 77% crude protein in condition hotair drying 60℃, 23% crude fat in condition freeze drying.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기후변화, 외래병해충발생, 밀원수 감소 등 여러 요인으로 인해 우리 나라의 양봉농가는 벌꿀생산량 및 농가소득이 감소하는 추세이다. 또한 밀원이 없는 시기에 가축용 사료가 아닌 고가의 식용설탕을 꿀벌의 인공사료로 급여하고 있어 농가는 ‘생산비 상승’과 ‘밀원수 부족’을 국내양봉업이 직면한 가장 큰 문제점으로 지적하고 있다. 이에 따른 양봉농가의 생산비를 절감하고 꿀벌의 생리·생태의 개선효과를 가지는 저가형 당액사료개발을 위해 농산부산물에서 추출한 천연당을 봉군에 적용시험을 추진하였다. 양파(OS-1, OS-2), 양배추(CS-1, CS-2), 바나나(Banana)부산물에서 추출한 천연당의 봉군당 평균먹이소모량(mL)은 설탕당액(대조구) 처리구와 비교시 바나나추출당액 급여구에서 5500.00±0.00, 5133.33±404.15로 유사하였다. 그러나 꿀벌의 봉세발달은 대조구에 비해 21006.7±2137, 17403.3±2257마리로 조사되어 낮은 경향을 나타내었고 수명조사 결과는 큰 차이가 없었다. 농산부산물을 이용한 천연당은 우선 꿀벌의 기호도 향상을 우선으로 개선시켜야 할 것으로 보인다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        농촌진흥청 개발 품종인 토종벌 신품종(질병저항성 우수계통)에 대해 전남지역에서의 형질특성(봉세발달, 마리당 수밀력, 청소력 등)을 조사하였다. 질병저항성 계통(RS)으로 육성된 토종벌의 유밀기 마리당 수밀력은 들어오는 일벌의 무게가 80.89±8.95mg, 나가는 일벌의 무게가 63.56±8.90mg으로 조사되었고, 비저항성계통(NRS)은 각각 83.22±1.39, 66.67±1.20mg으로 조사되어 RS에서 그 무게차가 0.7mg 더 높았으나 통계적 유의차는 없었다. Pin killed test에 의한 사충제거능력(청소력)은 제거하지 못한 유충잔존율이 RS에서 12시간과 24시간 경과시 14.00±10.39와 7.00±3.46으로, NRS에서는 20.33±14.29, 13.33±10.41%로 조사되었으며, 특히 RS와 NRS의 사충 비제거율이 24시간 경과하였을 때 4.67±2.08, 8.33±7.77%로 RS가 우수한 특성을 보였다. 신규여왕벌 입식 후 봉군세력발달은 NRS에 비하여 RS의 일벌수, 번데기 및 유충수의 발달율이 안정적이고 다소 빠르게 증가하였다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Oxya chinensis sinuosa Mistshenko(Orthoptera:Acrididae) was lived in clean and non polluted area. grasshopper was approved as a general food ingredient by Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. general component contents was 67~75% crude protein, 5~11% crude fat in a dried state. grasshopper is a high protein food. amino acids is high. In the composition and content of amino acids, which consists of the protein is the hightes alanine, glycine(soft and sweet) and arginine, histidine(essential amino acid of children) consequently, we developed a snack for children added with grasshopper powder. general composition of snack is 8~11% crude protein, 0.2~0.75% crude fat. The protein content increased with increasing addition ratio. 3% grasshopper powder was the best in general preference.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Toll and IMD pathways play an important role in producing antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) through NF-κB in insects. The functions of IκB kinase (IKK) complex regulating the NF-κB signaling cascade have not yet been investigated in Tenebrio model. Here, we identified TmIKK-β (or TmIrd5) which contains 2,112 bp encoding 703 amino acid residues. Domain analysis shows that TmIKK-β contains one Serine/Threonine protein kinases catalytic domain. Developmental expression patterns indicate that TmIKK- β gene was highly expressed in early pupal (P1) and adult (A5) stages. Tissue specific profiles show that TmIKK-β was highly expressed in the integuments in last instar larvae, and fat body and hemocytes in 5 day-old adults. TmIKK-β1 transcripts were strongly induced at 3 and 12 h-post injection of E. coli, and 3 h-post injection of S. aureus or C. albicans in hemocytes. In gut, TmIKK-β transcripts were slightly induced by E. coli (at 6, 9 and 24 h) and C. albicans (at 24 h), while it was not induced by S. aureus challenge. Moreover, it was highly induced at 6 h-post injection of E. coli and then it was gradually decreased in the fat body. To understand the immunological role of TmIKK-β, gene specific RNAi and mortality assay was performed. Depletion of TmIKK-β mRNA leads to increase microbial susceptibility of larvae against E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans. In addition, induction patterns of fourteen AMP genes in response to microbial challenge was tissue specifically investigated in TmIKK-β–silenced T. molitor larvae. The results suggest that expression of ten AMP genes out of fourteen genes were drastically decreased by TmIKK-β RNAi in fat body, suggesting that TmIKK-β plays an important role in antimicrobial innate immune responses.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It has been well known that IKK-β, -ε and –γ play a pivotal role in IMD pathway. In this study, TmIKK-ε was identified and their functions in countering pathogenic infections were investigated. We identified TmIKK-ε gene which including 2,196 bp nucleotides (encoding 731 amino acid residues). Domain analysis of TmIKK-ε indicates that there is one Serine/Threonine protein kinases catalytic domain. TmIKK-ε gene was highly expressed in 2 day-old pupal stage and the expression was gradually decreased until 1 day-old adults. Then the expression was slightly increased until 4 day-old adult stage. Tissue specific expression of TmIKK-ε mRNA was high in the gut, integuments and hemocytes in last instar larvae, and fat body, Malpighian tubules and testis in 5-daysold adult. In hemocytes, TmIKK-ε was drastically induced by E. coli injection after 3 h and by S. aureus at 3 and 12 h-post injection. In gut, expression level of TmIKK-ε was high at 6 h-post injection of microbial injection. Expression of TmIKK-ε in fat body was drastically induced by E. coli at 3 and 24 h-post injection while it was not significantly induced by S. aureus and C. albicans. To understand the immunological role of TmIKK-ε, gene specific RNAi and mortality assay were performed. TmIKK-ε RNAi caused increased larval mortality against E. coli, not S. aureus and C. albicans. Finally, to investigate the induction patterns of Tenebrio fourteen AMP genes in response TmIKK-ε RNAi, three microorganisms were treated into TmIKK-ε-silenced T. molitor larvae. Nine out of fourteen AMP genes were not induced by microbial challenge in TmIKK-β dsRNA-injected group. Taken together, our results indicate that TmIKK-ε may regulates nine antimicrobial peptide genes in response to microbial challenge in T. molitor fat body.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Autophagy is an important self-eating process to eliminate damaged or unused organelles. We identified nine autophagy-related genes (Atg) including AaAtg-1, -3, -4b, -4d, -5, -6, -8, -12 and -13 from the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Developmental expression patterns indicate that mRNA levels of AaAtg-1, -3, -4b, -4d, -5, -6, -12 and -13 were highly expressed in egg, whereas expression of AaAtg8 was high in 1stand3rdinstarlarvalstages. TissuespecificexpressionofthesegenesindicatesthatAaAtg1 was highly expressed in thorax and midgut in blood-fed adult female mosquitoes (BF), and head and thorax in sugar fed adult female mosquitoes (SF). Transcript level of AaAtg3 was high in thorax in BF, but head, thorax and Malpighian tubules in SF. AaAtg4b, -4d mRNA levels were significantly high in Malpighian tubules in BF, and head in SF, respectively. AaAtg-5 and -6 transcripts were highly expressed in head in BF, and expression of AaAtg-8 was high in Malpighian tubules in BF. Levels of AaAtg-12 and -13 mRNAs were significantly high in head and midgut in BF. Induction patterns of AaAtg genes against pathogens showed that AaAtg-1, -3, -4b, -8, -12 and -13 were strongly induced at 6 h-post injection of S. aureus, and mRNA levels of AaAtg-1, -3 and -13 were significantly induced by E. coli challenge after 3 h-post injection in SF abdominal carcass. In SF midgut, AaAtg-1, -3, -4b, -4d, -5, -6, -12 and -13 transcripts were drastically induced at 9 h-injection of E. coli and S. aureus, while expression of AaAtg-8 was highly induced by S. aureus and C. albicans at 9 h-post injection. Each AaAtg gene was slightly induced by E. coli, S. aureus or C. albicans at different time points in abdominal carcass in BF. Interestingly, AaAtg-8 was not induced by microbial challenge. While eight other Atg genes except AaAtg-8 were highly influenced by S. aureus at 6 and 9 h-post injection, E. coli at 3 h-post-treatment, and 3, 6, and 9 h-post inoculation. In the future, we will characterize the functional roles of autophagy during mosquito-microbes interaction.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Host defense against pathogen invasion highly relies on immune defense machinery that is controlled by the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) of transcription factors. The Toll pathway are well known as an insect innate immune mechanism to protect host itself from invaded pathogens. Basically, in the edible insect, Tenebrio molitor, the Toll pathway is primarily activated by polymeric Lys-type peptidoglycans (PGNs), and components of fungal cell walls, β-1,3-glucan. Based on the current studies, the tremendous study has been focused on recognition and subsequent activation of spätzle in haemolymph, hence, there is a grave gap for intracellular event. Herein, in order to understand intracellular event of Toll signaling pathway, the Dorsal gene were identified. Moreover, domain analyses of TmDorsal2 gene indicate that there are two major domains such as Rel homology domain (RHD), ig-like, plexins, and transcription factors (IPT) domains. Based on the achieved results, TmDorsal2 mRNA was highly expressed in 1-day old pupa. Furthermore, TmDorsal2 was highly expressed in Malpighian tubules and fat body in last instar larvae (LL), and likewise mainly expressed in Malpighian tubules during adult 5-day old period, also the lowest expression of TmDorsal2 was observed in gonads. Moreover, TmDorsal2 mRNA levels after infection with E. coli appreciably went up at 6 and 9h time points. To investigate the effects of TmDorsal2 RNAi on larval susceptibility against various pathogens namely E. coli, S. aureus or C.albicans, dsRNA of TmDorsal2 has been synthesized the larvae dissected after 24h. As a result, TmAttacin1a, 1b and 2, TmDefencine1 and 2, TmTenecin1, 2, 3 and 4, TmCecropin2, TmColeoptericin1 and 2, Thaumatin-like protein 1 and 2 markedly reduced in the gut after injecting all mentioned microbes. In contrast, TmTenecin 2, Thaumatin-like protein 1 and 2 strikingly increased after microbe injection in the fat body. Interestingly, the most AMPs gene expression in whole body experimental case were upregulated. On the horizon, we will investigate effects of TmDorsal1 RNAi on larval susceptibility against various pathogens. Taken together, our studies may aid to understand insect innate immunity.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To identify the venom components and their expression patterns of some Aculeata bees/wasps, venom gland-specific transcriptome analysis was conducted. FPKM values were normalized with the average of the transcription level of reference gene (a-tubulin). Common components in both solitary and social wasp venoms include hyaluronidase, phospholipase A2, metalloendopeptidase, etc. Although it has been expected that more diverse bioactive components with the functions of prey inactivation and physiology manipulation are present in solitary wasps, the information on venom compositions of solitary wasps obtained in this study was not sufficient to generalizae this notion. Nevertheless, some neurotoxic peptides (e.g., pompilidotoxin and dendrotoxin-like peptide) and proteins (e.g., insuline-like peptide binding protein) appear to be specific to solitary wasp venom. In contrast, several proteins, such as venom allergen 5 protein, venom acid phosphatase, and various phospholipases, appear to be relatively more abundant in social wasp venom. In the venom gland trancsriptome of bumblebees, major allergens or pain producing factors were barely identified, implying that bumblebee venoms are relatively less toxic than those of social or solitary wasps.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        IKK-γ is an essential protein to form IKK complex which regulate NF-κB. We identified TmIKK-γ (or TmKenny) gene which has 1,521 bp of nucleotides encoding 506 amino acid residues. Domain analysis of TmIKK-γ shows that there are one NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO) domain and a leucine zipper domain. Expression of TmIKK-γ gene was gradually increased from egg to 2-day-old pupal stage, dramatically decreased until 7 day-old pupal stage, and then it was gradually increased. TmIKK-γ transcripts were highly expressed in fat body and hemocytes in late instar larvae and integuments, fat body and Malpighian tubules in 5 day-old adult. TmIKK-γ was drastically induced by E. coli after 3 h challenges and by S. aureus at 3 and 12 h-post injection in hemocytes. TmIKK-γ was not induced by C. albicans although it was significantly induced by E. coli (at 3, 6 and 24 h) and S. aureus (at 9 h) in gut. In fat body, expression of TmIKK-γ was drastically induced by E. coli at 3 and 24 h-post injection while it was not significantly induced by S. aureus and C. albicans. To understand the immunological role of TmIKK-γ, gene specific RNAi and mortality assay was performed. larval mortality against microbial challenge was dramatically increased by TmIKK-γ RNAi. Furthermore, we investigate the tissue specific induction patterns of fourteen AMP genes in response TmIKK-γ dsRNA-treatment. In fat body, ten AMP genes out of fourteen was not significantly induced by microbial challenge in TmIKK-γ dsRNA-treated group. Based on these results, TmIKK-γ might play an important role in antimicrobial innate immune responses in Tenebrio molitor.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Insecticidal and repellent effects of herb extracts were tested against Aedes albopictus and Ochlerotatus togoi that are common among mosquitoes which inhabit Korea. Herb extracts from Mentha×piperita, Ocimum basilicum, and Nepeta cataria were extracted using distilled water and 70% ethanol respectively. Both kinds of mosquitoes were raised in environment control rearing system with air temperature of 25℃, humidity of 70%, and light condition of 14:10(L:D). Insecticidal effect was verified by feeding extracts to mosquitoes(Park et al., 2016.); repellent effect, by measuring their radial distance from extract by time. N. cataria extract using distilled water as a solvent is predominant in insecticidal effect; O. basilicum, using 70% ethanol. In particular, N. cataria has the most outstanding repellent effect.
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