
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 64

        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리가 유대교와 기독교의 메시아에 대한 해석의 차이를 무시하고 성경을 메시아의 약속과 성취라는 도식으로만 해석한다면, 구약의 내용을 심각하게 제한하는 것이다. 또한 구원사에서 이스라엘의 선택과 언약, 열방을 향한 하나님의 선포와 이스라엘의 역할 등을 간과하는 것이다. 가령 메시아 예언의 핵심인 구약의 하나님의 ‘종’은 개인과 공동체 모두를 가리키고 있어서 ‘종’을 철저히 개인으로 해석하는 기독 교와는 큰 차이가 있다. 그러나 이 종이 개인이든 공동체이든 공히 선교적 사명을 가진 것은 분명하기 때문에 ‘종’에 대해 선교적 해석을 할 때 그 공통점을 발견하게 된다. 열방의 복의 근원인 아브라함의 언약과 하나님의 의로운 통치를 실현하는 다윗의 언약이 약속에 따라 보냄 받은 그리스도에게로 이끄는 하나의 이야기(메시아적 해석)는 결국 그리스도로부터 모든 민족에게 나아가는 또 하나의 이야기(선교적 해석)와 합류된다. 그러므로 성경전 체를 읽는 해석학적 방향은 메시아적이면서 동시에 선교적이어야 한다. 십자가에서 하나님의 선교(Missio Dei)를 성취한 예수에게로 모아진 초점은 예수로부터 온 세상으로 파송(Missio Christi)되는 해석학적 체계가 되어야 하는 것이다. 이 논문에서는 모세 오경을 ‘선택,’ ‘출애굽,’ ‘율법’이라는 주제어를 가지고 선교적 해석을 하고, 구약의 역사서를 ‘하나님의 주권’과 ‘언약’이라는 주제어를 가지고 선교적 해석을 시도하 고 있다. 이것은 구약에서 선교와 관련된 구절을 찾아 선교의 기초를 놓는 것이 아니라 구약성경 전체를 ‘하나님의 선교’의 이야기라는 해석 학적 틀로 성경의 기초를 놓는 것이다.
        2016.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        하수처리장 반송슬러지를 채취한여 안정시킨 후 같은 평막 모듈 2개를 침지 시키고 각각의 막에 기존 MBR 공정인 FR (Filtration/Relaxation) 운전방식 및 연속운전을 적용시켜 막에 손상이 가지않을 정도의 압력에 도달할 때까지 운전 하였다. 이후 여러 가지 물리적 세척방법을 적용하여 막을 세척하는 실험을 반복하여 각 세척법에 대한 가역오염 기울기를 측정하였다. 또한 막에 대한 임계 투과유속을 측정하여 실험에 어떠한 영향을 끼치는지 확인하였다. 실험에 사용한 막은 P사의 평막이며 공칭세공크기 0.4 μm이며 막 면적은 약 0.02 m2이다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이슬람은 세계적으로 큰 이슈를 만들고 있다. 종교적으로 세계 제2위의 교세를 가지고 공격적인 선교로 급성장하고 있으며, 그 열정은 메카의 성지순례(하지)에서 수백 명씩 압사하는 현상으로 드러나기도 한다. 또한 2014년부터 ‘이슬람국가’(IS)가 시리아 내전에 참여하여 석유가 생산되는 국토를 장악하면서 세계의 젊은이들을 용병으로 끌어 들이며 확전되고 있다. 2015년 9월 현재 시리아 전체 인구 2300만 명의 절반이 난민이고 400만 명이 목숨을 건 탈출을 시도하고 있다. IS의 무자비한 학살은 오늘날 정의가 도전받고 있는 확실한 증표다. 이슬람은 종교와 정치가 매우 밀접한 관계에 있으며, 개인과 사회가 구분이 없기 때문에 정치는 물론 경제와 사회 문화의 영역까지도 크게 영향을 미친다. 따라서 이 논문은 이런 영역들을 정의의 관점에서 살펴보고, 상호존중과 정의로운 평화 안에서의 기독교 선교방안을 모색한다.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        에든버러 대회에 한국인으로 유일하게 참여한 윤치호는 대회에큰 기여를 하였다. 낙관주의에 근거한 서구의 일방적인 선교와 추상적철학사조에 문제를 제기하고, 서구교회가 토착교회와 함께 논의하며협력할 것을 강력히 요청하였다. 또한, 한국의 선교사를 대표하여마펫은 선교지에서 현지사역자와의 에큐메니컬 협력이 얼마나 중요한 가를 한국의 실제적인 성장사례에 근거하여 에든버러 대회에 널리알렸고, 존스는 교육이 선교에서 차지하는 역할의 중요성을 자신의한국경험을 통해 에든버러 대회에 소개함으로써 기여하였다. 한편, 에든버러 대회는 오늘의 한국교회에 매우 중요한 과제를 던지고 있다. 양적으로 크게 성장한 한국교회는 맘몬으로 병들고 있으며, 해외선교지에서 한국선교는 곧 돈이라는 비판을 받고 있다. 또한 선교사파송 세계 제2위라는 한국교회가 심각한 분열의 악습을 선교지에서도 답습하며, 현지사역자에 대한 우월적 태도로 에큐메니컬 협력을 실천하지 못하고 있다. 가난 속에서도 경제적으로 자립하였고, 교단을 초월하여 그리고 현지사역자와도 긴밀하게 협력한 초기 한국교회의 좋은 전통을 우리는 창조적으로 계승 발전시켜야 할 것이다.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        역사는 주어진 사료(史料)을 기술하는 것(history)으로는 충분하 지 않다. 왜냐하면 역사는 해석된 역사(Geschichte)일 때 진정한 역사 이기 때문이다. 초기기독교는 박해가 극심했음에도 불구하고 복음이 급속히 확산되었다. 그 이유를 유세비우스는 하나님의 계획에 따라 이루어진 것이라고 하였고, 그린은 확산의 저해요인을 들어 설명하였 다. 이와 반대로 페스틴저는 ‘인지적 부조화이론’을 들어 심한 박해가 도리어 열정적인 선교를 하게 했다고 보았고, 이를 수정한 게이저는 임박한 종말의 기대가 땅 끝까지 복음이 전파될 때까지로 대체되었고 하였다. 이에 비해 야코프 부르크하르트는 지금까지의 수용사(受容史) 중심의 선교역사에서 벗어나 전달자와의 관계에서 재해석함으로써 역사의 객관적 사실을 재구성하려고 하였다. 이를 초기기독교 확장사에 적용하면 복음의 확산에 기여한 흡인력으로서 내적요인과 추동력으로 서 외적요인으로 재해석할 수 있다. 흡입력으로서의 내적 요인은 선교 를 위한 신학, 순교자로서의 증인, 강력한 윤리적 공동체로서의 교회라 고 할 수 있고, 추동력으로서의 외적 요인은 세계를 통일하고 있었던 로마의 정치와 문화, 당시 문명이 서로 교차하는 세 개의 대륙이 서로 만나는 이스라엘의 지정학적 위치라고 할 수 있다.
        2014.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        에큐메니칼 역사에서 선교적 교회를 위한 토론은 계속되어 왔다. 국제선교협의회가 1921년 창립된 이래 교회의 선교적 의무가 주요 토론의제였고, 1948년 암스테르담에서 세계교회협의회가 창설되면서 이 두 기구의 통합을 위해서 더욱 구체화되었다. 따라서 이 논문은 1961년 뉴델리에서 IMC로 대변되는 ‘선교’와 WCC로 대표되는 ‘교회’가 기구적 일치를 이루는 역사를 먼저 다루고, 선교적 구조를 위한 토론의 역사를 살펴봄으로써 선교적 교회의 신학적 근거와 그 핵심 내용을 밝혀서 오늘날 선교적 교회 논의에 기여하고자 한다.WCC 중앙위원회는 두 기구의 일치에 대한 재평가를 실시하여 ‘선교와 일치를 위한 교회의 소명’이라는 ‘롤(Rolle)선언문’을 채택하고, 일치를 위한 초안을 1957년에 제안하였다. 이를 WCC 중앙위원회는 1957년, IMC는 1958년 가나 총회에서 각각 수용함으로써 두 기구의 일치가 공식적으로 인정되었다.‘교회의 선교적 구조’에 대한 에큐메니칼 토론은 각 대륙별로 진행되었다. 먼저 ‘서유럽연구그룹’은 1965년 1차 연구를 마무리하여『구조원리로서의 선교』라는 보고서를 내었고, 이를 바탕으로『선교적 교회구조를 위한 투쟁 안에 있는 타자를 위한 교회』(Die Kirche für andere im Ringen um Strukturen missionarischer Gemeinden)를, 북미에서는『세계를 위한 교회』(Die Kirche für die Welt)를 출간하였다. 아시아 교회는 플레밍과 라이트가 각 지역에서 보내온 일부자료를 토대로 『선교적 교회를 위한 구조』를 1964년 공동집필하였다.선교적 교회를 위한 에큐메니칼 토론의 신학적 기여는『구조원리로서의 선교』이며, 교회론의 핵심인 ‘타자를 위한’ 명제는 본회퍼(D. Bonhoeffer)에서 비롯되었다.『타자를 위한 교회』는 샬롬(Schalom)이라는 성서적 개념으로 집약되며 이것은 후켄다이크(J. C. Hoekendijk)에 의해 발전되어 전통적인 ‘하나님-교회-세계’의 구조가 ‘하나님-세계-교회’로 바뀌게 되었다.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to examine some religious reformers and mission ideas. There are some negative aspects on the mission ideas of Religious reformers until now. Except theologians of Roman Catholic Church, Gustav Warneck, who is the father of modern missiology, also evaluated that there were not any mission ideas and mission activities to religious reformers, for Luther did not recognize mission duty, compared with those Roman Catholic which made inroad and was active abroad more than before.However, the study that there was mission to religious reformers was presented by western and Korean scholars. Despite of this positive study, the center of criticism is that if they have mission ideas and theology, how their ideas and theology are systematic and have persuasive power. Therefore, the evaluation to them may be more negative judging from the circumstances resulted in the geographical expansion of gospel and numerical increase of believers because the mission of christianity after 19th century which was called as ‘The Great Century,’ produced a large number of missionaries abroad.Through the examination of results and a limit about the study on the mission ideas of religious reformers until now, this paper, on the other, presented the mission as ‘a witness.’ Jesus Christ gave Great Commission to his disciples, and all of them carried out their duties as the witness of gospel through religious martyrdom. The Latin ‘martyrium’ of ‘martyrdom’ came from the Hellas ‘μαρτυριον.’ The ‘μαρτυριον’ means originally the word ‘witness’ and ‘evidence.’ The etymology of the word ‘witness’ and ‘evidence’ is the same.The martyrdom is the ultimate evidence of gospel. Martyrs strongly impressed to christian community as the witnesses of gospel in their lives, and took the role of enthusiastic missionaries leading the others to faith. Consequently, this paper analyzed their practice more than their theory on the mission of religious reformers, that is, their lives as a martyr for the truth, Jesus Christ. This is because the martyrdom for gospel is the most obvious witness and mission of gospel at once.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is to study the missionary reflection of social service mission in Korea church after the 1945 liberation of Korea. When reflecting social service of Korea churches according to the historical features, it could be divided as before and after the 1945 liberation of Korea. The social service before the liberation could be summed up as ‘un-structural service period’ that had been conducted to Korean people in poverty, diseases and ignorance during the beginning of mission by the missionaries. The other could be summarized as ‘structural service period’ that is recognized the ideological conflict and the suffering from the division of Korea into north and south and the Korean war and ‘holistic service period’ that tried to avoid a crisis into social service mission as Korea churches in quantitative growth were experiencing stagnation. The mission before the l945 liberation was an education and a medical service as the approaching method in Korean society. But those services were one method for evangelism because they were based on conservatism theology of early missionaries. So, there was no missio-theological reflection for the extension of God’s Kingdom that Jesus Christ proclaimed in the world. Therefore early Korean churches are ‘un-structural service period’ that emphasizes only individual's spiritual salvation in the absence of society. During the Japanese colonial period social service of Korea church was ‘solidarity period’ that tried to find a clue of national problem solution from a rural community movement. Korean churches in the 1920s began to recognize social salvation and the world’s structural problems. The rural community movement also developed actively for about 10 years from the 1920s to the mid of 1930s, but it should be stopped due to the oppression in and out of church in the late 1930s. Even though there were many believers who died of dire persecution, many main religious associations in Korea found the way to live in sympathy with the visit of Japan’s shrine. After the 1945 liberation Koreans experienced both the joy of liberation from Japan and fratricidal war. In this period the duty of Korea churches was to save Clients in want and received financial support from the western churches because of economical poverty and impoverishment. And the April 19 pro-democracy movement in 1960 was happened due to the political corruption, but the democratization retreated because of the May 16 military coup in 1961. Industrialization and urbanization are promoted as focusing on the economic development, and UIM that helps the human rights abuses of workers origins. In this period Korean churches begin to open their eyes about the evil of social structure and illegality and corruption stemming from the huge gap forming between the rich and the poor, materialism and the negligence of humanity. So this is ‘structural service period,’ for Korean churches that are focusing on the individual’s spiritual salvation become to recognize the evil of social structure and injustice as mission work. Finally, since Korean churches after the 1970s are interested in the church’s growth and expansion, they are not into social service. The economic growth by the military regime caused trouble such as the gap between the rich and the poor, environmental disruption and materialism and formed urban slums. And also Korean churches that disregard these problems are contaminated by growth-oriented theology, but they surprisingly growed with the military regime. In this period the large scale gathering and revival are lively held, and churches closely cooperate in turning the concern about human rights and democratization into individual’s spirit salvation and blessing. As a result, Korean churches after the 1990s have been put aside in the society and stagnated constantly. Now Korean churches stand in between temptation of growth and responsibility of social service. The early Korean churches created the way to mission through social service building up many hospitals and schools as a method of evangelism. Therefore, Korean churches should revive a tradition of holistic mission with both evangelism and social responsibility.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is to study historical characteristics of social service mission in Korea church before the 1945 liberation of Korea. The classification of an era for historical analysis about social welfare in Korea church is not only necessary, but also is dangerous. Because it could be depended on subjective classification of the researcher, simplified complicated historical processes, and there would be a possibility to classify it individually or selectively. Nevertheless, a missiotheological reflection about christianity society service in the Korea mission history will be meaningful to many people who study social service mission according to the classification of an era and important to Korea church which is in stagnation. In this context, the summingup to social service mission of Korea church before the 1945 liberation of Korea according to period features is necessary. There are two kinds of mission service characteristics in the protestant. One of these is Luther, Calvin and Knox as an ‘ecclesiastical’ type, and the other is sure salvation by individual experience of faith as a ‘nonecclesiastical’ type. Mission movement after Pietism mainly took the 'nonecclesiastical' type. The United States of America which preached the gospel to Korea also was offsprings of the ‘nonecclesiastical’ type. The faith of these people, as a type of pious Puritan, thought a concept of church is the same as an ark separated from the world. It shows at the constitutional law of the separation of religion and politics and the guideline of mission agency. Despite their spiritual salvation separated from the world, nonpolitical actions, and irrational and dualistic faith as what is called an ‘evangelist,’ these people began education and medical works as a starting point of mission at the beginning of Korea mission. These were based on the considerate help and charitable service by each missionary. This type of faith made emotional bond with Koreans in unhappiness as a method for propagating the gospel even though there was not an attempt grasping the underlying and structural problems which were causing miserable lives and political suppression to the pioneer missionaries. So, the local section was set up in ‘Christian Council’ in 1925 and the rural section was set up in 1930, but these were only recognized as ‘something for mission works.’ For example, the local section of ‘Christian Council’ in 1930 was limited only for the dormitory foundation, missionary sending, sewage factory demolition, temperance movement and combined execution of help works. This kind of early mission, which was an unstructural service has the same basis with pious ‘Mitleid’ to the lost souls. Pietism against protestant’s legitimism in the 17th century and illuminism in the 18th century was an important movement that awakened stagnated mission work newly, but focusing on an individual’s complacency and conversion it became the important motivation of mission and the important goal of mission only to save each person from corrupted world. Therefore, the mission of unstructural service has some limitations that restrict missionary works only as a province of converted spirit, given Missio Dei erecting the sovereignty of Jesus Christ and expending the kingdom of God in this world. It was from 1920 that Korea church started to recognize the basic cause of social problems systematically. And also this is originated from the development of international missiotheology. As the first World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910 predicted the world evangelization hopefully, it was based on mission for a human being’s spirit salvation. Consequently, it did not develop the christianity's influence beyond individual spirit salvation. But after Edinburgh conference the world’s history was changing by contraries because of World War. So the World Missionary Conference after 1910 was not held. In Jerusalem conference in 1928 the recognition about the social responsibility of gospel, secularism and other religions was on the rise strongly. Thus, Korea church in the 1920s was interested in social welfare mission according to the stream of world missionary and the social change of Korea(Chosun). Since this was the creed copy of churches of the United States of America and Japan, this social welfare mission had a problem not to include independency and a demand of the times. Many social service movements such as roll back of tuberculosis, medical work, settlement work and moderation movement, and service for women and children’s welfare, therefore, showed the limitation. During the Japanese colonial period Korea church tried to find a clue of national problem solution from a rural community movement because it was based on a type of national church against Japan. The rural community movement also developed actively for about 10 years from the 1920s to the mid of 1930s. However, it should be stopped due to the oppression in and out of church from 1938, for it should choose either religious martyrdom or a conversion to rural community movement. Korea church have experienced a special period in which it practiced society service jointly with Korean people who were in poverty, diseases, oppression and discrimination under the Japanese colonial rule. Nevertheless, Korea church separated from the society due to the limitation of its conservative theology that could not catch fundamental social problems structurally and the faith that salvation is restricted within the individual spirit. This is why Korea church is experiencing its stagnation since the 1990s.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article aims to analyze the features of early christianity mission and mission tasks in Jeonju region. The mission in Jeonju started with the seven missionaries who were sent by the overseasmission department of the Southern Presbyterian Church of America(SPCA) in 1892. They arrived in Jemulpo in November 1892, and were assigned to Honam area. And they started their mission works in 1893. At that time, people in Jeonbuk were in the depths despair under the failure of Donghak revolution. In this dark period, people were lured to newlyemerged religions such as Jeungsangyo, Cheondogyo( Donghak), and Wonbuddhism. These religions were surprisingly originated in Jeonbuk area when the Buddhism and Confucianism were hopeless and became weak. So, the first feature of mission in Jeonju is that christianity started the mission work and approached to people as hope under this situation. Another feature of mission in Jeonju is that the triangle mission station which are based on the church, school and hospital was formed in Jeonjumission station. SPCA in 1893 purchased a house in Eunsongri, Jeonju for future purpose. This house became the place for worship later and gave birth to motherchurch( called as Seomoon church) in Honam. In 1902, Mattie B. Ingold and Mr. Harrison established Jeonju hospital on the mission site which is known to ‘Jesus’ hospital now. In 1899, missionary Harrison taught a few boys churcheducation on Sunday and he also started training 8 boys with his language teacher. From 1900, missionary Reynolds, the founder of ‘Shinheung’ school, started the regular curriculum at his house with his wife, Bolling. From April 24, 1900, Mattie Tate started training 12 girls churcheducation and regular curriculum twice a week at her house. This was the beginning of ‘Kijeon’ girls’ mission school. The third feature is that the activity of local layman missionaries were great. The early mission strategy of protestant in Korea adopted the ‘Nevius’ plan which are based on the ‘Three Self Principles’. This Nevius plan was very helpful to mission work by the layman at that time because there were absolutely short of leaders like pastor. Therefore, there are some mission tasks to solve for world mission in Jeonju region. First of all, churches in Jeonju region are to change their goals from expansion of each denomination to Missio Dei. In Missio Dei, the subject of mission is God, not the church. Also, the purpose of mission is the expansion of kingdom of God, not the church. And it is not the glory of church but the glory of God through His Son in Holy Spirit. Therefore the authentic mission is expanding the kingdom of God, not the church and setting the sovereignty of God firmly. Thus Missio Dei made the theological cofoundation between evangelical and ecumenical and opened up the interdenominational cooperation for world mission. Second, the mission needs to be shifted from the salvation of soul to holistic mission. The early christianity mission in Jeonju was the mission based on the social service with the church, school and hospital, but it was different from the Missio Dei which builds up the sovereignty of Christ. Early missionaries enlightened the people by education, evangelism, and bible distribution, and also they did medical work for aid and service. But it was a way for the salvation of soul, not today's holistic way. The holistic mission through social welfare is just to help the poor, to heal the wound, and to fill the poverty, and it is the anticipation about a new life, a new community and a freely world in the kingdom of God. The Missio Dei, which aims for the kingdom of God, should be the holistic mission. It should be changed from an individual salvation to a whole man salvation and social salvation. Third, It should be ecumenical mission with local people together. There was a surprising revival in the early Korean church but it was relatively slow in Jeonju which was assigned as the mission region to SPCA because it was the local culture of confucianism and rooted male domination and the antiecumenical theology of SPCA. Mattie Ingold who laid the foundation of Jesus hospital, is an example. Therefore, Mission plan has to be made in a most appropriate way to do the ecumenical cooperation among the ministers. Especially, the overseas Korean missionaries have reported that the biggest problem is the conflicts among themselves. It shows us how desperately urgent the ecumenical cooperation needs.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        하나님의 선교(Missio Dei)가 1952년 이후 세계교회에 처음 등장한 후, 한국은 1969년 1월 한국기독교교회협의회(NCCK)의 제2차 총회를 “오늘의한국에있어서의Missio Dei”라는주제로열면서공교회의협의체 에 의해 정식으로 도입하였다. 한국교회가 하나님의 선교를 받아들이게 된 배경은 세 가지로 정리된다. 먼저는 NCCK회원 교단들이 주축이 된 도시산업선교(UIM)의 활동이라고 할 수 있다. UIM이Missio Dei의배경이 될 수 있었던 것은 한편, 1960년대 한국의 급격한 산업화와 노동환경의 변화, 그에 따른 성장위주의 군사독재정권에 대한 선교적 대응으로서 Missio Dei를 현재적 종말론적 시각에서 수용한 것이고 다른 한편, 예수 그리스도의 복음을 과거와는 달라진 한국적 상황에서 새롭게 발견하고 이것을 선교적 과제로 수용한 한국교회의 자의식과 신학적 발전의 결과라고 할 수 있다. 다음은 1960년대 그리스도인들의 사회 정치적 참여이다. 이들은 하나님의 통치가 한국 교회에는 물론 한국 역사속에서도 이루어져야한다는 강한 의식에서 교회는 사회문제를 진지하게 수용하여야한다고 주장하였다. NCCK 회원교회를중심으로전개된이러한 노력은 삼위일체 하나님의 선교의 영역이 교회안에 제한되지 아니하고 세계 역사속에서도 계속되어야한다는 인식이 확산됨으로써 Missio Dei신학을 공교회가 받아들이게되는 중요한 배경이 되었다. 끝으로 토착화논의이다. 그 주요 쟁점은 성서전통과 한국문화전통과의 연결성이다. 서남동은 기독교역사 의민중전승과한국의일반역사의민중전승의두백성모두고난의역사로 보고 한국교회의 선교적 과제는 기독교와 한국의 두 민중전승이 Missio Dei 안에서 합류하는 것이라고 주장하였다. 따라서 전통문화와 종교와의 대화는토착화논의의중요한주제이며, 1963년Mexico 세계선교와전도위 원회(CWME)의 쟁점이었다. 결국 한국교회의 토착화 논의에는 Missio Dei신학이 중요한 역할을 하였다. 하지만 한국교회의 ‘Missio Dei’ 이해에는중대한 문제점도 내포하고 있었다. 1976년 한국신학연구소의 심포지엄에서 ‘Missio Dei’를 지지하는 심일섭과 비판하는 김명혁이 각각 주제를 발표하면서 중대한 오류를 범하였다. 이들은 Missio Dei란 말을 공적으로 처음 사용한 때가 1952 ‘윌링엔’대회이며 ‘호켄다이크’가 주장하였다고 하였으나 대회의 공식보고서나 대회기간중에 사용된 적이 없을 뿐 아니라 Missio Dei는 후켄다이크가 아니라 독일 슈투트가르트의 감독 하르텐슈타인이 처음 사용하였기 때문이다. NCCK가 Missio Dei를 공식 수용한 총회를 직접적으로 비판한 반응은 거의 없었으나 에큐메니칼 선교에 대한 보수적인 교회들의 비판은 매우 강하였다. 대표적으로 1975 서울에서 개최된 The evangelical Conference for Mission을 들 수 있다. 이들은 “social-political oriented Missio Dei”에 대항하여구속에대한성서적가르침에근거한“Missio Christi”로대체되어 야 한다고 주장하였다. 그러나 1982년 채택된 “The Seoul Declaration: Toward an Evangelical Theology for the Third World”에서복음주의자들은 서구신학을 비판하면서 고난당하는 자들의 관점에서 자신들의 해석학을 찾고자시도하였고, 그결과Missio Dei를선언문에서고백하였다. 하지만 여전히 일부 복음주의자들은 Missio Dei를 부정적인 시각으로 보고 있다. 따라서 한국교회의 과제는 Missio Dei를 복음의 토착화를 위한 단초로 삼는것과‘Missio Dei’를한국교회의일치를위한신학적근거로활용하는 것 그리고 ‘Missio Dei’를 성령론적 관점에서 발전시키는 것이다.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims at studying the meaning and tasks of the third Lausanne congress on world evangelization in Cape Town, 2010. The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization was held in Cape Town International Convention Center with WEA from October 16 to 25, and it was entitled officially as “Cape Town 2010, The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization.” 4200 delegation out of 197 countries around the world participated in the congress which was held after the first Lausanne Conference in 1974 and the second Manila conference in 1989, and its scale had been the biggest since 1974. One third among its participants was women, and this indicates the characteristics of ecumenical movement in evangelism mission because the location where it was held was Africa. The qualification of participants in this congress is extremely personal, not the representative of churches. This shows that it is much more opened convention than CWME, another ecumenical conference, in which the only representatives of membership churches can participate, and it is more ecumenical convention. The theme of Ⅲ Lausanne Congress is ‘God in Christ, Reconciling the World to Himself’(2 Corinthians 5:19), and the congress deeply discussed how to testify Jesus Christ’s teachings in our society. During the congress discussed 4 topics everyday, and also it tried to present various issues in the church to world churches and interpretate them from a point of view in evangelism. Last day of the congress, the Cape Town Commitment were distributed. Doug Birdsall as a chairman said that it consisted of theological affirmation and missiological priorities. The former, which is theological basis based on Ⅰ and Ⅱ Lausanne Conference, means language’s supplement under the missionary situation in the 21st century, and the latter is to set the order of priority as an action plan. In other words, it is to decide what it should do in 10 or 15 years. The commitment has preamble and consists of 10 chapters. The preamble says that this has two meanings making sure of the devotion for vision and goals to Lausanne movement. First, it says that Ⅰ Lausanne Conference was for the tasks of world evangelization and its important result was Lausanne Covenant, and Ⅱ Lausanne Conference, Manila conference in 1989, which made strategic partnership over 300 for world evangelization suggested continuous devotion on the tasks. Second, it confesses that mentioning the devotion for Lausanne Covenant(1974) and the Manila Manifesto(1989) which was the key documents of Lausanne movement, we were not devoted to them. As Cape Town commitment consists of the language of love, every topic from chapter 1 to 10 contains the word, ‘love’. The word as reliance, obedience and passion to Lord expresses Lausanne commitment which churches preach the gospel to world as love to the gospel. It means love to the gospel as good news, love to every church as God's people, and our love to all the world.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Al, Ag, Au, Cu, Cd, Co, Fe, Ni, Pb, Zn등의 금속은 해수 중에 미량으로 존재하기 때문에 미량금속이라고 하며 일부는 미량영양소로서 생명체의 생리활동에 필요하지만 정해진 한계값을 초과할 때는 독성을 나타낸다. 미량금속(중금속)은 해양환경 및 해양생태계에 악영향을 미칠 수 있기 때문에 지속성 오염물질로 분류되어 다양한 연구가 수행되고 있다. 해수와 담수 등 자연수 중의 미량금속 측정은 정확도와 정밀도에 있어서 큰 오차를 가지고 있음이 장기간 인식되어 왔다. 미국과 유럽에서는 1975년 이후 미량금속의 해수 중 농도가 과거에 인지된 농도의 1/10~1/1,000 정도로 낮아졌으며, 수직 분포는 생물, 물리, 지화학적인 과정들이 반영되고 있음이 밝혀졌다. 이와 같은 결과는 대부분 미량금속에 대한 분석방법과 기기의 발전에 기인하며, 시료 채취, 보관 및 분석 과정에 발생할 수 있는 오염을 제거해야 하는 세심한 주의가 요구되고 있다. 그러나 국내의 경우 많은 해양환경 관린 조사 및 연구에서 정확성이 결여된 자료가 보고되고 있다. 특히 미량금속 분석에 있어서 시료의 채취, 보관, 분석에 대한 정착한 인식 및 이해 부족은 자료의 질을 저하시키고 있다. 해양환경 연구 및 환경평가에 활용하기 위하여 자연수 중 미량금속의 정확한 자료를 획득하는 주요 과정에 대하여 소개하고자 한다.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Diakonia means serving neighbors through sharing and healing in their place what we can do. Spiritual worship in church is accompanied by serving neighbors as reasonable, sensible and logical service because liturgy is integrated with man and work as Ancient Greeks. In other words, it means public work. Because worship is common public work and service for the world, true worship must be accompanied by true service. For its service, dual ministry types, or the Service of the Word and the Service of response to the Word must be carried out rightly. To the effect of this, We can say that the history of the church has been a series of an effort for its mission. In this paper, we present missionary works, after historical examination, centering around important persons, system and accidents, making the representative services a main subject in order to easily understand the overall direction of Diakonia on the western churches. The First Church evaluated relief works highly, activated Diakonia, but has a risk of distorting the Gospel, relating to salvation indirectly in its ideological background, by teaching retributive justice. Also, The First Church failed to reach the social structural service. therefore, one of the evil practices, slavery has been recognized as it was. Since the Reformation, Martin Luther criticized an Indulgence and a mistake of charity. Because he didn't regard relief facilities as a direct work of the church, but its management and responsibilities as the government, he was more interested in establishing the theology than practicing the charitable work and Diakonia. On the other hand, John Calvin looked upon relief facilities which are independent of the government ideal. Because neighborly love was originated from faith, Christians accepted neighbors as an object of serving. Diakonia must begin from self-denial and sacrifice. To save the people in the lurch, He institutionalized a deacon. The campaign of settlement house in the nineteen century established settlement house for the poor with two purposes to become a friend of settlers. The campaign of settlement house in England has been religiously influenced. On the disaster of Westminster Cathedral, Vicar Barnett rent a slum in London and made a volunteer living with some students. The first settlement house in America stemmed from Neighborhood Guild of New York City founded by Stanton Coit in 1887. Christians welfare service organization, “Inner Mission” was founded by Johann. H. Vichern. Since the middle part of nineteen century, they found out a social cause of poverty, disease, and problems. To get rid of this cause, they maintained to improve the social structure. Before the industrialization, they thought the cause of the poverty and deficiency naturally and personally. Since the Industrial Revolution, due to the low wages, exploitation, and industrial disasters, many labors became a low class in quantity. They set up a recognition not to solve the poverty, disease, deficiency and troubles with an individual relief. This recognition influenced the church and was embodied in twelve century. Social Gospel campaign, Religious Socialism campaign or Responsible Society from Ecumenical Society have advanced in the direction of Diakonia into the reform of social structure.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        진해만의 가덕수도 표층 해수 중의 증금속은 육지에 가까운 정점에서 높은 분포를 나타내었으며, 이들의 븐포에는 조사 해역의 염분에 근거한 물리적 혼합은 크게 작용하지 않았다. 그리고 Pb를 제외한 다른 중금속은 과거와 큰 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 표층 퇴적물의 중금속 함량은 거제도 혹은 가덕도에 인접한 정점에서 높게 나타났으며, 이들 해역의 Zn, Eu와 Pb 함량은 과거에 비해 약간 상승하여 인위적인 영향이 있는 것으로 판단된다. Hg과 Pb을 제외한 중금속은 상호간에 양호한 상관성을 보였으면, Eo, Ni, Zn, Eu, As와 Ed는 IL 및 COD와도 좋은 상관성을 보였다. 평균지각을 기준으로 한 농축계수는 As>Cd>Pb>Zn>Co>Cu>Hg>Ni의 순이 었으며, As, Ed, Ni, Pb, Zn은 전 정점에서 1 이상이었다. 한반도 연안 퇴적물의 중금속 배경 농도에 근거한 Ni과 Rn의 농축계수는 지각평균에 의한 농축계수보다 낮았고, Cu는 높게 나타났다.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today, a lot of schools aim for open education and school. In the same context, Christian university can’t be equal to academy mission, building a high wall of a doctrine. As Paul confesses that I can do everything through him who gives me strength for the Gospel under any circumstances, Christian university must be open for the Gospel. Above all, open school is open for all students and must be always ready for a meeting. Open Christian school is to ask a meaning of life and to meet students asking a question of existence, receiving them with a open mind and help them welcome Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. This is possible to be one in the center of Christ. School personnels who work in Christian university are to serve faithfully. They must take part in the faith training program actively and positively as ripe christians. Students who work in missionary organizations and christian groups have to cooperate each other in university. Because of spiritual superiority and arrogance of faith, we must not be separated and repeat past mistakes. On the contrary, we must receive in a humble way the comment that missionary organizations were a obstacle to academy mission. In the case of a part of missionary organizations, officials and core members used to build a wall and blame a church. And so, we have to improve this negative attitude. When members in campus as a God people have to cooperate each other and live in a place of life as the witness of the Gospel, the future of the campus mission will be better and brighter. We will get the vision of the future, conversing past history with present situation. First, we will examine the missionary history of christian university briefly and diagnose the situation of campus mission. On the basis of this diagnosis, we should present several important tasks to practice for mission. This paper will give a direction of campus mission with a limitation of research range. We will examine this paper in the center of Jeonju University .
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