
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 114

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigated the effects of different seeding rates on growth characteristics and seed productivity of the “Kowinearly” cultivar of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in paddy fields. Sowing Kowinearly in paddy fields under growing rice at the rates of 20, 30, 40, and 50 kg/ha resulted in seed yields of 1.57, 1.92, 2.06, and 2.09 ton/ha, respectively. Seed yield of Kowinearly was the highest at a seeding rate of 50 kg/ha (p<0.05), at which the cultivar was able to survive in winter and the weed ratio was low. Under these conditions, most growth characteristics such as winter survival (85%), weed ratio (10%), stems per square meter (1,006) were superior than those sown at other seeding rates (p<0.05). In addition, it has been reported that the economic efficiency of the 50 kg/ha seeding rate was higher than that of the other seeding rates.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to determine the effect of harvesting time of rice on growth characteristics and dry matter yields of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., IRG) ‘Kowinearly’ after seeding them in paddy field. Experiments were performed in National Institute of Animal Science, RDA (Cheonan, Choongcheongnam-do province of Korea) for four years (2011~2014). Italian ryegrass variety ‘Kowinearly’ was seeded at experimental paddy fields before rice harvest in late September. Rice were harvested at 10, 20, and 30 days after seeding of IRG. As the harvest time of rice became later, the number of tillering before winter was reduced and IRG plant length before winter was shorter. The dry matter yield of IRG was also reduced. When rice were harvested at 20 days and 30 days after sowing of IRG compared to the rice harvested in autumn at 10 days after sowing of IRG, the number of tillering for IRG before winter was decreased by an average of 19% and 40%, respectively. The winter survival ratio of IRG was decreased by an average of 13% and 19%, respectively. Their dry matter yields were also reduced by an average of 8% and 19%, respectively. The heading date was different from each other in three years. The plant length at the time of IRG harvest in the spring was not significantly different among treatment groups. Taken together, our results suggest that when Italian ryegrass is grown in paddy fields by the method of ‘seeding of IRG before rice harvest’, rice should be harvested as soon as possible after sowing of IRG ‘Kowinearly’ in the autumn to increase forage productivity.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the growth characteristics and dry matter yields of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., IRG) cultivars for three years (2011~2013). The cold-resistance of domestic cultivars was stronger than other foreign varieties. Among early-maturing cultivars, dry matter (DM) yield of ‘Kowinearly’ was significantly higher (8,751 kg/ha) than other cultivars (p<0.05). In medium-maturing cultivars, DM yield of ‘Kowinmaster’ and ‘Tam 90’ was 9,394 and 7,461 kg/ha, respectively. Of the two, the former’s DM yield was higher than the latter’s (p<0.05). Among late-maturing cultivars, DM yield of ‘Hwasan 104’ (9,809 kg/ha) was similar to ‘Hwasan 101’ (9,354 kg/ha), but significantly higher than the other late-maturing cultivars (p<0.05). According to the results obtained from present study, early-maturing cultivars with cold-tolerance and high productivity is required for the paddy field cultivation of an Italian ryegrass cultivar after rice harvest in Cheonan region. Medium- and late-maturing cultivars are more advantageous for the dry field cultivation of the maximum quantity that is possible. In conclusion, to select which cultivar/s to grow, the climate of the growing area, weather conditions, and the cropping system must all be considered
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Interleukin-1b (IL-1β), a proinflammatory cytokine, regulates the innate immune responses against bacterial infection. Mature IL-1β is produced from pro-IL-1β by activated caspase-1, which in turn is activated by the inflammasome complex formation. In this study, we compared the inflammasome mRNA expression induced by S. sanguinis, S. oralis, F. nucleatum and P. intermedia. Among the tested bacteria, S. sanguinis induced the highest IL-1β secretion. S. oralis, F. nucleatum and P. intermedia induced very weak IL-1β secretion. S. sanguinis mostly induced the NLRP3 mRNA expressions. Although F. nucleatum did not induce high IL-1β secretion, it induced high expression levels of AIM2, NLRP2, and NLRP3. No specific inflammasomes were induced by S. oralis and P.intermedia. Studying the inflammasome complex activation induced by oral bacteria may thus enhance our understanding of the pathogenesis of oral diseases.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Copper (Cu) is a necessary microelement for plants. However, high concentrations of Cu are toxic to plants that change the regulation of several stress-induced proteins. In this study, an annealing control primer (ACP) based approach was used to identify differentially expressed Cu-induced genes in alfalfa leaves. Two-week-old alfalfa plants (Medicago sativa L.) were exposed to Cu for 6 h. Total RNAs were isolated from treated and control leaves followed by ACP-based PCR technique. Using GeneFishing ACPs, we obtained several genes those expression levels were induced by Cu. Finally, we identified several genes including UDP-glucuronic acid decarboxylase, transmembrane protein, small heat shock protein, C-type cytochrome biogenesis protein, mitochondrial 2-oxoglutarate, and trans-2,3-enoyl-CoA reductase in alfalfa leaves. These identified genes have putative functions in cellular processes such as cell wall structural rearrangements, transduction, stress tolerance, heme transport, carbon and nitrogen assimilation, and lipid biosynthesis. Response of Cu-induced genes and their identification in alfalfa would be useful for molecular breeding to improve alfalfa with tolerance to heavy metals.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to determine the effect of mixed pasture using domestic varieties orchardgrass ‘Kodione’ and tall fescue ‘Purumi’ on forage yields and botanical composition from 2013 to 2015 in middle region of Korea. The following mixed pastures were used in this study: treatment A (orchardgrass oriented mixture with imported varieties), treatment B (orchardgrass oriented mixture), treatment C (orchardgrass and tall fescue oriented mixture), treatment D (tall fescue oriented mixture), treatment E (tall fescue oriented mixture without orchardgrass), treatment F (only orchardgrass), and treatment G (only tall fescue). In botanical compositions at last cutting time in 2015, treatment A had orchardgrass at 7.1%, tall fescue at 47.9%, kentucky bluegrass at 15.2% and white clover at 25%. Meanwhile, treatment B had orchardgrass at 25.9%, tall fescue at 47.0%, kentucky bluegrass at 4.9% and white clover at 18.3%. Consequentially, in botanical composition from 2014 to 2015, treatment A was changed more compare to other treatments B, C, D and E. The average of dry matter (DM) yield for 2 years of treatment E (18,369 kg/ha) was the highest among the seven treatments, but there was no significant difference among other treatments except treatment A (p>0.05). The crude protein (CP) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of treatment A were 14.5% and 74.8%, and treatment E were 14.1% and 73.0%, respectively. The content of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were lower in treatment E and A than other treatments, and treatment E showed high content of total digestible nutrient (TDN). Therefore, tall fescue oriented mixture using domestic tall fescue variety Purumi had good forage productivity, quality and botanical composition in middle region of Korea for the establishment of grassland.
        2016.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rutin (3,3′,4′,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone-3-rhamnoglucoside) is a bioactive flavonoid from the plant kingdom. Rutin has been studied as potential anticancer agent due to its wide range of pharmacological properties including antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and anticancer. Autophagy is a conserved intracellular catabolic pathway to maintain cell homeostasis by formation of autophagosome. Processing of autophagy involves various molecules including ULK1 protein kinase complex, Beclin-1–Vps34 lipid kinase complex, ATG5, ATG12, and LC3 (light chain 3). Cargo-carried autophagosomes fuse with lysosomes resulting in autophagolysosome to eliminate vesicles and degrade cargo. However, the actions of rutin on autophagy are not clearly understood. In this study, we analyzed the effect of rutin on autophagy and inflammation in cancer cell lines. Interestingly, rutin induced autophagy in leukemia (THP-1), oral (CA9-22), and lung (A549) cell lines. TNF-α, key modulator of inflammation, was upregulated by inhibition of rutin-induced autophagy. Taken together, these data indicated that rutin induced autophagy and consequently suppressed TNF-α production.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘Lucky one’ is a new orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) variety developed by the National Institute of Animal Science (NIAS) in 2014. Four superior clones were selected and polycrossed for seed production to develope this new variety of orchardgrass. The agronomic growth characteristics and forage productivity of ‘Lucky one’ were examined at Cheonan from 2010 to 2011. Regional adaption trials were conducted in Cheonan, Hoengseong, Jinju, and Jeju from 2012 to 2014. ‘Lucky one’ showed growth habit of medium type in fall and spring. It has short flag leaf length with long upper internode. Plant height of ‘Lucky one’ was 3 cm more than that of control variety, ‘Amba’. Its heading date was 2 days later than that of control variety ‘Amba’. Characteristics such as waterlogging and disease resistance of ‘Lucky one’ were stronger or better than those of control variety, ‘Amba’, Especially, dry matter yield of ‘Lucky one’ (16,191 kg/ha) was increased 38% compared to that of control variety, ‘Amba’(11,778 kg/ha). Nutritive feed values of ‘Lucky one’ appeared to be similar to those of control variety ‘Amba’ except in Vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) and crude protein content.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘Onnuri 2ho’ is a new orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) variety developed by the National Institute of Animal Science (NIAS) in 2014. Four superior clones were selected and polycrossed for seed production to develop this new variety of orchardgrass. The agronomic growth characteristics and forage productivity of ‘Onnuri 2ho’ were examined at Cheonan from 2010 to 2011. Regional adaptation trials were conducted in Cheonan, Hoengseong, Jinju and Jeju from 2012 to 2014. ‘Onnuri 2ho’ showed growth habit of medium type in fall and spring. It is long in length of flag leaf with medium upper internode. Plant height of ‘Onnuri 2ho’ was 4 cm more than that of control variety, ‘Amba’. Its heading date was 4 days later than compared to control variety, ‘Amba’. Characteristics such as waterlogging and disease resistance of ‘Onnuri 2ho’ were stronger or better than those of control variety, ‘Amba’, Especially, the dry matter yield of ‘Onnuri 2ho’ (15,814 kg/ha) was increased 34 % compared to that of control variety, Amba (11,778 kg/ha). Nutritive feed values of ‘Onnuri 2ho’ appeared to be similar to that of control variety ‘Amba’ except in Vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD).
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 새로운 여름 사료작물인 케나프(kenaf; Hibiscus dannabinus L.)의 생육특성, 수량성 및 품질을 다른 사료작물과 비교할 목적으로 2013년부터 2014년까지 2년간에 걸쳐 축산과학원 축산자원개발부 초지사료과 내의 시험포장에서 수행하였다. 중부지역에서 케나프(홍마 300), 옥수수(광평옥) 및 수수×수단그라스(점보)의 생육특성 및 품질을 비교한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 당도는 홍마 300이 5.4 Brix°로 광평옥보다 1Brix°, 점보보다 2.9 Brix° 높았다. 출현율과 도복은 세 작물 모두 각각 80% 이상, 1.5 이상으로 양호하게 나타났다. 생초수량은 점보가 홍마 300보다 12% 높았으며, 건물중은 홍마 300이 제 작물 중 유의성 있게 가장 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 하지만, TDN 수량은 홍마 300이 광평옥보다 13% 유의성 있게 낮았다(p<0.05). ADF 및 NDF 함량은 홍마 300이 57.8%, 69.5%로 가장 높았으며 TDN 함량 및 건물소화율은 43.3% 및 44.4%로 가장 낮았다. 따라서 본 연구결과를 토대로 볼 때 케나프인 홍마 300은 건물수량은 높지만 사료 품질에서 광평옥 및 점보보다 많이 낮았다. 그 결과 TDN 수량성은 광평옥보다 13% 낮은 결과를 얻었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, 새로운 사료작물인 케나프는 단위면적당 생초 및 건물수확량은 옥수수보다 높지만, 건물소화율 및 TDN 함량이 낮아 TDN 수량은 옥수수보다 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 홍마 300은 높은 수량성을 가지고 있지만 낮은 사료가치를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내육성 톨 페스큐 신품종 푸르미의 종자생산 기술개발과 채종짚의 사료가치 평가를 통해 국내에서 종자생산 체계를 확립하고자 국립축산과학원 초지사료과 시험포장에서 휴폭과 이른 봄 질소 시용량에 따른 종자생산성을 조사하였다. 휴폭 및 이른 봄 질소 시용량에 따른 주요 생육특성은 처리에 따른 차이는 나타나지 않으나 경제성을 고려한 국내육성 톨 페스큐 푸르미 품종의 종자생산성은 휴폭을 15 cm와 이른봄 질소시비량을 90 kg/ha로 처리하는 것이 2톤 이상 안정적인 종자생산을 할 수 있었다. 또한 휴폭이 좁을수록 이삭수 및 종자수량이 높게 나타났으며 이삭의 길이는 휴폭이 넓을수록 더 길었다. 채종종자의 첩립중은 약 2.2g, 발아율은 90% 내외로 나타났다. 휴폭 및 이른 봄 질소 시용량에 따른 채종짚의 생산성은 휴폭이 좁을수록 건물생산성이 높았으나 시비량간에는 일정한 경향이 없었다. 채종후 남은 1차 수확 채종짚은 평균 6,920 kg/ha 생산되었고, 채종 후 2번의 수확에서 건초는 평균적으로 8,134 kg/ha 생산되었다. 채종짚의 일반 조성분 함량은 양질의 건초보다는 다소 낮은 사료가치를 나타내었다.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 2011년부터 2013년까지 3년 동안 경북 예천 군 농가포장에서 이탈리안 라이그라스(Lolium multiflorum Lam) 국내육성 품종과 수입품종의 생육특성 및 수량성을 평가하기 위하여 실시하였다. 시험설계는 품종을 처리로 해서 조생종 6품종, 중생종 2품종, 만생종 4품종 등 모두 12처리, 난괴법 3반복으로 배치하였다. 파종은 2011년에는 9월 26일, 2012년에는 9월 25일에 실시했으며, 수확은 품 종별로 출수기에 맞추어 수확하였다. 대부분의 국내육성 품종이 도입품종에 비해 내한성이 더 강한 것으로 나타났 다. ha당 건물수량은 조생종에서는 ‘코윈어리’ 품종이 10,031 kg으로 다른 5품종보다 많았으며(p<0.05), 중만생종 에서는 ‘화산 104호’ 품종이 ‘화산 101호’ 및 ‘코윈마스터’ 품종과 비슷하였으며 다른 품종보다 건물수량이 많았다 (p<0.05). 본 연구의 결과에 의하면 중부지역에서 답리작 재배 시 ‘코윈어리’ 또는 국내육성 조생종 품종을 선택하 는 것이 유리하며, 논이 아닌 밭에서는 중만생종이 유리할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 품종을 선택할 때에는 재배지역의 겨울철 기온, 강수량 및 작부체계를 고려하는 것이 중요하다고 사료된다.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 이탈리안 라이그라스 극조생종 품종을 육성하 기 위하여 2006년부터 2014년까지 국립축산과학원 초지사 료과에서 수행되었다. 이탈리안 라이그라스 신품종 그린팜 3호는 2배체 작물로 엽색은 녹색이며, 월동 전 초형은 반 직립형, 봄의 초형은 직립형이다. 그린팜 3호는 4월 27일경 에 출수하는 극조생종 품종이 또한, 그린팜 3호는 그린팜 보다 지엽폭이 0.5 mm가 좁고, 지엽 길이는 4.4 cm 길고, 출수기의 초장은 88 cm로 그린팜 보다 3 cm 정도 길다. 줄기 두께는 그린팜 보다 0.1 mm 굵고 이삭 길이는 그린 팜 보다 4 cm 길다. 그린팜 3호의 건물수량은 8,976 kg/ha 로서 그린팜과 대등하였다. 상대적 사료가치는 그린팜이 103.2인데 비해 그린팜 3호는 112.3으로 월등히 높고 in vitro 소화율이 70%, 가소화양분총량(TDN)이 64.1%로서 그린팜 보다 각각 2.9, 2.0% 높았고, 산성세제불용섬유 (ADF)와 중성세제불용섬유 (NDF)는 각각 31.47 및 53.3% 로서 그린팜 보다 각각 2.5% 및 3% 낮았다.
        2014.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an important pathogen in the development of localized aggressive periodontitis. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a virulent factor of periodontal pathogens that contributes to alveolar bone loss and connective tissue degradation in periodontal disease. Our present study was designed to investigate the cytokine expression and signaling pathways regulated by A. actinomycetemcomitans LPS (Aa LPS). Cytokine gene expression profiling in RAW 264.7 cells was performed by microarray analyses. The cytokine mRNA and protein levels and related signaling pathways induced by Aa LPS were measured by RT-PCR, ELISA and western blotting. Microarray results showed that Aa LPS strongly induced the expression of NF-κB, NF-κB-related genes, inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α and IL-1β in RAW 264.7 cells. NF-κB inhibitor pretreatment significantly reduced the levels of TNF-α and IL-1β mRNA and protein. In addition, the Aa LPS-induced TNF-α and IL-1β expression was inhibited by p38/JNK MAP kinase inhibitor pretreatment. These results show that Aa LPS stimulates TNF-α and IL-1β expression through NF-κB and p38/JNK activation in RAW 264.7 cells, suggesting the essential role of this pathway in the pathogenesis of localized aggressive periodontitis.
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