Companies frequently use luxury or green as a brand extension strategy. The present research suggests that the success of the luxury or green brand extension depends on the parent brand’s core attribute-whether the parent brand is primarily luxury or green. In two experiments involving real brands (BMW, Prius, Chanel, Patagonia) across multiple product categories (automobile and bag), we investigated consumers’ evaluation of luxury green extension products (i.e., multi-attribute products with luxury and green attributes) whose parent brand is luxury (e.g., BMW) or green (e.g., Prius). Study 1 showed that luxury green products with luxury roots (i.e., parent brand is luxury) are evaluated more favorably than those with green roots (i.e., parent brand is green). Study 2 investigated the mechanism of perceived fit. Whereas luxury green product with luxury roots was perceived to have a high level of fit, the luxury green product with green roots was perceived to have a lower level of fit. Our findings encourage the luxury parent brand to extend green whereas discourage the green parent brand to extend luxury.
The authors of this research show that gender plays a role in whether public star ratings of branded content films (e.g., ratings on Rotten Tomatoes) and increased awareness of surroundings differentially affect movie viewers’ willingness to spread word-of-mouth about films. For men, no matter whether they have high or low awareness of surroundings, a higher versus lower star rating uniformly enhances the likelihood they will recommend the film to others. In contrast, for women, momentarily heightened awareness of their surroundings enhances (diminishes) the likelihood of recommending the higher (lower) star-rated film. If women have low awareness of their surroundings, however, the differences do not emerge.
황색육아종성 담낭염은 주변조직을 침투하는 특성으로 인해 담낭암과 감별이 어려우며 조직학적 확진을 위해 담낭 절제술을 시행해야 하는 경우가 많고, 주변조직과의 유착으 로 확대절제술이 필요한 경우가 상당수이다. 소변색 변화를 주소로 내원한 69세 여자환자가 전산화단층촬영 및 자기공 명영상에서 주변조직을 침윤하는 담낭종괴가 발견되었고, 최초에는 담낭암으로 판단하였으나, 조직검사 및 추적 전산 화단층촬영으로 양성 염증 질환의 가능성이 높을 것으로 판단, 스테로이드 치료 시행 후 호전되어 확진을 위해 담낭절 제술을 시행하였고 황색육아종성 담낭염을 진단하였다. 스테로이드 치료로 인해 간조직 침투가 호전되어 광범위 절제 술을 피할 수 있었던 증례로 이를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.