
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 62

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Following the previous study, the toxicity of a single subcutaneous administration of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) and the side effects that may occur at therapeutic doses were confirmed. The Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was administered subcutaneously once at a dose of 0, 2.0, 6.0, and 18.0 mCi/kg, 5 male and female rats per group, and mortality, general symptom observation, and weight measurement were performed for 2 weeks, followed by observation of autopsy findings. There were no deaths, and no statistically significant weight change was observed. Mild hair loss, fissures, and crusting were observed by general symptom observation, but it was not a toxic change related to the Thyrokitty injection (I-131). Gastric atrophy and a decrease in the size of the spleen were observed by the autopsy. As a results of single subcutaneous administration of the Thyrokitty Injection (I-131) to rats at a maximum dose of 18.0 mCi/kg, a decrease in the size of the spleen and gastric atrophy were observed as the dose of the Thyrokitty Injection (I-131) increased, which may be related to the test substance. No abnormal findings related to the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) were observed. Therefore, the approximate lethal dose of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was 18.0 mCi/kg or more. In addition, as reported for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism with radioiodine (131I), side effects of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) are expected to be extremely rare. Temporary dysphagia and fever may occur, but it will recover naturally. It should be administered with caution in cats with diseases such as urinary system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system and endocrine system, especially with kidney disease. And it should not be used in cats who are pregnant, lactating, or likely. It is expected that the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) can be used for clinical treatment in Korea as a veterinary drug.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Radioiodine (131I) has been used for the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism since the 1990s in the USA and Europe, and it is recommended as the most effective treatment for feline hyperthyroidism because it has a high therapeutic effect, small side effects, and does not require anesthesia. In this study, the pharmacological properties of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131), which is being developed as a treatment for feline hyperthyroidism, using radioiodine (131I) as an active ingredient, was tested. The %cell uptake of the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) in FRTL- 5 thyroid cells was 0.410 ± 0.016%, which was about 18 times higher compared to Clone 9 hepatocytes, and it was decreased by 30.7% due to the competitive reaction with iodine (sodium iodide). In addition, the %cell growth of the FRTL-5 thyroid cells was reduced by 25.0% by treatment with the Thyrokitty injection (I-131). As a result of the tissue distribution test, the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) was distributed at the highest concentration at 0.083 hours (5 minutes) after subcutaneous administration to animals in most organs except the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, muscle and thyroid gland, and it was excreted mainly through the kidneys. The stomach and thyroid gland showed a typical distribution pattern observed when radioiodine (131I) was administered. In addition, about 78.45% of the total amount of excretion was excreted within 48 hours, of which more than 85% was excreted in urine. In conclusion, the Thyrokitty injection (I-131) has the same mechanism of action, potency, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion characteristics as radioiodine (131I) reported in connection with the treatment of feline hyperthyroidism. In the future, using the results of this study, it is expected that the Thyrokitty (I-131) could be safely used in the clinical treatment of feline hyperthyroidism.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        백색칼라(Zantedeschia aethiopica) 신품종 ‘Swan’은 국립원 예특작과학원에서 2017년에 육성하였다. ‘Swan’의 모본은 다화성인 ‘Childsiana’와 무름병에 강한 ‘Wedding March’를 부본으로 2004년에 교배하여 구근을 양성 후 2008년부터 2016년까지 생육 및 개화 특성, 균일성에 대하여 특성검정을 실시하였다. 2017년에 3차 특성검정을 실시하여 최종 선발한 후 직 무육성품종심의회에 상정하여 ‘Swan’으로 명명하였다. ‘Swan’ 의 생육 및 개화특성은 부본으로 사용된 ‘Wedding March’를 대조품종으로 조사하였다. 백색(RSH W155C)화색의 ‘Swan’ 은 화포의 길이와 폭이 각각 11.2cm와 10.3cm인 중형 품종이다. 주당 화수는 2.1개로 대조품종보다 2배 많으며 꽃대길이가 77.1cm로 대조품종(68.7cm)보다 길다. 개화소요일수는 65 일로 조기개화 품종이다. 절화수명은 17일(대조12일)로 길며, 무름병 중도저항성으로 구근증식량(13.3개/주)이 우수하고 소비자기호도가 높다. ‘Swan’ 품종은 2020년 4월 28일에 국립종 자원에 품종등록(등록번호 제8092호)되었다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 설문을 통해 ‘스마트 그린오피스(Smart Green Office)’에 대해 대중의 인식과 선호도를 알아보고, 활성화를 위한 기반을 마련하고자 수행하였다. 총 195명을 대상으로 설문조사를 진행하였으며, 실내식물에 대한 인식과 ‘스마트 그린오피스’의 인식 및 선호도에 대하여 조사하였다. 설문조사 결과, 설문에 참여한 대부분의 응답자들은 실내식물을 선호하며, 접근성과 필요성에 대해 긍정적으로 답변한 것으로 조사되었다. 응답자들이 실내식물을 통해 ‘공기 질 향상(52.0%)’ 및 ‘스트레스 해소(34.0%)’등 긍정적인 효과를 경험한 적이 있기 때문에 실내식물의 기능을 인지하고 필요성을 크게 인식하는 것으로 판단된다. ‘스마트 그린오피스’의 인지도에 대해 조사한 결과, 알거나 들어본 경험이 있는 사람은 15.4%로 적었으나 개념을 설명한 후, 필요성을 느끼고 설치를 원하는 응답자들 은 90% 이상으로 조사되었다. 응답자들은 ‘공기정화(83.6%)’ 기능 때문에 ‘스마트 그린오피스’ 도입 이 필요하다고 하였으며, 오피스 내 도입 시‘공기정화 식물(70.8%)’로 이루어진 벽면형태(41.0%)’를 선호하는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한, ‘비용 (45.6%)’과 ‘유지 관리(28.2%)’등의 문제가 ‘스마트 그린오피스’ 도입 시 고려하는 점으로 조사되었으며, 설치 시 비용은 ‘200만원 이하(56.4%)’와 ‘200~450 만원(38.5%)’을 선호하는 것으로 조사되었다. ‘스마트 그린오피스’의 인식 및 선호도와 더불어 비활성화에 대한 원인을 조사한 결과, ‘낮은 인지도’ 및 ‘스 마트 그린오피스’의 개념을 인지하지 못한 ‘불필요’가 각각 25.1%와 42.6%로 조사되었으며, ‘적극적인 마케팅 및 홍보 (46.2%)와 ‘실내식물에 대한 관심도 향상(38.0%)’이 이를 해결하기 위한 방법이라고 응답하였다. 따라서, ‘스마트 그린오피스’의 올바른 의미를 알리고, 공기정화 식물로 이루어진 벽면형태의 디자인 개발 및 모델 제시와 같이 ‘스마트 그린오피스’가 활성화될 수 있도록 홍보를 통한 다양한 정보 제공 등 여러 방안 모색이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Buckwheat is well-known as a healthy crop with excellent nutritional and functional superiority mainly because of a high content of flavonoid compounds, specifically, rutin. However, buckwheat-based food products are known to have the reduced levels of rutin by rutin-degrading enzymes that generate quercetin during processing. However, since quercetin has a bitter taste, it may have a negative impact on consumer preferences, consequently retarding the utilization of buckwheat flour to a variety of buckwheat processed foods. Thus, this study was carried out to investigate the levels of rutin and quercetin in the milling fractions of buckwheat flours and also to monitor their changes by a variety of thermal treatments. Native buckwheat was separated into three fractions by sieving with 40 and 100 mesh screens which were designated as >40 M, 40-100 M, and 100 M<, respectively. The levels of rutin were the highest in the 40-100 M milling fraction, followed by <100 M and >40 M. Also, buckwheat flours were subjected to several thermal treatments including steaming and autoclaving. The contents of rutin and quercetin in the resulting buckwheat samples were analyzed by HPLC and the correlations between the flavonoid compounds and thermal treatments were investigated. The addition of water to buckwheat flour in making buckwheat products significantly decreased the levels of rutin while the quercetin content increased. However, the thermal treatments of buckwheat flours distinctly reduced the rutin loss and quercetin was hardly detected. Therefore, this study contributes to enhancing the health functionalities of buckwheat by reducing rutin loss, probably extending use of buckwheat flour to a variety of processed food products.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The demands of rice products have been steadily increasing because of their non-allergenic-functionalities. However, the use of rice flour in the gluten-free food industry has been still limited due to undesirable quality characteristics derived from the weak structural network by the lack of gluten. Therefore, there is a need to search for new approaches to enhance the structural network of gluten-free foods. In this study, zein, protein derived from corn, was applied to rice noodles as a structural network provider for sheeting and the rheological and structural properties of the rice noodles were investigated depending on the particle size of rice flour. The starch damage of the rice flours increased with decreasing particle size. The zein-rice flours with smaller particle size exhibited greater water hydration properties and pasting parameters that contributed to the increased elastic characteristics. The use of zein positively contributed to the formation of sheeted rice dough that could be successfully slit into noodle strips. The zein-rice noodles with medium particle size (100–150 mesh) had the highest breaking stress and hardness values that were correlated to the lowest cooking loss. This study thus provides a new opportunity for food industry to improve the qualities of gluten-free rice noodles by controlling particle size.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Feeding effects of the honeybee pollen products from both domestic, China, Spain and mixture of different origin on the colony development of earth bumblebee, Bombus terrestris L., were surveyed to evaluate efficient nutritional resources for commercial bombiculture in Korea. As the results, the domestic pollen was most effective to achieve high rates of oviposition (88%), colony foundation (70%), and queen production. While feeding with domestic pollens during the egg-laying period, and domestic+Chinese mixture (5:2) during the breeding period (Plot-2), it revealed high oviposition rate of 75%, colony foundation of 65%, and large numbers of adult queen production, indicating its suitability for generation subculturing. In the Plot-3, the same high oviposition rate (75%) was obtained except for feeding with the domestic+Chinese mixture (2:5) during the breeding period, which produced large number of workers.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Germinated brown rice flour has received much attention due to its health-functional ingredients such as dietary fibers. However, the food industry has faced challenges of using germinated brown rice flour in processed foods because it causes undesirable quality attributes such as high cooking loss and sticky texture. In this study, three different types of food additives (starches, hydrocolloids, emulsifiers) were incorporated into the formulation of extruded rice cakes and their combined effects on the cooking loss and textural properties of the germinated brown rice cakes were investigated. The addition of emulsifiers had a tendency to increase cooking loss and soften the noodle texture. Most of the starches except gelatinized and high-amylose rice flours showed similar effects to the emulsifiers. Xanthan gum, gelatin, and HPMC were positively effective in reducing the cooking loss of the rice cakes and increasing their hardness. When the ingredients were combined, the mixture of saemimyeon rice flour, HPMC, and xanthan/agar reduced the cooking loss by 66.7%. Most of all, this study provided an ingredient map that was plotted on the axis of hardness and cooking loss, depending on single and combined treatments of various ingredients.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the development of processed food for hypoglcemia, it is important to construct model system to confirm factors that reduce the glycemic index in real food. This study was to investigate the relationship between the gel model system and real food the high amylose type of segoami using response surface methodology. The independent variables were concentration (X1; 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30%) and steaming time (X2; 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 min). The predicted glycemic index (Y1) was analyzed as a dependent variable. The regression of pGI was 0.7343, indicating that the model fits the data well in the prediction test. The predict glycemic index of the gel was in the range of 71.38 ~ 83.78, depending on the gel preparation conditions and predicted optimum condition was 23.7% gel concentration and 43.8 minutes of gelatinization. The predict glycemic index of rice gel were decreased with an increase of gel concentration, rather than the steaming time. In order to confirm the effect on in vitro digestibility in real food, the real food (Garraedduk) was prepared by applying the optimal conditions. As a result, there was no significant difference between the predicted value (77.1) and the experiment value (76.6). This result showed that the in vitro digestibility in real food can be predicted by applying the gel model system.
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