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        검색결과 12

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive contamination distribution in nuclear facilities is typically measured and analyzed using radiation sensors. Since generally used detection sensors have relatively high efficiency, it is difficult to apply them to a high radiation field. Therefore, shielding/collimators and small size detectors are typically used. Nevertheless, problems of pulse accumulation and dead time still remain. This can cause measurement errors and distort the energy spectrum. In this study, this problem was confirmed through experiments, and signal pile-up and dead time correction studies were performed. A detection system combining a GAGG sensor and SiPM with a size of 10 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm was used, and GAGG radiation characteristics were evaluated for each radiation dose (0.001~57 mSv/h). As a result, efficiency increased as the dose increased, but the energy spectrum tended to shift to the left. At a radiation dose intensity of 400 Ci (14.8 TBq), a collimator was additionally installed, but efficiency decreased and the spectrum was distorted. It was analyzed that signal loss occurred when more than 1 million particles were incident on the detector. In this high-radioactivity area, quantitative analysis is likely to be difficult due to spectral distortion, and this needs to be supplemented through a correction algorithm. In recent research cases, the development of correction algorithms using MCNP and AI is being actively carried out around the world, and more than 98% of the signals have been corrected and the spectrum has been restored. Nevertheless, the artificial intelligence (AI) results were based on only 2-3 overlapping pulse data and did not consider the effect of noise, so they did not solve realistic problems. Additional research is needed. In the future, we plan to conduct signal correction research using ≈10×10 mm small size detectors (GAGG, CZT etc.). Also, the performance evaluation of the measurement/analysis system is intended to be performed in an environment similar to the high radiation field of an actual nuclear facility.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2 week study was conducted to investigate the effects of Interferential Current(IC) and Kaltenborn-Evjenth Orthopedic Manual Therapy(KEOMT) on functional constipation. Interventions were applied to spinal segments between T9-L2 which provides innerva˗ tions to the gastrointestinal tract. Subjects(n=24) were randomly allo˗ cated to two treatment groups: the IC group or the KEOMT group. Results for the IC therapy demonstrated significant decrease with the colonic transit time(CTT) as well as scores on the constipation assessment scale(CAS). The frequency of defecations per week had increased significantly(p<0.05). The KEOMT displayed decreased CTT in the left colon region. The scores on the CAS were reduced and frequency of defecations per week had increased significantly (p<0.05). This study not only showed that both modes of therapy improved symptoms of constipation, but also optimized gastrointesti˗ nal content movement, eventuating in a more normalized CTT. In conclusion, both the IC therapy and the Kaltenborn-Evjenth Orthopedic Manual Therapy have shown to be effective interventions for improving functional constipation.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is a chaperone protein that involves in oxidative protein folding by acting as catalysts and folding assistants in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Genome database showed that rice contains three PDI-like genes. But, their functions and subcellullar localization are not clearly identified. Here, we show possible functions of rice PDI (OsPDI) during seed development. Seeds of OsPDI T-DNA insertion mutants which were identified by genomic DNA PCR and western blot display chalky phenotype. Electron microscope analysis revealed that endosperms of the OsPDIL1-1Δ mutant show imperfect packing of round starch granules, causing floury-white color. Abnormal form of protein body I (PB-I) containing prolamin and thick aleurone layer were also observed in the OsPDIL1-1Δ mutants. Protein content per seed was significantly low in the OsPDIL1-1Δ mutant. However, free sugar content was high in the OsPDIL1-1Δ mutant seed. Northern and western blot analyses showed that during seed development, OsPDI protein is steadily accumulated in the seed until maturation while its transcript level was highest at 10 days after flowering and rapidly decreased to basal level. In addition, OsPDI strongly interacts with cysteine protease OsCP1 and chaperone BiP protein accumulates in OsPDIL1-1Δ mutant. Besides, proteomic analysis of the OsPDIL1-1Δ mutant seed showed that OsPDI is post-translationally regulated and its loss causes accumulation of many types of seed proteins. Our results indicate that OsPDI plays a critical role in seed development through its regulatory activity for various proteins.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Grain yield, one of the most important agronomic traits, is greatly affected by architecture in rice. Here, we show that an OsPrMC3, a rice PrMC3 orthologue with a lipase or esterase domain, involves in yielding by tillering. Phenotypic analysis of T-DNA insertion mutant revealed that it has high number of tillers than wild type although height and leaf width are shorter and narrower than wild type. Size and branch number of panicle were greatly reduced in the mutant, which resulted in significant decrease of seed number per panicle and dry weight of the seeds. OsPrMC3 is highly expressed in the leaf during the early stage of development. However, it is mainly expressed in mature seed and root after flowering although its expression is detected in all of the tissues. Our result indicates that OsPrMC3 involves in leaf growth and tillering during vegetative growth and also seed development after flowering, suggesting its crucial regulatory role in yielding
        2001.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1D SDS-PAGE) was used to determine whether it would provide improved resolving power of hordein proteins concomitant with improved identification of Korean barley cultivars and germplams. This system gave rapid and reproducible separations of hordein polypeptides. Total fourteen of clear and easily scorable subunits were identified in Korean barley cultivars and germplasms and their polymorphic constitutions could provide biochemical genetic information in progeny analysis and endosperm quality improvement in barley breeding programs. Each hordein polypeptides residing in B, C, and D hordein pattern designations were scored to prepare a cultivar catalogue of protein patterns. On the basis of this character, 7 hordein polypeptide patterns were constructed from 108 barley cultivars and experimental lines. The molecular weight of hordein subunits in Korean barley cultivars and experimental lines varied in the range of 98 to 48 kDa. In contrast, less polymorphic hordein polypeptides were found in the low protein barley lines including malting barleys than those found in Korean barley cultivars and experimental lines