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        검색결과 80

        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effect of five different constant temperatures (18, 21, 24, 27, and 30±1°C) and a photoperiod of 14 : 10 (L : D) h on the reproduction parameters of Spodoptera frugiperda was studied. The longevity of adult female S. frugiperda decreased with increasing temperature (22.4 days at 21°C and 13.9 days at 30°C) but not at 18°C. The pre-oviposition period and oviposition period was the shortest at 30°C compared to the other temperatures. The total fecundity egg count was 887.4, 1,246.4, 1,348.9, 1,154.9, and 1,034.2 at 18, 21, 24, 27 and 30°C, respectively, during its life span. The survival rate of female S. frugiperda decreased rapidly after 13 days at 18°C, after 14 days at 21°C, after 15 days at 27°C, and after 9 days at 24°C, and 30°C. On the third day after the start of oviposition, 50% of the total fecundity was accomplished. In corn fields at less than the 10-leaf stage, the distribution of S. frugiperda egg masses was observed in the middle and lower plant regions, corresponding to 46.8% and 41.4% of the total egg masses, respectively. Egg masses were mostly found on the underside of the leaf blade (abaxial) of corn (66.7%). After releasing S. frugiperda adults on May 12, May 17, May 25, and May 30, the number of eggs per egg mass was 89.9, 88.5, 126.6, and 127.9, respectively. Egg masses of the subsequent generations of S. frugiperda were observed from late June, and the number of eggs per egg mass was 155.8 in late June, 270.7 in early July, and 303.5 in mid-July.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has recently emerged as an ideal disinfectant and has shown a wide range of antimicrobial activities in various pathogenic microorganisms. In this study, the virucidal effect of ClO2 at low concentration (0.02 ppm) and higher concentration (0.06 – 0.09 ppm) against Adenovirus and Herpesvirus was evaluated based on the NF T 72-281 and ASTM 1053-11 standard methods at different exposure times. The virus suspension was dried onto the carrier and then exposed to gaseous ClO2 (gClO2) at 22 ± 2∘C. For Adenovirus, exposure at a low concentration of ClO2 at the middle height resulted in the average log10 reduction of 0.95, 2.65, and 5.30 after 1, 3, and 6 h post-exposure (pe), respectively. Moreover, more than 4-log10 reduction was achieved at 4 and 6 h pe with higher concentrations of ClO2. On the other hand, the antiviral activity of gClO2 at the middle height was also effective against Herpesvirus. In particular, at 1 h pe, a less than 4-log10 reduction was observed at all examined concentrations of ClO2, whereas exposure for 3 and 6 h (with low concentration) or 2 h (with higher concentration) inactivated completely viruses attached to the carrier. These results suggested that ClO2 fumigation is a potential alternative method for disinfecting healthcare facilities, high-containment laboratories, and households with a safe concentration for human health.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        열대 및 아열대성 비래해충으로 최근 국내에도 옥수수에 피해를 주고 있는 열대거세미나방의 온도별 발육특성을 인공먹이를 이용하여 사육 하며 조사하였다. 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 32°C 항온조건에서 알에서 성충까지의 발육하기까지 각각 79.8, 54.2, 34.3, 28.4, 24.6, 24.0일이 소요되어 온도가 증가할수록 발육기간이 짧아졌다. 암컷 번데기의 발육기간은 수컷보다 짧았다. 유충은 보통 6령까지 발육하였으나 저온에서 7령 이상의 비 율이 증가하였다. 온도에 따른 발육은 직선회귀에 부합하였으며, 직선회귀식을 이용하여 각 발육태별 발육영점온도와 유효적산온도를 분석한 결 과, 알은 12.9°C와 37.0 DD, 유충은 11.3°C와 286.3 DD, 번데기는 12.6°C와 132.2 DD, 알에서 성충까지는 11.8°C와 456.8 DD 였다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the effect of a synthetic complement peptide C3a on the outcome of Brucella abortus 544 infection in a murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7 cell. First, we determined the highest non-cytotoxic concentration of the peptide in the cell line. We also found that the peptide significantly increased the growth of the bacteria at 8 and 24 h. Although the number of bacterial CFU was also elevated at 48 and 72 h, the increases were not significant as compared to controls. We further investigated the effect of C3a peptide on the growth of Brucella by pre-incubating the peptide at various temperatures and found that the effect was reversed at 24 h post-incubation suggesting that incubation of peptide at high temperatures including 65°C or 95°C could inactivate its action. This also could indicate the beneficial effect of high temperature during infection. Although several studies reported the inhibitory effect of different antimicrobial peptides including C3a, the present study preliminarily revealed that it had no positive contribution on the control of B. abortus 544 infection in vitro and indirectly to its receptor, CD88, which belongs to GPCR. Moreover, the encouraged further exploration of the effect of other similar peptides would be performed for the purpose of finding Brucella-host cell interaction for the control of disease progression.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the effects of exogenous succinic acid (SCA) on Brucella (B.) abortus infection in macrophage RAW 264.7 cells and ICR mice. Firstly, the in vitro experiment was conducted by MTT cytotoxicity and bacterial internalization assay to evaluate the uptake of B. abortus into macrophage cells. Two non-cytotoxic concentrations of SCA demonstrated attenuated invasion of Brucella into macrophages at 30 and 45 min post- infection (pi). Secondly, ICR mice were treated with SCA and infected with B. abortus. On day-14 pi, spleen and blood serum were collected to evaluate the bacterial burden and total spleen weight as well as the production of cytokine/chemokine, respectively. The results showed that SCA treatment promoted bacterial growth and reduced the total spleen weight in mice. Furthermore, SCA treatment increased the level of IL-10 cytokine in the sera, while dampening the production of MCP-1 chemokine compared to the control. The results of bacterial load in spleen and spleen weight together with cytokine/chemokine production profile in the sera indicated that SCA induced the host anti-inflammatory response which is beneficial for the survival of Brucella. Therefore, these findings suggest that SCA contributed to host immunity against Brucella infection and the emerging potential topic-immunometabolism should be invested for further investigations.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We develop forecast models of daily probabilities of major flares (M- and X-class) based on empirical relationships between photospheric magnetic parameters and daily flaring rates from May 2010 to April 2018. In this study, we consider ten magnetic parameters characterizing size, distribution, and non-potentiality of vector magnetic fields from Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) X-ray flare data. The magnetic parameters are classified into three types: the total unsigned parameters, the total signed parameters, and the mean parameters. We divide the data into two sets chronologically: 70% for training and 30% for testing. The empirical relationships between the parameters and flaring rates are used to predict flare occurrence probabilities for a given magnetic parameter value. Major results of this study are as follows. First, major flare occurrence rates are well correlated with ten parameters having correlation coefficients above 0.85. Second, logarithmic values of flaring rates are well approximated by linear equations. Third, using total unsigned and signed parameters achieved better performance for predicting flares than the mean parameters in terms of verification measures of probabilistic and converted binary forecasts. We conclude that the total quantity of non-potentiality of magnetic fields is crucial for flare forecasting among the magnetic parameters considered in this study. When this model is applied for operational use, it can be used using the data of 21:00 TAI with a slight underestimation of 2–6.3%.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2017년부터 2018년까지 전북지역 오디 생산용 뽕나무에 발생하는 주요 해충의 발생 양상과 유기농업자재에 의한 뽕나무이 방제 효과를 조사하였다. 부안과 익산지역을 중심으로 수확 전 발생하는 주요 해충은 뽕나무이, 미국흰불나방, 뽕나무명나방, 노린재류, 꽃매미 6종이었으며 수확 후에는 미국흰불나방, 뽕나무명나방, 총채벌레, 미국선녀벌레, 노린재류 등 5종이 발생하였다. 또한 오디 생산용 뽕나무 재배시 가장 문제가 되는 병해충인 균핵병과 뽕나무이를 동시에 친환경적으로 관리하기 위해서는 데리스 추출물(데리스 90%) 250배와 황토유황 500배를 혼합하여 처리하는 것이 방제효과 97.6%로 효과적이었다. 선발된 유기농업자재에 효과적인 처리시기는 4월 상·중순이며, 7일 간격으로 3회 방제하면 94% 이상의 방제효과가 있고 약해도 발생하지 않아 유기농업자재를 이용한 뽕나무이의 친환경방제가 가능할 것으로 판단되었다.
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