
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 62

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시각예술가인 저자는 자신의 드로잉과 설치작업 세계를 이해하기 위한 통찰을 제시하고자 한다. 저자는 미적-예술적 선과 대립되는 과학적-기술적 선의 현상과 효과를 고찰하고자 하면서, 발생할 수 있는 어떠한 유추에 대해 설명하고자 한다. 제도가로서 저자가 참고하는 자료들이 가지고 있는 과학적인 문제에 접근한다면 어떤 일이 생길까? 그것은 추측일까 혹은 인식일까? 선을 보다 구체적으로 다루려는 의도에서 저자는 예술적 그리고 과학적 관점에서 기하학의 근원적인 문제를 해결하고자 시도하였다. 저자는 일종의 번역작업으로 유클리드의 원리와 구성적 기술에 근거한 증명의 계도 형식의 도형을 만들고, 이 도형을 드로잉에 반영하고 있다. 저자는 드로잉 혹은 설치작업이 다양한 요소와 층위를 전개시키면서 본질적으로는 자체적으로 구성됨을 보여주고자 한다.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        전라남도 순천시에 위치한 조계산은 해발 884m로 1979 년 12월 26일에 11번째 도립공원으로 지정되었다. 지정 당 시 면적은 23.16㎢이었으나, 현재는 27.38㎢로 4.22㎢ 증가 하였다. 조계산은 소백정맥의 말단부에 위치하며, 지형은 암질의 지배를 받아 편마암 지대는 험준하고, 화산암 지대 는 유순하다. 또한 명승지로서 서쪽에 송광사(서기 750년경 창건), 동쪽에 선암사(서기 759년경 창건)와 국보, 보물, 천 연기념물, 사찰 및 암자, 탑 등이 입지하고 있는 명산이다. 조계산의 계류로는 오두치 북서사면을 흐르는 하천과 보성 강에서 합류하는 송광사 계류가 있고, 북사면의 계류는 행 정저수지에 머물러 광천으로 흐르게 된다. 조계산의 식생조사는 1940년 전남교육회에서 최초로 시 작하였으며 특징 수종으로 낙엽관목인 털조장나무, 한국 특 산식물이자 멸종위기 야생생물Ⅱ급인 히어리, 산괭이눈 등 15종류를 채집하여 보고된 바 있으며, 최근 조계산을 포함 한 5개 지역에서 한국 특산식물인 히어리개체군의 식생과 토양특성을 보고하였다. 조계산은 역사문화와 관광자원이 풍부한 곳이며 1950년대 한국전쟁 당시의 벌채와 산불 등 인위적 피해로 인하여 훼손이 극심하였다. 조계산의 식생은 기존에 소나무림을 제외하고는 낙엽활엽수림화되어 가고 있는 것으로 파악되었으며, 한국 불교 태고총림인 선암사 일대의 식생은 조계산에서 비교적 가장 잘 보전된 지역이라 고 볼 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 조계산도립공원 내 선암사계곡 일대 낙엽 활엽수림을 대상으로 식물군집구조 조사분석을 하여 천이 계열을 예측하고 향후 보전관리를 위한 자료를 제공하고자 수행하였다. 연구대상지는 선암사계곡 일대 선암교에서 비 석거리탑까지로 약 500m 구간이다. 구간 내에서 20m×20m (400㎡) 크기의 방형구 23개소를 설정하였고, 2010년 3월 에 현장조사를 실시하였다. 식생조사는 목본을 대상으로 교목층, 아교목층에서 수고, 흉고직경, 지하고, 수관폭을 조사하였고, 관목층은 흉고직 경 2cm 이하 또는 수고 2m 이하인 수목의 수고와 수관폭을 조사하였다. 식생조사 자료를 토대로 각 수종의 우세를 비 교하기 위하여 Curtis and McIntosh(1951)의 중요치 (importance percentage: I.P.)를 통합하여 백분율로 나타낸 상대우점치를 분석하였다. 군집분류는 TWINSPAN에 의 한 classification 분석과 DCA에 의한 ordination 분석을 실 시하였으며, 상대우점치에 의한 특성을 고려하여 군집을 명 명하고, Shannon의 종다양도지수(H'), 종수 및 개체수를 분 석하였다. 23개 조사구에 대하여 TWINSPAN에 의한 classification 분석을 실시하였다. 제1단계(level 1) 제1division(eigenvalue 0.190)에서는 소나무(+), 밤나무(-), 사람주나무(-), 합 다리나무(-), 나도밤나무(-) 유무에 의해 크게 두 개 그룹으 로 나누어졌으며, 제2단계(level 2)에서는 노각나무(-), 제3 단계(level 3)에서는 밤나무(-), 소나무(-)에 의해 총 네 개 그룹으로 분류되었다. 조사구 간의 상이성을 바탕으로 조사구를 배치하는 ordination 분석 결과, 본 연구에서는 조사구별 종조성과 평 균상대우점치를 고려하였을 때, DCA에 의한 군집분류가 명확하였다. DCA에 의한 식물군집 분류는 소나무군집(Ⅰ), 밤나무-소나무군집(Ⅱ), 졸참나무군집(Ⅲ), 개서어나무군 집(Ⅳ), 낙엽활엽수혼효군집(Ⅴ) 등 5개 군집으로 분류되었 다. 소나무군집(군집Ⅰ)은 교목층 평균수고 17∼20m, 평균 흉고직경 20∼55cm, 식피율 75%, 출현식생은 소나무, 개 서어나무, 밤나무, 노각나무, 당단풍나무, 조릿대 등이었다. 밤나무-소나무군집(군집Ⅱ)은 교목층 평균수고 15∼17m, 평균 흉고직경 15∼50cm, 식피율 75~80%, 소나무, 밤나무, 졸참나무, 노각나무, 쪽동백나무, 개서어나무, 당단풍나무, 조릿대 등이 출현하였다. 졸참나무군집(군집Ⅲ)은 교목층 평균수고 15∼19m, 평균 흉고직경 20∼30cm, 식피율 40~60%로 졸참나무, 개서어나무, 당단풍나무, 쪽동백나무, 나도밤나무, 진달래, 조릿대 등이 출현하였다. 개서어나무 군집(군집Ⅳ) 교목층 평균수고 16∼19m, 평균 흉고직경 20 ∼30cm, 식피율 75~80%, 출현식생은 개서어나무, 노각나 무, 졸참나무, 느티나무, 소나무, 굴참나무, 노린재나무, 사 람주나무, 조릿대 등이었다. 낙엽활엽수혼효군집(군집Ⅴ) 교목층 평균수고 15m, 평균 흉고직경 20∼25cm, 식피율 75%, 출현식생은 개서어나무, 밤나무, 노각나무, 나도밤나 무, 사람주나무, 졸참나무, 당단풍나무, 윤노리나무, 조릿대 등이었다. 특히 관목층에 조릿대는 전체 조사구 내에서 40~85%의 비율로 계속하여 출현하였다. 군집Ⅰ은 소나무군집(조사구 2, 4)으로 교목층에서 소나 무(I.P.: 79.7%)가 우점하였고, 아교목층에서는 개서어나무 (I.P.: 38.6%)가 우점종이었으며, 쪽동백나무(I.P.: 14.4%), 졸참나무(I.P.: 12.0%)가 다소 출현하였다. 군집Ⅱ는 밤나 무-소나무군집(조사구 3, 5)으로 교목층에 밤나무(I.P.: 34.2%), 소나무(I.P.: 30.2%)가 우점하였고, 아교목층에서 는 개서어나무(I.P.: 28.2%), 졸참나무(I.P.: 16.5%), 때죽나 무(I.P.: 14.1%)가 주요 출현수종이었다. 군집Ⅲ은 졸참나 무군집으로 총 7개 조사구(조사구 1, 7, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20) 가 포함되었다. 교목층에서 졸참나무(I.P.: 47.3%)가 우점 하였으며, 아교목층에서는 산딸나무(I.P.: 20.5%)의 상대우 점치가 높았고 개서어나무, 때죽나무 등이 함께 생육하고 있었다. 군집Ⅳ는 총 8개 조사구(조사구 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23)가 포함되는 개서어나무군집이었다. 교목층에서 개서어나무(I.P.: 46.2%)가 우점하였고, 졸참나무(I.P.: 18.1%)가 다소 출현하였다. 아교목층에서는 소나무(I.P.: 47.1%)가 우점하였고, 개서어나무(I.P.: 12.9%)가 함께 출 현하였다. 군집Ⅴ는 낙엽활엽수혼효군집(조사구 6, 8, 9, 10)으로 교목층에서 노각나무(I.P.: 30.2%)가 우점하였고 졸참나무, 밤나무, 개서어나무가 다소 출현하였다. 아교목 층에서는 나도밤나무(I.P.: 18.1%), 때죽나무(I.P.: 13.1%), 개서어나무(I.P.: 10.7%)가 출현하였다. 조계산 선암사계곡의 식생은 소나무→졸참나무→개서 어나무로의 천이가 예측되었다. 종수 및 개체수는 400㎡ 기준으로 조사하였으며, 관목층 에 출현하는 조릿대를 제외하고 층위별로 분석하였다. 군집 Ⅰ(소나무군집)은 교목층 11~15개체, 아교목층 60~75개체, 관목층 12~16개체 출현하였으며, 종수는 17종이었다. 군집 Ⅱ(밤나무-소나무군집)는 교목층 11~12개체, 아교목층 57~68개체, 관목층 4~12개체 출현하였으며, 종수는 16~21 종이었다. 군집Ⅲ(졸참나무군집)은 교목층 6~22개체, 아교 목층 43~75개체, 관목층 4~104개체 출현하였으며, 종수는 17~23종이었다. 군집Ⅳ(개서어나무군집)는 교목층 9~25개 체, 아교목층 25~55개체, 관목층 4~40개체 출현하였으며, 종수는 16~22종이었다. 군집Ⅴ(낙엽활엽혼효군집)는 교목 층 10~15개체, 아교목층 42~69개체, 관목층 0~4개체 출현 하였으며, 종수는 16~19종이었다. 단위면적 400㎡당 Shannon의 종다양도지수(H')를 각 군 집의 조사구별로 분석하였다. 군집Ⅰ(소나무군집)은 0.9602~ 1.0241, 군집Ⅱ(밤나무-소나무군집)는 1.1383~1.0744, 군 집Ⅲ(졸참나무군집)은 0.9988~1.1730, 군집Ⅳ(개서어나무 군집)는 0.9227~1.0869, 군집Ⅴ(낙엽활엽혼효군집)는 1.0997~ 1.1745이었다. 최대종다양도는 군집Ⅰ에서 조사구 2, 4가 1.2304, 군집Ⅱ에서 조사구 3이 1.3222, 군집Ⅲ에서 조사구 12가 1.3424, 군집Ⅴ에서 조사구 10이 1.2788이었다. 군집 Ⅳ(개서어나무군집)과 내장산국립공원의 개서어나무군집 (1.0353~1.2881)을 비교해 보았을 때 낮고, 군집Ⅴ(낙엽활 엽혼효군집)와 내장산국립공원의 낙엽활엽혼효군집(1.1412~ 1.3807)과 비교해 보면 낮은 것을 알 수 있다. 대체로 조계 산도립공원의 종다양도지수(H')는 낮은 것으로 판단되었 다. 모든 조사구의 관목층에 조릿대의 영향으로 종다양도가 낮게 나타난 것으로 사료되었다. 조릿대는 지하경으로 영양 번식하는 식물로서 산림에서 우점하게 되면 다른 식물을 피압해 고사시키고 타감물질을 분비하여 다른 종자 발아를 억제시킨다는 연구가 보고된바 있다. 현재 천이진행에 있어 광범위한 조릿대가 미치는 영향에 관련하여 꾸준한 연구와 모니터링이 필요하다고 판단되었다.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        DME 제조공정에서 발생하는 혼합가스 중 CO2를 제거하기 위해서 H2 투과도보다 CO2투과도가 우수한 고무상 고분자를 분리소재로 선정하여 복합막을 제조하고 CO2/H2의 분리성능을 검증하여 보았다. 지지체 중공사막 소재로 PEI를 이용하여 지지체 중공사막을 제조하였으며, 제조된 지지체 중공사막의 기체투과도를 각 가스별로 측정하여 PDMS의 경우는 CO2 투과도 300 GPU 이상, CO2/H2의 선택도가 4.3 이상, PEBAX를 사용한 경우 CO2 투과도 120 GPU 이상 CO2/H2의 선택도가 5 이상인 복합 중공사를 제조하였다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 개발된 테이블탑 시스템들은 컴퓨터 게임의 장점을 살리면서 동시에 전통적인 보드 게임 환경을 재현할 수 있는 장점이 있다. 그리고 이러한 시스템들은 사람들이 많이 모이는 장소에서 기존의 테이블 축구나 핀볼 기계 같은 아날로그 게임 시스템들을 대체하게 될 것이다. 하지만 이러한 테이블탑 시스템들은 그 확장성이 제한되기 때문에 여러 사람이 동시에 게임을 즐기는 것이 어렵다. 따라서 더 많은 사용자들이 게임을 함께 즐기고 상호작용에 참여할 수 있는 물리적인 공간과 고해상도 디스플레이 환경을 지원하기 위해서는 테이블탑 시스템의 규모를 유연하게 확장할 수 있어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 여러 개의 단일 타일드 테이블탑 시스템을 서로 동적으로 연결하여 하나의 초대형 통합 시스템을 구성함으로써 보다 확장된 게임 개발을 지원하는 프레임워크를 개발하였다. 본문에서는 기존 테이블탑 환경의 게임 플랫폼 기술들을 살펴 본 후에, 본 프레임워크의 설계 및 개발 내용에 대하여 상세히 설명한다. 그리고 유효성을 측정하기 위한 성능 평가에 대해서 기술한다.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although scholarly terminology should have clear meanings as signs, Korean pagoda terminology has become jargon and is creating difficulties in communicating meanings which are far from the originally intended meanings; this terminology is sometimes notated in dead language, meaning old Chinese characters, or Japanese styled Chinese characters. Nobody has asked questions on the terminology itself which has long been commonly used for a century, since the Japanese-ruling period. One of the main reasons for this error is that the Indian Buddhist scriptures in Sanskrit has been translated into Chinese with vague understanding of form and meaning of stupa since 3rd Century A.D. On the other hand, the English-language terminology, already built by Indology scholars since the beginning of the 20th century, consists of easier language and clearer meanings. This paper examines misunderstanding and mistranslation of the original Indian stupa terms and suggests new terminology in current, easier language.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea's stone buildings are varied in their types such as stone pagodas, stone lanterns, stone bridges, stoneworks, etc. These account for more than 30% over the entire cultural properties, but research achievements are lacking compared to wooden buildings. Accordingly, this study aims to identify the shape, role and transition of Tapgu, which had been used to set up boundary at a stone pagoda, one of the stone buildings. The 20th stone pagodas, which have relative accuracy in its forming year, have been studied around national treasure or treasure between 7th century and 9th century. There are a lot of different opinions about the role and meaning of Tapgu, and at this writer's option, Tapgu is defined as follows: First, each structure plays a different role. A structure to pass the load in the upper part to the ground can be seen as a stair or a pedestal, but a structure to form double foundations can be considered as Tapgu. Second, Tapgu can be used to divide areas with stones or stepping stones. As a result, the shape, role and transition of Tapgu is as follows: Firstly, when it comes to its shape, Tapgu includes flagstone type, belt type, double foundation type, compound type. Flagstone type had been used to set up boundary at stone pagodas by using foundation stone, belt type by keeping apart from stone pagodas, and double foundation stone by installing dual foundation stones. Secondly, Tapgu is considered to set up boundary in the case of flagstone and plate stone, and acts like a structure which can prevent surrounding area of stone pagoda from coming up while being stuck around stone pagodas. Belt type was installed only for the purpose of forming boundary. At the bottom, double foundation stone had been used to pass the load in the upper part to the ground in the same way as the foundation stone in the upper part, and the boundaries were set varying the size. Thirdly, when it comes to the transition of Tapgu, flagstone type of boundary stone had been installed in the 7th century, and belt type of boundary stone had been mainly installed in the 8th century. And double foundation stone had been installed in the 9th century. Comprehensively, flagstone type and belt type had been made around the 7th and 8th century when Tapgu was regarded important and stone pagoda started to be built. At the turn to the 9th century, the role of Tapgu had been increasingly losing in the construction of stone pagoda, and foundation stone started to appear.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thisstudy aimstodiscoverhistoricaltrendsandchangeofform ofallstupasin India with observation of field study thatis as directas possible,by classifying, analyzing, andsynthesizing thestupas.Study ofIndianstupainKoreahasanumber ofshortcomings since only introductory partialapproach has been made in orderto seek the origin ofKorean pagoda.This study also aims to correcterrors ofstupa terminology in Chinese character committed by misinterpretation of Hindilanguage whichwasestablishedbyprecedentJapanesescholarsseveraldecadesago. Piled-up stupasweretotally destroyed by pagans,thereforetheirremainstellus only ofstructure,material,sizeand disposition.Howeverremains ofcarved stone at torana and drum give us clues as to the originalform ofstupa and worshipping activity,aswellaschangetoamoreluxuriousform. Many rock cavestupasofIndiashow usboth simpleformsmatching theascetic age ofearly Buddhism and luxurious changes in Mahayanan era introducing us to statuesofBuddha.Indiansrecoveredthesphericform of'anda,'aHinditerm meaning cosmic egg,from the hemispheric form ofthe piled-up stupa. Therefore we might discardtheerraticterm of'bokbal',whichmeansanupsetvessel. Railingsandparasolsbecamemainfactorsofstupadesign.Carvedrailingsaround stupabecameasignofdivinity.Seriousworshippingactivitymadedrumslongorhigh and created multi-embossed stripes.Bases ofcircular drums of some cave stupas changedtheirshapestorectangularoroctagonal.Singleparasolsbecamemultiparasols ofaffluentflowerlike curved stems on carved stupa.Multistoried,elongated and high parasolsofGandharastupasareclosely related tosuch factorsasdiversechangesof form in Indian subcontinent.Four-sided toranagateand ayakacolumn ofthecircular form oforiginalstupassuggesttherectangularform ofsubsequentEastAsianpagoda, and higher and wider base of Indian stupas became the origin of East Asian rectangularpagoda.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objective of this study was to investigate residual the levels of heavy metals in rice grain and soils of “Top-Rice” and common rice cultivation areas from 2005 to 2007. Soil and rice grain samples were taken from 33 “Top-rice” areas and neighboring paddies, and analyzed for the elements using ICP-OES and ICP-TOF-MS after acid digestion. A concentration of arsenic in paddy soil was 1.33 mg/kg which was below 1/5-1/11 fold of the threshold levels (concern: 4 mg/kg, action: 10 mg/kg), and paddy soil was 0.06 mg/kg of Cd (cadmium) being below 1/25-1/67 fold of the limits (concern: 1.5 mg/kg, action: 4 mg/kg). A level of Cu (copper) in paddy soil was 4.57 mg/kg which was below 1/11-1/27 fold of the threshold levels (concern: 50 mg/kg, action: 125 mg/kg), and Pb (lead) concentration in paddy soil was found to be a 4.68 mg/kg. In addition, Hg (mercury) concentration in paddy soil was to be a 0.03 mg/ kg, which was below 1/131-1/328 fold of the threshold levels (concern: 4 mg/kg, action: 10 mg/kg). The average concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Hg in the polished rice samples were 0.037, 0.043, 0.280, 0.048 and 0.002 mg/kg, respectively. These levels are lower than those of other countries in rice grains. Assuming the rice consumption of 205.7 g/day by total dietary supplements in Korea, the amount of total weekly metal intake of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Hg by polished rice were estimated to be 0.0892, 1.035, 6.712, 1.161 and 0.054 μg/kg body weigh/week, respectively. The PTWI(%) of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Hg were 5.95 (inorganic arsenic), 0.26 (total arsenic), 14.79, 0.19, 4.65 and 1.07% estimated to be 0.0892, 1.035, 6.712, 1.161 and 0.054 μg/kg body weigh/week, respectively. In conclusion, it was appeared that the heavy metals contamination in the brown and polished rice should not be worried in Korea.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this article is making investigation of the principal composition of the twin-pagodas in Buddhist temple through ornaments of a case preserving relics of Buddha in the east and west pagodas of Gameunsa temple. This research has an important meaning in clarifying that the concept of placement two Buddhas together with lotus sutra, which was only applied to Bulkuksa temple, has been extended to Gameunsa temple. And this observation gave us a clear explanation for the principal composition at the twin-pagodas in Buddhist temple plans. The author obtained the following conclusion from this article : The cases preserving relics of the Buddha for the west and east pagodas are globally in similar form as the type of a royal palace. But the different points between eastern and western can be seen on the existence of Buddhist statues on the base floor, set-up of the gate at railings, and 4 lion statues at a coner of the base floor. In the western pagoda, there are Buddha statues above the base-floor of the cases preserving relics. These Buddha statues are composed of a boy monks and angels with playing music for the praise of the Sakyamuni Buddha lecturing the Lotus sutra at YoungChui Mountain. On the other hand, in the eastern pagoda, Buddha statues on the cases preserving relics are composed of a the Four Devas and monks as a defending God of the nation of Buddha. In the eastern pagoda, one can see something that does not exist in the western pagoda, which is a gate located in railing of a case preserving the relics. This gate described the scene of the Sakyamuni Buddha entering into the pagoda of 7 treasures. In a corner of the case preserving relics in the eastern pagoda, there is another thing which does not exist in the western pagoda. This is a sculpture of a lion which symbols the seat of Lion supporting the Buddha in the Dabotap(the pagoda of 7 treasures). When we observe the form and structure, the descriptions at the railings, the gate, the shrine, the statue of a lion, and the accessories in jewelries, at the cases preserving the relics in the eastern pagoda, one can realize that they have the same combination structures between the ones at Dabotaps in Bulguksa temple and those in China as well as in Japan, all of which represent the Gyun-Bo-Tap-Pum of Lotus Sutra. Among the distribution rules in the twin-pagodas in Buddhist temple, the application of the ideal of lotus was known to be effected only to Bulguksa temple. But from the result of the present article, it is more clearly proved by applying the Gameunsa temple that the distribution theory in the twin-pagodas in Buddhist temple was in fact based on the ideal of lotus.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Tower, published in 1928, is Yeats's finest single volume of poetry, and it might also be the finest single book of poems published in the twentieth century (O'Donnell 89). Many poems of the volume confront the problems of growing old. This paper attempts to read three poems selected from The Tower--"Sailing to Byzantium," "The Tower," and "Among School Children"--in terms of their representations of old age and its relation to desire and the imagination. In "Sailing to Byzantium," the poet begins by declaring that Ireland is "no country for old men." He complains that here all are "caught in that sensual music" and "neglect monuments of unageing intellect." "The Tower" also begins with the poet's confused question: "What shall I do with this absurdity . . . this caricature, decrepit age?" He complains about his old age because it makes his body "a sort of battered kettle at the heel," and that body can deride his imagination and its work. The poet's complaint or anxiety about old age in these poems comes from the fact that his old age and bodily decrepitude make it hard to satisfy his desire. In "Sailing to Byzantium," lack of satisfaction makes him unhappy in Ireland and wish to leave. Also in "The Tower," unsatisfied desire makes his heart "troubled," and so he is even tempted to give up poetry and choose philosophy. However, ironically enough, unsatisfied desire makes his imagination stronger than ever. Now, in spite of his bodily decrepitude, his imagination enables him to travel to the "holy city" of Byzantium, and there pray to the sages there that he may be changed into a golden bird, "an artifice of eternity." In "The Tower," the poet sends his imagination forth and calls "images and memories" to ask questions of them. In the process of calling images and asking questions, the poet restores his belief in the power of the imagination, and, because of this belief, he can leave his "pride" and "faith" as poet to the "young upstanding men" of Ireland. "Among School Children" confronts the problem of physical ageing a little differently. The poem shows the poet walking through the schoolroom and dreaming of "a Ledaean body" (Maud Gonne). His imagining her as a child and then thinking of "her present image" leads to the meditation not only on the general human fate of ageing but also on the images which "break hearts" because they do not touch the reality of life. Not only the passage of time but also the false images make human life exhausted and unhappy. To solve the problem, the poet's imagination creates two images of unified being: the "blossoming" tree and the "dancing" body. Where life is blossoming or dancing, the poet says, "The body is not bruised to pleasure soul." What he is trying to say is that life is an ongoing process, and so we must accept it as it really is.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper studied 《Lady white is putted down forever under the Leifeng pagoda》 written by FengMonglong in the Ming dynasty, especially focusing on the symbol of the characters. The important characters of this piece are a lady white, who is originally a monster white serpent, a young man XuXuan and a Zen master Fahai. If perusing this work, we can know that these characters symbolize the mind: the Lady white is a symbol of the id, the young man XuXuan is of the ego, and the Zen master Fahai is of the superego. According to Freud"s theory, Human personality is made up the id, the ego and the superego. The id is a instinctive energy and a storing place of libido. This follows "Pleasure Principle" pursuing only the pleasure but evading the unpleasantness. The ego is something of a result appearing above the surface when the id only chases after Pleasure principle. The superego is related with the sociality and the ideal in the individual spirit, and is a realm of personality"s social value, the conscience and the ideal in the Human personality of Psychoanalysis. Because the ego always exists between the id and the superego. And only the ego can manage the practical adaptation that normal life makes a demand about the outside, so it is situated in a weak and an uneasy position. The young man XuXuan in the novel is described as a weak man. He is always under the control of the Lady white, also to free himself from the Lady white, he asks the Zen master Fahai for help after all. XuXuan"s character shows that the ego is affected by the id and the superego. The lady white is a symbol of the id. She has a hold XuXuan and makes him pursued the pleasure, on the other hand she is into collision with the Zen master Fahai who is a symbol of the superego. As a result, the important characters of the piece of 《Lady white》 are a symbol of Human personality: the id, the ego and the superego. Just as the mythology represents the human life"s meaning and the human mind, also the main characters of this novel represent the relation between the id and the ego, the relation between the ego and the superego, the relation between the id and the superego through the symbolism.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        "Man can embody truth but he cannot know it," said Yeats a few days before his death. And this truth is embodied in the two “death poems,” "Under Ben Bulben" and "The Black Tower". How is that truth embodied? And what is its content? A close reading of the two poems gives some sort of significant answer to that question. The truth Yeats tried to embody may be "Unity of Being", the poet's eternal pursuit. Throughout his long poetic career, wearing various masks, and in various ways, Yeats sought to accomplish its poetic embodiment. To solve multi-levelled divisions of being, Yeats sought persistently to "remake" and "renew" himself, his self as an archetype of the Irish people. "Under Ben Bulben" and "The Black Tower" suggest the poet's dream as returning to and restoring the heroic Celticism and integrating it into making Ireland. In "Under Ben Bulben", drawing on the Celtic heroes' wisdom and strength, the poet asserts his philosophy of reincarnation and man's profane perfection, and, also, the greatness of artists' creative power. After presenting his selected history of the great artists, the poet asks the Irish poets to succeed to his poetic dream. And, then, he casts cold eyes on life, on death, renewing himself as one of the heroes of his dream. In "The Black Tower", the poet's inner drama upon the threshold of death, the tower, his old symbol, reveals itself as a microcosm of Ireland that the poet wishes to defend against his enemies by death. In this poem, the poet does not give up his dream to the final, even if the dark and gloomy mood is dominant. Finally, for the tower's defense, the poet commits "an epic suicide", to become a legendary Irish hero himself. Thus, the poet embodies the truth he has found.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article works on the development process of the Buddhist Temple with two pagodas in the Eastern Asia. in 7-8th centuries. This study was motivated from the observation that why there are many the Buddhist Temple having two pagodas only around the late 7th century, roughly around 670 A.D.. This period corresponds to the Silla Dynasty(in Korean History) and Hakuho Period(in Japan History) among the Eastern Asia while the composition of the temple being changed as Buddhism spreads out from China. The results of this study are the followings. The appearance of the Buddhist Temple having two pagodas was resulted from the representation of the Ideology in Botabpum(dogma of pagoda security) of the Saddharmapundarika Sutra, that is to say, two Buddhas sit side by side and iconography of Esoteric Buddhism dogma supports the spirit for defending one's country. Buddhist Temple having two pagodas in China had separate tab-won(areas with pagodas outer temple building block). Buddhist Temple having two pagodas in Korea had begun with sacheunwangsa temple in Unified-Silla. But it had two pagodas with inner temple area instead of outer. This was different from the composition of China. It can be related to the layout of the temple haying two pagodas in East-Jin(in China History) and the sculpture of two pagodas in Ungang-stonecave(in China). Thus the layout of the Buddhist Temple having two pagodas in Silla had been originated from that of China, but was developed to the main temple layout on her own accord. As Japanese Temple having two pagodas had been influenced diplomatically, it had two pagodas inner area as like the layout in Shilla. But later under the influence of Tang it was modified to the layout having them in separate area. And this influence can be seen for example Tangchojaesa temple. For the more, We call see that the diplomatic trends according to the policies in East asia affected to Buddhism and then naturally also to the layout of the Buddhist Temple.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experimental Study was carried out for benzene desorption by purge gas or evacuation in an activated carbon bed. As purge gas flow rate increased, desorption rate increased due to the higher interstitial linear gas velocity. For various purge gas flow rates, desoption curves almost got together if they were plotted against dimensionless time. At a higher flow rate, mass transfer zone became narrower. Temperature drop in the bed was more fast and severe at higher flow rates and higher outer temperature. It was found out that desorption was almost completed when the temperature in the drop of the bed returned to the initial temperature before temperature drop. Desorption by vacuum purge was completed in shorter time than desorption by purge gas. Countercurrent purge was more effective than cocurrent purge.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The VOCs(Volatile Organic Compounds) is one of the major cause for the atmosphere pollution. Breakthrough behavior of benzene and toluene in adsorption bed packed with activated carbon was experimentally studied. Composition and temperature of the gas flowing in the bed was measured and breakthrough curves for each component was obtained. Breakthrough time of benzene was earlier than that of toluene due to relatively weak adsorptivity. The relationship between breakthrough time and flow rate was obtained. The shape of temperature change with time was dependent on the position in the bed. Temperature changed faster and sharper in the inlet than in the outlet. It was noted that breakthrough behavior could be affected by the heat transfer properties.
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