본 연구는 서바이벌 게임에서 맵의 디자인 요소를 분석하고 표준화하는 것을 목표로 했다. 상 용 게임 10개를 조사하여 네 가지 주요 맵 유형을 파악하였고, 이를 바탕으로 유니티 에디터를 사용해 네 가지 유형의 맵을 개발 및 구현하였다. 무작위 위치에 장애물을 스폰하고, 타일 재 배치 시스템을 통해 맵을 무한대로 재배치할 수 있도록 했다. 또한, Update() 메서드를 조정해 타일 변위 오류를 해결했다. 마지막으로, ML 에이전트를 사용해 맵을 테스트했으며, 에이전트 가 환경을 탐색하고 장애물과 적대 대상을 인식 및 공격하며 각기 다른 네 가지 맵에서 효과 적으로 대응하는 모습을 확인했다.
This study conducted field surveys targeting benthic macroinvertebrates and fish in Andong Dam and Yeongsan River, with the specific aim of analyzing bluegill stomach contents. Bluegills in Andong Dam ranged from 40-220 mm, with 93.0% between 80-220 mm, while those in Yeongsan River ranged from 50-210 mm, with 71.4% between 120-210 mm. The highest feeding rates in both sites were for Chironomidae spp., with findings of 72.6% in Andong Dam and 80.4% in Yeongsan River. In Andong Dam, H. nipponensis and Baetidae sp. were also significant at 17.5% and 6.5%, respectively, while in Yeongsan River, Baetidae sp. (7.5%) and Hymenoptera sp. were the next most common at 3.8%. The EI index showed that bluegills generally avoided H. nipponensis and S. tsuchigae (-0.373 and -0.975) whereas they preferred Chironomidae spp. (0.759, 0.892) and Baetidae sp. (0.723). The parameter b values of the total length-weight relationship of bluegill were calculated as 3.452 in Andong Dam and 3.449 in the Yeongsan River, respectively. The slope values of the condition factor were 0.0067 in Andong Dam and 0.0065 in the Yeongsan River. Both values were positive, indicating that the nutritional status of bluegill was good. Aquatic insects constituted the primary food source, particularly in Yeongsan River. Feeding patterns did not significantly differ by habitat orientation groups, but Yeongsan River bluegills consumed more diverse food sources. In Andong Dam, larger bluegills likely consume food sources with larger biomass, while Yeongsan River’s diverse and abundant food sources support opportunistic feeding tailored to the water ecological environment.
Endemic species are defined as taxa that naturally inhabit and grow within a specific area. Because they easily face regional extinction, continuous management is required. In this study, stable isotope analysis, length-weight relationships (LWRs), and condition factor (K) estimation were applied to oily bitterling Acheilognathus koreensis inhabiting three representative rivers including the Geum River basin, Seomjin River basin, and Tamjin River basin to compare ecological property and related biological conditions. Based on the corrected isotope value to account for difference in carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of POM, Δδ13CA.koreensis-POM, estimated isotope niche areas of A. koreensis between Geum and Tamjin River populations were highly overlapped while those of the Seomjin River population were discriminated from other habitats, indicating differences in major diet sources among habitats. In addition, LWRs for the Seomjin River population showed a good growth with a b value of 3.155 compared to Geum and Tamjin River populations which showed relatively low growth rates of 2.888 and 2.968, respectively. Fluctuation of the K value of the A. koreensis tended to decrease with growth in the Geum River while that of the Seomjin River population exhibited the highest increasing trend. This study confirmed differences in diet resources among habitats for A. koreensis, which resulted growth and fatness variations for each population. Our results can be used as basic information for effective conservation and management strategies of A. koreensis populations.
Aidanosagitta crassa, a key species in South Korea’s coastal waters, exhibits three morphological types: Type C with a collarette-containing trunk, Type N lacking a collarette, and an intermediate Type I. Limited research studies have been conducted on their ecological patterns, prompting this study to elucidate seasonal occurrence patterns of A. crassa types in Pyeongtaek. Field surveys at six stations in Pyeongtaek port were conducted in winter (Feb.), spring (May), summer (Aug.), and autumn (Nov.) of 2010. Water temperature and salinity were measured and zooplankton samples were collected for abundance analysis. Type C predominated in winter and autumn. Type I predominated in summer and Type N predominated in summer and autumn. Occurrence patterns were influenced by water temperature. Type C showed a negative correlation with water temperature. Type N was positively correlated with water temperature. However, Type I showed no significant correlation with water temperature. In 2013, genetic sampling using the mtCOI marker was conducted in winter and summer. Despite morphological differences, genetic analysis revealed intraspecific diversity due to seasonal environmental changes.
With medical use of hemp, many medicinal cultivars were bred worldwide. Propagating cultivar using seed has a high cost. On the other hand, vegetatively propagating cultivar has various merits including short breeding period and uniformity. This study aimed to determine optimal conditions for propagating hemp after cutting, including sterilizing of rooting media, rooting hormone, and mixing ratio of growing media and sand of rooting media. Korean landrace strain of hemp plant was grown in Wagner pot (size: 1/2,000 a) for 60 days. Its branches were cut to 70∼80 mm in length and used for cutting slips. The rooting medium, a horticultural nursery medium, was autoclaved for 3 hours at 120 ℃. The mixing ratio of sand and nursery media was 9:1, 7:3, 5:5, or 3:7 in weight. Cutting slips were coated with rooting hormone (1-naphthylacetamide 0.4%) just before planting. Cutting materials were planted in a tray pot of 72 cells and grown in a walk-in-chamber for 28 days with a temperature of 25 ℃ and an intensity of radiation of 800 μmol/㎡/sec. Seedling rates were 61.1%, 77.8%, and 63.0% for mixing ratios of 1:9, 3:7, and 5:5 of sand mixed with horticultural nursery medium. These seedling rates were significantly higher than a seedling rate of 31.5 % for a mixing ratio of 7:3. Root lengths were 97 mm, 91 mm, and 81 mm for mixing ratios of 1:9, 3:7, and 5:5 of sand mixed with horticultural nursery medium. These root lengths were significantly longer than a root length of 37 mm for a mixing ratio of 7:3. Rooting rates were 81.1 % and 91.2 % for slips coated with rooting hormone and sterilized rooting media, respectively. They were 40.0 % and 18.3 % for slips not coated with rooting hormone or sterilized rooting media, respectively. Thus, for vegetative propagating (cutting) of medicinal hemp, sterilizing of rooting media and coating slips with rooting hormone will be essential to conducting the propagation process.
In Korea, “group feeding facilities” are public establishments that offer food to large numbers of people, typically consisting of more than 50 individuals at a time. As of March 2024, there were 46,642 such meal facilities in Korea. Among these, 14,177 (30.4%) were kindergartens, 12,155 (26.1%) were schools, and 9,949 (21.3%) were industrial facilities. In February 2021, lung cancer among culinary workers in schools was first recognized as an occupational disease. Since then, the necessity of implementing health management of culinary workers and improving the cooking environment has become a pressing issue. Previous studies have identified various cooking pollutants such as particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, and aldehydes generated during the cooking process. These pollutants have been shown to significantly impact on both indoor and outdoor environments. They are initially produced in cooking spaces, can spread to indoor dining areas by diffusion, and are eventually emitted to the outside air through exhaust outlets. Therefore, this study investigated previous research on the characteristics of pollutants and the environmental impacts of cooking facilities, including facilities providing meals. Additionally, this study analyzed the current status and limitations of policies and pollutant management systems related to these facilities. Finally, to improve the cooking environment and safeguard the health of workers, this study proposed several recommendations. These include guidelines and management system proposals for controlling cooking pollutants.
본 연구는 실경 자연환경과 문화유산을 활용한 융복합 미디어 아트 축제의 주제 공연콘텐츠 매체 특성을 분석하고 지속 가능 한 축제의 정체성과 문화도시 이미지 구축 및 축제 브랜딩 효과 를 연구한 것이다. 연구 방법은 융복합 미디어아트 축제 공연콘텐츠에 내재된 스 토리텔링, 서사구조, 도상성, 지표성, 비결정성의 언어적 속성에 주목하고 콘텐츠 창·제작 기획서와 제작 과정, 현장 연구, 결과보 고서, 연구논문, 보도자료, 현장 모니터링 및 축제 관련 홈페이지 와 관련 문헌을 중심으로 고찰하였다. 본 연구는 문화예술 분야에서 일반적으로 혼용하여 사용되고 있는 융복합의 개념을 명확하게 분석했으며, 공연예술과 축제 공연콘텐츠에 내재 된, 융복합의 표현 양상과 특성을 도출하고 미디어아트 축제 공연콘텐츠의 사례를 중심으로 언어적 속성과 예술적 확장성에 대한 의미와 가치의 중요성을 발견하였다. 또한 본 연구는 융복합의 언어적 속성을 분석하여 지역 문화 예술 축제의 정체성을 구축하고 공연예술과 융복합 미디어아트 축제 공연콘텐츠의 매체 활용과 예술표현으로 인한 절대우위의 가치를 연구한 것이다. 융복합 미디어아트 축제 공연콘텐츠의 예술적 확장성은 지역 문화예술 축제의 도시 브랜딩과 브랜드노믹스 효과를 기대할 수 있다.
청주와 증평에서 채집한 섬서구메뚜기(Atractomorpha lata)의 발생과 온도(20°C, 25°C, 30°C)에 따른 령기별 발육기간, 성충수명, 산란수 및 부화율 등을 조사하였다. 섬서구메뚜기는 5월 말부터 부화약충이 나타나기 시작하여 7월말부터 성충이 출현하고 8월 중순에 성충의 밀도가 가장 높았다. 청주와 증평에서 채집된 모든 령기에 대한 야외개체의 암수 비율은 각각 0.49와 0.45로 유사하게 조사되었다. 섬서구메뚜기 암컷은 6령까 지의 약충기를 거쳐 성충이 되지만 수컷은 5령 약충기만으로 성충이 되었다. 령기별 약충의 발육기간은 온도가 높아질수록 짧았으며 암컷이 수컷보 다 모든 온도에서 더 길었다. 성충의 수명은 온도가 높아질수록 암수 모두 감소하였고 암컷과 수컷 모두 20°C에서 각각 158.9일과 127.3일로 가장 긴 기간 동안 생존하였다. 온도가 높아질수록 산란전기는 짧아졌으나, 산란수는 반대로 증가하였다. 그러나 난괴당 산란수는 온도별 큰 차이를 보이 지 않았다. 섬서구메뚜기의 알은 30°C이상에서만 부화하여 52.0% 부화율을 보였다. 본 연구결과는 섬서구메뚜기를 방제하기 위하여 발생과 발육 에 관한 기초자료로써 활용가능 할 것으로 생각된다.
2019년부터 2023년까지 제주도와 전라남도에서 재배되는 바나나(banana, Musa acuminate × balbisiana)와 커피(coffee, Coffea arabica)에 발생하여 피해를 주는 해충을 조사하였다. 바나나에서 발생한 해충은 총 7종이 조사되었다. 차응애(Tetranychus kanzawai)는 대부분의 바나나 과 원에서 발견되었고, 매년 잎에서 고밀도로 발생하여 피해를 주었다. 귤가루깍지벌레(Planococcus citri), 담배거세미나방(Spodoptera litura), 차애모 무늬잎말이나방(Adoxophyes honmai) 순으로 돌발적으로 발생하여 주로 잎을 가해하였다. 과실을 가해하는 해충은 없었으나, 2022년도 제주도에 서 바나나 과실 표면에 흰색 실무늬나 녹슨 색으로 변색되는 피해를 유발하는 고사리그물총채벌레(Helionothrips femoralis)가 처음 발견되었고, 2023년에 전라남도 완도와 해남에 소재한 바나나 농가에서도 이 해충이 발생하는 것이 확인되었다. 커피에 발생한 해충은 총 5종이 조사되었다. 이중 탱자소리진딧물(Toxoptera aurantii), 귤가루깍지벌레, 차애모무늬잎말이나방순으로 매년 다량 발생하여 피해를 주었다. 전라남도 소재 농가 에서는 달팽이종류인 두줄민달팽이(Limax marginatus)가 일부 잎과 과실에 피해를 주기도 하였고, 미국선녀벌레(Metcalfa pruinosa)가 일부 나무 에서 발생하기도 하였다.
One of the harmful substances produced by livestock manure is ammonia (NH3), which is emitted at a high rate. Additionally, NH3 reacts with sulfur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere to produce fine particulate matter (PM2.5). However, the management and countermeasures for NH3 in livestock facilities were found to be inadequate. To establish effective measures, an NH3 emission factor that complies with certified methodologies is required. This study calculates the emission factor by monitoring NH3 concentration and ventilation between September 2022 and May 2023 in a mechanically-ventilated enclosed facility. The data measurement was performed in accordance with the VERA test protocol from Europe, and NH3 concentrations were monitored in real-time using photoacoustic spectroscopy measurement equipment. The average NH3 concentrations for Rooms 1, 2, and 3 during the entire period were measured at 0.96 ± 0.39 ppm, 1.20 ± 0.57 ppm, and 1.34 ± 0.71 ppm, respectively, with an overall average of approximately 1.17 ± 0.49 ppm. The average ventilation was recorded at 2,782.0 ± 1,510.4 m³/h, with an average internal temperature of 26.0 ± 1.5 °C and a relative humidity of 63.9 ± 5.2%. The average emission factor per room was calculated as 0.14 ± 0.03 g/day/pig for Room 1, 0.19 ± 0.07 g/day/pig for Room 2, and 0.15 ± 0.05 g/day/pig for Room 3. Ultimately, this study determined the average NH3 emission factor for the weaned pig facility to be 0.16 g/day/ pig.
This study investigated the characteristics of personal PM2.5 exposure among 109 participants residing in Seoul over a two-month period, from February 2024 to April 2024. The participants were categorized into four sub-populations, and personal exposure to PM2.5 was assessed using portable monitors, GPS, and time-activity diaries. To understand the time-activity patterns, the daily occupancy rate for different microenvironments was calculated. Additionally, daily PM2.5 exposure contribution and integrated exposure were quantified. A time series analysis was conducted to identify differences in time-activity patterns and PM2.5 exposure among the sub-populations. ANOVA analysis indicated statistically significant differences in PM2.5 concentrations across populations and microenvironments (p<0.05). However, post-hoc analysis revealed specific microenvironments within certain sub-populations where PM2.5 concentration differences were not significant (p>0.05). All sub-populations spent more than 90% of their time indoors, and the results for exposure contribution and integrated exposure indicated that the home, which had the highest occupancy rate, was the most significant contributor to PM2.5 exposure. This study is expected to serve as foundational data for future indoor air quality management and the development of personalized strategies for reducing PM2.5 exposure.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can adversely affect human and plant health by generating secondary pollutants such as ozone and fine particulate matter, through photochemical reactions, necessitating systematic management. This study investigated the distribution characteristics of gaseous VOCs in ambient air, with a focus on interpreting data from a photochemical pollution perspective. This paper analyzed the presence and concentration distribution of VOCs in industrial areas, identifying toluene, m-xylene, p-xylene, and n-octane as the most frequently detected components. Particularly, toluene was found to significantly contribute to the formation of ozone and fine particulate matter, highlighting the need for stricter regulation of this compound. Although n-octane and styrene were present in relatively low concentrations overall, their significant contributions to ozone generation and secondary organic aerosol formation, respectively, emphasize their importance in air pollution management.
Present study investigated fish community at 12 sites within Yudeungcheon Stream in October 2018 and May 2019 to understand the inhabit status of the endangered species Pseudopungtungia nigra. We collected 39 species and 2,554 individuals of fish, and the Fish Assessment Index (FAI) was evaluated as “Good (B)” with an average score of 66.8. Among collected fishes, 15 endemic and 2 invasive species, Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis macrochirus were identified. In the distribution survey of P. nigra, it appeared in a range of approximately 12 km from Maebawiyuwonji Park (St. 5) to Budnaedari Bridge (St. 10). Based on population collected in May, the age of P. nigra (female) were divided into three groups by the length-frequency distribution method: 1 year old (60~76 mm), 2 years old (82~99 mm), and more than 3 years old (100~117 mm). Total length of the minimum maturity individual was 60 mm, and was a 1 year old. The estimated average population size using the Jolly-Seber method was 5,804 individuals in the Suryeongyo Bridge. Our study provides fundamental information about the fish community and River health assessment in Yudeungcheon Stream. Furthermore, we are expected to provide ecological information of the P. nigra, consequently helping to establish conservation and restoration plans for endangered species.
Oyster mushroom is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed mushrooms in Korea, and mechanization and automation of cultivation systems have enabled mass production. Many cultivars have been developed to replace the old ones such as ‘Suhan‘ and ‘Chunchuneutari 2 ho,‘ which have been cultivated for over 20 years. Among these, ‘Soltari‘ was developed in 2015. Although it has excellent quality, its cultivation is challenging and the productivity is somewhat lower. To address these issues, the Mushroom Division at the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science selected the genetic resource KMCC05165 and attempted hybridization between monokaryons from KMCC05165 and ‘Soltari(KMCC04940)’. Through repeated cultivation tests and evaluation of fruiting body characteristics, the superior strain ‘Po-2019-smj22’ was selected and finally named ‘Otari‘. The optimal mycelial growth temperature of ‘Otari’ was between 25 and 30°C and optimal fruiting body growth temperature was between 13 and 18°C. Mycelial growth on PDA medium was best at 25°C, and at the same temperature, mycelial growth was similar across four media: PDA, MEA, MCM, and YM. In 1,100 mL bottle cultivation, the yield was approximately 174 g, which is about 5% higher than the control cultivar ‘Soltari‘, and the number of valid individuals was also higher at about 25. The diameter and height of the pileus were 29.8 mm and 17.6 mm, respectively, slightly smaller than ‘Soltari‘, and the stipe was thin and long with a thickness of 12.2 mm. Additionally, the pileus’ lightness index (L index) was 30.7, indicating a darker brown color compared to 'Soltari.' With excellent mycelial growth, ease of cultivation, and high yield, the new cultivar ‘Otari‘ is expected to be widely adopted by domestic oyster mushroom farms.
The oyster mushrooms have known to be a major product in Gyeonggi-do, with production accounting for 69% of the entire country. The ‘Daeseon’ cultivar, which has white and straight stem, was developed. This cultivar was developed by mating monokaryons isolated from the ‘Heuktari’ and ‘Hwaseong-2ho’ varieties. The optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was 26~32oC on PDA medium and that for the primordia formation and the growth of fruit body of ‘Daeseon’ was 16~20oC on sawdust media. It took 35 days to complete spawn running, 3 days for finish primordia formation, and 4 days for finish fruit body growth in the bottle culture. It has shallow funnel-shaped pileus and a white straight stipe. The yield per bottle was 201 g/1,100 ml and was 16% higher than that of control cultivar ‘Suhan-1ho’. Based on above results, we expect this cultivar to be suitable for small packaging.
We developed a new oyster mushroom cultivar named 'Dawon-tari', which has a longer stipe and higher yield than those of ‘sootari’.‘Dawon-tari’ was crossed by mating monokaryons isolated from ‘Sootari’ and ‘Daejang2ho’. The optimal temperature for mycelial growth was determined to be 20~25°C on potato dextrose agar medium, while the optimal temperatures for primordia formation and fruiting body growth were 15~17°C on a sawdust substrate. During bottle cultivation, the mycelial growth phase required approximately 26 days. Additionally, primordia formation required 5 days, and fruiting body growth took 4 days. The fruiting bodies exhibited a shallow funnel shape; were grayishbrown; and the stipes were characterized by a long, thin structure. The yield of fruiting bodies was 185 g per 1,100 mL bottle, which was 5% higher than that of ‘Sootari’.
A new oak mushroom cultivar ‘K815’ was bred from monokaryotic strains of ‘Jadam-2’ and ‘LE191732-118’. The optimal temperature for mycelial growth of ‘K815’ was 25oC, and the temperature for primordia formation and fruiting body development was 15~20oC. The fruiting body morphology is hemispherical and the fruiting form is sporadic. Total cultivation period of the new cultivar, from inoculation to its first harvest, was 133 days, which was 3 days longer than control cultivar ‘Jadam’ (129 days), with 32 days for spawn running, 89 days for browning, 4 days for primordia formation, and 8 days for fruiting body development. In the fruiting body, the thickness and diameter of pileus of the new cultivar were 32.2 mm and 58.3mm, respectively, and the length of stipe was 35.6 mm. Compared to the control cultivar ('Jadam', 'L808'), the pileus of the new cultivar was thicker and smaller and the length of stipe was shorter. The total number of fruiting bodies of ‘K815’ was 58.9, which was higher than the control varieties and total yield of 2 crop cycle of ‘K815’ was 580 g (per 3 kg substrate), which was similar to the control variety.
This study was conducted to secure basic data for developing technologies to reduce the generation of odor substances by investigating the effects of environmental temperature on growth performance and the generation of odor substances from feces in growing pigs. A total of 16 pigs (Landrace × Yorkshire × Duroc, average body weight 56.49±0.47kg) were randomly assigned to two treatments: thermal-neutral (TN) and heat stress (HS) conditions. The experiments were conducted for two weeks, with average temperature-humidity indices of 68.91±0.09 for TN and 85.98±0.08 for HS. The results showed that HS significantly decreased average daily feed intake (ADFI, 33.3%) and average daily gain (ADG, 25.8%) compared with TN (p<0.05). Non-esterified fatty acid in serum was lower (36.2%) in HS compared with TN (p<0.05). However, protein, blood urea nitrogen, cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, and IgG in serum showed no difference between HS and TN. Phenol (350.0%) and skatole (416.3%) were significantly higher in HS than in TN (p<0.05). The decrease in growth performance is attributed to reduction in ADFI. The increase in phenol and skatole in HS is presumed to be due to the effect of HS on the metabolism of intestinal microbial composition. Digestion rate, intestinal microbial composition, and urine emissions are known to affect odor substances. Further research on the content of odor substances in urine, nutrient digestion rate, and intestinal microbial composition is considered necessary to determine the exact associations.
현대사회는 사회, 경제, 정치, 문화적으로 비약적인 발전을 이루었으나, 이러한 발전 속에서 현대인들은 심리적 피로와 함 께 사회적 불만을 심각하게 경험하고 있다. 전국시대라는 혼란 한 시기에 살았던 장자 역시 그러한 사회적 혼란 속에서 삶을 영위했으나, 그는 혼란 속에서도 자유롭고 온전한 삶을 추구하 였다. 장자의 철학은 혼란한 현실로부터의 단순한 도피가 아니 라, 세속의 삶 속에서 인위적인 억압에 구속되지 않고 진정한 정신적 자유를 추구하는 것을 목표로 한다. 그는 이러한 정신 적 자유에 도달하기 위해, 외부로부터 정신이 자유로워질 수 있는 심재(心齋)와 좌망(坐忘)이라는 수련을 제시하였다. 장자 는 이 수련 과정을 통해 물아일체(物我一體)와 무위자연(無爲自 然)의 도(道)를 체득하게 되며, 그 결과로 지미지락(至美至樂)과 천락(天樂)의 경지에 이르게 된다고 보았다. 장자는 이러한 경 지에 도달함으로써 궁극적으로 최고의 쾌락과 자유, 그리고 미 를 획득할 수 있다고 주장한다. 이와 같은 장자의 철학은 현대 건축 공간에도 중요한 영향을 미치며, 시간과 공간, 사용자 간 의 경계가 모호해지는 관계적 무경계성이라는 개념을 통해 현 대 건축에서 나타나는 중첩, 차경, 병치 등의 건축적 기법을 설 명할 수 있다. 이러한 특성을 반영한 현대 건축 공간은 전통과 현대를 아우르는 심미적 특성을 가지며, 이를 통해 전통과 현 대를 통합적으로 이해하는 데 중요한 기여를 한다. 장자의 사 유를 바탕으로 현대 건축 공간을 분석하는 접근은 현시대의 다 양한 건축물에 대한 형이하학적 해석을 넘어서, 공간의 심미적 특성을 깊이 있게 이해할 수 있는 새로운 관점을 제공한다.