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        검색결과 117

        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        모드 곤에 대한 보답 없는 사랑은 예이츠의 사랑의 시에 많은 영감을 주었다. 그는 얻은 여인보다 잃은 여인에 상상력이 대부분 머문다는 것을 잘 알고 있었다. 만약 모드 곤이 사랑을 받아들였다면 예이츠의 나날은 비참함으로 채워지지 않았을 것이다. 하지만 비참함이 없었다면 시도 없었을 것이다. 그가 진정 원하는 것은 여인의 사랑이 아니라 시였다. 모든 곤을 이룰 수 없는 여인으로 만든 것은 예이츠 자신 이다. 그는 영혼의 결합으로 아름다운 사랑의 시를 짓는 것에 행복했을 것이다. 시를 위해 여인은 여전히 이상적 사랑으로 보답 없는 채로 남아있어야 한다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는, 서초구 주민들이 2012. 8. 29.경 서초구청이 대한예수교장로회 사랑의 교회에 대하여 한 서울 서초구 소재 참나리길 일부 지하부분에 관한 도로점용허가처분에 대해 무효확인청구(예비적 청구취지: 취소청구)의 소를 제기함으로서 시작되어 8년여에 걸친 소송이 진행된 후, 최근 대법원의 상고기각 판결에 의해 위 도로점용허가처분 취소 판결이 확정된 사건을 다루었으나, 위 도로점용허가처분 취소 판결에 대한 타당성 여부에 대한 검토나 평석이 아니라 처분청인 서초구청이 위 취소 판결의 기속력에 따라 조치를 취해야 하는 이 사건 도로에 대한 원상회복명령 등 그 후속절차에 관한 것이다. 위 취소 판결로 인한 후속절차로는 원상회복명령, 이행강제금 부과, 행정대집행, 부관인 허가조건의 유효성, 건축허가(일부)취소, 손실보상 등이 문제 되는데, 그 중 가장 중요한 것은 원상회복명령과 행정대집행의 가능 여부로서, 전자와 관련해서는 원상회복의 방법, 원상회복 명령 및 그 이행 가능여부, 원상회복의무 면제시 교회의 대상 시설물 사용 가능여부 등이, 후자와 관련해서는 대집행 요건 중 대체적 작위의무인지 여부, 집행대상의 특정 가능여부, 의무 불이행 방치가 심히 공익을 해하는지 여부 등이 각 주요 쟁점 이 된다. 본 연구로 인하여 취소판결로 인한 후속절차로 어떤 것이 문제가 되는지 파악이 되고, 원상회복명령과 행정대집행의 기준이 다소나마 명확해짐으로 인하여 행정처분의 상대방에게 법적안정성이 부여될 수 있기를 바라고, 위 도로점용허가처분 취소판결 확정으로 인한 대상 교회의 후속절차 문제가 원만하게 해결되기를 기대한다.
        2018.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 14살부터 26살까지 고쇼라는 특별한 공간에서 한 명의 여성으로서, 또한 뇨보로서 살아 온 니죠가 천황을 비롯, 당대의 최고의 정치가, 최고의 고승으로 존경받은 남성들과의 애욕유전의 생애를 여성의 생명으로, 그것을 차원 높은 문학으로까지 승하시킨 일기 「도와즈가타리」를 통하여 작자 니죠의 여성으로서의 매력을 고찰하여 전체적인 니죠상을 그려보고자 했다. 먼저 그녀의 전반전 인생이 시작된 고쇼에서 한 명의 여성 커리어 우먼인 뇨보로서 출사하였다. 그러나 일하는 뇨보로서의 그녀의 꿈은 천황인 고후 카쿠사인에 의해 깨어져 버렸다. 고후카쿠사인은 그녀를 단순한 뇨보로 두지않고, 자신의 정식인 부인도 아닌 애첩으로 그녀를 사랑했던 것이다. 그리고 그녀도 고후카쿠사인의 사랑을 받으면서 동시에 당시의 최고 정치가인 유키노아케보노와의 삼각관계를 형성한 것이다. 또 얼마 지나지 않아 당대의 최고의 종교 지도자인 아리아케노 츠키와도 남녀관계를 맺으며 불꽃같은 사랑의 편력을 이루어간다. 고쇼라는 특별한 공간에서 당대의 최고의 남성들과의 관계를 통해 그녀는 자신의 여성으로서의 매력 과 높은 자존심은 그녀를 사랑에 뛰어난 멋진 여인으로 더욱더 빛나게 하는 요소로 작용하게 된다. 결과적으로 고쇼를 중심으로 그녀는 당대의 최고의 남성들과 복수의 연애관계를 맺지만, 그 형태는 당시의 도덕적, 사회적인 규범으로부터 일탈한 형태였다. 이러한 애욕유전의 생애를 니죠는 아무도 묻지도 않았지만, 자신의 일생을 일기로 쓸 수 있었던 것은 그만큼 여성으로서의 높은 자존심과 남녀간의 사랑에 뛰어난 여성이었기에 가능한 자신감의 표출이었다고 생각된다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Portuguese tourism sector has grown steadily in recent years and will continue to generate a series of opportunities and challenges for which answers will be needed to ensure a structured growth path for the sector. Research on CSR in tourism is still sparse (Dwyer and Sheldon, 2007). In an attempt to address this issue, this study analyses whether the CSR consumer perceptions and consumer engagement are significant variables supporting the success of a long-term relationship in the tourism sector as a brand love. Knowing the role of the perceived community, environmental and consumer’s aspects of CRS image, the levels of personal involvement in tourism play an important role in the relationship between the social concerns of tourists, their responsible behaviour and the relationship that they establish with the place. A quantitative methodology was employed for this research. It was used a survey to measure relationships between constructs on a theoretical model. The questionnaires were administered to tourists (nationals and internationals) in the main tourist’s points in the Porto city during the month of October 2017. A sample of tourists produced 958 useable questionnaires. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using maximum likelihood estimation and bootstrapping method was conducted to test the validity of the model and the formulated hypotheses. The results obtained in the estimation of the proposed conceptual model show that in respect to the corporate social responsibility image all the variables considered to explain that image are statistically significant. The tourists CSR image of the city of Porto leads to an increase of brand love and the consumer engagement with the city of Porto leads to an increase of brand love too. This is the first time that this evaluation has been carried out for the Porto city and it proves to be necessary information for the various stakeholders who work in the sector, including local organizations, companies and industry leaders, among others.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Relationship between consumers and brands has become an important issue both for managers and marketing scholars (Fournier 1998, Fournier et al 2012,Alba and Lutz 2013, Loureiro 2015). This becomes even more important when brands misbehave. This paper studies the situation in which consumers are disappointed with the brand and feel hate toward it. Building on the Triangular Theory of Hate (Stenberg 2003), a qualitative and quantitative content analysis of 349 posts written on a facebook public group, is performed. The goal of the analysis is twofold: i) understanding which are the more recurrent types of hate for consumers and its causes; ii) testing, in light of the expressing writing theory, whether writing and sharing their brand hate online is a way for consumers to vent away their feelings and hence to restore their wellbeing. Results show that consumers mainly experience burning hate that is composed by anger, disgust and devaluation and wish the brand death. Also, given the specific relationship consumers have with the brand, the catharsis effect does not take place for them.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years brands have come under the spotlight for delivering unique and authentic brand experiences. Consumers find themselves looking for brands that add experiential value to their daily life, from a sensory, behavioral, intellectual and relational perspective (Brakus et al., 2009). Moreover, there is a growing demand for brands that are able to deliver their brand promise authentically (Morhart et al., 2015; Schallehn et al., 2014). On this background, our research was conducted in order to examine the role of brand experience and brand authenticity in generating brand love. In addressing this issue, the present study attempts to perform a test on research hypotheses by empirically validating the proposed conceptual model in a cross-country context (Japan and Portugal) for the brands Apple and Samsung. Additionally, it analyses the moderating effect of self-authenticity in relation to brand experience and brand authenticity. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaire to final consumers, who are owners of Apple and Samsung devices. A total of 574 valid questionnaires were collected regarding Apple brand (Japan = 300; Portugal = 274). Following the testing of the structural equation model, results demonstrate the correlation between brand authenticity and brand experience and show that the greater the self-authenticity, the higher is the effect of brand authenticity on brand love. It is worth noting however that the direct and moderating effects are different for Apple and Samsung in Japan and Portugal. This accounts for the cultural differences in how consumers perceive the experiential and authentic brand value propositions and how they relate emotionally to brands. Our study also provides important managerial implications by helping brand managers to understand how to drive passionate and intense feelings towards brands and to target consumers who are looking for compelling, meaningful and authentic brand experiences.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With competition among hotel brands intensifying more than ever before, there has been a burgeoning interest in the hospitality industry on the topic of brand love. However, progress of brand love research in hotel context has been limited and investigation on antecedents of brand love has mainly focused on affective and relational aspects, while neglecting cognitive aspects of brand love. Therefore, the objective of this research was to illuminate the importance of brand love's cognitive aspect by identifying cognitive brand loyalty as a necessary component of brand love in hotel context. In addition, present research suggests that by inducing cognitive engagement among customers, hotel brands can attain cognitive brand loyalty from customers, which in turn derives brand love. To achieve the research objective, a questionnaire with items measuring brand love, cognitive brand loyalty and two aspects of cognitive engagement, cognitive attention and cognitive absorption, was distributed to 300 individuals through Amazon Mechanical Turk. Brand love was measured with scale adapted from Carroll and Ahuvia (2006), cognitive brand loyalty was measured using items introduced by Back and Parks (2003), and cognitive engagement elements were measured using items developed by So, King and Sparks (2014). In analyzing the data, structural equation modeling method was used. The findings of the study indicate that the effect of cognitive brand loyalty on brand love is significant and that the relationship between cognitive attention and cognitive brand loyalty is also positive and significant. However, the relationship between cognitive absorption and cognitive brand loyalty was positive only at a marginally significant level. As a result, the indirect effect of cognitive attention on brand love was positive and significant yet, the indirect effect of cognitive absorption on brand love was insignificant. This study enriches the brand love literature’s spectrum by illuminating the importance of brand love’s cognitive aspect. However, it is important to note that the focus is not necessarily on the cognitive processing or the standards, but on the cognitive engagement experience. In addition, because customers generally process information most heavily during the booking process, present research brings out managerial implications for hotel brands to direct more customers to their own brand website rather than the online-travel-agency( OTA) website. For instance, the results of present research illustrate that price discount or additional amenity are not enough to develop brand love. Rather, hotels should provide loyalty members who book directly through brand sites with more enjoyable, creative, and relevant to self-room shopping experience.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent times of global turbulence, democracies in many countries have been tested for their resilience and there is a need to focus on determinants of political brand preference. For political parties, from political marketing strategy point of view, analyzing factors impacting voters’ party preference is becoming important for better understanding of voters to influence and predict voting behavior. Research studies propagate that consumers can experience a feeling of love for their brand (Albert et al., 2008; Batra et al., 2012). Carroll and Ahuvia, (2006) view that consumer feels love for the brand when a brand reaches both high real and desired level of integration with the consumer’s sense of self. Brand love is the degree of strong emotional attachment a satisfied consumer has for a particular brand. Brand love includes passion and declarations of love for the brand. Though brand love has been studied in the context of consumer market, we still know little about whether voters feeling of brand love for the political party they prefer. In this backdrop, in this study, we have examined impact of political brand love on voters’ preference of the political party. As brand love is a relational construct, objective is to investigate the type of causal relationship exists among brand love and the related constructs. In this study, we have taken India, largest democracy of the world, as our focal point of study. In this paper we propose to study the mediation effects of inner self (IS) and social self (SS) while estimating the relationship between brand love (BL) and brand preference (BP) and brand trust (BT) and BP. Additionally we also look at the relationship between BL and BT. The results as a whole shows that both brand trust and brand love have significant positive impact on brand preference. Higher brand trust leads to higher brand preference both directly and when both direct and indirect effects are considered as a whole. On the other hand there is no statistically significant indirect effect of brand trust on brand preference through inner self or social self. In case of brand love on the other hand all the effects are statistically significant. Higher brand love increases brand preference directly and also indirectly through inner self and social self. This implies that higher brand inner self and social self enhances the impact of brand love on brand preference.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While product design is intrinsically linked to brand building and to the definition of luxury, consumers’ sensitivity to luxury products and to design is usually addressed separately. Yet, for optimal marketing-oriented decisions, they need to be brought together. Furthermore, while design is intrinsically linked to luxury, little research focused on its influence on the symbolic and the economic value of brands. This research specifically delves into the mechanisms behind how brand-level attitudes can be influenced by product-level sensitivity to product design. Building on the value theory, it investigates to what extent the product design enhances luxury brands value. Based on a data set collected on 125 individuals, a partial least square analysis was used. It contributes and extends literature on branding, design and luxury in three distinct ways. Firstly, this research distinguishes two antecedents of the product design that are the social and the individual drivers. Secondly, it reveals the mediating role of the product design between social and individual drivers, on one hand, and luxury brands symbolic value (through brand love and brand equity), on the other hand. Thirdly, it confirms the creation of economic value through the positive influence on willingness to pay a premium price. In terms of managerial implications, this study reveals the importance for luxury brands to develop sensory branding through product design. It especially points out the added-value of design for luxury brands’ equity, its role in fostering brand love and in increasing luxury brands turnover.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Investigation concerning the presence of customer-brand relationships in online communities is recent and scarce and might offer potential (Moraes et al., 2014; Huber et al., 2015; Vernuccio et al., 2015). The purpose of this investigation is to understand and analyse how brand love can influence brand loyalty among millennials generation, considering engagement constructs and social networks. It bridges an academia gap in the context of the consumer brand relationship literature. This research aims to answer the following questions: (1) Is brand love effective in building true brand loyalty? (2) Does interactive engagement with brands and brand love contribute to build brand loyalty? and (3) Does interactive engagement on social networks reflect millennials love of brands? To collect data we conducted two online surveys, covering two different brand categories: Fashion and Electronics/Technology. We have in total 1278 inquiries. The analyses of data and hypotheses test were made by using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and a multi-group factor analysis. The proposed structural equation model was validated and all hypothesis were accepted. So, consumers’ Brand Related Social Media Content was proved to have a direct impact on Social Interactive Brands and Brand Loyalty. Social Interactive Brands were proved to have a direct impact on Emotional Attachment and Self Expressive Brands which also proved direct impact on Brand Love. Brand Love for instance was proved has been directly connected with Brand Loyalty and Word of Mouth and Brand Loyalty also, directly impacts Word of Mouth. The model behave well in the previous research so we wanted to test it with a smaller sample and different brand categories the results would maintain. The results of the multi-group factor analysis showed that we have configural and metric invariance in both different studies, covering Fashion and Technological brands. As though for management purposes it might be of no disagreement to state that marketing alone is no longer enough to influence purchase motivation and intention for consumers. This investigation advance and valid a new theoretical framework in the consumer brand love approach
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Today, many luxury brands use social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube to communicate with their target consumers worldwide. Previous research has shown that engaging consumers in social media can lead to increase commitment and loyalty (e.g., Hudson, Huang, Roth, & Madden, 2016; Wirtz et al., 2013), purchase intentions (e.g., Beukeboom, Kerkhof, & de Vries, 2015; Kim & Ko, 2010) and sales (e.g., Kumar et al., 2016). Although researchers have investigated the role of social media marketing for luxury brands at an aggregate level (e.g., Godey et al., 2016; Kim & Ko, 2012), little is known about the success drivers of luxury brand communication at a more granular level. Therefore, our study aims to identify the characteristics of luxury brand posts that elicit positive consumer affect. Specifically, we examine the effect of different luxury appeals (e.g., conspiciousness, uniqueness, quality), alongside other brand post characteristics (e.g., vividness, call-to-action, informative/entertaining content) on consumers‟ affective reactions (“Love”) towards a luxury brand post. For this purpose, we draw on field data from Facebook that comprises 2,343 individidual brand posts published by 18 leading luxury brands between 1st January 2017 and 30th June 2017. Our study contributes to literature on luxury brand communication in at least three ways: First, from a theoretical perspective, we are shedding the first light on the relevance of different luxury appeals for generating consumer engagement in social media. Methodologically, we further introduce a novel measure of consumer engagement termed Love-Ratio (short, LoveR), which is based on Facebook‟s new “reactions”-feature that was introduced in 2016. Finally, from a managerial point of view, our insights that help managers of luxury brands to „engineer“ emotionally engaging social media content that contributes to strong consumer-brand relationships. Literature Review Conceptual BackgroundLiterature provides initial empirical evidence for the general advantageousness of social media activities for luxury brands (Godey et al., 2016; Kim & Ko 2010, 2012). Importantly, these studies commonly examine consumers‟ overall assessment of a brand‟s social media activities, i.e. whether a brand‟s (entire) social media presence “enables information sharing with others” (interaction) or “offers customized information search” (customization; Kim & Ko, 2012, p. 1483). Therefore, it constitutes an aggregate measure of a brand‟s social media presence as a whole, and is not concerned with the specifics of the individual interactions between a brand and consumers (post as the unit of analysis). Recent research, however, clearly indicates that the extent to which consumers interact with a brand in social media (e.g., liking, sharing, or commenting) depends on the characteristics of a given brand post (e.g., De Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang, 2012; Sabate, Berbegal-Mirabent, Canabate, & Lebherz, 2014; Schultz, 2017). Most studies in this regard examined correlations between certain characteristics (e.g., use of photos, videos, and/or links, post length and timing) and different measures of consumer engagement or post popularity (i.e., number of likes, comments, or shares).5) These studies provide useful insights into several “hard” criteria that determine consumer interactions with brand posts. However, due to the tremendous coding efforts required, only few studies have also considered “soft” criteria, such as the appeal – i.e., “the overall theme of a post” (Wagner, Baccarella, & Voigt, 2017, p. 2) – that is communicated within a post. To extend knowledge in the field of luxury brand communication in social media, we are adopting a similar approach by (1) proposing a comprehensive set of luxury-specific appeals that may be communicated within brand posts and (2) empirically investigating their effectiveness in evoking positive consumer affect. Conceptual Background Based on a synthesis of prior work (e.g., Vigneron & Johnson, 2004) we propose a set of six distinct luxury appeals that can be communicated via social media posts: 1. Conspicuousness: Conspicuous consumption refers to the consumption of goods or services with the intention of social status improvement and communication to others (Eastman, Goldsmith, & Flynn, 1999). It involves high levels of self-monitoring and a status-signaling mentality (Wilcox, Kim, & Sen, 2009), aimed at presenting oneself by means of a product that is recognized and highly regarded by others. The general aim is to express a brand„s capability to enable a person to become the center of attention and stand out of the crowd by conveying a high social status (Phau & Prendergast, 2000). 2. Uniqueness: Uniqueness refers to the quality of being particularly special due to sheer rarity or remarkable characteristics. Brands express their uniqueness by highlighting their products‟ (a) excellent craftmanship, (b) innovativeness, or (c) their exclusiveness in terms of consumption. Examples for uniqueness through craftmanship include creative product designs, the use of rare materials or ingredients (e.g., diamonds in the context of jewelry), or even tailor-made/personalized products (e.g., configuration of a car; inscription of personal initials onto fashion items). The general aim is to distinguish a product from others, rendering it extraordinary and remarkable. The same can be accomplished through innovation, since a pioneering product is by definition unique in that it has certain features that distinguish it from any other existing competing product. Furthermore, uniqueness can be achieved through exclusiveness of consumption. One method to create contrived rarity is a limitation of the quantity of products manufactured (e.g., limited editions; Vigneron & Johnson, 2004). 3. Quality: Luxury brands are generally expected to deliver high quality products and services (Vigneron & Johnson, 2004). Indicators that can be used in the communication of quality include specific materials (e.g., cashmere, gemstones) or performance data (e.g., power, top speed) that convey a high standard of (instrinsic) quality. 4. Hedonism: In general, the term hedonism refers to the pursuit of pleasure in the sense of sensual self-indulgence. Luxury brands commonly offer emotional and sensual benefits that can be experienced by and transferred to consumers in a consumption situation (Moore & Lee, 2012). Communication aimed at conveying hedonism commonly neglects utilitarian (i.e., functional) aspects of the product of interest and, instead, emphasizes the emotional experience associated with the consumption of that product or service (Vigneron & Johnson, 2004), e.g., pleasure, joy, self-reward, love, passion, or excitement (Holbrook & Hirschman, 1982). 5. Extended Self: The term extended self describes the definition of a person‟s selfconcept by his/her personal possessions. In other words, consumers use products (or services) to define who they are. For example, wearing luxury fashion items enables a person to associate himself/herself with characteristics of the brand, and vice versa (Vigneron & Johnson, 2004). Brand communication reflecting this appeal attempts to suggest that the consumption of a product or service helps them to establish, reinforce, and express an aspired personality trait, such as elegance, confidence, success, or power. 6. Heritage: Many luxury brands have a long history and rich tradition. Communication efforts that intend to convey a brand‟s rich heritage either showcase a brand‟s founder as a person, elaborate on the founder‟s or company‟s history, or highlight a traditional, iconic product which has made the brand what it is today. Data and Method To investigate the effectiveness of these luxury appeals in evoking positive consumer affect, we conducted an empirical analysis using field data from Facebook. We compiled a set of 18 luxury brands from different categories, including fashion, cars, cosmetics, and champagne. For this set of brands, we extracted all brand posts (mostly photos and videos) that were published between 1st January and 30th June 2017, yielding 2,343 individual posts that constitute our unit of analysis. We enriched the raw data by manually coding all brand posts in terms of the luxury appeals of interest, following a two step-procedure. First, we developed a detailed codebook that defines each luxury appeal, provides a list of relevant indicators, and further illustrates each luxury appeal with the help of exemplary brand posts. Using the codebook we instructed two independent coders to code the absence (0) or presence (1) of each luxury appeal within a given post. The inter-rater reliabilities were satisfactory for all luxury appeals, ranging from .79 to .91. We further requested the coders to capture other content characteristics and controls that potentially affect consumer interactions with brand posts, e.g., Vividness, Calls-to-Action, Entertaining vs. Informative Content, Visibility of the Brand, and Type of Endorser. Instead of examining conventional measures of consumer engagement, such as likes, comments, or shares, we introduce a new measure of consumer affect that we label “Love-Ratio” or, short, LoveR. This measure is based on Facebook‟s new class of user reactions that enable users to indicate their feelings about certain posts, such as “Love” or “Anger”. LoveR represents the amount of “Love”-reactions relative to all reactions toward a given brand post. Thus, it reflects an aggregate measure of users‟ positive affect towards a brand post. We consider LoveR an important extension of commonly investigated outcomes such as Likes or Shares, which are considered “fairly low-level form[s] of engagement” (Stephen, Sciandra, & Inman, 2015, p. 20). Consumer affect, by contrast, is generally considered a “chief motivator of behavior” (O‟Cass & Frost, 2002, p. 73) and a “mediating factor in the purchase process” (Schiffman, Bendall, Watson, & Kanuk, 1997, p. 361), therefore representing a useful proxy of consumer attitudes. Model estimation Given the nested structure of the data (i.e., posts are nested within brand pages), we use hierarchical linear modeling (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002) with random intercepts to analyze the data. We specify the proposed luxury appeals (Conspiciousness, Uniqueness, Quality, Hedonism, Extended Self, and Heritage) alongside additional content characteristics, and brand dummies as predictors of LoveR. After estimating the direct effects, we stepwise include interaction terms to test potential moderating effects of Vividness and Entertainment. The results suggest that three of the six luxury appeals evoke positive consumer affect. The strongest driver of LoveR is Quality (β = .978, p < .001), followed by Hedonism (β = .479, p < .05) and Heritage (β = .451, p < .01). Conspiciousness and Uniqueness, by contrast, are not significantly related to consumers‟ affective reactions towards brand posts. Furthermore, the use of an appeal that communicates Extended Self even decreases LoveR (β = -.530, p < .10), although the effect is only marginally significant. To further contextualize these main effects, we included additional interaction terms involving Vividness and Entertainment. We find (a) that the effect of Hedonism on LoveR is further enhanced by the use of videos (relative to photos and other less vivid types of media; interaction effect: β = 1.023, p < .05, conditional effect of Hedonism for vivid content β = .934, p < .01,) and (b) that the effect of Heritage on LoveR tends to be larger when it is communicated in an entertaining rather than informative style (interaction effect: β = .753, p = .001; conditional effect of Heritage for entertaining style: β = .660, p < .001). Conclusions Our study sheds light onto the effectiveness of luxury brands‟ communication in social media in terms of generating positive consumer affect. Our results based on an analysis of 2,343 individual luxury brand posts in Facebook show that only certain luxury appeals can trigger consumers‟ “Love”-reactions towards a brand post. Specifically, we find that brand posts that convey Quality, Hedonism, and Heritage appeals increase the likelihood of a brand post being “loved“, whereas Conspiciousness and Uniqueness exert no influence at all. Posts which communicate an Extended Self may even decrease favorable affective reactions by users. The effects of Hedonism and Heritage are further enhanced by the use of videos or entertaining content, respectively. These findings have direct implications for the marketing communications of luxury brands. From a content perspective, marketers should develop and run media content that (a) emphasizes hedonic consumption motives (as reflected by Hedonism) rather than status-signaling motives (as reflected by Conspiciousness), preferably using rich media such as videos; (b) educates consumers about the history and values of a brand, preferably in an informative rather than entertaining way; and (c) reinforces a brand‟s quality claim.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        상상이 “놓친 여인”에게 가장 잘 머무를 것이라는 예이츠의 내적 탐색은 그의 연시의 지향점과 밀접한 연관성이 있다. “놓친 여인” 모드 곤은 역설적으로 불변하는 주제인 사랑의 완전한 스펙트럼을 제공한다. 시인에게 사랑의 번민과 고뇌를 안겨준 그녀는 그의 작품에서 다채로운 이미지로 등장하며 대부분의 연시에 영감을 준다. 예이츠의 후기 연시에 그려진 연인의 모습은 초기의 정서적 좌절과 정신적 고통을 극복하고 새롭게 승화시킨 기억속의 놓친 여인이다. 예이츠는 이루지 못한 사랑의 기억을 상상으로 승화시켜 시화한 것이다. 문학으로 승화된 이 여성은 그의 시에서 언제나 살아 숨 쉴 것이다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 예수님의 가르침을 통해 복음전도의 모형으로 ‘사랑’에 관해 고찰하여, 이 이론이 초대교회 복음전도의 토대가 되었음을 제시 하였다. 또한 이것은 시대가 지나도 변함없는 복음전도의 원리가 될 수 있다는 사실을 존 웨슬리(John Wesley)의 사상과 사역을 중심으로 밝히었다. 계몽주의와 회의주의가 만연했던 18세기의 영국은 이신론 이 기독교의 신앙을 위협하는 등, 복음전도를 실천하기가 너무나 힘든 시기였다. 그러나 웨슬리는 예수께서 가르쳐 주신 복음전도의 원리를 계승하고 실천하여 초대교회와 같은 위대한 복음전도를 할 수 있었고, 영국 사회는 부흥을 경험할 수 있었다. 이러한 사실은 오늘날 교회에도 시사하는 바가 크다. 종교개혁 500주년이 되는 이 시기에, 다시 신앙의 개혁이 일어나고 교회가 갱신되기 위해서는 교회를 교회답게 하는 본질로 되돌아가야 한다. 복음전도도 마찬가지다. 예수께서 가르쳐주 시고 초대교회가 계승한 복음전도의 모형이 오늘날 교회에 온전히 계승될 수 있다면, 이 시대에도 위대한 복음전도의 열매가 맺혀질 수 있을 것이다. 18세기의 웨슬리가 그러했듯이!
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The personal luxury goods market in the Middle-East is the 10th largest in the world, right before Hong-Kong and Russia, which are both well-established markets for luxury products (D’Arpizio, Levato, Zito & Montgolfier, 2015). However, luxury consumer behavior consumption in the Middle-East and its influencing factors have largely been left unexplored. This paper builds on previous research among German luxury consumers and investigates the formation of brand love and its impact on willingness-to-pay among Arab luxury consumers. Compared with the German study, it is found that Arab luxury consumers show weaker brand love tendencies. In addition, materialistic characteristics and tendencies for conspicuous consumption among Arab consumers strongly influence brand love in the context of luxury fashion and accessories, which confirms previous findings. Results further document that for Arab luxury consumers neither conspicuous consumption tendencies nor brand love can be interpreted as a predictor for an increase in willingness to pay. Hence, for those consumers, long-lasting emotional consumer-brand relationships are not responsible for generating additional profits and do not explain why the willingness to pay for luxury goods was significantly higher among Arab consumers. Finally, results indicate that though some elements of luxury consumption are shared among German and Arab luxury consumers (e.g. fashion involvement, the evaluation of particular brands, gender and brand love tendencies) there are significant differences in terms of e.g. brand preferences, general willingness to pay for luxury fashion and accessories and willingness to pay for conspicuous luxury goods. This research provides insights into the formation of brand love among Arab luxury consumers and how it informs luxury consumption. Moreover, it sheds light on similarities and differences across the two samples and increases the understanding of luxury consumption in a broader geographic context.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Social media marketing offers a vast array of opportunities for fashion brands to engage with their core customers and the broader digital audience. However, they still struggle with the question of which specific strategies can be successfully applied to enhance the effectiveness social media marketing (Rampton, 2014). This study investigates how a luxury brand’ social media brand page satisfaction and brand love are positively related to desired marketing outcomes (i.e., word-of-mouth and loyalty intentions toward the luxury brand). On the basis of Customer Value Theory (Sweeny & Soutar, 2001) and Brand Love Theory (Carroll & Ahuvia, 2006), this study developed and tested a dual impact model encompassing both brand page value (i.e., information, financial, brand interaction, social interaction, and entertainment value) and brand value (i.e., inner self-and social self-expressive value). Usable responses from 290 U.S. consumers following at least one luxury brand on social media were used for data analysis. The results of structural equation modeling showed that information, brand interaction, and entertainment values were positively related to brand page satisfaction while financial and social interaction values were not. In addition, inner self-and social self-expressive brand values were positively related to brand love. In addition, brand page satisfaction was positively related to WOM intentions but was not related to loyalty intentions whereas brand love was positively related to both WOM and loyalty intentions. Furthermore, mediation analysis showed that brand page satisfaction fully mediated the influences of information, brand interaction, and entertainment values on WOM intentions. In addition, brand love fully mediated the influences of social self-expressive value on WOM and loyalty intentions. Our study suggests that social media brand pages providing unique value propositions can reap benefits in terms of enhanced brand page satisfaction, highlighting the crucial role of “content excellence” in social media marketing (Holt, 2016). Our findings also show that brand followers tend to love a particular luxury brand when the brand helps express their self and when the symbolic meaning of the brand is integrated into their own self-identity. Thus, one of the roles of social media marketing is in elucidating brand followers how to express their inner states guided by the desire to signal their self-identity not to others but to themselves (Berger & Heath, 2017).
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠와 최경창의 시를 사랑이라는 주제로 비교해보는 것은 의미 있는 일이다. 이 연구에서는 두 시인의 사랑이미지를 비교해 보았다. 예이츠의 사랑은 ‘장 미’처럼 온 세상을 붉게 타오르게 하는 사랑인데 비해서, 최경창의 사랑은 ‘꾀꼬리’와 숭늉 같은 잔잔한 사랑이다. 두 시인에게 있어서 사랑은 그냥 단순한 남녀 간의 사랑 에 머물지 않고 사회로 확장되어서 세태의 이면을 드러낸다. 이들은 모두 사랑의 ‘영 원성’을 노래했다. 예이츠는 사랑을 영원한 ‘장미’로 표현했지만, 최경창은 ‘원앙’에 비유했다. 이는 그들이 영원한 행복을 역동적인 모습으로 담고 싶은 소망을 보인 것 같다. 두 시인은 사랑을 다르게 묘사하는데, 예이츠는 영원한 사랑을 장미이미지로, 최 경창은 숭늉 같은 사랑을 새 이미지로 시에 담아서 녹아내었다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        하데위히(Hadewijch of Antwerp)는 중세 그리스도교의 여성 신비가이며 베 긴이고, 신비문학가로서 13세기 전반에서 중후반 무렵에 현대의 벨기에의 안트 베르펜을 중심으로 활동한 것으로 추정한다. 그는 다양한 문학 장르를 통하여 자신과 신적 연인 민느(Minne)의 신비적인 사랑의 길을 저술하면서 궁정풍 사 랑의 구도 및 관용적 어법을 사용하였다. 본 연구는 하데위히의 작품 안에 궁정 풍 사랑의 특성과 상응하는 내용들을 조사하여 그의 작품 안에 궁정풍 사랑의 요소들이 풍부히 담겨 있음을 제시한다. 이를 위하여 그의 작품 중에서 『편지』 와 『비전』 을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 하데위히는 궁정풍 사랑을 해석의 틀로 삼 아 신비 작품을 저술함으로써 독자들이 그리스도교의 신비적인 길을 쉽게 이해 하도록 도움을 주었고, 그들에게 사랑할 수 있는 상대를 신적 연인으로 확장하 여 사고하도록 의식의 지평을 열어주었을 것이라고 생각한다. 위와 같은 자료를 토대로 볼 때 과연 하데위히의 작품들은 종교적 궁정풍 문학이라고 할 수 있겠 다.
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