
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 222

        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study compared the effects of isolated and integrated form-focused instruction (FFI) on the learning of vocabulary in reading passages. Their effects were also compared to those of incidental exposure on vocabulary learning. It further investigated whether such effects would differ depending on the types of vocabulary assessments. To this end, 80 college students in reading-oriented classes received either isolated or integrated FFI treatments over four 50-minute sessions. They also took the pretest and posttest designed to measure their vocabulary learning. The vocabulary tests consisted of two assessment types: one without contexts and the other provided with contexts. The results showed that the learners remembered the words instructed through isolated or integrated FFI better than those through incidental exposure while reading. However, no significant differences were observed between the two different types of FFI in learning target vocabulary. Some advantages were found for isolated FFI on the vocabulary test provided without contexts and for integrated FFI on the vocabulary test provided with context. Directions for further studies and pedagogical implications will be discussed.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        과거 지식 중심 교육과정에서는 많이 아는 것이 중요하였다면, 역량 중심 교육과정에서는 무엇을 할 수 있느냐가 중요하다. 각국의 역량중심 교육과정에서 나타나는 공통점은 개인적으로는 창의적 사고력, 문제해결력 등을 강조하고, 사회적으로는 협동, 배려 등을 강조하고 있는 것이다. 핵심역량 은 역량 가운데 학교교육을 통해 누구나가 길러야 할 기본적이고 보편적이며 중요한 성격의 것이다. 역량중심 교육과정에서 교사는 역량을 중심으로 학습목표를 진술하여야 하고, 교수・학습 방법 또한 이러한 역량을 신장시키는 융합 수업, 프로젝트 수업 등을 적극 활용하여야 하며, 평가의 방법 역시 과정 중심의 수행평가를 통해 학생들이 자신의 지식을 통해 어떻게 역량을 길러내는지에 초점을 두어야 할 것이다. 2015 개정 교육과정은 미래 사회가 요구하는 핵심역량을 함양하여 창의융합형 인재를 양성하는 데에 중점을 둔다. 2015 개정 한문과 교육과정에서는 의사소통 능력, 정보처리 능 력, 창의적 사고 능력, 인성 역량, 심미적 감성을 한문과 핵심역량으로 설정하였다. ‘한자와 어휘’ 자료를 통한 문자도 그리기 수업, 한자 자르기/만들기 수업, 이름 한자로 이야기 만들기 수업, 동음 이의어로 짧은 글 짓기 수업, 상형문자카드로 문장 만들기 수업 등은 한문과 핵심역량을 함양할 수 있을 것이다. 다른 교과와의 융합 수업 모델이 적극적으로 개발되어야 하며, 한문과 역량을 측정할 수 있는 도구 개발이 필요하다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the effect of DDL on English lexico-grammar learning by Korean middle school students with respect to the types of learning approach (deductive vs. inductive DDL), the student’s level of English (low vs. high level), and the complexity of lexico-grammar items (simple vs. complex). A total of five experimental lessons were given to 36 students divided into two groups: one group received the lessons through the deductive DDL approach and the other group through the inductive DDL approach. The study found that both inductive and deductive DDL were effective in the learning of English lexico-grammar by the Korean middle school students. However, deductive DDL was more effective for the high level students, while inductive DDL was more appropriate for low level students. In addition, both deductive and inductive DDL were effective for teaching simple lexico-grammar items, but deductive DDL was more effective for teaching complex ones. Most of the participants showed positive responses about DDL and expressed a view that they were able to learn the meanings as well as the forms of target lexico-grammar items.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        漢字語는 한국으로 도입되는 과정에서 원래의 형태와 의미가 통째로 차용되는 한편, 한국 어 어휘 체계의 내부적 특성과 제약 및 고유의 언어 관습에 따라 적절히 수정되어, 형태·기 능·의미 등 여러 면에서 변화를 가져왔다. 하지만 한국어 漢字語와 중국어 어휘의 관계는 여 전히 일정한 대응관계를 이루고 있다. 본 논문은 한국어 漢字語와 현재 중국에서 사용되고 있는 어휘의 유래와 특징 및 對應과 非對應관계를 비교했다. 또한 이를 통해 중국어 어휘와 동일하거나 유사 혹은 반대되는 의미로 사용되는 한자어의 특성 및 용법의 공통점과 차이점 을 찾고자 했다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식기와 같은 세간은 그다지 화려하지 않지만 우리 생활에 없어서는 안 될 소중한 도구들 이다. 세간은 원래 아녀자들이 자주 쓰는 물건이다. 그러기에 대부분 한글 고유어가 많다. 동 그란 모양의 대바구니를 동고리, 귀가 달린 병을 귀때병, 밥을 푸는 쥬게 등. 그러면 이런 단 어들을 한자로는 어떻게 표현했을까? 그리고 그 한자들을 사용한 이유는 무엇일까? 우리는 오랜 세월 그 한자를 가지고 이 한국의 세간들을 표현해 왔는데 중국 역시 여전히 그 한자를 가지고 그 세간을 표현하고 있는가? 한국과 중국의 식문화가 다르고 부엌의 모양과 형태가 달랐는데 그 차이들을 어떻게 표현하였을까? 본고는 이러한 물음에 대하여 『자전석요』(1909, 지석영)에 나타난 한자에서 식기를 나타내는 한자 표제어를 대상으로 그 모양과 용도, 사용 하는 한자와 현대적 의미, 그리고 중국어와 한국어를 비교해서 우리말이 어떻게 이루어졌는 지를 살펴보았다. 우리나라는 한글이 창제되기 전까지는 관련 용어들을 한자로 기록해야 했 고, 그러면서 한자와 우리말이 서로 영향을 주고받았으리라 생각된다. 이런 과정에서 우리말 과 한자에서 유래된 말, 그리고 다른 어원을 가진 어휘들을 구분하는 것은 비교언어학적 측 면에서도 매우 중요한 연구이다
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study investigates the effect of different types of visual images, i.e., static images versus dynamic images, on English vocabulary learning. Eighty-four students in the fourth grade of an elementary school participated in this study, and they were divided into two experimental groups and a control group. One of the experimental groups utilized static images, and the other group, videos as dynamic images in vocabulary learning. The control group was provided with the definition or the explanation of each target word in L1. The results of the study manifested that the static image group showed higher scores for the post test than the dynamic image group. The comparison of the pre and post affective tests demonstrated that the static image group showed an improvement in confidence in language learning and the dynamic image group showed positive change in the attitude of all three areas: interest, confidence, and aroused motivation. The analysis of the open-ended questionnaires showed that many participants in the static image group tended to use pictures as retrieval cues to remember vocabulary.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Flipped classroom is a pedagogical approach that inverts the flow of the traditional classroom. Due to recent interest in the effectiveness of the flipped learning, research on flipped learning has become pervasive. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to explore the applicability of flipped learning approach to the teaching of English vocabulary for Korean EFL learners. The participants of the study were 40 Korean high school students in Seoul and they were divided into two groups (flipped classroom and traditional classroom). The major results and findings of the study are as follows: The flipped classroom promoted the vocabulary acquisition of Korean high school students in terms of receptive and productive knowledge, which was shown to have a long-term effect. In addition, the flipped classroom had a positive effect on students’ learning attitudes and self-directed learning. Furthermore, the participants’ perceptions of the flipped classroom were very positive. Thus, the implementation of flipped learning will enable Korean instructors not only to explicitly teach vocabulary but also to encourage self-directed and interactive learning to take place in class. Given the beneficial effects of flipped classroom on the vocabulary learning, there is a need for further investigation of the flipped classroom on various skills of English.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the reading passages of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement (NAEA) and middle school English textbooks in terms of their readability and lexical difficulty. The readability was measured by using Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Index, while their lexical difficulty was measured in terms of STTR (standardized type-token ratio), frequency of tokens per type, and vocabulary frequency levels by using VocabProfile and Oxford WordSmith Tools 7.0. The results showed that there was a gap between the readability of the English textbooks and that of the NAEA conducted from 2012 to 2014, while the readability between the English textbooks and that of the 2015 NAEA reached a comparable level. However, the textbooks from one publisher showed substantively lower readability than those from the other publishers and the NAEA. Secondly, regarding vocabulary frequency levels, the words in 1K and 2K accounted for more than 90% of the textbooks and the NAEA, while the NAEA had a higher STTR and lower frequency of tokens per type than the textbooks. It suggests that the NAEA employed more various words with less repetition than the textbooks. Pedagogical implications are discussed.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the effectiveness of integrated language instruction using dictogloss on vocabulary knowledge and retention. Forty EFL students from two classes of an elementary school participated in the study. The integrated language class and segregated language class were examined by looking into the effect of each instructional type on the vocabulary knowledge development and retention. A total of 10 target words were selected from a storybook related to their textbook. Four types of vocabulary knowledge were measured: passive recognition, passive recall, active recognition, and active recall. The pretest and posttest were performed to measure the vocabulary growth. The retention rate of each instruction was examined by conducting a delayed posttest on the same words after two weeks. The results of this study indicate that integrated language instruction using dictogloss works better in vocabulary retention. They also suggest that further classroom research is required to prove that dictogloss is an effective way for vocabulary learning.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of using comic strips and context on the vocabulary learning of Korean high school students. Ninety high school students participated in the study and they were divided into three groups: a control group and two experimental groups using comic strips and using context, respectively. In addition, questionnaires were used to investigate students’ attitudes toward English vocabulary learning. The results of the study revealed that there were statistically significant differences in productive vocabulary retention among three groups in terms of short-term memory. In particular, the experimental groups showed high short-term memory rate compared with the control group, which may mean that the use of comic strips and context in English vocabulary learning is effective in improving learners’ productive vocabulary retention. Also there was a statistically significant difference in productive vocabulary retention among three groups in terms of long-term memory. The experimental groups showed a high long-term memory rate compared with the control group. The results of the questionnaire revealed that the two experimental groups showed more positive attitudes towards English vocabulary learning. This may suggest that teaching vocabulary with comic strips and context could be effective for students in English classes, and it is very helpful to develop various activities using comic strips and context.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the difficulty of reading text in elementary school English textbooks. Four elementary school English textbook series published by three publishers were evaluated by Word Critical Factor (WCF). WCF considers cognitive demands for word recognition; it assesses the match of linguistic content in the text with the phonetically regular and high-frequency words that are associated with particular stages of reading development. For the analysis, all of the words that appeared in the reading and writing sections from four elementary school English textbooks were analyzed by two criteria, that is, the ratio of high frequency words and phonetically regular words among 100 running words, and the number of unique words in each textbook. The results showed that all four textbooks’ difficulty levels were very high considering the learner’s reading ability. This was due to the textbooks having a low repetition of words and also the complicated vowel patterns that were above the reading abilities of students. All of these factors combined are what have caused the difficulties presented in English textbooks. In conclusion, although the reading text introduces a variety of genres and activities for the development of reading skills, most reading text could not assist the reader’s cognitive processing.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 16세기 대표적 어휘 분류집인 『訓蒙字會』를 21세기 대표적 國家公認資格證인 한글어문회의 1급 한자 3500자를 비교하여 공통으로 사용되고 있는 한자를 살펴보고, 이를 통해 16세기와 21세기 상용한자가 어떻게 달라졌으며, 그 글자들의 의미범주는 어떻게 바뀌 었는지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 조사 결과 총 1,743개의 한자가 현재까지 공용자로 여전히 사용 되고 있었다. 그러나 그 의미범주별 사용 한자는 조금씩 달랐는데, 예를 들면 곤충을 나타내 는 글자나, 채소, 질병을 나타내는 글자들은 16세기와는 현저히 차이를 가지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이와는 반대로 유학이나 서식 등에 관한 글자는 여전히 현재까지도 자주 사용되있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 『훈몽자회』의 어휘 분류는 당시 시대상을 많이 반영하고 있는데, 예를 들면 ‘천륜’에 노비들이 속한다든지, ‘인류’에 현대에는 없는 직업군이나 동서남북을 나 타내는 글자를 그 지역의 종족을 나타낸 의미를 해석한다든지 하는 것들은 당시 시대상을 알 수 있는 좋은 자료를 제공해주고 있다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the effects of working memory capacity (WMC) and the types of vocabulary learning, i.e., explicit vs. implicit, on the acquisition of English multi-word verbs. For this purpose, a total of 60 middle school students, divided into two groups (control and experimental), participated in the study. The participants in the control group were taught multi-word verbs in a traditional and explicit manner, whereas the participants in the experimental group were exposed to multi-word verbs with short passages. The results manifested that both of the instructional styles had positive effects on the learners’ acquisition of multi-word verbs in the short-term. Although there was not a significant interaction between WMC and the overall scores on the immediate post-test, according to the scores on the gap-fill tasks which tested learners’ productive knowledge, there were significant differences between the low-WMC and high-WMC groups. High-WMC students learned more target multi-word verbs than low-WMC students on average. The results also showed that WMC and the two different learning types did not affect the students’ acquisition of multi-word verbs in the long-term. Further, the interaction effect between WMC and learning type in the long-term was not significant.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aims to compare teacher talk and the course book used as a source of vocabulary input. For the research purpose, part of Yenny Corpus (Kwon, 2013) was used to analyze the vocabulary content of the two input sources. Yenny Corpus consists of a total of 247,398 words collected from EFL classes of four native and five non-native university lecturers. In this study, however, the data of 1,416 words by the native teachers and 1,651 words by the non-native teachers with their course book scripts were used. To analyze the quantity and quality of the vocabulary use (e.g., level, diversity) of the two input sources, some representative word lists such as BNC-COCA 25,000 word family list topped on Range Program (Heatley & Nation, 2002) were applied. The results show that the teachers (including both native and non-native teachers) orally provide 8,090 word types while their course books introduce 4,713. The non-native teachers provide a little more vocabulary input compared with the native teachers’ talk. In addition, the level of the vocabulary provided by the non-native teachers seems more appropriate for their students’ vocabulary ability. Nevertheless, in order to generalize the findings further research is needed in different settings.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined how smart device applications affected elementary school students who have learning difficulties in English. Five 6th grade students who needed remedial instruction were selected and given 50 hours of instruction using English vocabulary flash cards in a smartphone application. one hundred vocabulary words were chosen and developed for flash cards for the students to examine their intellectual and emotional changes in English learning. The research results showed that the students' vocabulary improved in listening, reading and speaking. It also revealed that the students gained confidence and interest in English learning, and their anxiety decreased. In addition, the application was easy and convenient for the students to use, especially in recognizing the pronunciation and the meaning of the vocabulary words. This study recommends further development and use of smart device applications for elementary school English instruction.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 2015 개정 교육과정이 개발되고 있는 현 시점에서 한문과 교육과정 ‘어휘’ 관련 내용과 적용의 실제 사이에서 발생할 수 있는 간극을 최소화하기 위해, 2010학년도 본수능부터 2016학년도 6월 모의평가까지의 평가 문항을 중심으로 그간 한문과에서 실시된 ‘어휘’ 관련 평가 문항의 내용 요소와 내용 요소별 평가 유형 등을 분석하였다. 그 결과 그간 대학수학능력시험에서 출제된 어휘 관련 평가 문항들은 한자 어휘와 관련된 다양한 평가 요소를 고루 반영하고 있으며, 그 유형도 변화를 거듭하여 다양한 유형으로 안착된 상태였다. 하지만 급변하는 교육 환경 속에서 한문과가 위상을 공고히 하면서 발전해 나가기 위해서는 현재 상태에 안주할 것이 아니라 끝임 없이 새로운 평가 요소를 개발하고 해당 요소에 적합한 유형의 문항을 출제할 필요가 있다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With an effort to verify the involvement load hypothesis, this study investigates the effects of three different vocabulary learning tasks - reading, filling in blanks, and sentence writing - on learners' short and long term memory when they are provided with the theoretically identical level of involvement tasks. It is also to examine whether there are any differences of learning effects between input and output vocabulary learning tasks. The experiments were conducted with 86 Korean middle school students grouped by three different task types. Pre-/post-tests and delayed tests were administered and analyzed. It was found that three vocabulary tasks with theoretically identical levels of involvement do not have the same learning effects: the involvement load hypothesis was not completely proved in the case of Korean students' vocabulary learning. The findings implied that (i) the difference of vocabulary learning tasks should be considered even though they have the same involvement load; (ii) given that EFL students learn new words in a limited amount of time in class, the reading task using a dictionary is found to be very helpful; and (iii) it is important to study target vocabulary repeatedly during class and to expose the vocabulary with different tasks to enhance students' retention of the newly learned vocabulary.
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