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        검색결과 775

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focuses on the development of a Last-Mile delivery service using unmanned vehicles to deliver goods directly to the end consumer utilizing drones to perform autonomous delivery missions and an image-based precision landing algorithm for handoff to a robot in an intermediate facility. As the logistics market continues to grow rapidly, parcel volumes increase exponentially each year. However, due to low delivery fees, the workload of delivery personnel is increasing, resulting in a decrease in the quality of delivery services. To address this issue, the research team conducted a study on a Last-Mile delivery service using unmanned vehicles and conducted research on the necessary technologies for drone-based goods transportation in this paper. The flight scenario begins with the drone carrying the goods from a pickup location to the rooftop of a building where the final delivery destination is located. There is a handoff facility on the rooftop of the building, and a marker on the roof must be accurately landed upon. The mission is complete once the goods are delivered and the drone returns to its original location. The research team developed a mission planning algorithm to perform the above scenario automatically and constructed an algorithm to recognize the marker through a camera sensor and achieve a precision landing. The performance of the developed system has been verified through multiple trial operations within ETRI.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The large process plant is currently implementing predictive maintenance technology to transition from the traditional Time-Based Maintenance (TBM) approach to the Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) approach in order to improve equipment maintenance and productivity. The traditional techniques for predictive maintenance involved managing upper/lower thresholds (Set-Point) of equipment signals or identifying anomalies through control charts. Recently, with the development of techniques for big analysis, machine learning-based AAKR (Auto-Associative Kernel Regression) and deep learning-based VAE (Variation Auto-Encoder) techniques are being actively applied for predictive maintenance. However, this predictive maintenance techniques is only effective during steady-state operation of plant equipment, and it is difficult to apply them during start-up and shutdown periods when rises or falls. In addition, unlike processes such as nuclear and thermal power plants, which operate for hundreds of days after a single start-up, because the pumped power plant involves repeated start-ups and shutdowns 4-5 times a day, it is needed the prediction and alarm algorithm suitable for its characteristics. In this study, we aim to propose an approach to apply the optimal predictive alarm algorithm that is suitable for the characteristics of Pumped Storage Power Plant(PSPP) facilities to the system by analyzing the predictive maintenance techniques used in existing nuclear and coal power plants.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper studied the problem of determining the optimal inventory level to meet the customer service target level in a situation where the customer demand for each branch of a nationwide retailer is uncertain. To this end, ISR (In-Stock Ratio) was defined as a key management indicator (KPI) that can be used from the perspective of a nationwide retailer such as Samsung, LG, or Apple that sells goods at branches nationwide. An optimization model was established to allow the retailer to minimize the total amount of inventory held at each branch while meeting the customer service target level defined as the average ISR. This paper proves that there is always an optimal solution in the model and expresses the optimal solution in a generalized form using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition regardless of the shape of the probability distribution of customer demand. In addition, this paper studied the case where customer demand follows a specific probability distribution such as a normal distribution, and an expression representing the optimal inventory level for this case was derived.
        2023.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the continuous development of science and technology, unmanned ship has gradually become a hot spot in the field of marine research. In practical applications, unmanned ships need to have long-range navigation and high efficiency, so that they can accurately perform tasks in the marine environment. As one of the key technologies of unmanned ship, path planning is of great significance to improve the endurance of unmanned ship. In order to meet the requirements, this paper proposes a path planning method for long distance unmanned ships based on reinforcement learning angle precedence ant colony improvement algorithm. Firstly, canny operator is used to automatically extract navigation environment information, and then MAKLINK graph theory is applied for environment modelling. Finally, the basic ant colony algorithm is improved and applied to the path planning of unmanned ship to generate an optimal path. The experimental results show that, compared with the traditional ant colony algorithm, the path planning method based on the improved ant colony algorithm can achieve a voyage duration of nearly 7 km for unmanned ships under the same sailing environment, which has certain practicability and popularization value.
        2023.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to solve the problem of improper thrust distribution of each thruster of underwater vehicle, the PSO optimization algorithm is used to solve the problem of thrust distribution. According to the spatial layout of the thruster, the algorithm model of the underwater vehicle propulsion system is established. The thrust input is carried out under the broken line search trajectory, and the simulation verifies the thrust allocation results of the PSO algorithm and the traditional pseudo-inverse method. The simulation results show that compared with the traditional algorithm. First of all, the PSO algorithm can set the physical threshold for each thruster to prevent the thruster from having too much thrust. Secondly, it can ensure that the thruster can turn with a reasonable torque to prevent the robot from drifting due to the large thrust gap. This paper provides a theoretical reference for thrust distribution of underwater salvage robot, and has practical engineering significance.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is proposing a novel machine scheduling model for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem without setup times to minimize the total completion time, also known as “makespan”. This problem is a NP-complete problem, and to date, most approaches for real-life situations are based on the operator’s experience or simple heuristics. The new model based on the Memetic Algorithm, which was proposed by P. Moscato in 1989, is a hybrid algorithm that includes genetic algorithm and local search optimization. The new model is tested on randomly generated datasets, and is compared to optimal solution, and four scheduling models; three rule-based heuristic algorithms, and a genetic algorithm based scheduling model from literature; the test results show that the new model performed better than scheduling models from literature.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The increasing use of drones in terrorist attacks highlights the need for effective strategies to prevent and respond to drone terrorism. This study uses machine learning approach to identify factors that predict the success of drone terrorism and suggests policy alternatives for preventing such acts. Drone terrorism is becoming increasingly accessible due to advancements in information and communication technology, and events such as North Korea’s drone infiltration and the Russia-Ukraine war demonstrate the potential threat of drone attacks on Important National Facilities, including nuclear power plants. Using the Global Terrorism Database (GTD), this study analyzed drone terrorism incidents that occurred worldwide from 2016 to 2020. The study employed the Random Forest algorithm, which can incorporate multiple factors and their interactions, making it particularly suitable for social science research. The study provides new insights by deriving predictors that were previously overlooked in empirical analyses of drone terrorism. The findings of this study can aid in the establishment of anti-terrorism policies aimed at addressing the growing threat of drone terrorism. This can include the organization and expansion of the crisis management governance terrorism response council, the creation of a working manual through the partial revision of laws concerning drone terrorism response, and the implementation of anti-drone equipment and systems. Ultimately, the insights gained from this study can provide development of effective strategies aimed at preventing and responding to drone attacks. The study highlights the importance of proactive measures to mitigate the risks posed by drone technology in the context of terrorism.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Establishing a ship's passage plan is an essential step before it starts to sail. The research related to the automatic generation of ship passage plans is attracting attention because of the development of maritime autonomous surface ships. In coastal water navigation, the land, islands, and navigation rules need to be considered. From the path planning algorithm's perspective, a ship's passage planning is a global path-planning problem. Because conventional global path-planning methods such as Dijkstra and A* are time-consuming owing to the processes such as environmental modeling, it is difficult to modify a ship's passage plan during a voyage. Therefore, the D* algorithm was used to address these problems. The starting point was near Busan New Port, and the destination was Ulsan Port. The navigable area was designated based on a combination of the ship trajectory data and grid in the target area. The initial path plan generated using the D* algorithm was analyzed with 33 waypoints and a total distance of 113.946 km. The final path plan was simplified using the Douglas–Peucker algorithm. It was analyzed with a total distance of 110.156 km and 10 waypoints. This is approximately 3.05% less than the total distance of the initial passage plan of the ship. This study demonstrated the feasibility of automatically generating a path plan in coastal navigation for maritime autonomous surface ships using the D* algorithm. Using the shortest distance–based path planning algorithm, the ship's fuel consumption and sailing time can be minimized.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A sample size calculation algorithm was developed in a prototype version to select inspection samples in domestic bulk handling facilities. This algorithm determines sample sizes of three verification methods satisfying target detection probability for defected items corresponding to one significant quantity (8 kg of plutonium, 75 kg of uranium 235). In addition, instead of using the approximation equation-based algorithm presented in IAEA report, the sample size calculation algorithm based on hypergeometric density function capable of calculating an accurate non-detection probability is adopted. The algorithm based the exact equation evaluates non-detection probability more accurately than the existing algorithm based on the approximation equation, but there is a disadvantage that computation time is considerably longer than the existing algorithm due to the large amount of computational process. It is required to determine sample size within a few hours using laptop-level performance because sample size is generally calculated with an inspector’s portable laptop during inspection activity. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the calculation speed of the algorithm based on the exact equation. In this study, algorithm optimization was conducted to improve computation time. In order to determine optimal sample size, the initial sample size is calculated first, and the next step is to perform an iterative process by changing the sample size to find optimal result. Most of the computation time occurs in sample size optimization process performing iterative computation. First, a non-detection probability calculation algorithm according to the sample sizes of three verification methods was improved in the iterative calculation process for optimizing sample size. A computation time for each step within the algorithm was reviewed in detail, and improvement approaches were derived and applied to some areas that have major effects. In addition, the number of iterative process to find the optimal sample size was greatly reduced by applying the algorithm based on the bisection method. This method finds optimal value using a large interval at the beginning step and reduces the interval size whenever the number of repetitions increases, so the number of iterative process is less than the existing algorithm using unit interval size. Finally, the sample sizes were calculated for 219 example cases presented by the IAEA report to compare computation time. The existing algorithm took about 15 hours, but the improved algorithm took only about 41 minutes using high performance workstation (about 22 times faster). It also took 87 minutes for calculating the cases using a regular laptop. The improved algorithm through this study is expected to be able to apply the sample size determination process, which was performed based on the approximate equation due to the complexity and speed issues of the past calculation process, based on the accurate equation.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Path planning is necessary for mobile robots to perform precise and rapid tasks. A collision avoidance function must be included so that the robot can move safely during work, and it must be able to create an optimal path to reduce work execution time and save energy. In this paper, we propose a smart route generation algorithm that searches for global route with an algorithm that can speed up route search and integrates the TEB algorithm that can search for regional optimum routes in real time according to the situation. The performance of the proposed algorithm was verified through actual driving experiments of mobile robots.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, research on prediction algorithms using deep learning has been actively conducted. In addition, algorithmic trading (auto-trading) based on predictive power of artificial intelligence is also becoming one of the main investment methods in stock trading field, building its own history. Since the possibility of human error is blocked at source and traded mechanically according to the conditions, it is likely to be more profitable than humans in the long run. In particular, for the virtual currency market at least for now, unlike stocks, it is not possible to evaluate the intrinsic value of each cryptocurrencies. So it is far effective to approach them with technical analysis and cryptocurrency market might be the field that the performance of algorithmic trading can be maximized. Currently, the most commonly used artificial intelligence method for financial time series data analysis and forecasting is Long short-term memory(LSTM). However, even t4he LSTM also has deficiencies which constrain its widespread use. Therefore, many improvements are needed in the design of forecasting and investment algorithms in order to increase its utilization in actual investment situations. Meanwhile, Prophet, an artificial intelligence algorithm developed by Facebook (META) in 2017, is used to predict stock and cryptocurrency prices with high prediction accuracy. In particular, it is evaluated that Prophet predicts the price of virtual currencies better than that of stocks. In this study, we aim to show Prophet's virtual currency price prediction accuracy is higher than existing deep learning-based time series prediction method. In addition, we execute mock investment with Prophet predicted value. Evaluating the final value at the end of the investment, most of tested coins exceeded the initial investment recording a positive profit. In future research, we continue to test other coins to determine whether there is a significant difference in the predictive power by coin and therefore can establish investment strategies.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, many studies are being conducted to extract emotion from text and verify its information power in the field of finance, along with the recent development of big data analysis technology. A number of prior studies use pre-defined sentiment dictionaries or machine learning methods to extract sentiment from the financial documents. However, both methods have the disadvantage of being labor-intensive and subjective because it requires a manual sentiment learning process. In this study, we developed a financial sentiment dictionary that automatically extracts sentiment from the body text of analyst reports by using modified Bayes rule and verified the performance of the model through a binary classification model which predicts actual stock price movements. As a result of the prediction, it was found that the proposed financial dictionary from this research has about 4% better predictive power for actual stock price movements than the representative Loughran and McDonald’s (2011) financial dictionary. The sentiment extraction method proposed in this study enables efficient and objective judgment because it automatically learns the sentiment of words using both the change in target price and the cumulative abnormal returns. In addition, the dictionary can be easily updated by re-calculating conditional probabilities. The results of this study are expected to be readily expandable and applicable not only to analyst reports, but also to financial field texts such as performance reports, IR reports, press articles, and social media.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Research and interest in sustainable printing are increasing in the packaging printing industry. Currently, predicting the amount of ink required for each work is based on the experience and intuition of field workers. Suppose the amount of ink produced is more than necessary. In this case, the rest of the ink cannot be reused and is discarded, adversely affecting the company's productivity and environment. Nowadays, machine learning models can be used to figure out this problem. This study compares the ink usage prediction machine learning models. A simple linear regression model, Multiple Regression Analysis, cannot reflect the nonlinear relationship between the variables required for packaging printing, so there is a limit to accurately predicting the amount of ink needed. This study has established various prediction models which are based on CART (Classification and Regression Tree), such as Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machine, and XGBoost. The accuracy of the models is determined by the K-fold cross-validation. Error metrics such as root mean squared error, mean absolute error, and R-squared are employed to evaluate estimation models' correctness. Among these models, XGBoost model has the highest prediction accuracy and can reduce 2134 (g) of wasted ink for each work. Thus, this study motivates machine learning's potential to help advance productivity and protect the environment.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm(ACO) is one of the frequently used algorithms to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP). Since the ACO searches for the optimal value by updating the pheromone, it is difficult to consider the distance between the nodes and other variables other than the amount of the pheromone. In this study, fuzzy logic is added to ACO, which can help in making decision with multiple variables. The improved algorithm improves computation complexity and increases computation time when other variables besides distance and pheromone are added. Therefore, using the algorithm improved by the fuzzy logic, it is possible to solve TSP with many variables accurately and quickly. Existing ACO have been applied only to pheromone as a criterion for decision making, and other variables are excluded. However, when applying the fuzzy logic, it is possible to apply the algorithm to various situations because it is easy to judge which way is safe and fast by not only searching for the road but also adding other variables such as accident risk and road congestion. Adding a variable to an existing algorithm, it takes a long time to calculate each corresponding variable. However, when the improved algorithm is used, the result of calculating the fuzzy logic reduces the computation time to obtain the optimum value.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we proposed and tested an indoor obstacle recognition and avoidance algorithm using vision and ultrasonic sensors for effective operation of drone with low-power. In this paper, the indoor flight of a drone is mainly composed of two algorithms. First, for the indoor flight of the drone, the vanishing point and the center point of the image were extracted through Hough transform of the input image of the vision sensor. The drone moves along the extracted vanishing point. Second, we set an area of interest so that the drone can avoid obstacles. The area of interest is a space where the drone can fly after recognizing an obstacle at a distance from the ultrasonic sensor. When an obstacle is recognized in the drone's area of ​​interest, the drone performs an obstacle avoidance action. To verify the algorithm proposed in this paper, a simple obstacle was installed in an indoor environment and the drone was flown. From the experimental results, the proposed algorithm confirmed the indoor flight and obstacle avoidance behavior of the drone according to the vanishing point.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we design a basic algorithm enabling recognition of surrounding environment and collision avoidance among elemental technologies for autonomous driving, also applies sensor theoretical data and actual road performance to robo-racing system based on experimental data obtained through driving tests to enable sophisticated collision avoidance. For this study, a commercial autonomous driving patform(ERP-42), LiDAR and GPS sensors were used to implement efficient comunication systems and autonomous driving algorithms between each module.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The management of algal bloom is essential for the proper management of water supply systems and to maintain the safety of drinking water. Chlorophyll-a(Chl-a) is a commonly used indicator to represent the algal concentration. In recent years, advanced machine learning models have been increasingly used to predict Chl-a in freshwater systems. Machine learning models show good performance in various fields, while the process of model development requires considerable labor and time by experts. Automated machine learning(auto ML) is an emerging field of machine learning study. Auto ML is used to develop machine learning models while minimizing the time and labor required in the model development process. This study developed an auto ML to predict Chl-a using auto sklearn, one of most widely used open source auto ML algorithms. The model performance was compared with other two popular ensemble machine learning models, random forest(RF) and XGBoost(XGB). The model performance was evaluated using three indices, root mean squared error, root mean squared error-observation standard deviation ratio(RSR) and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency. The RSR of auto ML, RF, and XGB were 0.659, 0.684 and 0.638, respectively. The results shows that auto ML outperforms RF, and XGB shows better prediction performance than auto ML, while the differences between model performances were not significant. Shapley value analysis, an explainable machine learning algorithm, was used to provide quantitative interpretation about the model prediction of auto ML developed in this study. The results of this study present the possible applicability of auto ML for the prediction of water quality.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 인력에 의한 외관 조사의 단점을 해결하고 터널 안전 점검의 자동화를 위하여 터널 스캐닝 영상을 통 한 영상접합 자동화 알고리즘을 제시한다. 터널 스캐닝 영상을 통한 안전 점검은 기존 인력에 의한 외관 조사에 비해 조사 기 간과 인력을 크게 줄일 수 있으며 조사자의 안전사고와 교통체증에 따른 사회적 비용을 절감할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 터널 스캐닝 영상 기반 안전 점검을 위해서는 터널 스캐닝 영상의 접합을 통하여 평면 전개 이미지 자동화 생성이 핵심이다. 터널 스캐닝 영상 기반 평면 전개 이미지 생성의 자동화를 위하여 특징점 추출 및 특징점 매칭을 통한 다중촬영 이미지 간 접합 과 정이 주요한 요소이다. 본 연구에서는 터널 평면 전개 이미지 자동화 생성의 주요 요소인 이미지 접합의 성능을 높이고 기존 접합 기술에서 발생하는 오류를 해결하기 위하여 특징점 매칭 선분의 물리적인 특성을 고려하여 매칭 정확도를 높인 기술을 제 안하였다. 터널 이미지 중 약80∼90%를 이루는 타일부와 콘크리트부를 대상으로 기존기술의 특징점 매칭 결과와 제안 기술의 특징점 매칭 결과를 비교분석 하였으며 제안 기술을 통해 매칭 성능이 향상된 것을 확인하였다.
        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the load fluctuation of the main engine is considered to be a disturbance for the jacket coolant temperature control system of the low-speed two-stroke main diesel engine on the ships. A nonlinear PID temperature control system with satisfactory disturbance rejection performance was designed by rapidly transmitting the load change value to the controller for following the reference set value. The feed-forwarded load fluctuation is considered the set points of the dual loop control system to be changed. Real-coded genetic algorithms were used as an optimization tool to tune the gains for the nonlinear PID controller. ITAE was used as an evaluation function for optimization. For the evaluation function, the engine jacket coolant outlet temperature was considered. As a result of simulating the proposed cascade nonlinear PID control system, it was confirmed that the disturbance caused by the load fluctuation was eliminated with satisfactory performance and that the changed set value was followed.
        2022.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, most software development uses object-oriented method. The core of object-oriented method is class, and encaptualition and inheritance structure based on class improves development efficiency. However, if the method is encapsulated, it can be developed more effectively. In this paper, we examine the differences and effects from existing methods when encapsulating a method by applying the Template Method Pattern.
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