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        검색결과 203

        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 미기록 종인 네무늬구멍썩덩벌레붙이(Lissodema plagiatum Lewis) (신칭)를 한반도에서 처음으로 보고하고, Lissodema laevipennis Marseul의 한국 기록을 삭제한다. 한국산 썩덩벌레붙이과에 대한 종 검색표와 미기록 종에 대한 사진과 분류학적 의견을 제시한다.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The omni-channel customer system is the communication system between enterprise and customer via multiple channels such as mail, email, SMS, and mobile. The omni-channel customer system complements each other channel through the integration of each channel. The purpose of this research is to derive key factors and calculate the weights that a financial enterprise considers when adopting the omni-channel customer system. For this research, we analyzed the request for proposal documents used for the omni-channel customer system implementation projects in the financial enterprise. Also, we derived, classified, and stratified the key factors to be considered for the introduction of the omni-channel customer system in the financial enterprise. As a result of analyzing the key factors, customer experience, operations, and security were identified as the components of the top category in introducing the omni-channel customer system in the financial sector. Furthermore, the weight for each key factor was calculated by using ANP. As a result of ANP, operations, customer experience, and security were important in order. Also, the degree of easiness for connecting with other systems and the various abilities for representing the contents of the omni-channels were derived as the important key factors.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study empirically analyzed the influence of fashion brands’ marketing issues on actual sales and consumer preference—focusing on evaluation trends of brands over time by using the theoretical background and big data provided through literature. This study examined the influence of three fashion brands (Balenciaga, Vetements, and Off-White) that have recently seen a drastic increase in the number of searched volumes through social networks. To identify the consumer-brand evaluations and trends and the marketing issues, the time period was divided into Groups A and B, which are from 2014 to 2015 and from 2016 to 2017, respectively. This study analyzed the frequency of overlapping keywords by using the R program to graphically visualize the changes over the timeline. Specifically, this analysis extracted data mainly related to bags, wallets and accessories for 2014-2015, but in 2016-2017, all four brands saw a vast increase in the frequency of searching product keywords related to clothing and footwear, and newly extracted ones were the top keywords. When analyzing the big data with these keywords as indicators, I confirmed that the products related to bags, wallets, and accessories were shifted to those related to apparel and footwear. Consumers previously recognized luxury brands such as Balenciaga as accessoriesoriented brands that were focused on handbags and sunglasses, but now they are gaining popularity and recognition among consumers as a fashion brand.
        2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Along the 3,200km-long coastline, Vietnam has a significant number of seaports, which are relatively large and named as the keys to economic development. However, most ports are relatively small with obsolete facilities and poor supporting services. Among three largest ports countrywide, Ho Chi Minh City seaport has had the highest throughput and productivity per annum of the country for years, assumed the role of the major port in the south, where cargos and containers come and go from all industrial parks in the southern region. Situated on what was the outskirts but is now the outskirts or suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City, it has however shown some drawbacks, i.e., expansion of the port is not an option regardless of the high throughput. Apart from the inadequate infrastructure, ports are facing another setback due to backward pricing. The rapid increase in number of ports also created a “race to the bottom” situation, where Vietnam ports have reduced their price to attract customers. The direct results are lower service quality and an inability to reinvest into port development. Therefore, the restructuring of Ho Chi Minh City seaport system has been launched since 2006 whereby the plan not only resolves the limited size, obsolete facilities and traffic issues, but also becomes more efficient as the new port complex is located conveniently among the region’s industrial parks and export processing zones of Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, and Ba Ria – Vung Tau. In line with this plan, the paper will mainly aim to provide the outstanding constraints which Ho Chi Minh City seaport system faced, including illogical distribution among ports/terminals regardless the scale, capacity and geographic locations; ineffective and insecured mooring and anchorage buoys; undeveloped logistic services centres and lack of connecting infrastructure. As so, the recommendations for single issue will be provided.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘寒山’ 혹은 ‘寒山子’라고 알려진 인물의 詩集인 『寒山詩』에는 유가와 도가의 경향도 일부 나타나지만, 전체를 불교적 색채가 지배하고 있다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 본고에서는 한산이 시를 창작하기 위해 사용한 이미지를 긍정과 부정의 두 가지 방향에서 살펴보았다. 그의 시에서 긍정적 이미지로 사용된 대표적인 예는 ‘흰 구름[白雲]’과 ‘한산[寒山]’이다. ‘흰 구름’에는 첩첩 산중에 홀로 은거하며 거친 자연의 변화 속에서 화자의 벗이 됨과 동시에 세상을 자유로이 살아가고자 시인의 내면세계가 투영되어 있다. ‘한산[寒山]’은 시인이 은거하며 생활하던 장소로서의 한산과 인간으로서의 한산이라는 두 가지 의미로 사용되었다. 시인이 이상향을 위해 정진하던 때의 한산이라는 배경은 고난과 역경의 도량으로 나타나지만, 깨달 음에 도달하고 난 이후 한산이라는 배경은 이상적이고 청정한 아름다운 도량의 긍정적 이미지로 다가왔다. 부정적 이미지로 사용된 대표적인 예는 ‘動物’과 ‘酒肉’이다. 동물 중에서는 특히 ‘돼지’와 ‘개’의 이미지가 부정의 이미지로 동원되었다. 돼지는 탐욕과 거짓의 이미지, 개는 성냄과 애욕의 이미지로 사용되었다. 술은 일시적인 쾌락을 위한 인간의 부정적인 욕망의 이미지, 고기는 탐욕스런 인간의 이미지로 사용되었다. 이상의 연구를 통해서 인간 한산의 수양을 통한 변화하는 이미지를 살펴볼 수 있었으며, 그 이미지는 한산의 시를 입체적 공간으로 서의 의미가 확장되어 시적 의미를 보다 구체화 시켜주는데 일조를 하였음을 알 수 있었다.
        2018.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        What’s the point of feeling angry about what happened? You just have to make sure we never see that kind of world again-that this [Jeju 4.3 tragedy and the hardships that befell three generations of family members] never happens again. “For my grandchildren, [please help ensure] that there is no record stating that their grandmother has a criminal history and spent time in prison.” “The path we have traveled to this point has been a tremendously perilous and difficult [one]. What the 18 of us want is to be acquitted [and to receive an official apology].”
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to establish how community garden spaces should be used to restore communities engaged in village-rehabilitation projects. To achieve this purpose, we have analyzed the perceptions of local residents conducting a town-development project. The community reviewed the benefits of having a garden to improve the residents’ quality of life and comfort. Given the role of gardens in revitalizing communities, it is necessary to build spaces where residents can relax and enjoy community life. Those who participated in this study hoped that their community garden would provide shade and relaxation, a children’s play area, green spaces, and places for conversation. The space and facilities provided by community gardens vary, in accordance with the expectations and needs of each community. It is therefore inappropriate to apply uniform garden designs to all community gardens. Between 20% and 25% of a community garden should be allocated to each of the following: community space, ornamental space, and space for relaxation. As plants that provide shade and help to maintain the ecosystem are strongly preferred in community gardens, all plants should be chosen for their environmental benefits and functionality, rather than aesthetics. Residents may be willing to participate in a range of activities, including community events, the cultivation of plants, and garden management. Towns must therefore set up programs to support these activities. It is essential to continue studying and investigating the formation of community spaces and facilities, reflecting the characteristics of each community.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Here, we provided a lucid key for twelve lepidopteran quarantine pests in South Korea. They were selected based on border quarantine inspection data from 1996 to 2016 in S. Korea. They are belonging to eight families: Carposinidae, Crambidae, Pyralidae, Gelechiidae, Oecophoridae, Tineidae, Tortricidae and Geometridae, and also categorized into the three groups: prohibited, regulated and nonquarantine pests. The key includes diagnostic characters from head, thorax, fore- and hind-wings for each species examined.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Corporate reputation – the central antecedent of trust – bears the potential to create sustainable competitive advantage. However, far too many examples of companies’ socially irresponsible behavior over the past years led to a severe crisis of confidence. Disgraced companies suffer from the adverse effects of their misbehaviors at all levels. As a consequence, one of the top priorities for both practitioners and business scholars is the identification of opportunities to (re)build corporate reputation. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a key driver of reputation perceptions, is a very promising one. However, as CSR is a multidimensional construct that comprises a wide range of activities, the selection of the “right” ones deems a major challenge. Based on a literature review, we advocate that news media data should be utilized to analyze which CSR dimensions are particularly likely to affect reputation perceptions. As journalists rely on companies’ press releases as a starting point for their business articles, companies need to carefully evaluate which CSR dimensions they emphasize in their communication strategy. Based on superior measures of reputation and CSR, this study utilizes reputation and news media coverage data on companies listed in the German DAX30 between 2005 and 2011. The panel data regression encompasses the multidimensional concept of CSR, presenting a six-dimensional CSR construct including environment, employee relations, community, product issues, corporate culture and corporate governance. Relevant moderating variables, namely firm and stakeholder characteristics, are investigated. In this context, the results show that the relevance of each of those six distinct dimensions differs for the formation of reputation judgements and varies across investigated stakeholder and company types: across all model specifications, negative media coverage addressing employee relations and community affects reputation perceptions. The general public primarily perceives negative news coverage as relevant for their reputation judgements. Opinion leaders seem to be less dependent on the media to learn about CSR dimensions, as only four out of twelve independent variables exert a significant impact on their reputation judgments. News coverage about product issues only constitutes a key role in the formation of reputation judgements of firms that are predominantly known from direct experiences. A particularly large amount of variation can be explained for reputation ratings of these companies as well as for reputation perceptions of opinion leaders.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Marketing academics and practitioners have discerned the evolution in the prominence of digital, social media and mobile marketing based on technological innovations. Digital marketing has evolved over time from a specific marketing of products and services using digital channels to activities, institutions and processes facilitated by digital technologies. From an inclusive perspective, digital marketing refers to an adaptive, technology-enabled process by which firms collaborate with customers and partners to jointly create, communicate, deliver and sustain value for all stakeholders. Digital technologies allow the new adaptive process, institution and processes in marketing communication. The adaptive process creates value in new ways in new digital environments. Institutions build foundational capabilities to create such value jointly for their customers and for themselves. Processes create value through new customer experiences and through interactions among customers. The purpose of the assessment is to establish the current status of research evaluating digital marketing communication and to show how digital technology has shaped marketing communication evaluations. This study provides a broad disciplinary review of key cited works in digital marketing communication research and examines the effectiveness of various evaluation approaches, including new directions designed to capture meaningful insights and marketing communication value in digital marketing communication.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Social media have been proved as a tool for social branding, but not as a tool for return on investment (ROI) generation. The ultimate goal of any business activities is to generate ROI; therefore, businesses should know what social media practices actually increase their ROI. Researchers in the computer science and engineering areas have attempted to create a systematic model/statistical method to quantify data collected from social media to generate meaningful consumer and market trends and ROI (Zeng, Chen, Lusch, & Li. 2010). This process is called Social Media Intelligence (SMI) or Social Media Analytics (SMA). Researchers have not been yet successful in developing an effective analytical system for social media data to generate ROI. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore which social media practices would affect ROI based on SMA process with key techniques used to analyze the indicators in social media (i.e., Key Performance Indicators; KPIs) that show the effectiveness of a company in achieving its business objectives. This study is an exploratory research to determine the nature of a problem in the SMI, to gain further insight, and to show opportunities in the subject area. The result shows that using crawling, topic modeling and social network analysis techniques, businesses could collect and monitor right KPIs depending on their social media goals (e.g., number of followers for awareness, number of link clicks for engagement, number of lead magnets for conversion). After then, using the techniques to analyze the KPIs (e.g., opinion mining, sentiment analysis, etc. for the understand stage), businesses would be able to identify/predict consumer demands and market trends. Based on this prediction, businesses need to visualize the result to customers by executing right marketing strategies (e.g., effective viral marketing, personalized Call-To-Action, customized product/service, direct relationship establishment, frequent communication, establish long relationship, etc.). This study could contribute to the field by presenting the effective KPIs and techniques organized based on the SMA stages and social media goals and could provide the industry a right tool and a direction for their social media promotional practices.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        큰머리톱가슴긴고목벌레[Mimemodes cribratus (Reitter)] (신칭)을 국내에서 처음으로 보고하고, 한국산 톱가슴긴고목벌레과의 종 분류 검색표 및 본 종의 기재문과 식별형질에 대한 사진을 제공한다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        금강초롱꽃(Hanabusaya asiatica Nakai)은 한반도 중동 부에서만 제한적으로 분포하는 고유종으로, 현재 1,000 개체 이상 정도만 남아있는 것으로 추정되어 International Union for conservation of Nature(IUCN) 적색 목록(IUCN red list)에 멸종위기(EN)종으로 지정되어 있는 종이다. 금강초롱꽃 보존을 위해서는 금강초롱꽃의 분포지역를 파악 하고 이를 보호지역으로 지정하여야 하나, 금강초롱꽃 분포 지역 대부분이 남북한 접경지역에 위치하고 있어 현장조사 를 통해 정확한 분포지역을 파악하기 쉽지 않은 실정이다. 현장조사의 대안으로 생물종 분포 모형을 활용하여 금강 초롱꽃 분포 지역를 추정해 볼 수 있긴 하지만, 대부분의 생물종 분포 모형이 체계적인 현장 조사를 통해 수집한 출 현-부재 데이터(presence-absence data)를 필요로 하여, 금 강초롱꽃 분포 지역 추정에 활용할 수 없다. Maximumentropy(Maxent)모형은 체계적인 현장 조사 없이 출현지점 만 기록한 데이터(presence-only data)만 가지고도 생물종 분포를 추정할 수 있는 머신러닝 기법의 일종으로, 본 연구와 같이 활용할 수 있는 데이터가 제한된 경우에도 유용하 게 활용할 수 있는 생물종 분포 모형이다. 본 연구에서는 현장 조사를 통해 수집한 금강초롱꽃 출현 지점 데이터와 기후와 지형, 식생 등 환경변수를 가지고 MaxEnt 모형을 학습하여 금강초롱꽃 분포지역을 추정하였다. 주요 금강초롱꽃 분포지역은 강원도 고성군과 양양군과 인제군 일원의 향로봉-건봉산 천연보고구역 일대와 설악산 일대, 인제군과 양구군 일원의 대암산 일대, 인제군 방태산 일대, 인제군 백암산 일대, 양구군 백석산 일대, 화천군 제안 산-해산 일대, 화천 수리봉 일대, 화천군과 철원군 대성산- 복주산-두류산-광덕산 일대, 화천군 화악산 일대로 추정되었고, 이 결과를 바탕으로 금강초롱꽃 보호를 위한 key biodiversity area 경계를 설정하였다.
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