
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 109

        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper deals with the economic value analysis of meteorological forecasts for a hypothetical inventory decision-making situation in the pharmaceutical industry. The value of Asian dust (AD) forecasts is assessed in terms of the expected value of profits by using a decision tree, which is transformed from the specific payoff structure. The forecast user is assumed to determine the inventory level by considering base profit, inventory cost, and lost sales cost. We estimate the information value of AD forecasts by comparing the two cases of decision-making with or without the AD forecast. The proposed method is verified for the real data of AD forecasts and events in Seoul during the period 2004~2008. The results indicate that AD forecasts can provide the forecast users with benefits, which have various ranges of values according to the relative rate of inventory and lost sales cost.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        폐 한방슬러지의 pH는 5.3으로 주재료인 콘코프의 pH5.2와 비슷하였으나, 환원당 함량은 4.8mg/g으로 콘코프의 1.9mg/g 보다 2.5배 높게 나타났다. 평판배지를 사용하여 폐 한방슬러지의 첨가농도를 검토한 결과 폐 한방슬러지를 첨가하지 않은 대조구보다 5, 15 및 10%(w/w) 첨가 순으로 팽이버섯 균사 성장이 왕성하였다. 콘코프 및미송톱밥배지에 폐 한방슬러지를 각각 10% 첨가하여 제조한 배지를 시험관에 충진시킨 다음 팽이버섯 액체종균을 접종하여 25oC에서 6일 동안 배양한 결과 대조구에서는 약 2.2~3.4cm, 시험구에서는 약 5.8~6.4cm의 균사성장이 이루어졌다. 그리고 팽이버섯뿐만 아니라 표고버섯및 녹각버섯(영지버섯 일종)을 접종한 시험구에서도 동일한 결과를 얻었다. 폐 한방슬러지를 10% 첨가한 배지로현장실험을 행한 결과 팽이버섯의 수확량은 대조구보다약 5%정도 떨어졌지만 기형버섯 발생율과 2등품 버섯의생산량은 시험구에서 월등하게 적었다. 팽이버섯의 생산량이 16만병/1일 행하는 재배사를 기준으로 경제성 분석을 행한 결과 당해 년에는 약 5천만원이 절약되고 그 다음해부터는 인건비와 운영비를 제외한 약 1억3천만원의생산단가 절약이 예상되었다.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The influenza virus is an important respiratory risk affecting humans, and effective treatments are needed. Some oriental medicines are currently applied for treatment of common colds as well as influenza infection. Previous studies have reported that the therapeutic properties of MA-128 are effective for treatment of psoriasis antiasthmatic and atopic dermatitis. In this study, we investigated the therapeutic properties of the novel herbal medicine, MA-128, for treatment of influenza virus infection by oral administration. MA-128 is an active natural biological compound from herbal-marine origin. The results showed that oral administration of MA-128 in mice could confer a survival benefit against Type A influenza virus infection. Daily oral administration of MA-128 resulted in delayed death in infected mice for three days against mouse adapted H3N2 (A/Philippines/2/82). However, it protected more than 60% of mice from lethal infection of 2009 pandemic H1N1 (A/Korea/CJ01/2009) influenza virus. In addition, lung viral titers were significantly reduced at seven days post infection (~100 times) compared with mock-treated mice and viruses were cleared at 9 dpi only in the MA-128 treated groups. This study demonstrated the potential of the novel herbal medicine, MA-128, as an herbal remedy against influenza A viruses.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to look at how pepper was used in traditional medicine. In other words, this study aims to take a look at the process by which the medicinal nature & efficacy of pepper in traditional society was perceived and arranged through the aspects of the use of pepper as an exotic crop for treating diseases. This study investigated cases of using pepper for medical treatments by referring to books on traditional medicine in Korea. The old records about pepper are mainly in empirical medical books from the late Chosun dynasty. Nevertheless, the records about pepper tend to decrease in medical text as time goes by. Such a phenomenon can be attributable to the fact that people began to use pepper for daily food life rather than for medicinal purposes. Pepper was used mostly for digestive trouble such as vomiting, diarrhea, and stomachaches, and it was also applied to mental and aching diseases caused by the sound of body fluids remaining in the stomach. In addition, there were many cases where pepper was used externally for surgical disorders. Such symptoms for treatment are linked to, or in a complementary relationship with, research results in modern times. Boiled pepper was generally taken in the traditional herbal decoction method, and in the case of surgical diseases, it was applied externally. The cases of using old pepper, using pepper with seeds or without seeds, and using pepper mixed with sesame oil belong to a sort of herbal medicine processing, which usually aimed at changing the medicinal nature of pepper. In addition, in relation to the eating habits at that time, pepper was used as seasoning and to make red pepper paste with or without vinegar. There are two words used for pepper in the medical textbooks, 苦椒 (gocho) and 烈棗 (yeoljo). These words are translated into Korean as gochu, so we can identify this word as a nickname for pepper.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 상황버섯박의 이용방법을 제시하기 위하여 한약제박에 혼합하여 사일리지를 제조하고 그 품질을 조사하였다. 상황버섯박을 사일리지 재료로 사용함에 있어 한약제박에 건물기준으로 0, 15 및 30% 혼합하여 사용하였으며, 수용성 탄수화물의 함량이 적은 것을 보완하기 위하여 당밀을 0, 1 및 2% 첨가하였다. 한약제박에 대한 상황버섯박의 첨가수준이 높아질수록 사일리지의 조단백질과 조지방의 함량이 유의하게 높아지고, ADF 함량은 유의하게 낮아졌다. 사
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        뇌과학은 심리학이나 정신과학의 영역을 넘어 신체적 질병과 관련된 임상 영역에서도 중요한 분야가 되었을 뿐 아니라, 이제 심신통합치유의 필요성을 설명하는 이론적 기반으로서 자리잡고 있다. 몸의 질병은 더 이상 몸만의 질병이 아니며, 마음의 질병 또한 마음만의 문제가 아닌 것이 심신의학이나 신경생리학을 통해 설명되고 있으며, 그 중심에는 몸과 마음의 상태를 통합하고 기능을 조절하는 신경계가 있는 것이다. 뉴로아트테라피(neuroart therapy)는 신경과학 이론을 기반으로 하여 심신의학적 개입법들을 포괄적으로 제공하는 전인적 치유기법으로서, 다양한 표현 예술치료 활동과 첨단 뇌기능 훈련을 핵심적 치유 매체로 활용하여 몸과 마음의 질병을 치유하고, 내적 잠재력과 정서를 계발하여 심신의 성장을 도모하기 위해 개발된 새로운 치유 분야이다. 뉴로아트테라피는 인간 개개인의 개별성과 그를 둘러싼 환경과의 역동성, 그리고 심신상관성에 입각하여 개발된 치유적 접근법이다. 또한 내담자의 몸과 마음에 내재된 치유력의 회복과 신경계를 통한 적응적 반응의 생리학적 각인을 치유의 객관적 목표로 삼는다. 뇌의 통합적이고 조화로운 기능이 결국 심신의 건강을 결정한다는 전제에 기초하여, 모든 심신의 증상에 대한 치유에 있어서 뉴로아트테라피의 신경학적 최종 목표는 전뇌의 균형과 조화이다. 뇌의 신경망은 학습, 경험에 의해 지속적으로 새롭게 형성되고 강화 또는 소멸되는데, 그 신경망의 양상이 개인의 성격, 습관, 생리적 특성, 질병에 대한 취약성 등으로 나타나는 것이다. 뉴로아트테라피의 치유 과정은 신경계에서 새로운 신경망을 형성하며 긍정적 경험으로 기억되며, 그 경험들이 반복되면서 새로 형성된 신경망이 기존의 부적응적인 생리과정을 점차로 소거하고 대체하는 신경학적 과정이 수반된다. 뇌는 곧 전신의 생리적 기능과 심신의 상태를 조절하고 마음과 행동을 조형하는 곳이므로, 뇌의 변화를 추구하는 치유의 방식은 영속적이고 포괄적인 전인적 접근이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 과정들은 모두 내담자 자신의 능동적이고 자발적인 참여가 전제된다는 점에서 치료자 중심의 접근 방식들과 다르다. 무엇보다도 스스로의 참여는 새로운 내적 경험을 가능하게 하는데, 이와 같은 효과가 체화되면 약물과 같은 외부의 치료적 개입이 지속하지 않아도 효과가 유지된다. 또한 이러한 치료는 잠재된 능력을 계발하고 삶의 지평을 확장할 수 있도록 하는 전인치유의 기반이 된다.
        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        암 은 개인적 질병이면서 사회문화적 (癌) 질병이다. 암(癌)을 이해하고 극복하기 위해서는 병의 본질에 대한 이해가 선행되어야 하고 현대 의학적인 접근과 자연치유나 통합의학적인 접근의 차이와 특징을 먼저 이해할 필요가 있다. 그러면 사회문화적 질병으로서의 암을 이해할 수 있는 시야가 열릴 것이다.
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Objective : After arranged and estimated the result of Oriental Medical Health Examination Program, considered the way of improvement and how Oriental Medicine participate in industrial health service. Results : As a point at issue of occidental medicine examination, followings have been indicated, 1) Occidental medical examination is performed by mainly test and instrument and therefore, role of doctors could be excluded and it could be diagnosed only for target disease and 2) in Korea, it could not be conducted in public medical system and therefore improvement effect of public health promotion could not be made due to increase of total medical expenses and infirmity of post management. These points are substantial limit of paradigm resided in occidental medicine and also problem caused by unique characteristics of medical system of Korea. Conclusion : According to the estimate of present special health examination for workers, it seems that special health examination forworkers is a way of specializing the purpose of special health examination and searching the group that needs a special mediation for promoting the health and preventing the disease as a part of industrial health service that needs a connection with other industrial health service. A program replaced by the health effect-oriented methods that limits the purpose of special health examination be studied. After understood the potential health disorder of workers according to where they are exposed to, it also should be contained items for the disease which can be examined in health examination.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dang, jonghae had written five books on chinese medicine, 『Hyeoljeungron』 is his most important work. He wanted to correct the fallacies of the theory of Jang(臟) and Bu(腑) by comparing with chinese and western medicine. He distinguished Bi(脾) from Cheomyuk(甛肉) by comparing the spleen with the pancreas. He recognized Stomach as the warehouse of foods, and explained that Bi took charge of digestion actually. Bi charged the function of Transportation(運化) and Blood-govering(統血) in addition to plain digestion, he wrote. Dang, jonghae regarded the metabolism of the human body as the interaction of Gi(氣), Blood (血), Water(水) and Fire(火). And he explained that Bi adjusted them. He classified Syndrome of Blood(血證) into five sorts of syndrome and presented four kinds of treatment. Especially he took a serious view of the treatment connected with Bi and Stomach. He set up the theory of Bi and Stomach(脾胃論) practically on basis of anatomy, but he didn't assorted the physiology and pathology of each organ clearly. However he proved the importance of Bi and Stomach by treating Syndrome of Blood and provided with the foundation of merging chinese and western medicine.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In traditional Chinese medicine, some herbs are used after toasting or roasting. The process is called "Zhi Tan" in Chinese, which means charring, and the herbs after the treatment is called carbon medicine. Carbon medicine is widely used to arrest bleeding in traditional Chinese medicine. The paper introduces the records, development and applications of carbon medicine in ancient China. The earliest record found about carbon medicine was in the remains of Han dynasty (BC206-A.D.8). The paper also introduces the process of charring herbs and mechanism of carbon medicine in arresting bleeding. Calcium iron and tan released during the charring are believed as main factors for arresting bleeding, helped with porous surface structure of active carbon.
        2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Rapidly progressive interstitial renal fibrosis has recently been reported in young women who have been on a slimming regimen including chinese herbs. Aristolochic acid, suspected as the causal factor of this renal disease, is a well known carcinogen. It has been known that Madouling (Aristolochiae fructus) contains aristolochic acid. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of Madouling, Madouling-tang, which are the extract mixture from 10 different chinese herbs including Madouling, and aristolochic acid on reproductive and developmental toxicity. Female rats were administered orally with the extracts of Madouling, madouling-tang, and aristolochic acid from 14 days before mating to day 17 of gestation. Madouling (8mg/kg) decreased fertility in the 8mg/kg group, but Madouling-tang and aristolochic acids did not. Significant decrease of mean fetal body weights were observed in the 16mg/kg group of aristolochic acids. External, visceral and skeletal malformation of fetuses were not observed with treatment. Histopathological examination showed the discrete damage of kidney in the 8mg/kg group of Madouling and 16mg/kg groups of aristolochic acid. In whole embryo culture, Madouling and Madouling-tang caused the retardation of growth and development of embryo in the dose of 1 g/ml and 0.02 /kg, respectively while aristolochic acids showed the similar effect in the dose of 300 /kg. These results indicate that Madouling, up to 0.05mg/kg (prescription dose to human) has no adverse effects on the fertility, reproduction and development of Sprague-Dawley rats.
        2001.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Taking good care of the new born babies - from birth to 1st month - is very important and not able to neglected because it can has big effects on the health of rest of their lives. Traditional oriental medicine has a method using detoxicant to wipe out infant oral cavity. So, It must be helpful for baby's health if we use that kinds of drugs nowadays. In procedure of cutting off an umbilical cord, environment of the operating should be kept warm and tools are sterilized to prevent coldness invasion and infection through the cord. and even though the cutting done later, the cord should maintained always clean and warm until it perfectly cut away. The best time of first bath for the new born babies is after 24hours when infant vernix is naturally dried. Warm air and proper water temperature is recommended for bath. Too frequent baths are not recommended. A mother should be in state of relax and comfortable during feeding, and the maternal milk should be in proper temperature and proper quantity. When clothing the new born babies, it is important control body temperature. So it's better clothing them lightly, and protect the new born babies from intense cold and hot, and going out with them outside often for sunbathe when weather is sunny and nice. Development of the brain of the the new born babies is not completed, so keep away from strange things or person can scare babies. According to stated, taking care of the new born babies well, gives them healthy for whole life. So it won't be negligent, and I think all parents want to have babies should learn about new born babies enough.
        1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays because of social and structural complexities, patients in the field of Psychoneurosis tend to increase gradually. So it needs to be diagnosed and treated for neuroses regardless of Oriental-Western Medicine. The category about Psychosomatic disease of Psychosomatic Medicine which is studied at present, nevertheless, is seen to focused on the limited range that called neurotic state and studies of Psychosomatic Medicine is divided into the field of psychology, philosophy and medicine. To set up the foundation for the course of Psychosomatic Medicine and medical solution of Psychosomatic relation, I have considered, compared and contrasted between Stress theory and Seven modes of emotion theory which is well thought to reflect the Psychosomatic Medicine and I came to the conclusion as follows; 1. Stress theory has commons with Seven modes of emotion theory in mechanism and notion. First, Both-Stress and Seven modes of emotion theory- explain the changes of function in body. second, they both are the internal reactions. third, they bring about the morphologic disease directly through the functional path change. Finally, the reaction is not partial but general and synthetic. Four similarities above show that two theories are identical with respect to the important characteristics and mechanism. 2. Compared with Seven modes of emotion theory, Stress theory concentrates on only anger, anxiety, surprise out of Seven emotion modes and that was the part to be studied from now on. 3. Studies on Stress and Seven modes of emotion theory is the ones which makes clear the prospect and course of Psychosomatic Medicine. They provide the clue that can explain the relationship of mind and disease, emotion and body, and already established theory. So they developed the medical science from treatment-centered to prevention- centered.
        1999.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Studied the size of soil by land category to select places suitable for cultivating oriental medicines, the speciaity of Chollabuk-do Provincial Government and property and size of the centering aroung topsoil. And the results are summarized as follows. 1. The total size of the soil of Kochang-gun, Muju-gun, Puan-gun, Sunchang-gun, Wanju-gun, Imshil-gun, Changsu-gun including Chinan-gun totaled adout 4,966,999.4㎢. 2. As for land category, forestry was 69% of a total size as about 3,402,272.8㎢. Rice field was 14% of a total size as about 677,428.2㎢. Dry field was 8% of a total size as about 405,966.5㎢. Though grassland and orchard did not amount to 1% as about 9,716.5 ㎢ and 228.6㎢, respectively other kinds of soil were 9% as about 464,963.9㎢. 3.As for the property of soil, loam was 59% as about 2,928,683.7㎢. Sandy loam was 30% as about 1,490,150.4㎢. Silty loam was 7% as about 359,656.7㎢. Sandy clay loam was 1% as about 57,858.5㎢. Sandy soil of good quality Anlehmiger sand did not amount to 1% as about 6,002.3㎢. While other kinds of soil were about 3% as about 124,647.8㎢.
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