
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 398

        2020.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2015년 현재 우리나라는 OECD 국가 중 질소기준 양분수지가 1위로 양분관리가 시급한 실정이다. 양분관리를 위해서는 축사에서 발생하는 가축분뇨의 자원화를 통하여 생산된 가축분뇨 퇴·액비를 농경지에 올바르게 살포하여 양분이 순환될 수 있는 구조를 만드는 것이 매우 중요하다. 이는 무기질 및 유기질 비료의 사용량을 줄일 수 있어 농경지에 대한 양분관리와도 연계되어 있다. 본 연구에서는 양분수지를 활용하여 연구대상지역에 대한 양분현황을 파악하였으며, 경제성과 효율성을 고려하여 조사료의 생산을 통한 가축분뇨 퇴·액비의 적절한 활용을 통하여 양분관리 효과를 검토하였다. 지역에서 발생하는 가축분뇨로 생산된 퇴·액비를 지역으로 다시 재 순환할 수 있도록 하여, 가축분뇨 액비만으로도 충분한 양의 조사료 생산이 가능함을 보여주었으며, 농경지의 토양에서의 총 질소의 농도저감을 확인할 수 있었다. 질소농도의 감소는 작물의 사용량 뿐 아니라 토양에 축적되거나 지하수 및 지표수로 유출되는 것이 포함되어 수질개선의 효과를 예상할 수 있다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, whole crop rice samples were used to develop near-infrared reflectance (NIR) equations to estimate six forage quality parameters: Moisture, crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), Ash and relative feed value (RFV). A population of 564 whole crop rice representing a wide range in chemical parameters was used in this study. Undried finely chopped whole crop rice samples were scanned at 1 nm intervals over the wavelength range 680–2500 nm and the optical data recorded as log 1/Reflectance (log 1/R). NIRS calibrations were developed by means of partial least-squares (PLS) regression. The correlation coefficients of cross-validation (R2 cv) and standard error of cross-validation (SECV) for whole crop rice calibration were 0.98 (SECV 1.81%) for moisture, 0.89 (SECV 0.50%) for CP, 0.86 (SECV 1.79%) for NDF, 0.89 (SECV 0.86%) for ash, and 0.84 (SECV 5.21%) for RFV on a dry matter (%), respectively. The NIRS calibration equations developed in this study will be useful in predicting whole crop rice quality for these six quality parameters.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) has become increasingly used as a rapid and accurate method of evaluating some chemical compositions in forages. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of NIRS, applied to imported forage, to estimate the moisture and chemical parameters for imported hays. A population of 392 imported hay representing a wide range in chemical parameters was used in this study. Samples of forage were scanned at 1 nm intervals over the wavelength range 680-2500nm and the optical data was recorded as log 1/Reflectance(log 1/R), which scanned in intact fresh condition. The spectral data were regressed against a range of chemical parameters using partial least squares(PLS) multivariate analysis in conjunction with spectral math treatments to reduced the effect of extraneous noise. The optimum calibrations were selected based on the highest coefficients of determination in cross validation(R2) and the lowest standard error of cross-validation(SECV). The results of this study showed that NIRS predicted the chemical parameters with very high degree of accuracy. The R2 and SECV for imported hay calibration were 0.92(SECV 0.61%) for moisture, 0.98(SECV 0.65%) for acid detergent fiber, 0.97(SECV 0.40%) for neutral detergent fiber, 0.99(SECV 0.06%) for crude protein and 0.97(SECV 3.04%) for relative feed value on a dry matter(%), respectively. Results of this experiment showed the possibility of NIRS method to predict the moisture and chemical composition of imported hay in Korea for routine analysis method to evaluate the feed value.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 음료나 술의 원료로 이용한 뒤 버려지는 고창산 복분자 부산물을 활용한 흑돈(K-berkshire) 단미사료화 소재 개발에 관한 연구이다. 복분자 부산물의 사료화를 위해 복분자 원물 및 부산물(즙박 및 주정박)의 추출물을 이용하여 총폴리페놀, 플라보노이드, 안토시아닌의 함량과 더불어 ABTS와 항균능을 확인하였다. 각 부산물에 대한 일반성분과 함께 섬유질 함량과 칼로리를 분석하였고, 또한 무기질 및 유해독소(mycotoxin)의 함량을 측정하였다. 부산물 추출물 내 아미노산 조성과 더불어 품질 표준화 를 위한 지표물질(ellagic acid), 수분활성도(aW)와 pH를 측정하였으며, 이후, 복분자즙 부산물을 총 6 주간 급이한 K-berkshire의 소장 내 미생물(총균, 대장균군, 대장균, 유산균)의 변화를 조사하였다. 그 결과, 복분자 원물과 비교했을 때 복분자 부산물에서 총폴리페놀을 포함하여 플라보노이드와 안토시아 닌의 함량이 높았으며, 항산화와 더불어 항균성에서도 높은 활성을 나타내었다. 복분자즙과 복분자주 부산물은 사료적 특성에서 큰 차이가 없었으며, 또한 aflatoxin과 ochratoxin 같은 곰팡이 독소는 허용 기준 이하로 확인되었다. 그러나, 복분자즙 부산물의 경우에는 수분활성도(aW)와 pH 변화의 폭이 적었 다. 따라서, 복분자즙 부산물 0.5%를 사료에 첨가하여 K-berkshire에 급이 하였을 때 흑돈 소장 내 유 해균의 수는 감소하였고, 유익균의 수에는 영향을 미치지 않았다. 또한 복분자 부산물은 원물과 비교했 을 때 다량의 항산화 성분을 비롯하여 미네랄과 아미노산을 함유하고 있어 높은 항균활성을 나타내는 것으로 생각되며 이로 인해 K-berkshire에 복분자 부산물을 사료 첨가제로 급이 했을 때 소장 내 유해 세균의 감소를 나타내는 것으로 판단한다. 따라서, 복분자 부산물은 K-berkshire에 영양학적으로도 가 치가 있으면서도 장내 미생물 군 조절에 탁월한 사료 첨가제로의 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        SNS 사용자가 급속히 증가함에 따라 기업 전체 마케팅 활동에서 SNS 마케팅이 차지하는 비중이 높아지고 있으며 SNS 광고도 새로운 마케팅 도구로 급성장하게 되었다. SNS 광고에 관한 선행 연구가 많이 진행해왔지만 SNS의 다양한 광고 형태 중 새롭게 각광받고 있는 인피드 광고에 대해 연구가 아직 부족한 현황이다. 따라서 본 논문은 중국 SNS 사용자들을 대상으로 인피드 광고의 가장 뚜렷한 3가지 특성(네이티브 콘텐츠 간의 형식의 일치성, 상호작용성과 개인맞춤성)이 인피드 광고 태도에 미치는 영향을 검증하였으며, SNS사용자들이 지각하는 프라이버시 우려 정도가 SNS 인피드 광고 태도에 미치는 조절적 영향을 검증하였다. 실증적 분석을 위해 SNS를 사용한 적이 있고 인피드 광고를 본 적이 있는 295명 중국 소비자에 대한 설문조사를 분석하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면 인피드 광고의 3가지 특성이 광고 태도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 프라이버시 공개에 대한 우려는 일치성 및 상호작용성이 광고태도에 미치는 영향에 있어서 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았지만 개인맞춤성이 광고 태도에 미치는 영향에 있어서 부정적인 조절 효과를 보였다. 즉, 소비자가 개인 정보 유출에 대해 걱정할 때 개인맞춤성이 광고 태도에 미치는 긍정적인 효과를 약화시킬 수 있다. 이러한 실증적 연구는 인피드 광고 태도에 영향을 미치는 중요한 정보와 위험요소를 새로 발견하였으니 SNS 매체연구, SNS 광고연구, 그리고 국제마케팅연구의 학문적 발전에 기여할 수 있는 것으로 기대된다. 또한 중국 소비자들을 타깃으로 하는 중국기업과 중국에 진출하는 외국 기업들에게 효과적인 SNS 마케팅 전략과 SNS 광고전략을 수립하는 데에 실무적인 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hay-making is one of the most common way for forage preservation in livestock industry. The quality and production of hay could be affected by various factors. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of tedding time and frequency on drying rate and feed value of forage rye (Secale cereale L.) hay. Rye was harvested on heading stage using mower conditioner. Hay was tedded at each set hour(09:00, 13:00 and 17:00) and sampled at each set hour to determine dry matter (DM) content. After two months’ preservation, CP (crude protein), ADF (acid detergent fiber), NDF (neutral detergent fiber), IVDMD (in vitro dry matter digestibility), TDN (total digestible nutrient), RFV (relative feed value), DM loss, visual scores and total fungi count were determined for estimation of hay quality. Tedding was necessary for both speeding up drying rate and improving forage quality. Tedding at 17:00 showed lower NDF content (p<0.05), and also higher RFV value was found compared with tedding at 9:00 and 13:00 (p<0.05). On the other hand, it was observed that more DM losses would be found when tedding later (p<0.05). Tedding in 1~3 times per day were lower in ADF and NDF content (p<0.05), increased CP, TDN and RFV (p<0.05), got less DM loss (p<0.05), and contained less fungi during conservation compared with no tedding (p<0.05). On the other hand, tedding too frequent caused more DM loss (p<0.05). In conclusion, for shorter drying process and higher quality of forage rye hay, tedding at 13:00∼17:00 for 1∼2 times per day was recommended in this study.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        브로일러의 생산성과 닭고기의 품질에 미치는 Bacillus. subtillus, Streptomyces galilaeus 및 Sphingobacteriaceae로 구성된 사료용 복합생균제(PFM, probiotic feed mixture)의 효과를 조사하였다. 병아리 (Ross 308) 240마리를 4개의 처리구로 나누어 35일간 사육하였다. 처리구는 사료용 복합 생균제를 함유하지 않은 대조구(CON, control), 일반생균제(CP3, commercial probiotics 0.3%), 사료용 복합 생균제 3(PFM3, 사료용 복합 생균제 0.3%), 사료용 복합 생균제 5(PFM5, 사료용 복합 생균제 0.5%)로 구분하였다. 체중은 CON과 비교할 때 CP3, PFM3, PFM5가 높았고 PFM3, PFM5는 CP3에 비해 우수하였다(p<0.05). F낭, 흉선, 비장의 무게 및 IgG 수준은 CON과 비교할 때 PFM3, PFM5 및 CP3에서 증가하였으며 PFM3, PFM5는 CP3에 비해 높았다(p<0.05). 맹장의 Lactobacillus 균수는 PFM3, PFM5 및 CP3를 섭취한 브로일러가 CON에 비해서 높았으나 E.coli, Salmonella, coliforms, 총 호기성 균수는 감소하였다(p<0.05). PFM3 및 PFM5를 섭취한 닭가슴살의 보수력은 CON 및 CP3와 비교할 때 증가하였다(p<0.05). 결론적으로 Bacillus subtillus, Streptomyces galilaeus 및 Sphingobacteriaceae를 포함하는 사료용 복합생균제 0.3%가 브로일러의 생산성과 닭고기 품질향상에 기여할 수 있음을 나타낸다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Zophobas morio는 주로 애완동물의 먹이로 사용되고 있으며 대형어, 파충류, 양서류, 조류의 주식 및 간식으로 활용하기도 한다. Zophobas morio 는 27℃ 이상에서 사육하면 부화 후 80일째에 0.6 g 이상의 유충 무게를 얻었다. 보조사료를 선발하기 위해 콩가루, 어분, 보리, 메밀가루를 이용하였을 때 단백질 함량이 높은 콩가루와 어분에서 부화 후 80일째에 0.7 g이상의 유충무게를 확보하였다. Zophobas morio를 대량 사육하기 위해 성충의 산란율 증가와 균일한 유충을 확보하는 기술이 필요하다. 성충의 산란 격리틀을 이동시켜 줌으로써 유충 단계가 혼재되어 선발하는데, 노동력을 줄이며 높은 수확량과 균일한 유충을 확보하기 위해 5일, 10일, 15일 간격으로 성충을 산란틀로 옮겼을 때 5일 간격으로 성충을 옮기는 처리에서 총 부화유충수 7,256마리로 10일 5,439마리, 15일 2,060마리보다 더 많은 유충수를 확보할 수 있다. 따라서 Zophobas morio 성충을 5일 간격으로 산란틀을 옮기면서 산란을 9회 시키면 7,000마리 이상의 유충을 확보할 수 있으며 이때 한 마리당 무게는 0.68 g 확보가 가능하다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of different feed inoculation method on rumen fermentation in an in vitro. Three experimental treatments were used: control (CON, direct dispersion of feed (2 g) in rumen fluid), combinations of direct dispersion (1 g) and nylon bag (DNB, pore size: 50 μm, 1 g), and nylon bag (NB, 2 g). An in vitro fermentation experiment was carried out using strained rumen fluid for 48 h incubation time and timothy was used as a substrate. At the end of the incubation, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), in vitro neutral detergent fiber digestibility (IVNDFD), pH, volatile fatty acids (VFA), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), and microbial community were evaluated and gas production was estimated at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 h incubation periods. Gas production was higher in CON than DNB and NB at 6 and 12 h incubation time (p<0.01). There were no differences in final gas production, pH, NH3-N concentration, total VFA production, and VFA profiles among treatments. The IVDMD was lowest in CON (p<0.01) but the IVNDFD was not differed by feed distribution methods. There were no significant differences in general bacteria and fungi. Protozoa count was highest in NB treatment among treatments (p<0.01). The abundance of cellulolytic bacteria, Ruminococcus flavefaciens and Fibrobacter succinogenes, was highest in the CON among treatments (p<0.01).
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An experiment was carried out to assess the effect of feed selenium-lysine (Se-Lys) supplementation on milk compositions and serum biochemical indices in Saanen dairy goats in Korea. A total of twelve 36 months old Saanen lactating dairy goats (47±6.21 kg) fed the similar dry matter intake twice a day at 2% of BW (DMI) (10.9% moisture of concentrate and 19% moisture of roughage), milk yield (2.5 kg/d) and parity (2) were randomly selected and subjected for the present study, divided into two groups with six goats in each group. The goats in the control group received rice hulls (10 g/ day) only, and did not receive Se-Lys; goats in the treatment group were fed 0.06 g of Se-Lys with 10 g of rice hulls every day before feeding roughage for six weeks. The milk sample was collected every week, and its compositions were analyzed. The results of the present study showed that there is no significantly increased milk production in Se-Lys treated group goats when compared with control group goats. But, Se-Lys treatment significantly increased the milk protein content (3.98±0.16%), fat (3.72±0.27%), lactose (4.07±0.14%), total solids (12.51±0.28%) and urea (14.42±1.45 mg/dl) content as compared to the control group goats (p<0.05). The somatic cell counts (207,740±28.81 cells/ml) were significantly lower in the Se-Lys treated group than in the control group (p<0.05). Also, the results of the current study showed that supplementation of Se-Lys were significantly decreased the blood biochemical indices of IL-6 (34.34±6.04 pg/ml), TNT-α (0.56±0.22 ng/ml), MDA (5.07±1.03 ng/ml), GPx-1 (9.07±5.17 ng/ml), sCD4 (2.64±1.02 ng/ml) and sCD8 (5.08±2.08 ng/ml) level when compared with without addition of Se-Lys group dairy goats (p<0.05). On the other hand, the selenoprotein P (1,580.18±127.62 ng/ml) level was significantly higher in Se-Lys supplemented group than in the control group (p<0.05). Based on the study results, it was concluded that feed Se-Lys supplementation may improve milk yield with positively improved protein, fat, lactose, total solids, urea content, and biochemical indices without negative effects on milk production traits.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Our research on juvenile Oncorhynchus masou masou in oyster mushroom supplemented diet was studied to investigate the effect of feeding. Mixing of feed ingredients for dried oyster mushrooms, 3.5, 7.0, 10.5, 14.0 (%) was added to the amount of oyster mushroom dietary beta-glucan content of the more abundant. After the weight of feed given to salmon survey oyster mushrooms diet for 3.5 to 7.0% was similar to the formula feed and the weight of the fish ate oyster mushroom feed over 10.5% were reduced. The oyster mushroom of the experimental diets containing 3.5 to 7.0 percent hepatosomatic index and feed coefficient figure was similar to those of the formulated diets. Therefore we have juvenile cherry salmon fed diets containing 3.5 to 7.0% was considered good to eat and additional research on the immune response will be carried out was necessary.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to explore the accuracy of near infrared spectroscopy(NIRS) for the prediction of moisture content and chemical parameters on winter annual forage crops. A population of 2454 winter annual forages representing a wide range in chemical parameters was used in this study. Samples of forage were scanned at 1nm intervals over the wavelength range 680-2500nm and the optical data was recorded as log 1/Reflectance(log 1/R), which scanned in intact fresh condition. The spectral data were regressed against a range of chemical parameters using partial least squares(PLS) multivariate analysis in conjunction with spectral math treatments to reduced the effect of extraneous noise. The optimum calibrations were selected based on the highest coefficients of determination in cross validation(R2) and the lowest standard error of cross-validation(SECV). The results of this study showed that NIRS calibration model to predict the moisture contents and chemical parameters had very high degree of accuracy except for barely. The R2 and SECV for integrated winter annual forages calibration were 0.99(SECV 1.59%) for moisture, 0.89(SECV 1.15%) for acid detergent fiber, 0.86(SECV 1.43%) for neutral detergent fiber, 0.93(SECV 0.61%) for crude protein, 0.90(SECV 0.45%) for crude ash, and 0.82(SECV 3.76%) for relative feed value on a dry matter(%), respectively. Results of this experiment showed the possibility of NIRS method to predict the moisture and chemical composition of winter annual forage for routine analysis method to evaluate the feed value.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the growth characteristics, yield and feed value of Sorghum×Sudangrass hybrid for silage according to the drainage depths in the paddy field of lowland. The experimental design was arranged in a randomized block design with four treatments and three replication. The drainage depths of four treatments were 0cm, 20cm, 40cm and 60cm, respectively. Plant length, leaf length and leaf number were not significantly different, but leaf width increased as the higher the drainage depth(p<0.05). The number of dead leaf was higher in the order of 60cm > 0cm ≥ 40cm ≥ 20cm treatment(p<0.05). Green degree was higher in the order of 20cm > 40cm > 0cm > 60cm treatment(p<0.05). Stem diameter and stem hardness increased significantly as drainage depth increased from 0cm to 60cm(p<0.05). Also, fresh yield, dry matter yield and TDN yield increased as the higher the drainage depth(p<0.05). Crude protein and TDN content were the highest in 40cm treatment(p<0.05). Crude ash was higher in the order of 20cm > 40cm > 0cm > 60cm treatment(p<0.05). ADF and NDF content were the highest in 0cm treatment(p<0.05). Total mineral content was higher in the order of 20cm > 0cm > 40cm > 60cm(p<0.05). Free sugar content(fructose, glucose and sucrose) was the highest in 0cm treatment(p<0.05). Total amino acid(EAA+NEAA) was higher in 40cm than the other treatments(p<0.05). There is a difference in the content of ingredients(crude protein, TDN, mineral, free sugar and amino acid) according to the treatments. But considering dry matter yield and TDN yield, Sorghum×Sudangrass hybrid cultivation is advantageous to set the drainage depth of about 60cm in the paddy field of lowland.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out from 2015 to 2016 to identify the suitable sowing and harvesting dates of summer crops in the mountain of Yeongnam, South Korea. The experimental design consisted of the different sowing and harvesting dates as follows: corn hybrid (Z. mays, Kwangpyeongok) of sowing (May 8, 19, and 27) and harvesting (August 10, 20, and 30); sorghum×sorghum hybrid (Sorghum bicolor x Sorghum bicolor, SS405) of sowing (May 27, June 19 and June 27) and harvesting (August 10, 20, and 30). In corn hybrid, ear rate and dry matter (DM) yield decreased (p<0.05) with the postponement of sowing date. Otherwise, ear rate and DM yield increased (p<0.05) with the postponement of harvesting date. Crude protein content decreased (p<0.05) with the postponement of sowing date, but neutral detergent fiber content increased (p<0.05). In sorghum×sorghum hybrid, plant length and DM yield with the postponement of harvesting date increased (p<0.05), while crude protein content with the postponement of harvesting date decreased (p<0.05). This study concluded that sowing corn hybrid in early May and sorghum×sorghum hybrid in early June then harvest in the middle of August was recommend to increase dry matter yield and feed value.
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