
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 65

        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the food habits and the dietary behaviors of university students. Questionnaires were completed by 492 students in five different departments. The data were analyzed by SAS program. The results are summarized as follows: Fifty(10.2%) of respondents were vegetarians, 81(16.4%) were heavy meat eaters and all the others were light meat eaters. All students had their biggest meal at supper. Three hundred and ninety-three(79.9%) of the respondents usually had rice for breakfast. Three hundred -sixteen(64.2%) ate 3 meals a day, 155(31.5%) ate 2 meals and all the others ate 1 meal or more than 3 meals. The length of mealtime was 30 minutes in 268(54.5%), 10 minutes in 209(42.5%) and more than 1 hour in all the others. Respondents considered taste the most important meal factor with nutrition, hygiene, and amount ranked accordingly. A majority(63.0%) of respondents ate occasionally ate between meals, while 28.1% snacked frequently, and 8.9% ate no snacks. Although nutrition dept. students had studied nutrition subject, some results of nutrition dept. students were desirable and others were undesirable in dietary behaviors. Therefore they should have a nutritional education program to improve their food habits and the dietary behaviors for students' health. And nutritional education program should be organized practically and systematically.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, Korean's dining-out behaviors were compared and investigated according to gender and age. The change and the problem of dietary pattern in Korea were understood and we intend to provide the basic information for guidelines of Korean's dietary habits. The subjects are composed of 46.5% male and 53.5% female. According to age, groups aged 10~19 are 26.3%, 20's are 24.6%, 30's are 16.8%, 40's are 18.7%, and 50 and over age group is 13.6%. All of the age groups ate out for celebration of a special day or for social purposes. When dining-out, the most important criteria for selecting a restaurant was the taste of food. All age groups liked Korean-style restaurants the most. All age group eat a house meal at breakfast. At lunch, age groups 40 and below go to a restaurant in school or company and 50 and over age group eats house meal. In general, all age groups ate a house meal at dinner. At breakfast, all the age groups do not eat out. For lunch, they eat out four or five times a week. For dinner, the most of age groups except the 20's eat out two or three times a month and for the 20's age group, two or three times a week. The reason for selecting a Korean-style restaurant is that the food is 'well matched with one's appetite'. According to the above results, the dietary habits of 30 and over age groups are relatively good. On the other hand, in 10's and 20's age groups, they have an irregular meal and the ratio of skipping a meal is high. And they frequently use fast-food restaurants. In the future, the unbalance of nutrition in these age groups is expected. Therefore, the correct nutritional facts should be educated so that these age groups have a healthy dietary habit.
        1998.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A nutrition education program for teachers and caregivers of the preschool children can be most effective when it is based on a comprehensive needs assessment dealing with sociodemographic factors, dietary habits, and nutrition. The purpose of the present study was to investigate current dietary habits and nutrition knowledge of the teachers and caregivers of the day-care centers. Two hundred forty two teachers and caregivers were administered a questionnaire which was designed to ascertain informations on sociodemographic data, dietary habits and nutrition knowledge. Dietary habits of the teachers were found to be significantly different by sociodemographic variables; breakfast skipping/meal irregularities (age, p=0.011); frequency of snacking (education level p=0.031); preference for salty taste(age, p = 0.000, marital status p=0.038); preference for sweet tarte (age p=0.009); preference for vegetables (income level p=0.050); frequency of eating out (age p=0.028, marital status p=0.001); frequency of coffee drinking (age p=0.019). Daycare center teachers' nutrition knowledge level was found to be less than adequate expecially on nutrients that are liable to be deficient in young growing children and their food sources. Proportions of the teachers who answered correctly to the questions on foods rich in vitamin A, iron content of milk, bioavailability of calcium in plant foods were as low as 20.2%-54.5%. The most frequently used sources of nutrition information were mass media such as TV, radio, newspaper and magazines. Only 2.9% of the subjects reported that they obtain nutrition information from health professionals such as nutritionists/dietitians, physicians, and nurses. These findings are applicable at the planning and implementation stages of various nutrition programs for the improvement of dietary habits and nutrition knowledge of the teachers and caregivers of the daycare centers. Further studies are needed to investigate the effects of teachers' dietary of habits and nutrition knowledge on food habits of young growing children.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this study was to observe the effect of school lunch program on dietary habits of elementary school children and their food preferences. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 785 children and their mother in ele-mentary school with and without school lunch program. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. 91.1% of subjects were eating rice for breakfast menu and 12.2% of subjects were skipping breakfast every morning. 2. Most of the children preferred fruits, ddugboggi, ice cream, fritter, cookie, bread, beverage and hot dog for snacks. 3. Despite of its restrictive practice, the school lunch program proved to be contributory to the improvement of children's food intake habits, table manners, keeping social order, sanitary consiousness, gratitude for their parents. 4. Children preferred kimbap, bokumbap and hamburger for main dish, fish jelly soup, brown seaweed soup and bean-sprout soup for soup, animal food for side dish and frying saute for cooking methods. 5. Most of the children disliked crown daisy, green pepper, mushroom, green onion, onion, dropwort, soybean and carrot for their food materials.
        1994.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 식사패턴 (1) 일상식 승가의 식사첫수는 일일삼식(一日三食)의 규칙적인 식사로 대용식은 거의 없었고, 소수의 사찰에서는 흰죽, 과일, 미싯가루, 조과, 찜, 우유등을 사용하기도 하였으며, 병인식으로 칠일약(七日藥)이 아닌 주로 흰죽 종류가 이용되었다. 사찰에 늘 상비하고 있는 양념류는 간장, 된장, 깨소금, 참기름, 식용유등을 필수로 하였고, 제피가루, 고추가루, 산초, 인공조미료 등을 일부 상비하고 있었다. (2) 접대식 스님과 일반손님의 접대식으로는 반상(飯床)차림이 가장 일반적이었고, 그외에 다과, 떡, 국수등으로 접대하였으며, 대소 행사시 내객을 위한 음식으로는 비빔밥, 찰밥, 오곡밥, 약밥, 떡국, 콩국수등 단체급식하기 쉬운 음식이었다. (3) 행사식 사찰의 대소 행사식은 육류사용이 제한되는 외에는 대체로 일반세시식과 같았으며, 일반세속과 다른 점은 산채비빔밥과 음료로서 송차가 준비되는 것이었다. 불전공양식(佛前供養食)은 대부분이 오공양(五供養)으로 하였으며 제사음식은 밥, 탕국, 나물, 전, 떡, 과일, 과자등 일반 세속의 제사음식과 같이 하는 경우가 많았다. 2. 특별식 떡류는 찌는 떡, 치는 떡, 빚는 떡, 지지는 떡의 4종류중 사용빈도로서는 치는 떡이 가장 많았으며, 찌는 떡으로서는 팥시루떡이 가장 많이 이용되었다. 고물과 속으로 사용되는 부재료로서는 팥, 녹두, 콩이 많았으며, 쑥이 배합된 떡도 있었다. 조과류로서는 약과, 강정(산자), 다식, 정과, 양갱등으로 종류가 매우 다양하였다. 음청류로는 농후음료류, 엽차류, 냉음청류, 약이복식류와 유(乳) 및 유(乳)제품류로 분류하였고, 조과류와 함께 다양하게 사용되었으며, 솔잎차와 같은 약한 알콜성음료도 이용되어 여름철에는 약수에 간장이나 죽염을 타서 사찰에 오신 손님을 접대하기도 하였다. 3. 저장식품 승가의 저장식품으로는 장아찌류에는 산채가, 김치류에는 엽경채류가, 말림류에는 산채류가, 부각류에는 산채와 해조류가 많이 사용되었고, 묵말림과 같은 특이한 저장식품이 많이 사용되었다.
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