
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 145

        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the wooden frame structure of Buddhist temple, Kumdang in Youngamsaji which assumed to be built in the 9th century of Unified Silla Dynasty. The remaining site of Kumdang in Youngamsaji is investigated thoroughly with a particular attention to bay size and column distribution. The five ancient Buddhist temples which were built in the same period also have the same frame type as Youngamsaji Kumdang. These five ancient Buddhist temples and Kumdang in Youngamsaji are meticulously investigated in terms of their bay sizes and measuring modules. The framework schema is devised as a conceptual tool to conjecture wooden frame structures of Buddhist temple. A theoretical differentiation between frame type and frame structure is attempted to formulated a wooden frame structure as a stepping-stone for the reconstruction of traditional wooden building. The wooden frame structure of 9C Kumdang in Youngamsaji mainly follows the oldest Korean wooden pavilion, Muryangsujeon in Busuk temple, with a hip and gable roof. The wooden frame structure of 9C Kumdang in Youngamsaji is reconstructed through 3D computer modeling to such an extent that every wooden components of the structure can be 3D printed. The reconstruction also takes reference from the Cai-Fen system in Yingzao Fashi.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 주관적 안녕감이 긍정적인 사건을 인식하는 비율과 나아가 기억을 재구성하는 인지적 과정에 있어서 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보기 위해 시행되었다. 199명의 학부생들이 일상적으로 일어날법한 긍정적인 사건과 부정적인 사건 40개를 기술한 문장들을 본 후 이에 대한 회상 과제와 재인 과제를 수행하였다. 먼저 사건을 기술한 문장을 본 후 긍정적인 사건과 부정적인 사건에 대한 비율을 응답하게 한 결과, 삶에 대한 만족도가 높은 참가자들이 긍정적인 문장의 비율이 월등히 높은 조건에서 긍정적인 사건의 비율을 실제보다 더 높게 보고하였으며, 또한 긍정적인 비율이 높은 조건에서 주관적 안녕감이 높은 참가자들은 긍정적인 문장을 더 많이 회상했다. 참가자들이 처음 보고한 긍정적인 사건의 비율과 실제 회상한 기억들 중 긍정적인 사건의 비율은 정적인 상관을 가졌다. 그러나 예상과는 달리 재인 과제에서는 참가자들은 주관적 안녕감 수준에 따라 유의미하게 차이나는 오류를 보이지 않았다. 마지막으로 이 연구의 이론적 함의와 후속 연구를 위한 제언이 논의되었다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        OP-FTIR(Open-path Fourier Transform Infrared)을 광학적 센서로 활용하여 혹은 유독가스의 옥외 누출 및 농도분포를 신속하게 파악할 수 있는 유해가스 검색시스템을 가상환경 상에 구성하였다. 유해가스의 확산환경은 풍동실험과 유사하도록 CFD 모델을 사용하여 구성하였다. 신속한 연산이 가능하도 록, 1개의 가우스 함수를 사용한 SBFM 기법을 토대로 CT 프로그램을 만들었다. 캐노피 층보다 높은 고도 면에서 CFD 농도장 시뮬레이션으로부터 OP-FTIR 광로 통합농도 신호를 구성하였다. 이 신호를 CT 프로그램에 적용하여 CFD 농도장을 역추정한 후 CFD 결과와 비교해 봄으로써, OP-FTIR을 이용한 관 측시스템의 성능을 평가하였다. 단순한 시스템임에도 불구하고, 비교적 만족스러운 성능을 보였다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        추적자 SF6 가스농도의 공간분포를 예측하기 위하여 수동형 리모트 센싱 기술과 컴퓨터 단층 측정 기술을 접목시켜 도시모델을 모사한 풍동에서 시나리오에 따라 실험을 수행하였다. 풍동실험의 시나리오는 거리에 따른 스캐닝 방식과 각도에 따른 스캐닝 방식으로 실험을 수행하였고, OP-FTIR 원격 감시장비는 SF6 가스의 광로통합농도를 구하기 위하여 사용되었다. 또한 제안한 SBFM(Smooth Basis Function Minimization) 알고리즘은 SF6 가스농도를 공간정보를 예측하기 위하여 사용되었으며 최적의 Gaussian 함수 개수를 구하기 위하여 1개, 2개 및 3개의 Gaussian 함수를 적용하여 실험하였다. 실험 결과 SBFM 알고리즘에 의한 SF6 농도분포의 예측 결과는 실제 측정 결과와 비교할 때 1개의 Gaussian 함수를 적용한 결과의 상관계수가 0.755로 가장 잘 일치하였다. 아직 컴퓨터 단층 기술과 수동형 리모트 센싱 기술의 결합된 기술이 실험실적 연구단계이지만 SBFM 알고리즘과 기하학적 빔 스캐닝 기술이 보다 향상된다면 대기오염 감시 및 국방 분야에 폭 넓게 응용될 것으로 기대된다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through reinvestigations of early years of King Young-Joe provincial castles, Jeonju Eupsung, this study seeks to broaden the understanding of castle construction of the later period of Chosun Dynasty. Jeonju Eupsung was established by reform-minded king and his loyalist Cho, Hyun Myung. Their new conceptual framework for reconstruction of Jeonju Eupsung was affected by Yoo, Hyung Won, a realist scholar of 17th century. It is obvious that adopted new administrative systems of financing, building and maintaining of Jeonju Eupsung were based on the his theories of castle. This study demonstrates that Jeonju Eupsung built by Cho, Hyun Myung, during the early years of King Young-Joe were based on those new concepts and systems of the new age. The study shows that the designer of this castle had in mind efficient construction design and execution and effective defense of provincial towns located on flat ground. And, the study explains how those original designer sought higher productivity through greater localization of securing resources and more detailed and improved organization of construction responsibilities. In short, this study seeks to prove that the provincial castles of the early 18th century reflected the new thinking on practicality that was spreading throughout the society of Chosun Dynasty at the time.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Whereas the composition exists generally in written musical notation, the improvisation is caused by spontaneous process of making music with unfixed notes or without any notation. There is no doubt that the earlier the age was, the less notation system was developed and improvisation was practiced more. Ancient music historically covers the music from the invention of letters until the medieval times and regionally the music from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel and Greece. The music of each region had different musical characteristics but the tendency of improvisation was common according to the historical reconstruction. It would be well-matched for the brilliant lyre with a bull head from Mesopotamia to accompany the Epic of Gilgamesh. It is difficult to reconstruct the ancient Egypt music because the text material of the music is insufficient. The reconstructed instrument could bring the sound of the instrument and it often makes the pseudo-music, which comes from the imagination of composers or scholars. Many improvised Israelite songs are orally transmitted. One of the famous examples is Schema Israel, which reflects their religious confession. In comparison to other ancient musics, the ancient Greek music remains the most generous archeological evidence. The reconstruction of the ancient Greek music depends on the systematical system but it is performed in improvised style as well.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        디자인은 창의성을 발휘해야만 하는 영역이다. 그래서 디자이너들은 끊임없이 새로운 것을 만들기 위해 노력한다. 그런 측면에서 디자인 작업의 핵심은 새롭고 창의적 것을 만들어내는 것이며, 디자인 작업 과정에서 최종 디자인 결과물에 이르기 위한 '창의적 아이디어 발상'은 디자이너가 갖추어야 할 중요한 능력 중 하나이다. 본 연구에서는 창의적인 아이디어 발상으로서 서로 다른 두 가지 실험적 방법을 제시하고자 한다. 그 중 하나는 기존에 광범위하게 사용되는 연상프로세스의 중요한 형태인 '유추적 연합'방법이며, 또 다른 하나는 형태문법과 유사하게 작동되는 '형태요소들의 재구성'방법이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 디자이너의 창의적인 형태발상을 높일 수 있는 방법을 찾기 위하여 지면(紙面) 기반의 디자인 방법과 컴퓨터 기반의 디자인 방법을 실증적으로 제시하였으며, 두 방법 모두 아이디어 발상 측면에서 볼 때 기존의 또는 전혀 새로운 여러 요소들이 유기적으로 연합되거나 조합된다는 점에서 공통점을 찾을 수 있다.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The North Korean mission is inseparable from the South-North unification policy. In addition, the opinions of neighboring counties are also important. Such are the perimeters of the North Korean mission. This study attempts to examine North Korean mission, particularly the reconstruction of North Korean Church within the process of South North unification process. The reconstruction of the North Korean Church, as North Korean mission and unification movement, is a policy issue amidst the unification process. It is a policy that can create a basis within the North Korea and effectively manage the personnel, financial and mission resources of the South Korean Church. At the same time, the reconstruction of the North Korean Church joins the reunification process of the Korean peninsular with the North Korean mission purposes. The current situation is created by the ideological conflict between the conservative versus liberal elements within the Korean Church in regard to the North Korean mission and unification movement. In addition, there is a great disparity in the approach towards the reconstruction of the North Korean Church. The problems are three-fold: 1) Who is the protagonist of the North Korean mission? Is it the South Korean Church? or is it the North Korean Church? In case it it’s the latter, the term North Korean mission does not apply. 2) The phrase “North Korean mission” implies an imbedded view of the South North division. 3) Should the North Korean “Chosun Christian Association” be accepted as a partner in the North Korean mission? Or should it be viewed as a mission object? The best means of North Korean mission is to have the “Chosun Christian Association” take the leading role in the reconstruction of the North Korean Church. Since, however, it is the South Korean Church that is taking action to prepare for such an event, mutual cooperation between the two is essential. The reconstruction of the North Korean Church cannot be achieve by the South Korean Church alone. In addition, the reconstruction of North Korean Church is linked to the Korean war, a factor behind the division of the Korean Church into the liberal and conservative camp. The anti-communist stance of the South Korean regime was another factor that unified the right wing Christians. Attempts by the “Korean Christian Association” to reconstruct the North Korean Church within this approach involved, not only efforts to reconstruct the North Korean Church, but various aid programs. However, such aid programs were commonly perceived to be the work of mission organizations and not the conservative South Korean Church. Furthermore, the “Korean Christian Association,” which advocated the reconstruction of the North Korean Church, were mistakenly criticized as an organization that were only interested in the reconstruction of the Northern Church. Therefore, the reconstruction effort of the Northern Church must be newly reinterpreted. The role of the Church, from a mission history perspective, is to be a bridgehead of mission, a center of training for workers, and center of mission field. As such, though the reconstruction of the Northern Church is premature, efforts to prepare for such an event, financial preparation, training center for mission workers and confidence building between the South and North through information and assistance projects can be viewed within the context of the unification process. The North Korean mission through the reconstruction of the Northern Church within the context of the unification process can promote the unification capability of South and North. It is futuristic unification policy of the Southern Church. Precedents for the reconstruction of the Northern Church must be found from similar cases following the liberation from Japan and post-Korean war and examined strategically. The North Korean mission must conclude with the reconstruction of the North Korean Church.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Located in a rear garden of Changdeok Palace, Yeonkyeong-Dang is valued as the most characteristic building of the houses of aristocrats of the later Joseon Dynasty. The time of the construction has been much debated, however, it is perceived through this research that the construction was completed in September 1827(the 27nd year of king Sunjo's reign). The shape of the buildings during this period resembles a letter ㄷ as shown in the picture of Dong-Kweol. We previously described that the purpose of Yeonkyeong-Dang was to carry the portrait of king Yikjong while keeping the shape of building when it was first established until the 8th year of king Heonjong (1842). In 1865 (the 2nd year of king Gojong's reign), it was reconstructed with very different outlook which has remained the present shape. The characteristic features of the residences of aristocrats were reflected in newly reconstructed Yeonkyeong-Dang. The structure was largely divided into two quarters that occupied by male and female residents respectively. The two quarters were bordered by fences and added with a study and a pavilion. The reconstruction was conducted by king Gojong's father, Daewon- Goon and its purpose was to prepare a separate house for the king and queen before the kings wedding that was about to come. During the 19th century, building an imitation of houses of aristocrats became quite a trend in the palace. Built in 1847, Nakseon-Jae was precedented and followed by Yeonkyeong-Dang. Also later Geoncheong Palace was built in Kyeongbok Palace in 1873. All of the three buildings imitated houses of aristocrats. Divided residences of male and female sections and splendid decorations were common features. Nakseon-Jae was the smallest in the structure of spaces, ornamentation of details and its sizes, Yeonkyeong-Dang was the second and Geoncheong Palace was the most distinguished building. The constructions of these three buildings created an innovative architectural wave in the 19th century palace. Yeonkyeong-Dang was the building that mediated the new flow of architectural structure in the 19th century palace.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to optimize enucleation and reconstitution methods for the production of cloned mice by somatic cell nuclear transfer Outbred ICR mouse oocytes at the metapahse- II stage were retrieved from female mice superovulated by PMSG and hCG. In Experiment 1, oocytes were enucleated in medium supplemented with cytochalasin B (CCB) of 3 levels (0, 7.5 or 15 /mL), and higher rate of encleation was obtained at 7.5 and 15 /mL than at /mL. In Experiment 2, oocytes enucleated in 7.5 /mL CCB-containing medium were reconstituted with different types of somatic cell by following methods; 1) cumulus cells by direct cell injection, 2) cumulus cells by electric fusion (1.25 kV/cm, 2 pulses for each 70 ) or 3) STO cells by the electrofusion. Electrofusion of STO cells with enucleated oocytes yielded the greatest (P<0.05) rate of reconstitution without lysis (76%) than any other combinations. Although significant decrease in the rate of somatic cell introduction was found, the electrofusion of cumulus cells yielded better rate of reconstitution than direct injection (0 vs. 18%). In Experiment 3, the duration of electric stimulation for the fusion was changed to either 50 or 90 , but no significant improvement of reconstitution efficacy was obtained. In conclusion, this study showed that ICR mouse oocytes could be used for the production of reconstituted oocytes and a fusion method of 1.25 KV/cm with 2 pulses using 570 cell was the optimal.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한반도 동남부는 신생대 동안 동아시아 광역 지구조환경의 변화에 의하여 복합 지구조운동을 겪었다. 취성변형요소들을 이용하여 복원한 고응력장은 ( I ) 북서-남동 횡인장, ( II ) 북서-남동 횡압축 ( III ) 북동-남서 순수인장 내지 방사상인장, ( IV ) 북북동-남남서 횡압축, ( V ) 동서 내지 동북동-서남서 횡압축의 순서이다. ( I )은 24-16 Ma사이 동해의 당겨열림형 확장의 결과로써 연구지역 제3기 분지들의 확장을 주도하였다. 지구조 사건 ( II )는 15 Ma경 필리핀해판의 이주보닌 아크 혹은 고대륙 쿠로시오와 일본 남서부의 충돌에 의한 압축력의 결과로써, 연구지역 제3기 분지들의 확장을 종결시켰으며 분지일원의 지괴들을 융기시켰다. 이 사건은 10 Ma까지 지속되었다. (III)은 10 Ma경에 이르러 필리핀해판의 활동이 소강상태에 들어감으로서 ( II )에 의해 발생한 지각융기의 후 지구조적 응력사건으로 해석된다. (IV)는 6 Ma경 필리핀해판이 북쪽으로 이동을 재개한 결과로서, 대한해협과 일본 남서부의 배후에 동서 방향의 압축구조를 만들었으며 연구지역의 지괴들을 다시 융기시켰다. ( V )는 5-3.5 Ma사이에 필리핀판의 북상에 의한 남북 압축력이 약해지고 태평양판의 섭입과 인도판의 충돌에 의한 동서 압축력의 영향이 점진적으로 증가한 결과로서, 한반도 동해안에 남북 방향의 압축구조를 만들었으며 한반도 동남부의 지괴들을 서쪽으로 충상시켰다. 이 응력장은 현재까지도 계속되어 오늘날 동서 방향의 제4기 충상단층들과 지진을 발생시키고 있다.
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