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        검색결과 128

        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        갈수기 동안 우리나라 하천의 자정능력은 상류 댐으로부터 공급되는 하천유지유량에 큰 영향을 받으므로, 하천과 저수지시스템의 운영은 수량공급측면뿐만 아니라 하천의 수질과 생태계를 동시에 고려해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 수질사고와 악화에 취약한 갈수기 동안 다양한 댐 방류 대안이 하류 수질에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위한 비정상상태 하천수질모형인 KORIV1-WIN을 개발하고 금강수계에 위치한 대청댐 하류구간을 대상으로 2002년 9월과 10월에 실측한 유량과
        2004.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지난 몇 년 동안, 해안지역에서 산업의 발달과 인구증가로 인해서 육지에서 방출되는 오폐수의 정화 처리 방법이 중요한 문제점으로 지적되고 있다. 처리방법으로는, 1차 처리 또는 2차 처리된 것을 수중 방류관을 통해 해안이나 심해 또는, 그 중간지점에서 방출되는데, 오폐수가 방출되면 주변의 해수를 연행하여 플룸, 제트 또는 부양성 제트의 형태로 해수면까지 상승하면서 많이 희석된다. 본 연구는 해양환경관리 및 오폐수 처리에 관한 의사결정과정에서 중요한 해양방류관 설계를 다룬다. Cormix 모델에 조위의 변화와 계절변화에 의한 몇가지 요소를 고려하여 방류수의 궤적과 희석을 다룬다. 본 연구는 방류수의 효과석인 관리를 위한 기본 데이터와 일반배치에 매우 유용하게 활용될 것이다.
        2003.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 수리모형실험을 실시하여 방류관의 흐름특성을 분석 방류관 설계의 적정성을 검토하는데 있다. 수리모형실험 결과 기본계획의 방류관 통수능은 과소설계 되었고, 이를 토대로 설계 변경한 기본설계의 방류관 통수능 설계치는 실험치와 거의 일치하여 적절하게 설계되었음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 방류관 부압발생 여부 및 종단형상의 적정성을 검토한 결과 허용치 이내 값이 발생되어 적절한 것으로 판명되었다. 이러한 과정을 토대로 기본설계의 방류관 규모 및 위치가
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        오염물질 확산모델링시 기존의 유한차분모델의 단점을 보완하기 위해 입자추적법이 사용되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 Princeton Ocean Model에 결합하여 사용할 수 있는 3차원 입자추적모델을 개발하였으며 이를 다양한 수치실험을 통해 검증하였다. 또한 미국 플로리다 주 템파만의 해양방류구 모델링에 적용하므로써 모델의 유용성을 확인하였다. 예상대로 입자추적모델은 기존의 유한차분모델에 비해 적은 확산범위를 나타내었으며, 이는 기존의 유한차분모델이 안고 있는 수치확산에 따른 오차로 추정된다. 새로이 개발된 모델은 다양한 해양확산모델링에 유용하게 응용될 것으로 기대된다.
        2002.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, breakwater model which has several outlet pipes to discharge water is settled in the experimental open channel and mean velocity distributions of multi wall jet are measured. The length of zone of flow establishment of wall jet is shorter than that of free jet and decay rate of jet centerline longitudinal velocity along x is linear in 0.3≤x/lp≤17. The rate of vertical width and lateral width spreading of multi wall jet is respectively 0.0753, 0.157.
        2001.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        비보존성 오염물질의 종확산에 관한 단계분리 유한차분 모형을 낙동강에 적용하여, 1991년에 발생한 페놀누출 사고에 따른 종확산 모의계산을 수행하였다. Preissmann의 4점 음해법에 근거한 부정류 계산모형으로부터 산정된 계산결과를 종확산 모형의 입력자료로 사용하였다. 종확산계수의 산정을 위한 경험식 및 1차 반응의 감쇠계수에 따른 종확산 계산결과의 민감도를 분석하였다. 하류 지점에서의 첨두농도 발생 시각은 사용된 종확산계수 식에 따라 상당히 달라짐을
        2000.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A demand of marine outfall system has been much increased for the effective disposal of the wastewater due to population and industrial development at the coastal areas. The outfall system discharges primary or secondary treated effluent into the coastline, or at the deep water, or between these two. The discharge is carried out by constructing a pipeline on the sea bed with a diffuser or with a tunnel, risers and appropriate. The effluent, which has a density similar to that of fresh water, rises to the sea surface forming plume or jet, together with entraining the surrounding salt water and becomes very dilute. Thus there have been growing interests about plume behaviour around the outfall system. Plume or jet discharged from single-port or multi-port diffuser might cause certain impacts on coastal environment. Near field mixing characteristics of discharged water field using CORMIX model have been studied for effective outfall design various conditions on ambient current, depth, flow rate, effluent concentration, diffuser specification, port specification etc.. This kind of analysis is necessary to deal with water quality problems caused by the ocean discharge. The analyzed result was applied to the Pusan Jungang effluent outfall system plan.
        2000.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to measure the amount of outlet discharge and analyse the water quality from an agricultural reservoir. Joongpyong reservoir was selected as the monitoring site. Daily discharge was determined by measured water level data of delivery canal and the stage-discharge relation curve. The measured water discharge through culvert outlet of Joongpyong reservoir was 593,200m3 which was equivalent to irrigation depth 1,186mm during irrigation period in 1999. And water samples were taken from the surface water of reservoir and delivery canal, periodically. Temporal variation of water quality constituents such as water temperature, pH, EC, total nitrogen, total phosphorus were investigated. The result showed that pH was ranged 6.9 7.8, total nitrogen 1.39 4.11mg/L, total phosphorus 0.007 0.036 mg/L, respectively.
        2000.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The amount of municipal water has been increased rapidly up to now and it is necessary to treat and dispose the wastewater effectively. The recent trend of the effluent disposal system, after treatment, show a nearshore discharge which has an outfall with length somewhere between the shoreline discharge and an extended deepwater outfall. There is no universal solution to municipal water treatment and disposal and each case must be examined on its merits and on economic, technical and environmental bases. In this study we focused mostly on the scientific and engineering aspects of ocean disposal through the outfall. For this purpose, we made an investigation to the near-field characteristics of discharged water and made some comparison with the existing experimental results. We also applied it to the Pusan Jungang Effluent Outfall System, which is planned to build in the Gamchun harbour and will be completed in 2011. The model output showed the trajectoral variation of dilution and mixing behavior for three cases of outfall system. Dilution differences have been simulated and found the highest dilution condition under the different displacement of outfall system. On the basis of these outputs it will be proposed the optimum outfall system type and location.
        2000.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        밀도성층화된 흐름 수역으로 방류되는 부력제트에 의한 초기확산을 해석하기 위하여 수치모형을 적용하였다. 수치모형은 제트적분모형으로서 흐름수역의 원역에서의 대표적 특성으로 밝혀진 쌍와흐름특성을 모형에 반영한 Gaussian-vortex모형이다. 수치모형의 현장 적용성을 검토하기 위하여 수표면에서의 초기희석에 대한 관측이 수행된 6개의 해양방류관에 수치모형을 적용하였다. 현장관측자료에 대한 수치모형의 적용결과, 개발된 수치모형이 하수확산관에 의해 해양으로 방
        1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It is essential for port planning, coastal zone management and environmental impact study to analyze the variation of current and water quality due to the development of water area and discharged water from estuary barrage and basin etc. Mokpo sea area downstreams from a long river and two large basins, the Yongsan river and Yongam-Kumho basins discharging much of water through water gates for the purpose of flood control and prohibition of salt intrusion to the inland fresh water area. In this study, the numerical calculations were carried out for the analysis of diffusion characteristics due to discharging operation, adapting the results of tidal current simulation ADI methord is applied to the governing equation for the movement of sea water and diffusion and 6-point method to the advection terms of diffusion equation. As the results of this study, it is known that the discharging operation causes increasing and/or decreasing of current velocity and enlarging and/or depressing of pollutant diffusion limits depending on the distance from the discharging gates and the mode of discharging operation. To utilize these result, the linked gate operation and the method increasing exchange of sea water must be considered.
        1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mokpo coastal area is connected to the adjacent a long river and two large basins. It is essential for port planning coastal zone management and environmental impact study to analyze the data related to the ship operation and variation of current and water quality due to the development of water area including dredging reclamation and estuary barrage. The Yongsan river estuary weir and Yongam-Kumho basins discharge much of water through water gates for the purpose of flood control and prohibit salt intrusion at the inland fresh water area. To meet this purpose discharge through the gates have been done at the period of maximum water level difference between inner river and sea level. This discharged water may cause the changes of current pattern and other environmental influences in the vicinity and inner area of semi-closed Mokpo harbor. In this study ADI method is applied to the governing equation for the analysis of the changes on current pattern due to discharged water. As the results of this study it is known that the discharging operation causes many changes including the increase of current velocity at the front water area at piers approaching passage and anchorages. Discussion made on the point of problems such as restricted maneuverability and the safety of morred vessels at pier and anchorage. To minimize this influence the linked gate operation discharging warning system and laternative mooring system are recommended.
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