
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 466

        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 1970년대 미국에서 사회적으로 큰 이슈를 불러일으 킨 영화 ‘뻐꾸기 둥지 위로 날아간 새’에 대한 영화분석 연구 를 통해 그 당시 정신요양시설의 현실과 문제점을 분석하여 그것이 우리에게 주는 사회복지적 함의를 찾아내 보고자 하는데 연구 의 목적을 두었다. 영화 속에 나타난 그 당시의 정신병원의 문제점을 분석해 보 면, 수용 위주의 시설운영, 수용인에 대한 비인격적 대우, 시설편 의적 프로그램과 운영, 개인적 폭력 등이 있었다. 이러한 문제점 은 40년이 더 지난 현재의 정신요양시설에서도 비슷한 양상을 보 이고 있어 그러한 문제점에 대한 개선책이 필요한 것으로 보인 다. 영화 속 문제점에 대한 개선책으로는, 수용위주의 기능 지양, 정신요양시설에 대한 감독 강화, 정신장애인 위주의 프로그램과 그 운영, 정신요양시설 근무자에 대한 체계적 교육 등을 제시하 였다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study was tried to identify the effects of problem-based learning integrated with simulation education on the critical thinking disposition, problem-solving process and self-confidence of nursing process in nursing students. Methods: This study was one group pre-post test design, participants are 47 senior nursing students. We developed the simulation practice by applying problem based learning taking 2 hours per session, once per week for 15 weeks. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, paired t-test, Pearson’s correlation coefficients using the SPSS WIN 18.0 program. Result: There was a significant difference simulation practice by applying problem based learning on the critical thinking disposition, problem-solving process and self-confidence of nursing process of nursing students. There was a correlation between each other variables. Conclusion: Therefore, suggest that the repeated studies to verify the effects of simulation practice by applying problem based learning.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The single vendor single buyer integrated production inventory problem with lead time proportional to lot size and space restriction is studied. Demand is assumed to be stochastic and the continuous review inventory policy is used for the buyer. If the buyer places an order with lots of products, then the vendor will produce lots of products and the products will be transferred to the buyer with equal shipments many times. Mathematical model for this problem is defined and a Lagrangian relaxation approach is developed.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper we have examined the linear stability of triangular equilibrium points in the photogravitational restricted three body problem when both primaries are triaxial rigid bodies, the bigger one an oblate spheroid and source of radiation. The orbits about the Lagrangian equilibrium points are important for scientific investigation. A number of space missions have been completed and some are being proposed by various space agencies. We analyze the periodic motion in the neighbourhood of the Lagrangian equilibrium points as a function of the value of the mass parameter. Periodic orbits of an infinitesimal mass in the vicinity of the equilibrium points are studied analytically and numerically. The linear stability of triangular equilibrium points in the photogravitational restricted three body problem with Poynting- Robertson drag when both primaries are oblate spheroids has been examined by A. Kumar (2007). We have found the equations of motion and triangular equilibrium points for our problem. With the help of the characteristic equation we have discussed stability conditions. Finally, triangular equilibrium points are stable in the linear sense. It is further seen that the triangular points have long or short periodic elliptical orbits in the same range of μ.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study deals with the generalization of the Elliptic Restricted Three-Body Problem (ER3BP) by considering the effects of radiation and oblate spheroid primaries. This may illustrate a gas giant exoplanet orbiting its host star with eccentric orbit. In the three dimensional case, this generalization may possess two additional equilibrium points (L6,7, out-of-plane). We determine the existence of L6,7 in ER3BP under the effects of radiation (bigger primary) and oblateness (small primary). We analytically derive the locations of L6;7 and assume initial approximations of (μ-1, ±3A2), where  and A2 are the mass parameter and oblateness factor, respectively. The fixed locations are then determined. Our results show that the locations of L6,7 are periodic and affected by A2 and the radiation factor (q1).
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This work considers the elliptic restricted three-body problem under effects of radiation of the bigger primary, and an oblate spheroid for the smaller primary to mimic an exoplanetary system with a gas giant planet. Under the in uences of both effects we look for the existence of the triangular equilibrium points and the in uences of the radiation and oblateness on the locations and motion of the points. We set the system in a normalized rotating coordinate system and derive equations of motion for the third infinitesimal object. Our study shows that the effects modify the equilateral/isosceles triangle shape with respect to the primaries. The triangular points also have non-planar motion with period depending on the value of the planet oblateness.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 조직 내 구성원들이 일상적, 비일상적 업무 수행시 마주하는 다양한 문제에 부딪혔을때 이를 해결할 수 있다는 자신감과 각 개인의 업무에 대한 의미감이 그들의 과업성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 확인하고, 이들 관계에서 조직 상사의 변화리더십의 조절효과를 확인하고자 설계되었다. 조직구성원들에 게 부여된 과업의 고성과에는 성공적으로 수행할 수 있다는 자신감과 자신이 수행하고 있는 업무가 개인 차원은 물론이거니와 조직차원에서도 중요하고 가치있다고 지각하는 일 의미감이 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가설 검증을 위하여 국내 기업의 다양한 업종, 직위 및 성별, 연령의 연구대상 390명을 선정하여 이들을 대상으로 설문을 실시하고 통계 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 문제해결자신감이 업무성과에 유의한 정(+)의 영향관계를 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 일 의미감이 업무성과에 유의한 정(+)의 영향관계를 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 조절효과 검증 에서 일 의미감이 업무성과에 미치는 영향력에는 변화리더십이 조절효과를 보였으나, 문제해결자신감이 업무성과에 미치는 영향에 대하여는 변화리더십이 조절효과를 가지지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 통한 의의와 시사점은 다음과 같다. 조직구성원들의 업무성과 향상을 위해서는 과업 수행 시 원만하고 성공적으로 문제를 해결할 수 있는 자신감을 가질 수 있도록 동기부여하고 효율적인 방법을 제시해주어야 하며, 결과에 대한 피드백 등을 통하여 개인이나 조직차원에서 부딪히는 문제상황 에서 효과적인 해결책을 탐색하고 식별할 수 있도록 지원 및 관리가 필요함을 제시한다. 또한 조직구성원 에게 부여된 업무에 대한 의의와 중요성을 발견하고 스스로 업무에 동화되어 높은 가치를 두느냐에 따라 업무성과가 달라짐을 확인하였다. 따라서 조직은 개인의 업무에 대한 의의와 역할을 명확히 제시하고, 또 한 개인 스스로 일에 대한 목적과 가치를 발견할 수 있도록 동기 부여할 수 있는 기회를 제공해주어야 할 것이다. 끝으로 연구 상의 한계와 향후 연구방향을 논의하였다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A missile defense system is composed of radars detecting incoming missiles aiming at defense assets, command control units making the decisions on weapon target assignment, and artillery batteries firing of defensive weapons to the incoming missiles. Although, the technology behind the development of radars and weapons is very important, effective assignment of the weapons against missile threats is much more crucial. When incoming missile targets toward valuable assets in the defense area are detected, the asset-based weapon target assignment model addresses the issue of weapon assignment to these missiles so as to maximize the total value of surviving assets threatened by them. In this paper, we present a model for an asset-based weapon assignment problem with shoot-look-shoot engagement policy and fixed set-up time between each anti-missile launch from each defense unit. Then, we show detailed linear approximation process for nonlinear portions of the model and propose final linear approximation model. After that, the proposed model is applied to several ballistic missile defense scenarios. In each defense scenario, the number of incoming missiles, the speed and the position of each missile, the number of defense artillery battery, the number of anti-missile in each artillery battery, single shot kill probability of each weapon to each target, value of assets, the air defense coverage are given. After running lpSolveAPI package of R language with the given data in each scenario in a personal computer, we summarize its weapon target assignment results specified with launch order time for each artillery battery. We also show computer processing time to get the result for each scenario.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        C. S. 루이스가 『나니아 연대기』의 마지막 작품 『마지막 전투』(1956)에서 그리스도가 유일한 진리와 생명이 된다는 점을 어떻게 작품에 녹여내고 있는가를 고찰할 필요가 있다. 이야기의 전반부는 적그리스도의 출현에 따른 아슬란에 대한 진위 논쟁이 빚은 역설과 아이러니, 점진적 반복 기법을 통해, 사고와 지적 성장이 없이는 적그리스도의 계략에 속아 배도할 수밖에 없다는 통찰력을 제공하고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 이야기의 후반부인 재림과 새 하늘과 새 땅을 살펴본 결과, 그는 재림과 천국에 관하여 근대주의자들은 인간의 소망 충족을 위해 만들어낸 허상이라고 생각했고, 포스트모더니즘 옹호자들은 천국을 단지 인간의 심리상태에 불과하다고 주장했던 것에 대한 변증으로 나니아의 상징들과 성경의 상징을 조화시켜 천국이 실재한다는 점을 아름다운 이미지로 그리고 있음을 확인하였다. 적그리스도의 옹호자들이 구원은 ‘둘 중 하나’보다는 ‘둘 다 모두’라는 보편 구원설을 훨씬 더 선호하는데 비해서, 루이스는 구원이란 ‘둘 중 하나’의 범주에 속한다는 사실을 고수하고 있다. 기독교는 오직 예수 그리스도 안에 있는 사람에게만 구원이 선물로 주어진다는 사실을 분명히 약속하고 있음을 작중 인물들을 통해 보여주고 있다.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Zermelo's navigation problem is that the ship reaches a particular target point in the minimum-time when it travels with a constant speed in a region of strong currents and its heading angle is the control variable. Its approximate solution for the minimum-time control may be found using the calculus of variation. However, the accuracy of its approximate solution is low since the solution is based on graph or table form from a complicated nonlinear equations. To improve the accuracy, we use a neural network. Through the computer simulation study we have found that the proposed method is superior to the conventional ones.
        2015.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 가출청소년의 현황과 서비스에 대하여 살펴보고 가출청소년에 대한 욕구와 문제를 탐색하고 가출청소년을 위한 정책의 방향을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약해 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가출청소년의 욕구는 자립에 대한 욕구가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 가출청소년에게 있어서의 자립은 경제적 자립이 우선된다. 따라서 가출청소년의 경제적 자립을 강화할 수 있는 시스템이 마련되어야 한다. 둘째, 가출청소년에 대한 학업지원이 이루어져야 한다. 가출청소년들은 정규학교에서 이탈하여 적절한 진로정보를 접할 기회가 부족하고 있어 제대로 된 안정된 직업을 구하는 것이 일반 청소년보다 더 어려운 실정이다. 따라서 이들의 학업지속에 대한 대안마련이 시급하다. 셋째, 가출청소년쉼터의 역량이 강화되어야 한다. 심각하고 다양화 되어져가는 가출청 소년의 사회문제에 적절하게 대응할 수 있도록 지지체계가 강화되어야 한다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumers struggle to find clothes that are fit. This is a problem that has been accentuated with the increasing online sales. It is the largest contribute to sales returns and make customer return about every third item they buy (Ratcliff, 2014). If consumers select to buy online, they can no longer try them out in a fitting room. Most of fast fashion brands have opened their online shops, and many designers’ brands have also started to sell their ready-to-wear lines online. While online shopping is seen as a significant new way to reach more consumers in fashion industry, the size problem becomes more visible and is waiting to be solved. It may decrease the fashion industry’s ambition to piggyback on recent advances in e-commerce. Previous studies on clothing consumption have already touched upon the topic of size and fitting. Consumer surveys in the clothing industry indicate that in general between 35% and 50% of female consumers in the USA were not satisfied with the fitting in their clothing already ahead of the surge in online stores (Desmarteau 2000; Goldsberry et al. 1996). Alexander et al. studied the shopping behaviour of young women in south-eastern USA and found that almost 64% of the respondents frequently changed ready-to-wear clothes to achieve the desired fit (Alexander et al. 2005). Ashdown and Loker pointed out the size problem in current clothing shopping experiences and proposed a conceptual framework called “mass-customized target market sizing”, which is a size system “based on and derived from measurement data exclusively from the people who represent an apparel firm’s target market” (Ashdown and Loker 2010, p147). In this paper we study how innovative mobile technology, social media and crowd sourcing can contribute to solving the size problem. We summarize the current digital approaches that deal with the fitting issues in online clothing shopping and present a new concept, called “Figuracy”, which attempts to find consumers new fitted clothing items through matching their own clothes with anonymous persons’ virtual wardrobe. We have built a mobile application to implement the idea and have done two initial feedback studies to see the consumers’ attitudes. This concept provides new perspectives and opportunities of tackling the fitting problem in online shopping. Ready-to-wear and fast fashion brands are selling their clothes all over the world, not just to one local community. This business model of constantly new collections, draws on standardizing size series that come only in a selected number of models. This adds to the continuous size problem where the interpretation of a particular size varies in-between brands, and even within different models from a single manufacturer. Firms in the ready-to-wear apparel industry in the world use different sizing systems, like general sizes as XS, S, M, L, or more specific standards as numbered sizes from UK, US, FR systems, which can make consumers confused. These sizing systems are usually based on the ideal body types of consumers from certain geographic regions (Nordic Council of Ministers, 2009), thus, a size standard from one region may not fit all types of body within this region. What’s worse, there has been vanity sizing in clothing industry in recent several decades, which actually makes the garments of the normal sizes bigger in physical size (Dooley, 2013). This adds to the difficulty of finding well-fitting apparels. Recently, a few companies have provided a number of solutions to the fitting problem. The solutions are based on fine-grained automatic body measurements; self-generated extended body or garment measurement and body matching. First, the approach to use technology for more automatic and detailed measurements has attracted many interests. For example, it has been to generate a visual presentation of the body by using three-dimensional scan technology. Then consumers do not need to type information manually. A UK-based company, called Bodymetrics, provides the services that use three-dimensional body scanner and “On-line Virtual Try-On” technology to help find the perfect pair of jeans. Second, there are a number of services that require users to manually type the measurements of their bodies or garments that they own and fit. It can be done by users input information of their body types by answering simple questions, such as weight, height, body type, or measurements of bust, waist and hip. Some systems like Mipso, SmartFit can add more personal preferences, such as colours, cuts and budgets. Then the system runs some algorithms to determine the users’ full set of body measurements. It can also be done such as Virtusize, Truefit and Clothes Horse by measuring a garment that the user knows it fits in detail (Perez, 2012). When the personal data is added to the service, it can then match individual’s body measurements with specific brands and sizes of garments. The service recommends fitted ready-to-wear clothing from various brands in online stores, like Fashion Metric and Virtusize. The data can be used to see how fitted the clothing item in an online website is on a virtual avatar built upon the input measurements of the users, like in Virtusize and Mipso. Third, it has been suggested to use self-described body descriptions and then match consumers’ new purchases as a way to recommend clothes that are fit. For instance, Fitbay attempts to personalize clothes suggestions based on the selection of other users with similar descriptions of size and body shape (Lomas, 2014). Through the help of anonymous persons in the community, one could find fitted clothing items. We investigate a fourth approach, called “Figuracy”, where people get suggestions on the garments that are fit by crowd sourcing their existing clothing items and then matching wardrobes among members in the community. It draws on utilizing the matching of consumer-generated data, i.e. crowd sourcing as Fitbay also does. But it uses a description of existing fitting garments in people’s wardrobes in terms of brands, models and size, rather than self-description of bodies. The idea depends on that a community of people are willing to share information of their favourite and fitting clothes from their own wardrobes. The system matches the clothes from one wardrobe with that of other members in order to recommend new fitting clothes to the user. In specific, if the system finds that a user shares a single clothing item with another person in the community, it will predict that the two of them have similar body types. Then it recommends other items from the second person’s wardrobe to the first user. Therefore, the system gains data from the fitting clothes in users’ wardrobe and matches the information with the items from someone else’ wardrobe. If the approach is successful, consumers would not need to input any personal body-data but only data on existing fitting clothes. The concept depends on the existence of a massive database of clothing items from individual wardrobes, i.e. a critical mass, which is also a big challenge to build. The Figuracy concept and implementation is at an early state and it has not yet the amount of content to start generating matching suggestions. Still, the concept is intriguing and the size problem is highly relevant. Thus we were interested in acquiring early users’ feedback. We have done two user studies of two variations of the concept, with a focus on one type of clothing item- the bra. Bras have high requirements on fitting (Chena et al. 2010) and it is considered specifically difficult to find garment of this type that is fit. Since the number of test persons was limited to around ten people each, the system did not generate any matching suggestions. The first test was done in November in 2013 on the app that was available in iPhone’s App-store. This version of the system reads the barcodes, which are usually attached to the price tag, to acquire a unique identifier for brand, model and size. We invited the participants to download the app and scan the barcodes of fitting bras when they try new bras in stores. We conducted phone interviews with six participants. The early feedback identified that users hesitated to add garments based on the barcodes. They did not feel comfortable with adding it in a fitting room in a shop, and they did not have any saved prize tags for the bras at home. Thus, although the barcode is theoretically and technically an easy and effective way of uploading garments, it proved to be inadequate in practice. Based on this feedback, we built a new version, which includes a manual and text-based tag function allowing users to add information about a garment, which do not require barcode reading. The second user feedback study was carried out in December in 2014. We recruited female students on the campuses of Stockholm University and Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. In the end, nine participants tested the application and input data of their bras at home. After the try-out, we contacted the participants for either a phone interview or a face-to-face interview, each of which lasted between twenty and forty minutes. Each interview was recorded and transcribed. We used a method of qualitative content analysis to study the transcripts. “Qualitative”, as opposed to quantitative, indicates that the analysis goes beyond systematic data coding to identify interesting topics and allow us to contextualize the interpretation of the materials, given theoretical preconceptions (Mayring 2004). Through studying the transcripts, we find the following preliminary results. First, our participants all provided concrete examples of size problems they met in real life. Seven participants considered bras as one of the clothing items that are most difficult in this respect. Three participants stated that size should not be independent from other qualities, such as comfort and style. This implies that future design of similar systems may take into account not only sizes, but also other aspects of clothing. Second, in terms of the input function, all of them followed the instructions and managed to input information of their fitted bras from their wardrobes. Seven participants considered it easy to use while two of them thought it was a bit confusing when to add information. They got stuck at whether they should scan the barcode or just type, since the two functions were presented in one place. All of them used “type” to add items and thought the information on what they should input was acceptable. Four participants felt it complicated to take photos by themselves, so they downloaded pictures from the Internet. In addition, the participants tended to add the latest and favourite items from their wardrobes into the system. Thus these items could represent their personal tastes and styles, which will be useful to link fitting and styles in the future improvement of the application. This also points to a general problem. From an individual perspective, a single item would in the long run be enough to get matches from other people’s wardrobes, if they have added more than one item. If they also only add only a single item, the first person would not get any matches. The users must crowd source their wardrobe, and not for example their latest purchase. The user study shows that this concept might be restricted by users’ unwillingness to present data in such a way. Third, as to social interaction, eight participants at least “liked” one item from others’ wardrobe. Although none of the participants commented on other’s items, they all thought it was important to have some kind of social interactions. Four participants expected more interactions, such as reviews and discussions of certain clothing items, or following fashionable people. Most of the existing fitting systems, except Fitbay, lack the opportunities for social interaction, but Figuracy provides such a platform for users to share their interests and exchange their ideas. Two participants asked for increased opportunities to add the information on their own profile pages even though they were sharing images of their underwear. They asked for means similar to those available when building a blog space so that people in the community would get to know each other better. According to the participants, more social interactions could make them more engaged with the application. Social communities are good for those looking to learn, help and/or support like-minded individuals with common interests. Last but not the least, most of the participants were very interested in the “buy” function, which link the item to online shopping sites. But still three participants revealed their concerns and discussed the problems of it, such as how the system can guarantee the fitting of the item if they conduct a purchase through the system. In sum, the use of crowd sourcing and social interaction to fixing the size problem in online shopping gained great interests among participants. However, they also expressed their uncertainties towards how the system would work. They needed the system to make sure that it could provide fitting clothing items. They thought the biggest problem was that it was unclear what real help they could get from the application at this stage. Although the application failed to provide new recommendations based on matching, the user study allows us to see the feedback of the potential users so that we could improve the system, such as clearer interaction flows in adding items and more interesting interactions. Future research will continue the improvement of the system, start collaborations with online clothing stores and a third recruitment of users to test. On a general level, the study provides an example on how to investigate critical topics in online fashion through the so-called design research. Such research needs to be interdisciplinary and span technology and social science.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Transportation problem is an optimization problem. In general, it was studied under random or uncertain condition. Considering the recent complexity, it is not enough to make should be a perfect transportation plan only based on. Usually, there is not only uncertainty but also randomness in many systems. In this paper, the aim is to investigate a transportation problem under uncertain and random environment. As a result, a conceptual uncertain random model is proposed for the problem, where the supplies are considered as random variables, and the costs and the demands are uncertain variables. By minimizing the expected value of uncertain objective function and taking confidence levels on constraints, transforming the model into a crisp mathematical form is the main conclusion. By minimizing the expected value of uncertain objective function and taking confidence levels on constraints, the above model can be turned to a mathematical form. Then transforming the model into a typical mathematical programming model is the main conclusion by using uncertainty theory and probability theory. At the end, a numerical example is given to show the feasibility of the model.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        creative innovation and an innovative problem-solving of industrial companies can be achieved by overcoming the challenges of technical and physical contradictions. The approaches to address conflicting and paradoxical problems, such as technical and physical contradictions have a crucial role in advancing the quality assessment for manufacturer and service provider. The term, technical contradiction, depicts the state that improvement of one ends of IFR (Ideal Final Result) leads to unfavorable condition of the other ends, and results in conflicting problem. Another type of contradictions that’s discussed in this study is a physical contradiction which is due to two mutually opposing states of the means of ends, and gives paradoxical situation. By integrating the means-ends chain perspectives, the physical contradiction that is a specifically root-causes, “means”, can be initially addressed to resolve the downstream problem of technical contradiction which represents a general and abstract goals, “ends”. This research suggests IFR resolution processes to handle both physical contradiction of means and technical contradiction of ends by employing causal relationship with IFR, effects and causes. n summary, the study represents three major processes that resolve such contradictions are demonstrated as follows: 1) Derivation of causal and hierarchical relationship among IFR, ends and means by considering CAED (Cause-And-Effect Diagram) and LT (Logic Tree). 2) Identification of causal relationship between physical contradiction and technical contradiction by using TPCT (TRIZ Physical Contradiction Tree) and TCD (Technical Contradiction Diagram). 3) Application of integrated TRIZ principles by classifying 40 inventive principles into 4 general conditions of the separation principle of mutually opposite states in space, in time, based on conditions, and between the parts and the whole. In order to validate the proof of proposed IFR resolution processes, the analysis of the TRIZ case studies from National Quality Circle Contest in the years, 2011 to 2014 have been proposed. The suggested guidelines that are built based on TRIZ principles can uniquely enhance the process of quality innovation and assessment for quality practitioners.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        요즘에 청소년들이 즐기는 음악과 학교에서 배우는 음악이 서로 분리되어 있으며 사춘기적인 수줍음과 변성기로 인해 음악 수업시간에 잘 참여하지 않으려는 현실에서 흥미와 참여를 유도하기 위해 우쿨렐레라는 악기를 선택하여 PBL모둠별 활동으로 진행하였다. 악기 특성상 1대 1 지도의 해결책으로 모둠별 전문가 이끔이 방식을 적극 활용하였으며 음악 수업시간 에만 한정하지 않고 학급음악회, 교내음악경연대회, 점심시간을 이용한 틈새아르떼 공연, 지역주민과 같이 하는 교외 밖 틈새아르떼 공연 등 다양한 음악활동으로 음악수업에 흥미를 유발하는 계기가 되었고, 모둠원간의 활동으로 소통과 배려하는 마음과 교우관계가 돈독해 지고 있음을 알 수 있었으며, 발표할 수 있는 경험이 쌓이면서 자신감 상승으로 자아효능감을 신장시키게 되었다.