
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the biology of three species, Tipula latemarginata Alexander, T. nova Walker and T. aino Alexander, of the Genus Tipula in Korea. Field surveys for the biology of the species were carried out at the three sites of Neaseong Stream area in Bongwha County from January 2001 to December 2005. Also many individuals of the species were reared in laboratory to investigate the biology. The larval habitats of the species were streams, rivers, paddy fields, damp earth or leaky revetments. The Tipula larvae were herbivorous. Newly-hatched first instar larvae fed on soft algae, and the larvae gradually fed on leaves, stems and roots of a variety of plants or hard leaf litters, as they grew. During the molting of the larvae their body kept moving from left to right and up and down. Molting usually took not more than 2 hours, and about four hours after molting, the larvae started to eat heavily. The Tipula larvae in aquatic places moved to drier land for pupation and went through short prepupal stage lasting 1-2 days for pupation at fourth instar larval stage. When emerging, the Tipula pupae placed their head and thorax on the earth, but the other parts in the earth. Emergence from the pupal case required about 20 min. to one hour. Mating of Tipula adults took place within 5-7 min. after emergence and the duration of mating was about 40 min. The female adults of the species laid eggs by walking with 3 pairs of legs over the damp earth or algal beds. Their body was positioned vertically on the ground with their wings spread 120° and legs landed on the surface. The oviposition usually took place from one day to 4 days after emergence and the number of eggs carried by female adults were an average of 501-760 per individual. Tipula adults didn"t normally feed, and drank water only occasionally. For a few days after emergence, the adults reared in the laboratory rarely drank water. As they neared to death, however, they frequently drank water. The longevity of adults reared in the laboratory with only water during the summer was ca. 4-9 days and males usually survived a little longer than females. The longevity of T. nova was increased 3 times or more as much by feeding them 3% sugar water. Male adults of T. latemarginata outnumbered female adults by 2.6 : 1 in the fields.
        2006.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tipula nova appeared to have three generations a year under the rearing conditions at room temperature. The first-generation with its eggs laid in April spent from 51 to 117 days, while the second-generation with its eggs laid in July spent from 57 to 93 days. The third-generation in which eggs were laid in September to grow until the following spring took 79 to 200 days. All the processes of life cycle of the species, when reared at room temperature from the spring to the summer with eggs deposited in the spring, were as follows: Eggs usually hatched between 7 and 10 days after oviposition. First ins tar larvae molted to the second instar in 7-10 days. Second instar larvae spent 7-12 days for next molting and third instar period lasted approximately 7-11 days. Fourth ins tar larvae spent 17-50 days for pupating. The duration of pupal stage was 3-6 days.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 애아이노각다귀(Tipula latemarginata Alexander)의 생활사를 조사하기 위하여 2001년 1월부터 2002년 12월까지 봉화군 내성천 유역의 2개 지점에서 야외 실험을 실시하였고, 같은 기간 실험실에서 사육 실험도 병행하였다. 애아이노각다귀는 실험실에서 실온으로 사육하면, 1년에 3세대를 경과하는 것으로 나타났다. 2001년 9월에 산란된 알을 실험실에서 부화시켜 다음 해 3월까지 실온에서 사육했을 때, 이 종의 생활사 전 과정은 다음과 같았다. 알은 산란된 후 보통 일에 부화되었으며, 부화한 유충은 3령기까지는 왕성하게 섭식하며 빠르게 자랐고, 1령 유충 기간은 일, 2령기 일, 3령기 일 정도였으나, 4령기는 6주에서 5개월이 소요되었다. 4령 유충 기간은 월동으로 인해 봄과 여름에 사육할 때 보다 그 기간이 훨씬 길게 나타났다. 용 기간은 일 정도였다. 애아이노각다귀는 야생 상태에서도 서식 환경이 좋은 곳에서는 1년에 3세대를 경과하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국산 황각다귀(Nephrotoma virgata Coquillett)의 알, 유충, 번데기 단계에 대한 분류학적 연구를 수행하였으며, 각 단계별로 형태를 스케치하고 특징을 기재하였다. Nephrotoma속의 미성숙 단계는 한국에서 처음 기재된다.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tipula속에 속하는 한국산 어리아이노각다귀(Tipula patagiata Alexander)의 알, 유충, 번데기 단계에 대한 분류학적 연구를 수행하였으며, 각 단계 및 영기별로 기재하고, 형태적 특징을 그림으로 나타내었다. 이 종의 미성숙 단계는 한국에서 처음 기재된다.