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        검색결과 3

        2019.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북한선교는 현실적으로 다양한 제약점이 있다. 북한의 폐쇄성으로 선교의 문을 여는 것 자체가 힘든 상황이다. 이러한 상황 속에서 북한선교는 급진적으로 이루어질 것이 아니라 순차적 단계를 밟아나갈 필요가 있다. 그 첫 발걸음이 접촉점을 확산시켜 나가는 것이다. NGO는 접촉점 확산에 있어서 중요한 문이자 선교전략이 될 수가 있는데, 지금까지 대북 NGO 활동은 인도주의적 구호 활동과 개발지원사업에 집중되어왔다. 본 연구는 직접적 선교 활동을 할 수 없는 한계적 상황 속에서 NGO를 통한 새로운 북한선교 전략으로 음악적 NGO 활동을 제안한다. 음악과 친숙한 북한 주민들, 특히 자라나는 어린이나 청소년들에게 다양한 악기를 보급하고, 찬송가, 복음성가와 같은 기독교음악의 선율적 특성을 접하게 하는 것이다. 이것은 향후 직접적인 복음 전파가 가능할 시점에 친숙함을 느끼고 마음 문을 열게 하는 선교적 기초 작업이 될 것이다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The church’s world propagation effort through Christian NGOs is a missionary strategy that appropriately meets the cultural trend of the globalization age. Among different kinds of NGOs, international development NGO is unique because one can effectively attain its missionary goal through implementation of regional development programs in the targeted region. Furthermore, NGOs are very useful in gaining access in certain parts of the world where there is no freedom of religion. Christians and churches have played a central role in the history of NGO in Korea that history of NGO in Korea can legitimately called the history of Christian NGO. Few examples of Christian NGO activities in Korea include: a) Independent movement under the Japanese colonial rule, b) relief efforts in the 1950’s before and after the Korean civil war, c) citizens’ democratization movement under the military regimes in the 1970’s and the 1980’s, and d) North Korea aid activities through northsouth exchanges. Today, moving beyond the basic Christian missionary work, the Korean Christian NGOs are propagating into the world to satisfy the needs of the local people and the need for world missions. Despite the successful Christian NGO activities, churches should always keep in mind that the establishment of NGOs without a purpose that centers on evangelical propagation or church building can result in adverse outcomes. Churches should operate Christian NGOs professionally with proper philosophical understanding and academic knowledge. Today’s Christian NGOs have tremendous amount of responsibilities that include: a) clarifying their identity as Christian, b) consisting up of members with strong Christian view of the world, c) equipping their operation with expertise and regularity, d) being effective in receiving countries, and, above all, e) revealing the excellence of Christianity throughout the whole world through transparent and ethical management centered on human rights. The relationship between the church and Christian NGOs and missionary organizations and Christian NGOs should never be a competition for resources. Rather, their relationship should always be a cooperation to bring God’s kingdom to this world and accomplish the Great Commission for world missions. Apart from church, Christian NGOs will lose their purpose of existence.
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The article deals with the roles of Chinese Christian NGOs for social service and the implications for North Korea. The article consists of 4 parts: Chinese NGOs and the roles for social service, possibility of Chinese Christian NGOs for social service, the implications for North Korea, and missionary tasks of Korean Churches for both China and North Korea. The first part discusses necessity of NGOs for social service in China which has been in sufferings such as gap of the rich and the poor, and unemployment due to the economic reform policies of China. The reform policy motivated to establish many kinds of NGOs in Chinese civil society. Under the socialist political rule Chinese NGOs are characterized with the supplementary roles for Chinese authority or mediation roles between the authority and people. The second part analyzes the Chinese Christian NGOs and their social roles. Under the religious policies of the Chinese regime, the history and theology of the three-self church and so-called the home-based church are described. Their social roles are analyzed in the perspective of NPO which is existed for public service. Particularly the activities of the Amity Foundation, an excellent Christian NGO in China are emphasized. The third part describes some possibilities of Christian NGOs for social service in North Korea which has just started to exercise the economic reform policy. During implementing the policy most of North Korean people have been suffered from social problems such as gap between the rich and the poor. NGOs can contribute to relieve North Korean from social poverty. Also the society needs some Christian NGOs. In conclusion the article suggests two tasks to the Korean Churches in the perspective of NGO. First, the Churches are asked to support to establish Christian NGOs in North Korea such as the Amity Foundation in China. Second, the Churches should reflect their mission policies for China which emphasized on conversion and church planting. Instead the Churches are asked to support to develop Christian NGOs in China.