
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2024.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 이종구의 1980년대 농촌 회화에 나타난 리얼리즘에 대한 연구이다. 이종구는 처음부터 서사와 메시지를 내포한 리얼리즘 작품을 하고자 했다. 단순한 서 술이 아닌 작가 고유의 메시지를 내포한 작품을 제작하기 위해 극사실 기법으로 초 현실주의적인 작품으로 화업을 시작했다. 1980년대 초 그의 관심은 경제발전으로 호황인 도시의 그늘 속에 가려진 노동자의 열악한 환경이었다. 이후 고향에서 가족들이 겪고 있는 어려움을 자각했고, 『창작과 비평』에 연재되 고 있었던 이문구의 농촌소설에서 농촌 표현의 영감을 받았다. 1984년부터 고향 서 산시 오지리를 주제로 농촌사회의 암울함을 회화로 계속해서 표현했다. 1984년 <연 혁-아버지>를 시작으로 농촌회화에 적극적으로 매진했다. 작품에 표현한 아버지의 생애는 개인의 서사를 넘어 보편적인 농민의 일생이다. 이종구의 농민 초상화는 농업을 천직으로 여기는 농민들의 애환을 보여주고 소를 의인화하여 농민의 삶과 감정을 압축적으로 표현했다. 오지리 사람들은 역경 속에서 도 당당한 모습을 보였으나 농촌의 실상은 점차 황폐해져갔다. 이것은 오지리에 국한 된 것이 아니라 농촌의 보편적인 상황이었다. 이종구는 생명을 길러내던 땅이 자본의 논리에 의해 좌지우지 되는 농촌 상황에도 불구하고 꿋꿋하게 농촌을 지키는 농민을 민족의 주체로 규정했다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the artistic background and formative nature of representative 19th century realist artists Gustave Courbet and Honoré Daumier were analyzed and applied in a fashion context. By displaying representational desires (necessary adhesions of man and society) in their work, they became characteristic matrixes of critical realism and to perceive critical realism. The purpose of the study was to apply the characteristics of critical realism to the contemporary fashion collections of Alexander McQueen. Research was conducted to analyze the characteristics that appear in the field of fashion and to review methods of expression and internal aesthetics displayed through various aspects of fashion design. Characteristics of critical realism were analyzed by researching the formativeness and periodical background of the paintings of Courbet and Daumier. Based on these characteristics, analysis was conducted to identify critical realism in the fashion collections of Alexander McQueen. Data and scope included fashion information sites, internet photo data, and video material. Critical realist characteristics were categorized into five types as follows: ‘The proper borrowing of extremely realistic subjects signifies’, ‘satirical reconstruction and narrative composition’, ‘antipathetic distortions and abject representations’, ‘critical reproductions based on technology’, and ‘the maximization of ambivalent sexuality’. It was concluded that the characteristics of critical realism (recognized by the common formation of Courbet and Daumier) also appeared in Alexander McQueen's fashion collection but were inherited in a form that transcended pictorial expression due to the overall difference in use of visual arts.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 조양규가 일제 강점기, 해방, 도일(渡日), 한국 전쟁 그리고 북송이라는 역사적 굴곡 속에서, 그의 회화에 대한 추구점이 무엇이었고, 스스로가 리얼리즘으로 삼았던 ‘정치와 회화의 일치’가 작품에서 얼마나 성취되었는지를 기존의 ‘틀’에서 벗겨내어 평가해 보고자 한다. 당시 세련된 추상양식에 치중하여 작업을 하였던 유학생 작가들과 달리, 조양규는 삶에서 몸소 겪은 사회적 문제를 파고들어 구상적이지만 추상적이고, 추상적이지만 더 현실감 있는 그림의 형식으로의 독자적인 회화 기법을 개발하였다는 점이 특별하다. 또한 모국과 일본에서 영향을 받았던 조력자들에 주목해보며 그의 회화 적 연원과 북송 이후의 행적을 추적하였고, 이는 한국 회화사를 관통하는 중요한 주제로서 의의가 있을 것이다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aims of this research were to characterize magic realism by analyzing existing magical reality literature reviews and research and to identify material that may inspire ideas for stage and film costume design by analyzing and drawing design characteristics and magic realism of costumes from Director Tarsem Singh’s movie, ‘Mirror, Mirror’. For the methodology, characteristics of magic realism in literature and, movies were analyzed, with a theoretical consideration of these materials on magical realism. Data on costume design and magical realism characteristics for use in the analysis were collected from the main characters of ‘Mirror, Mirror’ as well as from other characters. The result of this analysis was the emergence of five common characteristics of the magic realism Historicity, the most remarkable characteristic seen in Tarsem Singh films, was expressed through the symbolic meaning and decorative patterns shown by the traditional-style costumes, colors. Symbolization was expressed through the symbolic meaning, decorative elements, and traditional clothes, as shown by the colors and forms of the costumes. Fantasy was expressed through the colors, decorative elements, forms of traditional clothing, and forms with symbolic meaning. Reproducibility was expressed through the method of decorative element, symbolic meaning, traditional forms and de-structural clothes. Ambiguity, which can be associated with the combined characteristics of historicity and fantasy, was expressed in the clothes worn in the scenes that confounded time and space within the film.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The artworks of Socialist Realism of the former Soviet Union, with the beginning of the 21st century, are gaining a new attention from art collectors. One reason for this might consist in the fact that relevant art pieces exemplify the ways in which they visualize ideas on the basis of their high-profile art tradition and also in which they integrate their utopian ideals with mysticism. These aspects of the Soviet art goes far beyond the wide-spread assumption that their art, as a means of propaganda, principally represents a political allegiance to the system. With Stalin coming into power in the 1930s, the artistic trend of Socialist Realism obtained a nationwide sympathy and support from people, giving birth to a new art which essentially corresponded to the demands of the political power. An official art current of the USSR over the period from the 1930s to 1950s, Socialist Realism was in tandem with the Communist commitment to the party and popularity, symbolizing a loyalty to the cause. It was thus characterized by plainness and lucidity so that ordinary people could gain easy access to art. Its salient feature, over an entire range of art, was an optimistic pursuit of a utopian dream. Therefore, it tallied with the popular sentiment for a Communist paradise, giving form to their beliefs in human agency working at the materialist world and also to such abstract concepts as force, fitness, and beauty by adding even mythical ideals. Its main subject matter includes harvest feasts of collective farms, imaginary socialist cities, grand marches of heroic laborers and in this way it served as a propaganda for a sacred utopia of socialist totalitarianism. On the other end of the spectrum, however, rose the second camp of art, which put an emphasis on bona-fide artistic activities of plastic art and on an artist's personal expression and freedom, as opposed to the surface optimism of Socialist Realism. Central to the Russian Avant Garde art, which prized the above-mentioned values, were Malevich's Geometric Abstraction and A. Rodchenko's Constructivism. Furthermore, in the transitional era of the late 20th century and the 21st century it was recognized that film art or electronic media art, rather than traditional genre of paintings, would function as a more efficient way of propaganda. These new genres were made possible by ridiculing the stereotypes of the Russian lifestyle and also by ignoring ethical or professional dimensions of artworks. That is, they reinvented themselves into a sort of field art, seemingly degrading the quality of artworks and transforming them into artifacts or simulacres in the very sense of post-modernism. The advent of the new era brought about the formation and occupation of pop culture of the younger generations, calling into question the idea of art as the class-determined. It also increased the attention to field art, which extensively found way to modern art centers, galleries, and exhibition projects. It can be stated that this was a natural outcome of human nature.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper intends to examine the significance of the “Minjoong Misool(People's art)” of the 1980s emerged in Korea in its social, cultural, and art historical context. This paper also aims to provide an analysis of the meaning and form of the individual artist's works, which have been overlooked under the dominant discourse that has emphasized their political role as a collective group. In particular, this paper scrutinizes the work of “Critical Realists” by examining the way in which they perceived Korean society in the early 1980s and visualized their experiences of the period. The figurative art newly emerged in the early 1980s challenged the formalist Modernism, which was adopted into Korea and translated into monochrome paintings and the work of the conversative academicism of the 1970s. The figurative art encouraged a social communication and moreover it intended to criticize the conflicts in the political, economical, and social domains in Korea. The targets of its critique include the unavoidable results of the unprecedented development of economy, various social phenomena of the post-industrial society, and the growth of the commercialized kitsch culture. Along with Shin, Hak-chul's work that incorporates collage technique since the 1980s, the work of some members of “Reality and Utterance” and “Im- sul-nyun” exemplify their critical interests in disclosing the false dream of wealth and happiness by both referring to and drawing on the utopian fantasy manipulated and distributed by mass media and commercial advertisements. This paper pays particular attention to Nouvelle Figuration emerged in France and Europe during the 1960s, which is comparable to the new figurative art emerged in Korea during the 1980s. Nouvelle Figuration criticized the autonomy in art isolated itself from political and social reality after WWII, in particular the indifference of Informel and abstract art as well as American abstract art. Moreover it became rather politicized around May of 1968. Given that French Nouvelle Figuration was introduced in Korea in 1982 and made a significant contribution to the formation of figurative art in Korea, it should be noted that the new figurative art emerged in the 1980s in Korea cannot be categorized merely in relation to People's Art. This paper intends to critically redress the notion that People's art was formed in the particular political, economical, and cultural context of Korea independent of the contemporary artistic practices outside Korea. It will provide a critical examination and analysis of the content and form of the new figurative art, from which People's Art was germinated, in the global context.
        1984.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        오늘날 디자인과 사회 또는 디자인과 인간의 관계는 “현실성”을 중심으로 논의되고 있으며, 나아가 물질과 정신이라는 의미론적 구분을 통해 디자인의 의미와 본질이 규명되고 있다. 특히 사물이 생성되는 과정에 사건으로서의 “현실성”이 개입됨으로써 디자인은 “이해의 대상” 또는 “현재의 구성 요소”로 인식되기에 충분한 것으로 여겨진다. 나아가 디자인이 개발되기 위해서는 인간과 환경으로부터 요구되는 “필요”가 반영됨으로써 독자성을 상실하게 된다는 사실이다. 따라서 디자인을 독립적 대상으로 이해하려는 시도는 무모한 것이며, 관계성이 전제된 전일주의(holism) 관점에서 ”현실성“에 근거한 탐색이 의미를 지니게 되는 것이다. 이에 본 연구 제 2단원에서는 마르크스주의 사상가인 루카치의 사유의 개념인 리얼리즘과 그로부터 비롯된 예술론에 관계된 5가지(총체성, 특수성, 카타르시스와 유적인 것, 상징)의 개념에 대하여 고찰하였다. 이에 근거하여 제 3단원에서는 5가지 개념을 기반으로 디자인과의 관계성에 대하여 고찰하였다, 이를 통해 디자인이 리얼리즘적 대상이라는 사실이 확인되었으며, 향후 산업디자인은 더욱 구체적이며 사실적인 일상적 미메시스를 상정(上程)하게 될 것으로 예상된다.