
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The subjects of this study were limited to Silla buddhist temple remains in the 6~8th century, where the excavation survey report was published and the details of the remains of the corridor are revealed. Since the corridor completes the structure of temple and is involved in formation of the space, the building plan for corridors is thought to have an intention linked to the entire temple. Thus, more closer study is required for this construction plan to identify the role of corridors. The corridor is a building that has a low architectural hierarchy and completes the layout and composition of the temple. In the unit planning of the corridor, unit were designed to be of a certain size in the temple layout. Then, the overall scale was made by adding the fixed size of unit. The combination of corridors are the combined points of paths and were used as visual points. The structure of the corridor was constructed to be adjusted according to the size of the main compartment of the building to which it was connected and inserted under the roof of the building. The adjustment of the unit changed in the range of 0.5 to 2 of Silla’s system of measurement. The usage of embedded pillar in the corridor presents a new perspective on Silla architecture.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Luoyang Qielanji(洛陽伽藍記) is a document that describes Buddhist Temples in Luoyang, the capital of Northern Wei Dynasty. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the construction backgrounds, architectural elements and layout characteristics of Luoyang Temples in Northern Wei Dynasty. The results are as follows: The construction backgrounds of Luoyang Temples can be categorized into two types: the established-temple (創建型) and the converted-temple(捨宅爲寺型). The layout systems of Luoyang Temples can also be categorized into two main types: The front Pagoda-rear Buddhist Hall layout(前塔後殿), The front Buddhist Hall-rear Lecture Hall layout(前殿後堂). In Luoyang Temples, the pagoda was still an important element of the layout.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        663년 白村江戰鬪이후 일본열도로 건너간 백제 유민은 일본 열도의 율령 국가 형성에 큰 역할을 하였다. 정부에 중용된 자도 많지만 한편에서는 지방에 정착한 사람들도 많이 존재했다. 그 구체적인 예로서 문헌 기록에 남는 近江国(滋賀県) 蒲生郡의 유적들을 들 수 있다. 이 지역에 남겨진 「鬼室集斯墓碑」나 石塔寺三層石塔은 동 시대의 것은 아니지만 백제 유민의 기억에 관계된 기념물이라 할 수 있다. 동 시대의 유적으로서 사원유적이 중요한 중요한 의미가 있으며 石塔寺의 근처에 위치하는 綺田[카바타]廢寺가 백제 유민과 관계된 사원이라고 추측하였다. 이사원의 創建瓦인 「湖東式」軒瓦는 일본열도에서는 특이한 문양을 갖고 있고, 새롭게 한반도에서 가져온 것이라고 추정되지만 그 기점이 되는 사원이 近江[오오미]国愛知[에치]郡의 軽野塔ノ塚[가루노토오노츠카]廢寺이며, 愛知郡의 유력자인 依智秦氏[에치하타우지]로 추측되고 있다. 依智秦氏는 白村江에서 활약한 朴市田来津[에치노타쿠츠]를 배출했으며 백제 유민과도 접점을 가지고 있다. 이 依智秦氏의 寺院과 綺田廢寺가 기와에서 관계가 인정되는 것은, 5세기까지 한반도에서 일본열도에 도래한 사람들 이 7세기에 새로운 도래인의 정착과정에서 큰 역할을 하고 있었다고 생각된다. 말하자면 오래된 도래인이 기술이나 지식을 갱신하기 위해 새로운 도래인의 수용에 주력했다고 추정할 수 있다. 白村江에 참전한 일본 열도의 호족들이 귀국 후에 사원조영을 했다는 이야기는 『日本霊異記』에서 볼 수 있다. 특히 유명한 것이 備後国三谷郡(広島県)의 大領이 백제계 승려인 禅師弘済와 함께 귀국하여 三谷寺[미타니데라]를 건설한 이야기이며, 그 무대라고 생각되는 三谷寺의 수막새와 塼積基壇이 그 증거라고 생각된다. 비슷한 사례는 각지에 더 있었다고 생각되지만 문헌에 의해 판명된 사례로는 但馬国朝来郡(兵庫県)의 神直이 대 신라 전쟁에 종군한 것을 기록하고 있는 것에 대해, 현지의 法興寺廢寺에서는 역시 한반도의 특색을 갖는 수막새가 출토되고 있는 것을 들 수 있다. 이 사례들은 결코 특수한 예가 아니고, 문헌에 나타나지 않은 비슷한 사례는 더 많이 존재했다고 생각된다. 왜냐하면 7세기 후엽은 일본 열도에서 사원 조영이 급속히 진행된 시기이고, 새로운 기술자의 증대가 전망되기 때문이며, 중앙의 大寺와는 다른 기와를 창건 시에 이용한 사원의 대부분은 이런 새로 도래한 승려와 기술자를 받아들인 것으로 상정할 수 있기 때문이다. 이상에서 백제 멸망에 의한 새로운 도래인의 활동이 중앙 정부 이외에도 인정되며, 일본 열도의 문명화에 큰 역할을 했다고 평가할 수 있다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to analyze the layout of Early Chinese Buddhist Temples from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The results are as follows: 1) In the Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms Period, the layout of Temples was a pagoda-centered system which had one-courtyard. The layout of Temples in this period was still under the influence of Indian Temples. 2) In the Western and Eastern Jin Dynasties, the layout of Temples was still a pagoda-centered system. However, many buildings began to appear in Temples after the mid-4th century. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Twin pagodas started to appear in Temples. 3) In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, there were many layout types, but the main form was the layout of front Pagoda and rear Buddhist Hall. The layout of Temples in this period was in a transition stage, which evolved from a pagoda-centered Temple which had one-courtyard and after developed into a Buddhist Hall-centered Temple which had multi-courtyard.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to overview and review the infiltration of Japanese Buddhism and it's influences on the construction and architectural characteristics of Japanese Buddhist temple from the opening of ports to Independence Day of Korea. Infiltration of Japanese Buddhism had been sustained during 70 years from the foundation of Higashi Hongan-ji Temple(東本願寺) in Pusan, by Shinshu Otani School(真宗大谷派) which was one of Japanese Buddhism, to Independence Day of Korea. This study is to be promoted on the following subjects ; 1) the circumstance around the infiltration of Japanese Buddhism 2) Buddhism policy of Japanese Governor and infiltration on Korean Buddhism 3) increasing trend, distribution and construction of Japanese Buddhist temples near downtown areas 4) for the conclusion, case research on Bondang, Gori, and open space and analysis on the architecture style of Japanese Buddhist temples Accordingly, Korean Buddhism had been subordinated to Japanese Buddhism, and the management system and memorial service of Korean Buddhism had to be affected by Japanese Buddhism. This study is considered meaningful for the elementary research to examine the aspects of Japanese style on Korean Buddhist architecture at that time.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Early Buddhist rock cave temples of India, in spite of being an origin of Buddhist temples, has little been studied in Korea. After field studies and an interpretation of their forms in conjunction with religious life, precedent theories are supplemented and refuted as follows. Starting from the 2nd century B,C., Buddhist ascetic disciples digged residential rock caves, called vihara, for protection from monsoon rain and hot weather, A typical arrangement was settled -a courtyard type, with 3 side rows of tiny one-person bedroom and a front veranda with columns. Also digged were Chaitya caves, in line with viharas, to worship, which is the tumulus of Buddha's relics. I suggest that the original type of chaitya a simple circle cave with a stupa, suitable for circumambulating ceremonies. I refute the existing theory presenting Barabar caves of Ajivika as a chaitya origin, featuring empty circular room without a stupa. I also interpret a typical apsidal plan as being a simple result of adding a place of worshipping rites in front of the stupa. Enclosing columns around a cylindrical stupa is a result of reinforcing both the divine space and circumambulating ceremonies, with elongation toward hall. Finally the chaitya came to have a grandeur apsidal plan with high vault ceiling nave and a side aisle as in Western cathedrals with large frontal horseshoe arch windows. The Buddha image, which had become a new worshipping object, was integrated into the stupa and interior surface. First the stupa and then the statue was introduced to residential Viharas. Therefore, I suggest that the vihara should be renamed as 'chaitya' as a worshipping place, by establishing statue rooms without bedrooms at all. The functionally changed vihara is similar in form to a 'rectangular type of chaitya', little known and developed in different routes. A columned inner courtyard gradually becama an offering place, like Hindu mandapa, Buddhist caves ware changed to a kind of Tantric and Hindu temple by means of statue worshipping offering rituals.