
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2011.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In its Annual Reporton Religious Freedom, U.S. Department of State labeled North Korea -along with China, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnamas‘ Countries of Particular Concern’ that do not have freedom of religion. In order to become a part of the globalization world, North Korea should change its religion policy to ensure the freedom of religion for its people. A country that guarantees freedom of religion would never force its people to believe or not to believe in a certain religion. In order for North Korea further strengthen its collaboration with other nations around the world, freedom of conscience and religion should be guaranteed as the basic rights for its citizens. For successful reunification of North Korea and South Korea to be attained, internal unification should happen first before any legal or systemic unification. In order for internal unity to be fulfilled, collaborative integration of North and South should be achieved in every area of society including politics, economics, and culture. Most importantly, unification of religion can play a critical role in restoring true unity of North and South through reconciliation and forgiveness. Until now, North Korea established religious groups and institutions and partially allowed religious activities with the political intention to advertise itself as a nation with religious freedom. Until 1988, North Korea’s religion policy was hostile and persecutory in character. However, since 1988, North Korea gradually moved into a more positive direction that was manifested in changing laws on religion and definition of religious vocabularies in encyclopedias. Furthermore, by attempting to integrate the juche ideology and religion, North Korea intended to take steps necessary to guarantee individual’s religious freedom. Instead of being forced by external pressure, now is time for North Korea to walk side by side with other nations by independently pursuing religious freedom. North Korea should abandon their misconception of Christianity as anticommunism and antigovernment system. From the past exchange between South and North Korea and the humanitarian aids by Christian organizations, North Korea has to recognize that Christianity is the most genuine supporter of North Korea. Instead of labeling religion as a threat of a regime collapse or a leadership change, North Korea has to utilize religion as a tool to connect the people and the government. Furthermore, churches in South Korea have to acknowledge North Korean church as a church existing in a unique culture and environment. Churches in South Korea have to play an important role as a mediator between North and South Korea so that the two nations can be in good terms with one another and that the freedom of religion will be guaranteed in North Korea.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper studies upon on the changing mission of world Christianity and interreligious dialogue. This study is an attempt to develop the interreligious dialogue as the new mission method in the changing world. In order to examine the contextual change of world Christianity mission, I used the Michael Amaladoss' analysis. According to him, the theory and practice of mission is in a crisis today. This crisis is the result of two related development: the field of mission, namely the world , has changed; the theology of mission has had a rather than rapid development in recent years. This study has three chapters: the first chapter was to study changes in the world based on the mission and interreligious dialogue. The second chapter intended to explore the interreligious dialogue as the mission method in the changing mission context. It is main chapter of this paper. In this chapter, the factors of interreligious dialogue, the three theological and missiological approaches on the other religious traditions, and the future prospect of interreligious dialogue were studied to assist world Christian churches. The contemporary churches have had difficulty in communicating the gospel in an changing context. This study will provide insights to dialogue with other adherents of religions. It is includes a six new paradigms of interreligious dialogue so that the Christian churches may respond to holistic nature of the gospel through the interreligious dialogue.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 논문은 그리스도교와 헬레니즘의 관계란 관점에서 유대교의 한 종파 인 예수 운동이 이방인 선교를 통해 세계 종교로 발전하는 제1차 유다이아 전쟁까지의 원시 그리스도교의 발전 과정을 역사적으로 규명하였다. 이를 위해 우선 유대교와 헬레니즘의 관계를 팔레스티나와 디아스포라를 나누 어 간략하게 고찰하였고(II), 그 다음에는 언어, 유대계 그리스도교와 이방 계 그리스도교의 구분, 유대교 율법과 이방인 선교의 관계를 중점적으로 다루었다(III). 결론적으로 이 연구는 첫째, 예수와 그 제자들은 아람어를 사용하고 헬 레니즘을 수용하는데 소극적이었지만, 헬레니즘 유대계 그리스도인(“헬라 파”)들은 예수 전승을 그리스어로 번역하고 그리스도교 신앙을 그리스 세 계에 맞게 변용시키고 사마리아인과 이방인에게 복음을 전하여 그리스도 교가 그리스 문화를 매개로 지중해 세계 전역으로 전파되는데 핵심적인 역 할을 수행했으며, 둘째, 바울은 이방인의 사도로 율법에서 자유로운 이방 인 선교를 주도하고 처음에는 그리스도인에게는 율법이 필요하지 않다고 보았지만, 후기에는 온 이스라엘의 구원을 확신하고 다른 형제자매를 위해 율법을 지킬 수 있다고 강조하여 율법 이해에서 변화를 보여주었고, 셋째,바울은 주체와 인격의 구별, 개인의 결단과 보편적인 사회의 전망을 강조 했다는 점에서 헬레니즘 정신에 부합되는 새로운 종교를 제시했으며, 마지 막으로 가정 교회가 이러한 새로운 현실을 실현하고 경험하는 모판이 되었 다는 것을 밝혔다. 예수 운동이 이방인 선교를 통해 세계 종교로 발전하는 과정을 추적함 으로써, 본고는 그리스도교와 헬레니즘의 관계를 규명하며, 유대교와 그리 스 문화 사이에서 원시 그리스도교가 어떻게 발전했는지를 구체적으로 이 해하는데 도움을 주었고, 앞으로 역사적 차원뿐만 아니라 신학적 차원에서 이 주제를 다룬 연구가 진척되기를 촉구했다.