
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 한국전쟁 직후에 식민지 세대 화가ㆍ평론가들이 제기한 추상 담론이 한국근현대 미술사에서 어떤 의미와 위상을 차지하고 있는지를 재검토하는 작업의 일부이다. 추상 담론은 식민지 유산인 《대한민국미술전람회》를 중심으로 미술계가 재편된 가운데 제기되었다. 그들은 한국전쟁 후 폐허 같은 상황에서 이른바 세계화ㆍ현대화라는 시대적 과제를 설정하고, 서구의 전후 추상 물결을 현대성으로 인식하는 한편, 실존주의 사상과 문학에 공감하는 가운데 추상 담론을 전개했다. 그들은 주로 1930년대 초부터 1940년대 전반기의 동양주의 추상 담론을 재인식하는 가운데 추상을 통하여 동양적/한국적 정체성을 확보하고자 했다. 하지만 그들과 뒤이은 전후 세대가 냉전공간에 현대성을 지시하는 기호로서 추상을 신화화하는 동안, 식민지 근대성을 해체하는 또 다른 시대적 과제는 묻히게 되었다.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is trying to read the text with the current theory decolonialism. To this, The writer adopted the text Seamus Heaney's early poetry Death of a Naturalist. Seamus Heaney is known to be the most important poet since W. B. Yeats as a winner of Nobel Prize for Literature in 1995. I assume that a growing interest among readers reflects this prevailing enthusiasm for his work. His method and idea owe more to decolonial attitude more than that of naturalist or romantist. This seems to be an attractive factor to draw a reader's attention. In fact, his poetry has the proper qualities to absorb the devotees of 'decolonialism' still dominant in dealing with the poetry. Decolonialism as a literary theory is becoming an influential textual strategy rather than remaining as one of the academic master discourse. So far, the established textual reading theories have been closely related to logocentrism, and they failed to be acknowledge as objective way of reading. For this reason, the decolonialism has an important implication in the sense that it subverts the colonial ideology within the context of colonized society, and at the same time, reconstructs counter-discourse to find out self-identity and decolonized space. Meanwhile, Heaney have been witnessed historical moments of the death of his mother land, Ireland as well as of the Irish people, as the history of Ireland manifests. In doing so, the Irish people broke the cycle of imperial situation. The consciousness of them became consciousness of the nation. By way of this historical experience of authentic decolonization, Heaney's aesthetics became, more and more, politicized against the crisis which the repressive force of imperialism caused to occur. Under this traumatic disasters of Ireland, Heaney's poetic quest makes him and practical struggle against the colonial power in a poetic way. The main subject of his poetry is to find out his Irish identity with the past tradition and its continuity. The subject is linked with the question to find out the Celtic identity between the past and the present which is dominated by colonialism. To regard this, this paper analyses Heaney's text focusing on the decolonialism expressed by his poetry. I try to examine the process of his poetic writings and its attitude against English colonialism. To do this, My major interest is in his Celtic myth and language employed in his poetry. And I attempt to search for the true Irishness which Heaney makes every effort to materialize the reality of Ireland in his poetry. To conclude, the decolonial discourse and its textual strategy has an tactics and also has an important implications that lay bare the dominant ideology hidden by the seemingly impersonal intention of colonialism.
        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this thesis is to explore W. B. Yeats’ poetic representation from the perspective of an approach which has arrested critical attention in recent development of contemporary critical theories. In most of its previous readings, Yeats has been generally considered as a romantist, occultist, and even modernist. However, this paper regards Yeats as a decolonialist living in a colonial society, and attempts to locate Yeats’s position in the context of decolonialists view including Frantz Fanon, Edward Said, and Gayatri Spivak. Decolonialism as a literary theory is becoming an influential textual strategy rather than remaining as one of the academic master discourses. So far, the established textual reading theories have been closely related to logocentrism, and they failed to be acknowledged as an objective way of reading. For this reason, the decolonialism has an important implication in the sense that it subverts the colonial ideology within the context of colonized society, and at the same time, reconstructs counter-discourse to find out self-identity and decolonized space. Yeats lived in Ireland from birth to death. During his lifetime, Ireland was under the colonial rule by England. At that time, under the influence of the Irish armed struggle in 1916, Yeats had eye-witnessed historical moments of the death of his mother land, Ireland as well as of the Irish people, as the history of Ireland manifests. In doing so, the Irish people broke the cycle of imperial situation. The consciousness of them became consciousness of the nation. The nationalists claimed the independence of their Ireland. By way of this historical experience of authentic decolonialization, Yeats’s aesthetics became, more and more, politicized against the crisis which the repressive force of imperialism caused. In this traumatic disasters of Ireland, Yeats’s poetic quest makes him struggle against the colonial power in a poetic way. In this regard, this thesis analyses Yeats’s text from the perspective of decolnialism. To begin with, focusing on the decolonization expressed by Yeats’s text, I tries to examine the process of his poetical writings and his attitude against colonialism. To this do, my major interest is in his myth and language employed in his poetry. And I attempt to search for the true Irishness in which Yeats makes every effort to materialize the reality of Ireland in his poetry. To sum up, the decolonial discourse and its textual strategy have important implications that lay bare the dominant ideology hidden in the seemingly impersonal intention of imperiali’sm.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 논문은 젠더이슈에 대한 논의가 그 어느 때보다 치열했던 1920-30년대 기독교가 젠더담론 형성과정에 어떻게 관여했는지에 관한 연구이다. ‘개인의 자유’를 강조하며 근대의 아이콘으로 떠오른 신여성의 등장과 ‘여성해방’의 전위를 자처한 사회주의 여성해방론과의 경쟁에 직면하여 기독교가 선점해왔던 ‘남녀평등의 종교’라는 이데올로기적 ‘진지’를 어떻게 지켜나가고자 했는지에 초점을 맞춘다. 더불어 「신학세계」, 「신학지남」, 「기독신보」 등 대표적인 기독교 정기간행물들에 실린 글들을 분석하여 일제 식민치하에서 형성된 기독교의 근대담론이 저항담론이 아닌 서구적 근대이념에 종속된 또 하나의 식민담론이었음을 밝힌다. 기독교계는 선교를 위협하는 ‘신사상들’로부터 기독교 대중들을 지키고 기독교의 외연을 확장해나가기 위해 새로운 담론전략이 필요했다. 대중과 쉽게 공감할 수 있는 전기장르를 통해 ‘남녀평등’과 ‘인류애’가 기독교 정신에서 나온 것임을 설파하고 이를 실현한 역사적 모범으로 영미권 여성들을 소개했다. 다음으로 성서와 기독교 전통 안에서 두각들 드러냈던 여성들의 역사를 여성의 눈으로 새롭게 소개하면서 기독교야말로 남녀평등의 종교임을 재차 확인시켰다. 또한 개인의 도덕성 계발의 강조는 조선이 일본의 식민통치를 받고 있었던 상황에서 사회정치적 갈등을 최소화하면서 대중교육을 지속할 수 있는 기독교가 취한 가장 효과적인 전략이었다. 덕분에 기독교는 ‘남녀평등’이 근대사회의 거스를 수 없는 시대정신임을 주지시키고 젠더에 대한 사회적 논의에 불을 지피는데 공헌할 수 있었다. 하지만 여기에서 드러난 기독교계의 담론전략은 일본의 식민지로 전락한 조선에서 또 다른 방식의 식민화를 초래하는 종속구조로 작용할 수밖에 없었다. 우선 자신들의 역사로부터 단절을 강요받고 있던 조선의 대중들이 영미권 역사와 영미권 여성들의 업적을 근대의 이상적인 모델로 동경하게 만들었다. 또한 일제의 억압정치와 제국주의적 야만성을 외면한 채 ‘자발적 헌신’과 ‘이타적 희생’만을 강조한 담론전략은 식민체제에 대한 저항력을 약화시키고 억압적 현실에 스스로 순응하게 만드는 ‘보이지 않는 손’으로 작용했다. 마지막으로 교회의 젠더 논의에 있어 선교사들의 신학적 성향이 가장 중요한 변수로 작용하는 것을 허용했다. 이는 조선사회가 처한 현실과 교회의 실질적인 문제들이 논의의 중심에서 배제되는 결과를 초래했다.